DICTIONARY OF NATIONAL BIOGRAPHY HAILES HARRIOTT DICTIONARY OF NATIONAL BIOGRAPHY EDITED BY LESLIE STEPHEN AND SIDNEY LEE VOL. XXIV. HAILES HARRIOTT MACMILLAN ANDCO. LONDON : SMITH, ELDER, & CO. 1890 18 €£5" X LIST OF WEITEES IN THE TWENTY-FOURTH VOLUME. J. Gr. A. . . J. G. ALGER. R. E. A. . . R. E. ANDERSON. a. F. R. B. G. F. RUSSELL BARKER. R. B THE REV. RONALD BAYNE. T. B THOMAS BAYNE. Gr. T. B. . . Gr. T. BETTANY. A. C. B. . . A. C. BICKLEY. B. H. B. . . THE REV. B. H. BLACKER. W. GJ-. B. . . THE REV. PROFESSOR BLAIKIE, D.D, Gr. C. B. . . G. C. BOASE. G. S. B. . . Gr. S. BOULGER. E. T. B. . . Miss BRADLEY. A. H. B. . . A. H. BULLEN. H. M. C. . . H. MANNERS CHICHESTEE. J. W. C-K. J. WILLIS CLARK. A. M. C. . . Miss A. M. CLERKE. J. C THE REV. JAMES COOPER. T. C THOMPSON COOPER, F.S.A. W. P. C. . . W. P. COURTNEY. C. C CHARLES CREIGHTON, M.D. M. C THE REV. PROFESSOR CREIGHTON. L. C LIONEL GUST, F.S.A. F. D FRANCIS DARWIN, F.R.S. R. W. D. . THE REV. CANON DIXON. R. K. D. . . PROFESSOR R. K. DOUGLAS. R. D ROBERT DUNLOP. F. E FRANCIS ESPINASSE. C. H. F. . . C. H. FIRTH. S. R. Gf. . . S. R. GARDINER, LL.D. R. G RICHARD GARNETT, LL.D. J. T. G. . . J. T. GILBERT, F.S.A. G. G GORDON GOODWIN. A. G THE REV. ALEXANDER GORDON. R. E. G. . . R. E. GRAVES. W. A. G. . W. A. GREENHILL, M.D. W. H. . . . W. HAINES. A. H A. HALL. J. A. H. . . J. A. HAMILTON. T. H THE REV. THOMAS HAMILTON, D.D. D. H DAVID HANNAY. W. J. H-Y W. J. HARDY. A. J. C. H. AUGUSTUS J. C. HARE. T. F. H. . . T. F. HENDERSON. R. H-R. . . THE REV. RICHARD HOOPER. W. H. ... THE REV. WILLIAM HUNT. B. D. J. . . B. D. JACKSON. T. B. J. . . T. B. JOHNSTONE. C. L. K. . . C. L. KINGSFORD. J. K JOSEPH KNIGHT. J. K. L. . . PROFESSOR J. K. LAUGHTON. T. G. L. . . T. G. LAW. S. L. L. . . SIDNEY LEE. M. M. ... JENEAs MACK AY, LL.D. W. D. M. . THE REV. W. D. MACRAY, F.S.A. J. A. F. M. J. A. FULLER MAITLAND. L. M. M. . . MlSS MlDDLETON. VI List of Writers. A. H. M. . N. M A. N F. M. O'D. J. H. 0. . . H. P N. D. F. P. G. G. P. . . K. L. P. . . B. P E. B. P. . . J. M. E. . . G. B. S. . . G. W. S. . A. H. MILLAR. NORMAN MOORE, M.D. ALBERT NICHOLSON. F. M. O'DONOGHUE. THE REV. CANON OVER-TON. HENRY PATON. N. D. F. PEARCE. THE EEV. CANON PERRY. EEGINALD L. POOLE. Miss PORTER. E. B. PROSSER. J. M. EIGQ. G. BARNETT SMITH. THE EEV. G. W. SPROTT, D.D. W. B. S. . L. S. . . . C. W. S. . J. T. H. E. T. . T. F. T. . E. V. . . . E. H. V. . A. V. ... J. E. W. . M. G. W. F. W-T. . C. W-H. . W. W. . . W. BARCLAY SQUIRE. . LESLIE STEPHEN. . C. W. SUTTON. . JAMES TAIT. . H. E. TEDDER. . PROFESSOR T. F. TOUT. . THE EEV. CANON VENABLES. . COLONEL VETCH, E.E. . ALSAGER VIAN. . THE EEV. J. E. WASHBOURN. . THE EEV. M. G. WATKINS. . FRANCIS WATT. . CHARLES WELCH. . WARWICK WROTH, F.S.A. DICTIONARY OF NATIONAL BIOGRAPHY Hailes Hailstone HAILES, LORD, Scottish ]udge. [See DALRYMPLE, SIR DAVID, 1726-1792.] HAILS or HAILES, WILLIAM AN- THONY (1766-1845), miscellaneous writer, son of a shipwright, was born at Newcastle- upon-Tyne on 24 May 1766. An accident in his childhood prevented him from attending school till his eleventh year. He learnt the alphabet from an old church prayer-book, and his father taught him writing and arith- metic. He remained at school only three years, after which he worked as a shipwright for sixteen years. During this time he ac- quired a good knowledge of Latin and Greek, and also studied Hebrew, together with some other oriental languages. He wrote several papers for the ( Classical Journal/ and con- tributed to the ' Gentleman's Magazine ' and 'Monthly Magazine.' Hails ultimately be- came a schoolmaster at Newcastle, but had only moderate success. He was a Wesleyan methodist, and preached occasionally in the chapel of his sect at Newcastle. He died at Newcastle on 30 Aug. 1845. Hails wrote: 1. 'Nugae Poeticae/ New- castle-upon-Tyne (?), 1806. 2. < An Enquiry concerning the Invention of the Life Boat,' claimingWilliamWouldhave of South Shields to be the inventor, Newcastle, 1806. 3. 'A Voice from the Ocean,' Newcastle (?), 1807. 4. < Tract No. 6,' published by the Society for the Propagation of Christianity among the Jews, 1809. 5. 'The Pre-existence and Deity of the Messiah defended on the indubitable evidence of the Prophets and Apostles.' 6. ' Socinianism unscriptural. Being an ex- amination of Mr. Campbell's attempt to ex- plode the Scripture Doctrine of human de- pravity, the Atonement, &c.,' two pamphlets on the Socinian controversy, both published at Newcastle in 1813. 7. ' The Scorner re- VOL. XXIV. proved,' Newcastle, 1817. 8. 'A letter to« the Rev. W. Turner. Occasioned by the pub- lication of Two Discourses preached by him at the 6th Annual Meeting of the Association of Scottish Unitarian Christians,' Newcastle,. 1818. A second ' Letter' was published in the following year. 9. * Remarks on Volney's " Ruins," or a Survey of the Revolutions of Empires/ 1825. 10. 'The First Command- ment: a Discourse/ Newcastle, 1827. 11. ' A Letter to C. Larkin, in reply to his Letter to W. Chapman on Transubstantiation/ New- castle, 1831. Many of Hails's writings evoked- published replies. [E. Mackenzie's Hist, of Newcastle, i. 403-4 ; John Latimer's Local Records of Northumber- land and Durham (Newcastle, 1857), p. 204.1 F.W-T. HAILSTONE, JOHN (1759-1847), geo- logist, born near London on 13 Dec. 1759, was placed at an early age under the care of a maternal uncle at York, and was sent to Beverley school in the East Riding. Samuel' Hailstone [q. v.] was a younger brother. John, went to Cambridge, entering first at Catha- rine Hall, and afterwards at Trinity College,, and was second wrangler of his year (1782).. He was elected fellow of Trinity in 1784, and four years later became Woodwardian professor of geology, an office which he held for thirty years. He went to Germany, and studied geology under Werner at Freiburg for- about twelve months. On his return to Cam- bridge he devoted himself to the study and collection of geological specimens, but did not deliver any lectures. He published, how- ever, in 1792, 'A Plan of a course of lectures.7" The museum was considerably enriched by him. He married, and retired to the vicarage of Trumpington, near Cambridge, in 1818, and worked zealously for the education of the poor Hailstone Haines of his parish. He devoted much attention to chemistry and mineralogy, as well as to his favourite science, and kept for many years a meteorological diary. He made additions to the Woodwardian Museum, and left manu- script journals of his travels at home and abroad', and much correspondence on geologi- cal subjects. He was elected to the Linnean Society in 1800, and to the Koyal Society in 1801, and was one of the original members of the Geological Society. Hailstone contributed papers to the ' Transactions of the Geological Society '(1816, iii. 243-50), the 'Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society '(1822, i. 453-8), and the British Association (Report, 1834, p. 569). He died at Trumpington on 9 June 1847, in his eighty-eighth year. [Obit, notices in Quarterly Journ. Greol. Soc. 1849, v. xix; Proceedings Linnean Soc. 1849, i. 372-3 ; Abstract of Papers contributed to Koyal Soc. 1851, v. 711. See also Clark and Hughes's Life of A. Sedgwick, i. 152, 155, 195- 197 ; Koyal Soc. Cat. of Scientific Papers, 1869, iii. 125: Notes and Queries, 7th ser. iv. 188, 316; Gent. Mag. May 1818 p. 463, September 1847 p. 328.] H. K. T. HAILSTONE, SAMUEL (1768-1851), botanist, was born at Hoxton, near London, in 1768. His family shortly afterwards settled in York. He was articled to John Hardy, a solicitor at Bradford, grandfather of the pre- sent Lord Cranbrook. On the expiration of his articles Hardy took him into partnership. The scanty leisure of a busy professional life was devoted to botany, and Hailstone became known as the leading authority on the flora of Yorkshire. He formed collections illustrat- ing the geology of the district, and of books and manuscripts relating to Bradford. He contributed papers to the ' Magazine of Na- tural History ' (1835, viii. 261-5, 549-53), and a list of rare plants to Whitaker's ' History of Craven' (1812, pp. 509-19). His valuable herbarium was presented by his sons to the Yorkshire Philosophical Society, and is now in the museum at York. His brother was the Rev. John Hailstone [q. v.], the geologist. He married in 1808 Ann, daughter of Thomas Jones, surgeon, of Bradford. His wife died in 1833, aged 53. He died at Horton Hall, Bradford, on 26 Dec. 1851, aged 83, leaving two sons, John, a clergyman, and Edward, who is noticed below. EDWAKD HAILSTONE (1818-1890) suc- ceeded his father as solicitor at Bradford, and finally retired to Walton Hall, near Wakefield, where he accumulated a remark- able collection of antiquities and books, among them the most extensive series of works relating to Yorkshire ever brought together, which has been left to the library of the dean and chapter, York. Edward Hailstone died at Walton 24 March 1890, in his seventy-third year. He printed a ca- talogue of his Yorkshire library in 1858, and published l Portraits of Yorkshire Worthies, with biographical notices,' 1869, 2 vols. 4to. [Bradford Observer, 1 Jan. 1852; Times, 27 March 1890; Athenaeum, 5 April 1890, p. 444.] H. K. T. HAIMO (d. 1054?), archdeacon of Canter- bury. [See HATMO.] HAINES, HERBERT (1826-1872), ar- chaeologist, son of John Haines, surgeon, of Hampstead, was born on 1 Sept. 1826. He was educated at the college school, Gloucester, and went to Exeter College, Oxford, 1844, where he proceeded B.A. 1849, M.A. 1851. In 1848, while still an undergraduate, he pub- lished the first edition of his work on monu- mental brasses. In September 1849 he was licensed to the curacy of Delamere in Cheshire. On 22 June 1850 he was appointed by the dean and chapter of Gloucester tothe second master- ship of his old school, the college school, Glou- cester. This office he retained till his death, and on two occasions during vacancies in 1853-4 and in 1871actedfor some time as head- master. In 1854 he was appointed chaplain to the Gloucester County Lunatic Asylum, and in 1859 became also chaplain of the newly opened Barnwood House Asylum, near Glou- cester. In 1861 he brought out a much en- larged and improved edition of ' Monumental Brasses.' Haines died, after a very short ill- ness, on 18 Sept. 1872, and was buried in the Gloucester cemetery. A memorial brass bear- ing his effigy, an excellent likeness, was placed in Gloucester Cathedral by friends and old pupils. It is now in the south ambulatory of the choir. Besides some elementary clas- sical school books, now antiquated, he wrote : 1. 'A Manual for the Study of Monumental Brasses,' published under the sanction of the Oxford Architectural Society, 8vo, Oxford, 1848; 2nd edit., 2 vols. 8vo, Oxford, 1861. 2. l St. Paul a Witness to the Resurrection ; a Sermon preached before the University of Oxford,' 8vo, Oxford and London, 1867. 3. but reflections in prose -and verse on many other subjects are introduced. 11. Lansdowne MS. 161 contains three articles by Hake. He is praised in Richard Robinson's ' Rewarde of Wickednesse ' (1574). [Mr.Charles Edmonds's Introduction to Newes out of Powles Churchyarde, Isliam Reprints, 1872.] A.H.B. HAKEWILL, GEORGE (1578-1649), divine, was third son of John Hakewill, merchant, of Exeter, who married Thomazin, daughter of John Peryam ; he was therefore a younger brother of William Hakewill [q. v.] Hakewill Hakewill George was born in the parish of St. Mary Arches, Exeter, was baptised in its church on 25 Jan. 1577-8, and was trained for the university in the grammar school. Sir John Peryam, who built the common room staircase next the hall of Exeter College, Oxford, was his uncle, and Sir Thomas Bodley was a near kinsman. Hakewill, as their re- lative and a Devonian, went to Oxford, ma- triculating as commoner of St. Alban Hall on 15 May 1595. In the following year (30 June) he was elected to a fellowship at Exeter College, on account, says Wood, of his skill as a disputant and orator. He gra- duated B.A. on 6 July 1599 ; M.A. 29 April 1002; B.D. 27 March 1610 (for which he was allowed to count eight terms spent abroad) ; and D.D. 2 July 1611. He resigned his fellowship on 30 June 1611 . After taking his bachelor's degree he applied himself to the study of philosophy and divinity, and entered holy orders. His reading was very extensive, and to further improve his mind he obtained from his college leave to travel be- yond the seas for four years from 1604. He 'passed one whole winter' among the Calvin- ists at Heidelberg (Answer to Dr. Carter, 1616, p. 29). Soon after his return to England he became noted for his talents in preaching and controversy, and in December 1612, when Prince Charles had by his brother's death be- come heir to the throne, 'two sober divines, Hackwell and another,' says one of Carle- ton's correspondents, l are placed with him and ordered never to leave him,' to protect him from the inroads of popery. This chap- laincy Hakewill retained for many years, and on 7 Feb. 1617 he was collated to the archdeaconry of Surrey. Lack of higher pre- ferment was doubtless due to his anti-sacer- dotal views on religion, and his opposition to the projected Spanish marriage of Prince Charles. Hakewill wrote a treatise against the Spanish match while the negotiations were in progress, and presented his composi- tion to the prince without the king's know- ledge. Weldon, who did not love the Stuarts, says that the author, in handing his tract to the prince, added, * If you show it to your father I shall be undone for my good will.' Charles promised to keep the secret, but ob- tained from Hakewill the information that Archbishop Abbot and Murray, the prince's tutor, had already seen it. Within two hours, continues Weldon, Charles gave the work to the king, and Hakewill, Abbot, and Murray were disgraced and banished from the court. Andrewes, bishop of Winchester (according to the ' State Papers '), was ordered by James I to answer Hakewill's arguments. Hakewill's private means must have been considerable, for on 11 March 1623 he laid the foundation-stone of a new chapel at Exeter College, which he built at a cost of 1,200/. It was consecrated on 5 Oct. 1624, ' the day when Prince Charles returned from beyond the seas ; ' and Prideaux, the rector, preached the consecration sermon, and afterwards pub- lished it with a dedication to Hakewill, who was lauded for his generosity, though ' not preferred as many are, and having two sonnes [John and George, says the side-note] of his owne to provide for otherwise.' To this gift Hakewill added the sum of 30/. in order that a sermon might be preached every year on the anniversary of the consecration-day. Many years later, on 23 Aug. 1642, he was elected to the rectorship of Exeter College, and al- though he was for some time absent from Oxford through illness, he kept the place until his death, and was not disturbed by the parliamentary visitors to Oxford. On the nomination of Arthur Basset he was pre- sented to the rectory of Heanton Purchardon, near Barnstaple, where he lived quietly during the civil war. Hakewill died at this rectory house on 2 April 1649, and was buried in the chancel on 5 April, a memorial-stone with incription being placed on his grave. In his last will he desired that his body should be buried in the chapel of Exeter College, or that at least his heart should be placed under the communion-table, near the desk where the bible rested, with the inscription ' Cor meum ad te Domine.' These directions were not carried out, but his arms were represented on the roof of the chapel and on the screens, and in the east window was an inscription to his memory ; they were destroyed when the pre- sent chapel was built. He left the college his portrait, painted ' to the life in his doc- torial formalities.' It was placed at first in the organ loft at the east end of the aisle, joining the south side of the chapel, and was afterwards removed to the college hall. An engraving of it was published by Harding in 1796. A second portrait, of earlier date, the property of Mr. W. Cotton, F.S. A., of Exeter, is described in the ' Devonshire Association Transactions,' xvi. 157. Hakewill married, in June 1615, Mary Ayres, widow, of Barn- staple (ViviAN, Marriage Licences, p. 46). She was buried at Barnstaple on 5 May 1618 ; by her Ilakewill had two sons, buried at Exeter college, and a daughter, who married and left descendants. Hakewill is mentioned by Boswell (Hill's ed. i. 219) as one of the great writers who helped to form Johnson's style. His works are: 1. 'The Vanitie of the Eie. First be- ganne for the comfort of a gentlewoman be- reaved of her sight and since upon occasion Hakewill 8 Hakewill inlarged/ displaying wide reading. The second edition came out at Oxford by J. Barnes in 1608, and the third in 1615; another impres- sion, erroneously called the second edition, is dated in 1633. 2. ' Scvtvm regium, id est Adversvs omnes regicidas et regicidarvm patronos. In tres libros diuisus,' London, 1612; another edition, 1613. 3. 'The Aun- cient Ecclesiasticall practice of Confirma- tion,' 1613, which was written for the prince's confirmation in Whitehall Chapel on Easter Monday in that year, London, 1613. 4. ' An Answer to a Treatise written by Dr. Carier,' London, 1616. Benjamin Carier [q. v.] argued in favour of the church of Rome. 5. ' King David's Vow for Reformation, delivered in twelve Sermons, before the Prince his High- nesse,' 1621. 6. 'A comparison betweene the dayes of Purim and that of the Powder Treason,' 1626. 7. ' An Apologie ... of the power and providence of God. in the govern- ment of the world ... in foure bookes, by G. H., D.D.,' 1627, although begun long pre- viously. Another edition, revised, but sub- stantially the same, appeared with his name in full on the title-page in 1630, and the third edition, much enlarged, with an addition of 1 two entire books not formerly published,' came out in 1635. The author complained that a mangled translation into Latin of the first edition was made by one f Johannes Jonstonus, a Polonian ; ' was published at Amsterdam, 1632, and was translated back into English in 1657. Hakewill here argued •against a prevalent opinion that the world and man were decaying, as set forth by Bishop •Godfrey Goodman [q. v.] in his 'Fall of Man,' 1616. Goodman replied with * Arguments and Animadversions on Dr. G. Hakewill's Apology ; ' and the additional matter in the 1635 edition of Hakewill's 'Apology 'mainly consisted of the arguments and replies of the t;wo controversialists. Manuscript versions •of Hakewill's arguments against the bishop, differing in many respects from the printed passages, are in Ashmolean MSS. 1284 and 1510. The ' Apology ' was selected as a thesis for the philosophical disputation at the Cambridge commencement of 1628, when Milton wrote Latin hexameters, headed ' Na- turam non pati Senium/ for the respondent to be distributed during the debate. Pepys (3 Feb. 1667) 'fell to read a little' in it, •* and did satisfy myself mighty fair in the truth of the saying that the world do not grow old at all.' Dugald Stewart praised Hakewill's book as 'the production of an uncommonly liberal and enlightened mind well stored with various and choice learn- ing.' 8. ' A Sermon preached at Barnstaple upon occasion of the late happy success of God's Church in forraine parts. By G. H.,' 1632. 9. ' Certaine Treatises of Mr. John Downe ' [q. v.], 1633, edited by Hakewill, with a funeral sermon on Downe, ' a neere neighbour and deere friend,' and a letter from Bishop Hall to Hakewill printed also in Hall's works (ed. 1839). 10. 'A Short but Cleare Discourse of the Institution, Dignity, and End of the Lord's Day,' 1641. 11. 'A Dissertation with Dr. Heylyn touching the pretended Sacrifice in the Eucharist,' 1641. Heylyn wrote a manuscript reply, and Dr. George Hickes [q. v.] answered it in print in ' Two Treatises, one of the Christian Priest- hood, the other of the Dignity of the Episco- pal Order ' (3rd ed. 1711). Hakewill is sometimes said to have been the 'G. H.' who translated from the French ' Anti-Coton, or a refutation of [Pierre] Coton's letter de- clarative for the apologising of the Jesuites doctrine touching the killing of Kings,' 1611. He translated into Latin the life of Sir Thomas Bodley, and he wrote a treatise, never printed, 'rescuing Dr. John Rainolds and other grave divines from the vain assaults of Heylyn touching the history of St. George, pretendedly by him asserted,' and the views of Hakewill, Reynolds, and others on this matter are referred to in Heylyn's ' History of St. George of Cappadocia,' bk. i. chap. iii. A letter from him to Ussher is in Richard Parr's 'Life and Letters of Ussher,' 1686, pp. 398-9, and two Latin letters to him are in Ashmol. MS. 1492. Lloyd, in his ' Me- moirs' (1677 ed.), p. 640, attributes to Hake- will ' An exact Comment on the 101 Psalm to direct Kings how to govern their courts.' Fulman (Corpus Christi Coll. Oxf. MSS. cccvii.) absurdly assigns to him ' Delia, con- tayning certayne Sonnets. With the com- plaints of Rosamond,' 1592, the work of Samuel Daniel [q. v.] [Vivian's Visit, of Devon, p. 437'; Wood's Athense Oxon. (Bliss), iii. 253-7, 558-60; Wood's Fasti, i. 281, 296, 339, 344; Wood's Univ. of Oxford (Gutch), ii. 314 ; Wood's Colleges and Halls (Gutch), pp. 108, 113, 117, 121; Prince's Worthies, pp. 449-54 ; Boase's Reg. of Exeter Coll. pp. Ixiv, 53, 62, 64, 67, 101, 210; Reg. Univ. Oxf. ii. i. 132, 208, ii. 209, iii. 216 (Oxf. Hist. Soc.); Camden's Annals, James I, sub 1621 ; Halkett and Laing's Anon. Lit. pp. 132, 2334; Burrows's Reg. of Visitors of Oxford Univ. pp. Ixxv, Ixxxii, 218, 500; Cal. of State Papers, 1603-23; Pepys, ed. Bright, iv. 225 ; Masson's Milton, i. 171-2 ; Black's Cat. of Ashmolean MSS. pp. 1044, 1373, 1413.] W. P. C. HAKEWILL, HENRY (1771-1830), architect, eldest son of John Hakewill [q.v.J, was born on 4 Oct. 1771. He was a pupil of John Yenn, R.A., and also studied at the Hakewill Hakewill Royal Academy, where in 1790 lie obtained a silver medal for a drawing of the Strand front of Somerset House. His first works were for Mr. Harenc at Foots Cray, Kent ; subsequently he designed Rendlesham House, Suffolk, Cave Castle, Yorkshire, and many other fine mansions. In 1809 he was ap- pointed architect to Rugby School, and de- signed the Gothic buildings and chapel there. He was also architect to the Radcliffe trustees at Oxford, and to the benchers of the Middle Temple. Among the churches built by him were Wolverton Church, the first church of St. Peter, Eaton Square (since burnt down, and re-erected by his son from his drawings), and the ugly tower of St. Anne's, Soho. Hakewill wrote an account of the Roman villa discovered at Northleigh, Oxfordshire, first published in Skelton's* Antiquities,' and reissued separately in 1826. On 14 Nov. 1804 he married Anne Sarah, daughter of the Rev. Edward Frith of North Cray, Kent, and died 13 March 1830, leaving seven child- ren, including two sons, John Henry and Edward Charles, noticed below, and a daugh- ter, Elizabeth Caroline, married to Edward Browell of Feltham, Middlesex. HAKEWILL, JOHN HENEY (1811-1880), architect, son of the above, was architect of Stowlangtofb Hall,' Suffolk, the hospital at Bury St. Edmunds/ and of some churches at Yarmouth. He died in 1880, aged 69. HAKEWILL, EDWAED CHAELES (1812- 1872), architect, younger son of the above, was a student in the Royal Academy, and in 1831 became a pupil of Philip Hard- wick, R. A. [q. v.] On setting up for himself he built and designed churches at Stonham Aspall and Grundisburgh, Suffolk, South Hackney, and St. James's, Clapton. He was appointed a metropolitan district surveyor, but retired in 1867, and settled in Suffolk. He died 9 Oct. 1872. In 1851 he published 'The Temple: an Essay on the Ark, the Tabernacle, and the Temple of Jerusalem.' [Diet, of Architecture ; Kedgrave's Diet, of Artists ; private information.] L. C. HAKEWILL, JAMES (1778-1843), architect, second son of John Hakewill [q. v.], born 1778, was brought up as an architect, and exhibited some designs at the Royal Academy. He is best known for his illustrated publica- tions. In 1813 he published a series of ' Views of the Neighbourhood of Windsor, &c.,' with engravings by eminent artists from his own drawings. In 1816-17 he travelled in Italy, and on his return published in parts *A Picturesque Tour of Italy,' in which some of his own drawings were finished into pictures for engraving by J. M. W. Turner, R. A. In 1820-1 he visited Jamaica, and subsequently published ' A Picturesque Tour in the Island of Jamaica,' from his own drawings. In 1828 he published ' Plans, Sections, and Elevations of the Abattoirs in Paris, with considerations for their adoption in London.' He also published a small tract on Elizabethan architecture. He was en- gaged in some works at High Legh and Tatton, Cheshire, and in 1836 was a com- petitor for the erection of the new houses of parliament. Hakewill is also supposed to be the author of ' Cselebs suited, or the Stanley Letters,' in 1812. He was collecting ma- terials for a work on the Rhine when he died in London, 28 May 1843. He married in 1807, at St. George's, Hanover Square, Maria Catherine, daughter of W. Browne of Green Street, Grosvenor Square, herself a well- known portrait-painter, and a frequent ex- hibitor at the Royal Academy, who died in 1842. He left four sons, Arthur William, Henry James, Frederick Charles, a portrait- painter, and Richard Whitworth. HAKEWILL, AETHTJR WILLIAM (1808- 1856), architect, the eldest son, born in 1808, was educated under his father, and in 1826 became a pupil of Decimus Burton. He was best known as a writer and lecturer. In 1835 he published ' An Apology for the Architectural Monstrosities of London ; J in 1836 a treatise on perspective ; in 1851 l Il- lustrations of Thorpe Hall, Peterborough/ and l Modern Tombs ; Gleanings from the Cemeteries of London,' besides other archi- tectural works. He died 19 June 1856, having married in 1848 Jane Sanders of Northhill, Bedfordshire. HAKEWILL, HENEY JAMES (1813-1834), sculptor, the second son of James Hakewill, was born in St. John's Wood, London, 11 April 1813. He early showed a taste for sculpture, and in 1830 and 1832 exhibited at the Royal Academy, when his sculptures attracted notice. He died 13 March 1834. [Diet, of Architecture; Redgrave's Diet, of Artists; Graves's Diet, of Artists, 1760-1880; Brit. Mus. Cat. ; private information.] L. C. HAKEWILL, JOHN (1742-1791), painter and decorator, son of William Hake- will, the great-grandson of William Hakewill [q. v.], master of chancery, was born 27 Feb. 1742. His father was foreman to James Thorn- hill the younger, serjeant-painter. Hakewill studied under SamuelWale [q.v.], and worked in the Duke of Richmond's gallery. In 1763 he gained a premium from the Society of Arts for a landscape drawing, and in 1764 another for a drawing from the antique in the duke's gallery. In 1771 he gained a silver palette Hakewill IO Hakewill for landscape-painting. He exhibited at the Society of Artists exhibition in Spring Gar- dens a portrait and a ' conversation ' piece in 1765, and a landscape in 1766. In 1769, 1772, 1773 he was again an exhibitor, chiefly of portraits. His work had some merit, but he lacked perseverance, and devoted himself to house decoration. He painted many de- corative works at Blenheim, Charlbury, Marl- borough House, Northumberland House, &c. Hakewill married in 1770 Anna Maria Cook, and died 21 Sept. 1791, of a palsy, leaving eight children (surviving of fifteen). Three sons, Henry [q.v.], James [q.v.],and George [q.v.], were architects. A daughter Caro- line married Charles Smith, by whom she was mother of Edward James Smith [q. v.], sur- veyor to the ecclesiastical commissioners. [Edwards's Anecdotes of Painters ; Graves's Diet, of Artists, 1760-1880; Eedgrave's Diet, of Artists ; private information.] L. C. HAKEWILL, WILLIAM (1574-1655), legal antiquary, eldest son and heir of John ' Hakewill, and brother of George Hakewill [q. v.], was born in the parish of St. Mary Arches, Exeter. He sojourned at Exeter Col- lege, Oxford, for a short time in 1600, but left without a degree. He entered himself at Lin- coln's Inn, where he studied the common law, and also took to politics. Several Cornish constituencies, Bossiney in 1601, Michell in 1604-11, and Tregony in 1614 and 1621-2, elected him in turn. He acquired considerable property in Buckinghamshire, dwelling at Bucksbridge House, near Wendover, which passed to his descendants. His influence there was strengthened by his appointment, in con- junction with Sir Jerome Horsey, as receiver for the duchy of Lancaster, in Berkshire,Buck- inghamshire, and adjoining counties. When examining the parliamentary writs in the Tower of London, he discovered that three Buckinghamshire boroughs, Amersham, Mar- low, and Wendover, had formerly returned members to parliament, but that they had allowed the privilege to lapse. At his sug- gestion they claimed their rights, and from 1625 they were recognised. Amersham re- turned him as its member in 1628, but after the dissolution of parliament in 1629 he re- tired from parliamentary life. Hakewill was one of the two executors of his kinsman, Sir Thomas Bodley [q. v.], and one of the chief mourners at the funeral at Oxford on 29 March 1613, the day after which he was, by a special grace, created M.A. of the university. In 1614 Hakewill was one of six lawyers — 'men not overwrought with practice, and yet learned and diligent, and conversant in re- ports and records ' — appointed to revise the existing laws. When the government re- quired money in 1615, he proposed to raise it by a general pardon on payment by each de- - linquent of 5Z. The proposal was definitely rejected after two months' consideration. In May 1617 he was made solicitor-general to the queen, but he had ' for a long time taken much pains in her business, wherein she hath done well.' In 1621, during the attacks on monopolies, he and Noy were deputed to search for precedents in the Tower, but his labours did not give general satisfaction, In January 1622 he was arrested with Pym and Sir Robert Phillips for some offence in parliament. He was elected Lent reader of his inn in 1624, and was one of its chief benchers for nearly thirty years ; his coat of arms was set up in the west window of its chapel. He served in 1627 on a commission for inquiring into the offices which existed in the eleventh year of Queen Elizabeth's reign, and into the fees levied therein, and he was included in the large commission for the repair of St. Paul's Cathedral (April 1631), when he showed so much interest in its re- storation that he was appointed on the smaller working committee in 1634. He was a great student of legal antiquity, and a master of precedents. In politics he sided with the parliament, and took the covenant. In April 1647 he was appointed a master of chancery, and was nominated by both houses to sit with the commissioners of the great seal to hear causes. He died, aged 81, on 31 Oct. 1655, and was buried in Wendover Church, where are inscriptions on marble to him and his wife, Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Henry Wodehouse of Wexham, Norfolk, a sister of Sir Robert Killigrew's wife, and a niece of Bacon. She was married about May 1617, and died 25 June 1652, aged 54; John Hakewill (1742-1791) [q. v.] was a great-grandson. Hakewill was the author of ' The Libertie of the Subject against the pretended Power of Imposition maintained by an Argument in Parliament anno 7° Jacobi regis,' Lond. 1641. Copies are among the Exeter College MSS., No. cxxviii., British Museum Addit. MSS. 25271, Lansdowne MSS., No. 490, and Har- leian MSS. No. 1578. His argument con- troverted the power of the king to raise money by charges, fixed by the royal prerogative on imports and exports, and Hallam asserts that f though long, it will repay ' perusal as ( a very luminous and masterly statement of this great argument.' The tract is inserted in Howell's ' State Trials,' ii. 407-75, and in Hargrave's edition, xi. 36, &c., with remarks by the editor. Hargrave owned the copy of the work now in the British Museum, and it contains copious notes by him. Hakewill's Hakluyt Hakluyt second work was ( The Manner how Statutes are enacted in Parliament by passing of Bills. Collected many yeares past out of the Jour- nails of the House of Commons. By W. Hake will. Together with a catalogue of the Speakers' names/ 1641. It had been in manu- script for many years, and numerous copies had gradually got abroad. One, ' the falsest written of all,' was without his knowledge printed very carelessly. This was no doubt the anonymous volume entitled ' The Manner of holding Parliaments in England . . . with the Order of Proceeding to Parliament of King Charles, 13 April 1640,' 1641. Hake- will's publication was much enlarged in ' Mo- dus tenendi Parliamentum . . . together with the Privileges of Parliament and the Manner how Lawes are there enacted by passing of Bills,' 1659, which was reprinted in 1671. He was a member about 1600 of the first So- ciety of Antiquaries, and two papers by him, 1 The Antiquity of the Laws of this Island ' and ' Of the Antiquity of the Christian 'Re- ligion in this Island,' are printed in Hearne's 'Collection of Curious Discourses,' 1720 and 1771 editions. A treatise by Hakewill on 'A Dispute between the younger Sons of Viscounts and Barons against the claims of Baronets to Precedence' was among the manuscripts of Sir Henry St. George (BERNARD, Cat. ii. fol. 112). His argument ' that such as sue in chancery to be relieved of the judgments given at common law are not within the danger of " praemunire," ' is in Lansdowne MS. No. 174 ; his speech in parliament 1 May 1628 is in the Harleian MS. No. 161 ; and his correspondence with John Bainbridge [q. v.], the astronomer, re- mains at Trinity College, Dublin (Hist. MSS. Comm. 4th Rep. p. 594). He compiled and presented to the queen a dissertation on the nature and custom of aurum reginse, or the queen's gold, a duty paid temp. Edward IV by most of the judges, serjeants-at-law, and great men of the realm. Copies are among the Exeter College MSS., No. cvi.,,Addit. MS. British Museum 25255, and at the Record Office. [Wood's Athense Oxon. (Bliss), iii. 231-2 ; Wood's Fasti, i. 354; Prince's Worthies, pp. 449- 451; Cal. of State Papers, 1603-43; Hist. MSS. Comm. 4th Rep. p. 594 ; British Magazine and Review, 1782; Hallam's Constit. Hist. (7th ed.), i. 319 ; Lipscomb's Buckinghamshire, ii. 478, 482, 490; Courtney's Parl. Hist, of Cornwall, pp. 169, 302, 325 ; Spedding's Bacon, vol. v. of Life, p. 86, vi. 71, 208, vii. 187, 191, 203.1 W. P. C. ^ HAKLUYT, RICHARD (1552 P-1616), geographer, of a family possibly of Dutch origin, but settled for several centuries in Herefordshire, where the name appears on the list of sheriffs as early as the time of Edward II, was born about 1552 (CHESTER, London Marriage Licenses}, and after an early education at Westminster School, was in 1 570 elected to a studentship at Christ Church, Ox- ford, where he graduated B. A. 19 Feb. 1574, and M.A. 27 Jan. 1577. He appears to have- taken holy orders at the usual age. While still a boy at Westminster his attention had been turned to geography and the history of discovery. This study he had pursued with avidity while at Oxford, reading, as he tells us himself, ' whatever printed or written dis- coveries and voyages I found extant, either in Greek, Latin, Italian, Spanish, Portugal,. French, or English languages,' and some time after taking his degree he lectured on these subjects, perhaps at Oxford ( JONES, p. 6). He claims to have first shown in these lec- tures ' the new, lately reformed maps, globes, spheres, and other instruments of this art, for demonstration in the common schools.' In 1582 he published his ' Divers Voyages touch- ing the Discovery of America,' a work which would seem to have secured for him the patronage of Lord Howard of Effingham, then lord admiral, whose brother-in-law, Sir Ed- ward Stafford, going to France in 1583 as English ambassador, appointed Hakluyt hi& chaplain. In Paris he found new opportunities of col- lecting information as to Spanish and French. voyages, ' making,' he says, ' diligent enquiry of such things as might yield any light unto> our western discovery in America.' These researches he embodied in ' A particular Dis- course concerning Western Discoveries,' writ- ten in 1584, but first printed in 1877, in Col- lections of the Maine Historical Society. A copy of this presented to the queen procured him the reversion of a prebendal stall at Bristol, to which he succeeded in 1586. He- remained in Paris, however, for two years- longer, and in 1586 interested himself in the publication of the journal of Laudonniere, which he translated and published in London under the title of ' A notable History, con- taining four Voyages made by certain French Captains into Florida,' 1587, 4to; and the same year there was published in Paris ' De Orbe Novo Petri Martyris Anglerii, Decades Octo, illustrates labore et industria Ricardi Hakluyti.' [Translated by Michael Lok, London, 1612, 4to.] In 1588 he returned to- England in company with Lady Sheffield, Lord Howard's sister, and in 1589 published ' The Principall Navigations, Voiages, and Discoveries of the English Nation made by Sea or over land to the most remote and farthest distant quarters of the earth, at See Notes and Queries^ cxlvi. 335, for details of his ancestry. Hakluyt 12 Halcomb any time within the compass of these 1500 yeares' [sm. fol. in one vol.], to the 'burden' and ' huge toil' of which he was, he tells us, incited byhearing and reading while in France, •* other nations miraculously extolled for their discoveries and notable enterprises by sea, but the English of all others for their sluggish security and continual neglect of the like attempts, either ignominiously reported or ingly condemned, and finding few or excet none of "our own men able to reply herein, and not seeing any man to have care to recommend to the world the industrious labours and painful travels of our country- men.' This one volume, which was dedicated to Sir Francis Walsingham, was the germ, or, as it is commonly called, the first edition, of the much larger and better known work which he published some ten years later, under a title almost identical in its general statement, but differing in the details [3 vols. sm. fol. 1598-1600]. The first volume, pub- lished in 1598, contained an account of the expedition to Cadiz in 1596, which, after Essex's disgrace, Hakluyt deemed inadvisable, or was directed, to suppress. As the title of this first volume contained the words, ' and lastly the memorable defeate of the Spanish huge Armada, anno 1588, and the famous victorie atchieved at the citie of Cadiz, 1596, are described,' this title was cancelled, and for the above sentence was substituted ' As also the memorable defeat of the Spanish huge Armada, anno 1588.' This new title- page (having some other minor alterations) bears date 1599, and has given rise to the erroneous notion that there was a second edi- tion of the first volume then published : it is much the more common, and is the one -copied, in facsimile, in the catalogue of the York Gate Library (1886), and verbally in the modern editions, so called, of 1809 and 1884. In April 1590 Hakluyt was appointed to the rectory of Wetheringsett in Suffolk, and here he seems to have resided during the years he was compiling and arranging his great work. In May 1602 he was appointed prebendary of Westminster, and archdeacon in the fol- lowing year : in 1604 he was one of the chap- lains of the Savoy (CHESTER). He was still occupied with his geographical studies ; in 1601 he is named as advising to ' set down in writing a note of the principal places in the East Indies where trade is to be had,' for the use of the committee of the East India Com- pany, and supplied maps (STEVENS, Dawn of British Trade to the East Indies, pp. 123, 143). In 1606 he was one of the chief promoters of the petition to the king for patents for the colonisation of Virginia, and was afterwards one of the chief adventurers in the London or South Virginian Company. His last publica- tion was a translation from the Portuguese of the travels and discoveries of Ferdinand de Soto, under the title of ' Virginia richly valued,' 1609, 4to. He died on 23 Nov. 1616, and on the 26th was buried in Westminster Abbey. Hakluyt was twice married, first in or about 1594, and again in March 1604, when he was described in the license as having been a widower about seven years, and as aged about fifty-two (CHESTER). He left one son, who is said to have squandered his in- heritance and to have discredited his name. Mr. Froude has aptly called Hakluyt's ' Prin- cipal Navigations' 'the prose epic of the modern English nation,' ' an invaluable trea- sure of material for the history of geography, discovery, and colonisation,' and a collection of 'the heroic tales of the exploits of the great men in whom the new era was in- augurated' (FROTJDE, Short Studies on Great Subjects, i. 446). Besides his published works Hakluyt left a large collection of manuscripts, sufficient, it is said, to have formed a fourth volume as large as any of the three of the ' Principal Navigations.' Several of these fell into the hands of Purchas, who incorpo- rated them in an abridged form in his ' Pil- grimes/ whose engraved title-page opens with the words ( Hakluytus Postumus ;' others are preserved at Oxford in the Bodleian Library. [Material for the life of Hakluyt — chiefly de- rived from the dedications and prefaces to his works, more especially from the dedication to Walsingham of the Principall Navigations of 1589, and of the first volume of the enlarged edition of 1598 — is collected in the article by Oldys, in the Biographia Britannica ; in the in- troduction, by J. Winter Jones, to the Hakluyt Society's edition of the Divers Voyages touching the Discovery of America, and in the article by C. H. Coote in the Encyclopaedia Britannica. See also Wood's Athenae Oxon. ed. Bliss, ii. 186 ; Fuller's Worthies of England, Herefordshire, and Oxf.Univ. Keg., (Oxf. Hist. Soc.)n. iii. 39, where the name is given with eight different spellings, one of which is Hacklewight.] J. K. L. HALCOMB, JOHN (1790-1852), ser- jeant-at-law, born in 1790, studied law in chambers with the future judges John Patte- son and John Taylor Coleridge, was called to the bar at the Inner Temple, and went the western circuit. Halcomb, after several failures, was elected conservative member for Dover in 1831. He took some position in the house, but on the dissolution of parliament in 1835 lost his seat. In 1839 he was made ser- jeant-at-law, but his political ambition seems to have spoiled his career at the bar, for he Haldane Haldane did not realise the high, expectations formed of him. He died at New Radnor on 3 Nov. 1852, leaving a widow and four sons. Halcomb wrote : 1. ' A Report of the Trials ... in the causes of Rowe versus Grenfell, &c.,' 1826, as to questions regarding copper mines in Cornwall. 2. { A Practical Measure of Relief from the present system of the Poor Law. Submitted to the con- sideration of Parliament,' 1826. 3. ' A prac- tical Treatise on passing Private Bills through both Houses of Parliament,' 1836. [Law Times, 13 Nov. 1852, p. 95.] F . W-T. HALDANE, DANIEL RUTHERFORD (1824-1887), physician, son of James Alex- ander Haldane [q.v.] by his second wife, Margaret Rutherford, daughter of Professor Daniel Rutherford [q. v.], was born in 1824 and educated at the high school and univer- sity of Edinburgh. After graduating M.D. in 1848 he studied in Vienna and Paris, and on his return lectured on medical jurispru- dence and pathology in the extra-mural school at Surgeons' Hall, Edinburgh. He succeeded Dr. Alexander Wood as teacher of medicine at Surgeons' Hall, and he was also physician to the Edinburgh Royal Infirmary. He was an excellent teacher and very popular with students. He was successively secretary and president of the Edinburgh College of Physi- cians, and represented the college on the gene- ral medical council on Dr. Wood's retirement. At the tercentenary of the university of Edin- burgh the degree of LL.D. was conferred upon him. His death, on 12 April 1887, was the result of an accidental fall on ice on the pre- vious Christmas-day. [Scotsman, 13 April 1887.] &. T. B. HALDANE, JAMES ALEXANDER (1768-1851), religious writer, youngest and posthumous son of Captain James Haldane of Airthrey House, Stirlingshire, and Kathe- rine, daughter of Alexander Duncan of Lun- die, Forf arshire , and sister of the first Viscount Duncan, was born at Dundee on 14 July 1768. His father dying in 1768 and his mother in 1774, he was brought up under the care of his grandmother, Lady Lundie, and his uncles. After attending Dundee grammar school and the high school of Edinburgh he entered Edinburgh University in 1781, and attended the arts classes for three sessions. In 1785 he became a midshipman on board the Duke of Montrose, East Indiaman. He made four voyages in her to India and China. During the last he was second officer. An intimacy which, in conjunction with his brother Robert [q. v.], he contracted with David Bo^ue of Gosport [q. v.], made a deep impression on him, and in 1794 he abandoned the sea and settled in Edinburgh. He began shortly after- wards to hold religious meetings. In spite of the opposition which the then novel practice of lay preaching excited, he began in 1797 to- make extensive evangelistic tours over Scot- land, preaching wherever opportunity offered, often to large audiences. Encouraged by his success, in the end of 1797 he established in Edinburgh the Society for Propagating the Gospel at Home, a non-sectarian organisation chiefly intended for the promotion of itinerant preaching and tract distribution. Hitherto he had been a member of the Church of Scot- land, but in January 1799, along with his brother and others, he founded a congrega- tional church in Edinburgh, of which he was ordained pastor on 3 Feb. 1799, thus be- coming the first minister of the first congrega- tional church in Scotland. He declined to receive any salary for his services, and the entire congregational income was devoted to the support of the Society for Propagating the- Gospel at Home. At first he preached in a large circus, but in 1801 his brother built him. in Leith Walk a tabernacle seated for three thousand persons, and here he officiated till his death, still spending, however, much time every year in itinerant work. In 1808 he embraced baptist sentiments, and this along with other changes in his views caused a serious rupture not only in his church, but throughout the whole congregational body in Scotland, and was the occasion of much bitter controversy. He and his brother, how- ever, still devoted themselves to the advance- ment of religion all over the country, and re- tained the confidence of good men everywhere. In 1811 he published a treatise, suggested by the dissensions which had vexed him, entitled ' The Duty of Christian Forbearance in regard to points of Church Order.' Its issue involved him in another controversy, the Rev. Wil- liam Jones, a baptist minister in London, and others, replying to it, and Haldane publishing a rejoinder to their strictures. There was scarcely an important religious controversy in his time in which he did not take a part.. Against the Walkerites he published in 1819 ' Strictures on a publication upon Primitive Christianity by Mr. John Walker, formerly- fellow of Dublin College.' The Irvingite movement called forth a l Refutation of the Heretical Doctrines promulgated by the Rev., Edward Irving respecting the Person and Atonement of the Lord Jesus Christ.' Ta this Henry Drummond [q. v.] published a re- j oinder, to which Haldane replied. When the controversy regarding the views of Thomas Erskine of Linlathen [q. v.l and Campbell of Bow was at its height, he gave expres- Haldane Haldane sion to his views in ' Observations on Uni- versal Pardon, the Extent of the Atonement, and Personal Assurance of Salvation.' In 1842 appeared ' Man's Responsibility; the Nature and Extent of the Atonement, and the Work of the Holy Spirit, in reply to Mr. Howard Hinton and the Baptist Midland Association.' In 1843 he issued a tract on the Atonement, and in 1845 a work entitled 4 The Doctrine of the Atonement, with stric- tures on the recent Publications of Drs. Ward- law and Jenkyn.' A second edition of this appeared in 1847. Other works not of a con- troversial kind were : 1. ' Journal of a Tour to the North,' being an account of his first ^evangelistic journey. 2. ( Early Instruction commended, in a Narrative of Catharine Hal- (COBBETT, State Trials, v. 213; Autobio- graphy of Sir John Bramston, Camd. Soc.r p. 78). In 1645 he argued on behalf of Lord Macguire, one of the principal contrivers of the Irish rebellion of 1641, the important point of law whether there was jurisdiction to try an Irish peer by a Middlesex jury for treason committed in Ireland. Prynne ar- gued the affirmative to the satisfaction of the court of king's bench, and Macguire was convicted and executed. He was one of the counsel assigned for the eleven members ac- cused by Fairfax of malpractices against the parliament and the army in the summer of 1646. Burnet says that he tendered his ser- vices to the king on his trial. As, however, Charles refused to recognise the jurisdiction! of the court, he was not represented by coun- sel . Hale defended James, duke of Hamilton and earl of Cambridge, on his trial for high treason in February 1648-9, arguing elabo- rately but unsuccessfully that as a Scotsman the duke must be treated not as a traitor, but as a public enemy. The duke was convicted. According to Burnet he also defended the Earl of Holland, Lord Capel [see CAPEL, AKTHTJR, 1610 P-1649], but this does not appear from the < State Trials ' (WHITELOCKE, Mem. pp. 77, 258, 381 ; WOOD, Athence Oxon. ed. Bliss, iii. 128 ; COBBETT, State Trials, iv. 577, 702, 1195, 1211 ; BTJENET, Memoirs of the Dukes of Hamilton, p. 398). Though at heart a royalist, he did not scruple to take the engagement to be true and faithful to the Commonwealth required by the ordinance of 11 Oct. 1649 to be subscribed by all lawyers, and thus was able in 1651 to defend the pres- byterian clergyman, Christopher Love [q. v.], on his trial for plotting the restoration of the king. On 20 Jan. 1651-2 he was placed on the committee for law reform. On 23 Jan. 1654he was created a serjeant-at-law, and soon after- wards a justice of the common pleas (COBBETT, State Trials, v. 210 et seq. ; Parl Hist. iii. 1334; WOOD, Athence Oxon. ed. Bliss, iii. 280, 1091 ; WHITELOCKE, Mem. p. 520 ; Siuedish, Ambassy, ii. 133). Hale stood for his native county at the general election of 1654, and was returned at the head of the poll. Par- Hale Hale liament met in September, and set about the great business of settling the nation. Hale spoke forcibly in favour of subordinating l the single person ' to the parliament. Cromwell silenced opposition by requiring members to subscribe a 'recognition to be true and faithful to the Lord Protector and Common- wealth of England.' The majority complied, and all dissentients, of whom Hale was pro- bably one, were excluded by a subsequent vote. According to Burnet, Hale was re- quired by the council of state to assist at the trial of Penruddock (April 1655), but re- fused. This, however, is unlikely, as Penrud- dock's trial took place at Exeter, and Hale belonged to the midland circuit. Burnet also intimates that his seat on the bench was by no means an easy one, his strict impar- tiality rendering him odious to Major-general Whalley, who commanded on his circuit, and also to the Protector. But this is inconsistent with extrinsic evidence. On 1 Nov. 1655 he was placed by the council of state on the committee of trade ; and on 31 March 1655-6 Whalley writes to Cromwell from Warwick requesting the Protector to give more than ordinary thanks to Hale for his behaviour on the bench ; and on 9 April tells Thurloe that no judge had a greater hold upon the l affec- tions of honest men.' Hale continued to act as justice of the com- mon pleas until the Protector's death, and was offered a renewal of his patent by Richard Cromwell, but refused it, probably because he foresaw that Richard's tenure of power would be of short duration. On 27 Jan. 1658-9 he was returned to parliament for the university of Oxford. He took an active part in the restoration of Charles II, but moved that a treaty should be made with him, and to that end a committee was appointed to search for precedents in the various negotiations had with the late king at the treaty of Newport and on other occasions. The motion was de- feated by Monck. In the Convention parlia- ment, which met in April 1660, he sat for Gloucestershire. He was chosen one of the managers of the conference with the lords on the settlement of the nation, and was placed on a committee for purging the statute book of all pretended acts inconsistent with go- vernment by king, lords, and commons, and confirming other proceedings which were equitable, although technically void. He was also a member of the grand committee for religion, and advocated the old ecclesiastical polity against presbyterianism. He supported the bill of indemnity, but opposed the inclu- sion of the regicides. On 22 June he was called to the degree of serjeant-at-law, and in that capacity was included in the commis- sion for the trial of the regicides. On 7 Nov. he was appointed lord chief baron of the ex- chequer, and afterwards knighted, somewhat against his will, it is said. One of his last acts in the House of Commons was to intro- duce a bill for the comprehension of presby- terians. It was thrown out on the second reading on 28 Nov. 1660 (Bunion, Diary, i. xxxii, iii. 142 ; WHITELOCKE, Mem. p. 605 ; Cat. State Papers, 1655 p. 175, 1655-6 p. 1, 1656-7 p. 81, 1660-1 p. 354; Thurloe State Papers, iv. 663, 686, v. 296 ; BURNET, Own Time, fol. p. 80, 8vo i. 322 n. ; Parl. Hist. iv. 4, 25, 79, 101, 152-4 ; Comm. Journ. viii. 194 ; SiDERFitf, Rep. i. 3, 4). At the Bury St. Edmunds assizes on 10 March 1661-2 two old women, Rose Cul- lender and Amy Drury, widows, were indicted before him of witchcraft. They had, it was al- leged, caused certain children to be taken with faintingfits, to vomit nails and pins, and to see mysterious mice, ducks, and flies invisible to others. A toad ran out of their bed, and on being thrown into the fire had exploded with a noise like the crack of a pistol. Sir Thomas Browne gave evidence in favour of the prose- cution. Serjeant Kelynge thought the evi- dence insufficient. Hale, in directing the jury, abstained from commenting on the evidence, but ' made no doubt at all' of the existence of witches, as proved by the Scriptures, general consent, and acts of parliament. The pri- soners were convicted and executed (CoB- BETT, State Trials, vi. 687-702). After the fire of London a special court was constituted by act of parliament (1666), con- sisting of * the justices of the courts of king's bench and common pleas and the barons of the coif of the exchequer, or any three of them/ to adjudicate on all questions arising between the owners and tenants of property in the city destroyed by the fire. The commission sat at Clifford's Inn, and disposed of a vast amount of business. Its last sitting was held on 29 Sept. 1672. Besides his part in the strictly judicial business of this tribunal, Hale is said to have advised the corporation on various matters relating to the rebuilding of the city. His portrait, with those of his colleagues, was painted by order of the cor- poration and hung in the Guildhall. Hale showed a certain tenderness towards the dis- senters in his administration of the Con- venticle Acts, the severity of which he did his best to mitigate, and also in another at- tempt which he made in 1668, in concert with Sir Orlando Bridgeman, to bring about the comprehension of the more moderate. On 18 May 1671 he was created chief justice of the king's bench, where he presided for between four and five years with great dis- c2 Hale 20 Hale "tinction. In 1675 he began to be troubled with asthma, and his strength gradually fail- ing, he tendered the king his resignation, which was not at once accepted. On 20 Feb. 1675-6 he surrendered his office to the king in person. Charles took leave of him with many expressions of his regard, and promised to consult him on occasion, and to continue his pension during his life. He died on the following Christmas day, and was buried in Alderley churchyard, having left express in- structions that he should not be buried in the church — that being a place for the living, not the dead. His tomb was a very simple one ; but his real monument was a clock of curious workmanship, which he had presented to the 'Church on his sixty-fourth birthday (1 Nov. 1673), in which, on the occasion of an ex- amination of the works in 1833, a paper was found with the following words : ' This is the gift of the right honourable Chief-justice Hale to the parish church of Alderley. John Mason, Bristol, fecit, 1 Nov. 1673.' Besides his pa- ternal estate at Alderley, which has remained in the possession of his posterity to the present day, Hale bought in 1667 a small house at Acton near the church with a ' fruitful field, grove, and garden, surrounded .by a remark- ably high, deeply founded, and long extended wall,' said to have been the same which had belonged to Skippon, and which was then 'tenanted by Baxter, to whom, while residing there, Hale extended his friendship and coun- tenance. Baxter thus describes him : ' He was a man of no quick utterance, but often hesitant; but spoke with great reason. He was most precisely just ; insomuch as I believe he would have lost all that he had in the world rather than do an unjust act : patient in hearing the tediousest speech which any man had to make for himself. The pillar of justice, the refuge of the subject who feared oppression, and one of the greatest honours of his majesty's govern- ment.' Hale was also on terms of intimacy with Wilkins, bishop of Chester, with whom "he was associated in his efforts to secure the comprehension of the dissenters, with Barrow, master of Trinity College, Tillotson, Stillingfleet, Ussher, and other eminent di- Tines. His friendship with Selden ceased only at the death of Selden, who made him •one of his executors. Though for his station a poor man, he dispensed much in charity, particularly to the royalists during the war and interregnum, and afterwards to the non- conformists, his principle being to help those -who were in greatest need, without distinction of party or religious belief. As a lawyer he was -distinguished not less by his strict integrity •and delicate sense of honour than by his im- mense industry, knowledge, and sagacity, dis- daining while at the bar the common tricks of the advocate, refusing to argue cases which he thought bad, using rhetoric sparingly, and only in support of what he deemed solid ar- gument. On one occasion, while he was lord chief baron, a duke is said to have called at his chambers to explain to him a case then pending. Hale dismissed him unheard with a sharp reprimand. He also discountenanced the custom of receiving presents from suitors, either returning them or insisting on the donor taking payment before his case was proceeded with. Koger North imputes to him a bias against the court, but admits that ' he became the cushion exceeding well ; his manner of hearing patient, his directions pertinent, and his discourses copious and, though he hesitated often, fluent/ He adds that 'his stop for a word by the produce always paid for the delay, and on some occa- sions he would utter sentences heroic,' and that ' he was allowed on all hands to be the most profound lawyer of his time ' (Life of Lord-keeper Guilford, ed. 1742, pp. 61-4). Elsewhere North compares the court of king's bench during Hale's chief justiceship to ' an academy of sciences,' so severe and refined was Hale's method of arguing with the counsel and giving judgment (On the Study of the Laws, p. 33). His authority coming at last to be regarded as all but infallible, it would by no means be surprising if he became, as North alleges, exceedingly vain and intole- rant of opposition; but of this, beyond North's word, we have no evidence. Hale remained throughout life attached to his early puritanism. He was a regular attendant at church, morning and evening, on Sunday, and also gave up a portion of the day to prayer and meditation, besides expounding the sermon to his children. He was an ex- treme anti-ritualist, having apparently no ear for music, and o ejecting even to singing, and in particular to the practice of intoning. Though strictly orthodox in essentials, he was impatient of the subtleties of theology (BAXTEK, Notes on the Life and Death of Sir Matthew Hale}. With Baxter he was wont to discuss questions of philosophy, such as the nature of spirit and the rational basis of the belief in the immortality of the soul. He carried puritan plainness in dress to such a point as to move even Baxter to remonstrate with him. Hale married first Anne, daughter of Henry Moore of Fawley in Berkshire (created bart. in 1627), son of Sir Francis Moore, [q. v.], knight, serjeant-at-law, by whom he had issue ten children, all of whom, except the eldest daughter and youngest son, died in his lifetime. His fourth and youngest son married Hale 21 Hale Mary, daughter of Edmund Goodyere of Hey- thorp, Oxfordshire. His first wife was dead in 1664. He married for his second wife Anne, daughter of Joseph Bishop, also of Fawley in Berkshire. She was of comparatively humble origin, ' but the good man,' says Baxter, ' more regarded his own daily comfort than men's thoughts and talk.' By her he had no chil- dren. His posterity died out in the male line in 1782 (Sxow, Survey of London, ed. 1754, i. 285-6 ; HERBERT, Antiq. of the Inns of Court, p. 275 ; Cal. State Papers,~Dom. 1664-5, p. 20 ; BTJRNET, Own Time, fol. i. 259, 554; Notes and Queries, 1st ser. ix. 269-70 ; Hist. MSS. Comm. 6th Rep. App. 726 a, 7th Rep. App. 468 b; NICHOLS, Lit. Anecd. ix. 505 ; LYSONS, Env. ii. 15 ; MARSHALL, Genealogist, v. 288 ; BAXTER, Life, fol. iii. 47). Hale's j udgments are reported by Sir Tho- mas Raymond, pp. 209-39 ; Levinz, pt. ii. pp. 1-116; Ventris, i. 399-429; and Keble,ii. 751 usque ad fin., iii. 1-622. An opinion of his, together with those of Wild and Maynard, on the mode of electing the mayor, alder- men, and common councilmen of the city of London, was printed in ' London Liberty ; or a Learned Argument of Law and Reason,' London, . 1650. Other of his opinions were published together with { The Excellency and Praeheminence of the Laws of England ' (by Thomas Williams, speaker of the House of Commons in 1562), London, 1680, 8vo. Two of his judgments in the court of ex- chequer, reported by Ventris (loc. cit.), also appeared in separate form as ' Two Arguments in the Exchequer, by Sir Matthew Hale, Lord Chief Baron,' London, 1696. In 1668 Hale edited anonymously Rolle's ' Abridgment,' with a preface, giving a brief account of the author, whose intimate friend he had been. His earliest original works were : 1. ' An Essay touching the Gravitation or Non- Gravitation of Fluid Bodies, and the Reasons thereof,' London, 1673 ; 2nd edit. 1675, 8vo. 2. * Difficiles Nugae ; or Observations touchy ing the Torricellian Experiment, and th6 various Solutions of the same, especially touching the Weight and Elasticity of the Air,' London, 1674, 8vo. Neither treatise possessed any scientific value. The latter is well described by a contemporary as ' a strange and futile attempt of one of the philosophers of the old cast to confirm Dame Nature's abhorrence of a vacuum, and to arraign the new doctrines of Mr. Boyle and others con- cerning the weight and spring of the air, the pressure of fluids on fluids, &c.' (Philoso- phical Transactions, abridged, ii. 134). These two tracts elicited from Dr. Henry More a volume of criticism worthy of them, en- titled l Remarks upon two late Ingenious Discourses,' London, 1676, to which Hale- rejoined with 'Observations touching the Principles of Natural Motions, and especially touching Rarefaction and Condensation,' which appeared posthumously, London, 1677, 8vo. Three other works by Hale also ap- peared anonymously shortly after his death. 1 . i The Life and Death of Pomponius Atticus, written by Cornelius Nepos, translated . . . with Observations . . . ,' London, 1677 (a very inaccurate translation). 2. ' Contempla- tions Moral and Divine ' (two volumes of edifi- catory discourses, the fruit of Hale's Sunday evening meditations, with seventeen effusions in the heroic couplet on Christmas. The work was in the press at Hale's death, and is stated in the preface to have been printed without the consent or privity of the author, by an ardent admirer into whose hands the manu- script had come by chance. It was reprinted with Burnet's 'Life of Hale' in 1700). 3. ' Pleas of the Crown ; or a Methodical Summary of the Principal Matters relating to that Subject,' London, 1678, 8vo. This brief and inaccurate digest of the criminal law went through seven editions, being con- siderably augmented by G. Jacob ; the last appeared in 1773, 8vo. Hale left many manuscript treatises, chiefly on law and religion, and voluminous anti- quarian collections, part of which he be- queathed to Lincoln's Inn and the remainder to his eldest grandson, conditionally on his adopting the law as a profession, and in default to his second grandson. He gave express direction that nothing of his own composition should be published except what he had destined for publication in his life- time, an injunction which has been by no means rigorously obeyed. The following is- Burnet's somewhat confused list of the manu- scripts other than those bequeathed to Lin- coln's Inn, which remained unpublished at his death : '1. Concerning the Secondary Origination of Mankind, fol. 2. Concern- ing Religion, 5 vols. in fol. viz. : (a) De Deo,. Vox Metaphysica, pars 1 et 2 ; (£) Pars 3.. Vox Naturae, Providentiee, Ethicae, Con- scientiae; (c) Liber Sextus, Septimus, Oc- tavus ; (d) Pars 9. Concerning the Holy Scrip- tures, their Evidence and Authority ; (e) Con- cerning the Truth of the Holy Scripture and the Evidences thereof.' Nos. 1 and 2 to- gether constitute a formal treatise in defence- of Christianity, to the writing of which Hale- devoted his vacant Sunday evening hours after the ' Contemplations ' were finished. The composition of the work was spread over seven years, but appears to have been com- pleted while he was still chief baron. The manuscript was submitted to Bishop Wilkins, Hale 22 Hale who showed it to Tillotson. Both advised condensation, for which Hale never found leisure. The first part was published after his death as ' The Primitive Origination of Mankind considered and examined accord- ing to the Light of Nature.' In this very curious treatise Hale in the first place attempts to show that the world must have had a beginning; next, with lawyer-like caution, that if by possibility this were not so, the human race at any rate cannot have existed from eternity ; then passes in review certain * opinions of the more learned part of mankind, philosophers and other writers, touching man's origination,' and finally de- fends the Mosaic account of the matter as most consonant with reason. The book was translated forFriedrich Wilhelm of Branden- burg, the great elector, by Dr. Schmettau in 1683. The other parts have never been pub- lished. A copy of the treatise on the ' Secon- dary Origination of Mankind/ made for Sir Robert Southwell in 1691, exists in Addit. MS. 9001. ' 3. Of Policy in Matters of Reli- gion, fol. 4. De Anima to Mr. B. fol. 5. De Anima, transactions between him and Mr. B. (probably Baxter) fol. 6. Tentamina de ortu, natura, et immortalitate Animse, fol. 7. Magnetismus Magneticus, fol. 8. Magne- tismus Physicus, fol. 9. Magnetismus Di- vinus ' (an edificatory discourse published as ' Magnetismus Magnus ; or Metaphysical and Divine Contemplations on the Magnet or Loadstone/ London, 1695, 8vo). ' 10. De Generatione Animalium et Vegetabilium,fol. Lat. 11. Of the Law of Nature, fol.' (Har- grave MS. 485 : a copy of this treatise, made from the original for Sir Robert South- well in 1693, is in Addit. MS. 18235, and another transcript in Harl. MS. 7159). '12. A Letter of Advice to his grandchildren, 4to : ' a transcript of this manuscript exists in Harl. MS. 4009 ; it was first printed in 1816. '13. Placita Coronee, 7 vols. fol : ' the following minute in the journals of the House of Com- mons relates to this manuscript, of which only a transcript (Hargrave MSS. 258-264) appears to be now extant : ' Ordered, that the exe- cutors 01 Sir Matthew Hale, late Lord Chief Justice of the Court of King's Bench, be de- sired to print his MSS. relating to the Crown Law, and that a Committee be appointed to take care in the printing thereof.' The editio princeps, however, is that by Sollom Emlyn, published as ' Historia Placitorum Coronas ; The History of the Pleas of the Crown, by Sir Matthew Hale, Knight, sometime Lord Chief Justice of the King's Bench/ London, 1736, 2 vols. fol. A new edition by Dogherty appeared in 1800, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. ' 14. Pre- paratory Notes touching the Rights of the Crown, fol.' Cap. viii. of this manuscript, dealing with the royal prerogative in ec- clesiastical matters, was printed for private circulation by leave of the benchers of Lin- coln's Inn in 1884. The treatise itself is, with occasional breaks, consecutive and com- plete. ' 15. Incepta de Juribus Coronae, fol.' (a mere collection of materials) . 1 1 6 . De Prse- rogativa Regis, fol.' (a fragment, of which Hargrave MS. 94 is a transcript) : tran- scripts of 14, 15, and 16, made partly by and partly under the direction of Hargrave, are in Lincoln's Inn Library. A work entitled ' Jura Coronae : His Majesty's Prerogative asserted against Papal Usurpations and all other Antimonarchical Attempts and Practices, collected out of the Body of the Municipal Laws of England/ appeared in 1680, 8vo, and is probably a garbled version of or compilation from one or other or all of these treatises. '17. Preparatory Notes touch- ing Parliamentary Proceedings, 2 vols. 4to.' (Hargrave MS. 95). ' 18. Of the Jurisdic- tion of the House of Lords, 4to ' (among the Hargrave MSS. in British Museum Library, together with a transcript by Hargrave, by whom it was printed for the first time in 1796 under the title 'The Jurisdiction of the Lords' House in Parliament considered ac- cording to Ancient Records '). ' 19. Of the Jurisdiction of the Admiralty' (Hargrave MSS. 93, 137). < 20. Touching Ports and Cus- toms, fol. 21. Of the Right of the Sea and the Arms thereof and Customs, fol : ' tran- scripts of this manuscript, entitled ' De Jure Maris,' are in Hargrave MS. 97, and Addit. MS. 30228. No. 19, with the transcripts of 20 and 21, now in the Hargrave collection, came in the last century into the possession of George Hardinge [q.v.], solicitor-general to the queen of George III, who gave them to Francis Hargrave, by whom the transcripts were published in 1787 in a volume entitled ' A Collection of Tracts relative to the Law of England, from MSS. now first edited.? There they appear as ' A Treatise in three parts : Pars Prima, "De Jure Maris et Bra- chiorum ejusdem ; " Pars Secunda, " De Porti- bus Maris ; " Pars Tertia, " Concerning the Customs of Goods imported and exported." ' It has since been reprinted in ' A History of the Foreshore/ by Stuart A. Moore, 1888, where also will be found the original draft of the same treatise, printed for the first time from Hargrave MS. 98. The treatise was ascribed by Hargrave unhesitatingly to Hale. Its authenticity has been questioned, but on unsubstantial grounds. The titles correspond with those given by Burnet, and the style is that of Hale. For a discussion of the ques- tion see Hall ' On the Rights of the Crown in Hale Hale the Sea Shore,' ed. Loveland, 5 n., and Jer- wood's 'Dissertation on the Eights to the Sea Shores/ pp. 32 et seq. '22. Concern- ing the Advancement of Trade, 4to. 23. Of Sheriffs' Accounts, fol.' (published in 1683 as ' A Short Treatise touching Sheriffs' Ac- compts/ together with a report of the trial of the witches at Bury St. Edmunds, said to have been written by Hale's marshal, 8vo, reprinted with the l Discourse touching Pro- vision for the Poor/ mentioned infra, in 1716). *24. Copies of Evidences, fol. 25. Mr. Selden's Discourses, 8vo. 26. Excerpta ex Schedis Seldenianis. 27. Journal of the 18 and 22 Jacobi Regis, 4to. 28. Great Commonplace Book of Reports or Cases in the Law, in Law French, fol.' Manuscripts described by Burnet as ' in bundles ' are : 1. f On Quod tibi fieri, &c., Matt. vii. 12 ; ' perhaps art. No. (8) of Hale's * Works Moral and Religious/ 1805 (see below). 2. ' Touching Punishments in relation to the Socinian Controversy.' 3. 'Policies of the Church of Rome.' 4. ' Concerning the Laws of England : ' possibly identical with Hargrave MS. 494, fol. 299, * Schema Monu- mentorum Legum Anglise/ or with Harl. MS. 4990, f. 1, 'An Oration of Lord Hales in commendation of the Laws of England ; ' or may be the original from which the extracts contained in Lansd. MS. 632 were taken. 5. ' Of the Amendment of the Laws of Eng- land ' (Harl. MS. 711, ff. 372-418, and Addit. MS. 18234, published in 1787 as ' Considera- tion touching the Amendment or Alteration of Lawes ' in ' A Collection of Tracts relative to the Law of England/ by Hargrave, who gives an account of the manuscript, which belonged to Somers, and afterwards to Sir Joseph Jekyll). 6. ' Touching Provision for the Poor ' (printed 1683, 12mo). 7. ' Upon Mr. Hobbs, his MS.' (appears to be identical with the 'Reflections on Hobbes' "Dialogue on Laws'" contained in Harl. MS. 711, f. 418 usque ad fin., of which Addit. MS. 18235 and Hargrave MS. 96 are transcripts). 8. ' Con- cerning the Time of the Abolition of the Jewish Laws.' Burnet also mentions the following as 4 in quarto/ viz. : 1. ' Quod sit Deus.' 2. ' Of the State and Condition of the Soul and Body after Death.' 3. 'Notes concerning Matters of Law.' A full account of the Hale MSS. in Lin- coln's Inn Library is given in the catalogue (1838) by Joseph Hunter. The collection also contains three manuscript copies of the Bible in Latin which are supposed to have belonged to Hale, one of the fourteenth century and two of the fifteenth century. The following legal treatises by Hale are mentioned neither in the schedule to his will nor in the list of his other manuscripts given by Burnet: 1. Hargrave MS. 140, of which Harl. MS. 711, ff. 1-371, is a transcript, a manuscript in Hale's hand, entitled 'The History and Analysis of the Common Law of England.' Apparently the original was in the possession of Harley in 1711, and then lent by him to William Elstob, on condition that no transcript of it should be made (NICHOLS, Lit. Anecd. iv. 124). Two years later the work was printed as ' The History and Analysis of the Common Law of Eng- land, written by a learned hand/ London, 8vo ; reprinted as by Sir Matthew Hale in 1716, 8vo; 3rd edit. 1739, 8vo. Cap. xi. of this work had appeared in 1700 as a substan- tive treatise, ' DeSuccessionibusapud Anglos, or the Law of Hereditary Descents/ Lon- don, 8vo ; reprinted in 1735. The ' Analysis ' also appeared separately in 1739. A fourth edition of the entire work, with notes and a life of Hale by Serjeant Runnington, issued from the press in 1779, London, 8vo ; a fifth with many additions in 1794, 2 vols. 8vo, and a sixth in 1820, 2 vols. 8vo. 2. 'A Discourse concerning the Courts of King's Bench and Common Pleas ' (printed by Har- grave in the ' Collection of Tracts ' in 1787, from a manuscript derived from the same source as the tract on the ' Amendment or Alteration of Lawes '). Of doubtful authenticity are : 1. ' A Trea- tise showing how useful . . . the enrolling and registering of all Conveyances of Land may be to the inhabitants of this kingdom. By a person of great learning and judg- ment/ London, 1694, 4to ; reprinted with the draft, by Whitelocke and Lisle, of an act for establishing a county register ; reprinted as by Hale in 1710, again in 1756, and in 'Somers Tracts/ xi. 81-90. 2 'A Treatise of the Just Interest of the Kings of Eng- land in their free disposing power/ &c., London, 1703, 12mo (written 1657 as an argument against the proposed resumption of lands granted by the crown). 3. ' The Ori- ginal Institution, Power and Jurisdiction of Parliaments/ London, 1707, 8vo. This is un- doubtedly spurious. The first part is a mere compilation, chiefly from Coke's ' Institutes/ pt. iv. Of the second part Hargrave had a manuscript, which now seems to be lost, but by which Herbert purported to be the author of the work (see manuscript notes in Hargrave's copy in the British Museum). 4. 'The Power and Practice of the Court Leet of the City and Liberties of West- minster displayed/ 1743, 8vo. 5. ' A Treatise on the Management of the King's Revenue ' (printed with ' Observations on the Land Revenue of the Crown/ by the Hon. John St. Hale Hale John, 1787, 4to ; reprinted 1790, 1792, 8vo). For other manuscript treatises and miscel- laneous collections by Hale see the catalogue of the Hargrave MSS. in the British Museum, and the catalogue of the Hale MSS. in Lin- coln's Inn referred to above. Hale was a diligent student of Fitzher- bert, and reading habitually pen in hand, he covered the margin of his copy of the ' Novel Natura Brevium' with manuscript notes, which formed a complete commen- tary on the treatise, and were published as such in the 'New Natura Brevium, with Sir Matthew Hale's Commentary,' London, 1730, 4to ; reprinted 1794, 2vols. 8yo. Hale also made frequent annotations in his copy of ' Coke upon Littleton,' which he gave to one of his executors, Robert Gibbon, from whom it passed to his son, Phillips Gibbon (M.P. for Rye, d. 1762), a friend of Charles Yorke (lord chancellor 1770). Yorke copied the notes, and a transcript of his copy was made for Sir Thomas Parker (lord chief baron 1740-72), from which transcript they were printed by Hargrave and Butler in their edition of ' Coke upon Littleton' in 1787 (NiCHOLS,Ze£. Anecd. viii. 558 n. ; The First Part of the Institutes of the Laws of England, authore Ed. Coke, ed. Hargrave and Butler, vol. xxvi.) Baxter edited from the original manuscript ' The Judgment of the late Lord Chief Jus- tice, Sir Matthew Hale, of the Nature of True Religion, the Causes of its Corruption, and the Church's Calamity by Men's Addi- tions and Violences, with the desired Cure. In three several Discourses,' &c., London, 1684, 4to (re-edited by E. H. Barker in 1832, 8vo). The same year appeared a collection of various fugitive pieces by Hale entitled 1 Several Tracts, viz. : 1. A Discourse of Re- ligion on Three Heads : (a) The Ends and Uses of it, and the Errors of Men touching it ; (6) The Life of Religion and Superaddi- tions to it ; (c) The Superstructions upon it, and the Animosities about it. 2. A Trea- tise touching Provision for the Poor. 3. A Letter to his Children advising them how to behave themselves in their Speech. 4. A Letter from oneof his Sons after his Recovery from the Small-Pox.' Four years later- ap- peared ' A Discourse of the Knowledge of God and of Ourselves, (1) by the Light of Nature, (2) by the Sacred Scriptures. Writ- ten by Sir Matthew Hale' (with other tracts by Hale), London, 1688. A pious 'Medi- tation concerning the Mercy of God in pre- serving us from the Malice and Power of Evil Angels,' elicited from Hale by the trial of the supposed witches, was published by way of preface to ' A Collection of modern rela- tions of matter of fact concerning Witches and Witchcraft upon the Persons of the People/ London, 1693, 4to. At Berwick in 1762 appeared ' Sir Matthew Hale's Three Epistles to his Children, with Directions concerning their Religious Observation of the Lord's- Day, to which is prefixed An Account of ih& Author's Life,' 8vo; reprinted with a fourth letter and an edificatory tract as ' The Coun- sels of a Father, in Four Letters of Sir Mat- thew Hale to his Children, to which is added The Practical Life of a true Christian in the- Account of the Good Steward at the Great Audit,' London, 1816, 12mo. His ' Works Moral and Religious,' with Burnet's ' Life r and Baxter's ' Notes ' prefixed, were edited by the Rev. T. Thirlwall, London, 1805,. 2 vols. 8vo. This collective edition contains; (l)the 'Four Letters' to his children, (2) an ' Abstract of the Christian Religion/ (3) ' Con- siderations Seasonable at all times for Cleans- ing the Heart and Life,' (4) the ' Discourse- of Religion,' (5) ' A Discourse on Life and Immortality/ (6) ' On the Day of Pentecoslf / (7) ' Concerning the Works of God/ (8) ' Of Doing as we would be done unto/ (9) the translation of Nepos's 'Life of Atticus/" (10) the ' Contemplations Moral and Divine/ with the metrical effusions on Christmas day. A compilation from the New Testa- ment entitled 'The Harmony of the Four- Evangelists/ edited by John Coren in 1720,. is attributed to Hale on the strength of ' a. tradition in the family whence it came/ Portions of Hale's edificatory and apolo- getic writings have also been from time to- time edited for the Religious Tract Society,, and by individual religious propagandists^ whom it is not necessary to particularise- Besides the portrait in the Guildhall already referred to, there is one by an unknown painter in the National Portrait Gallery, to which it was presented by the Society of Serjeants-at- Law in 1877. [The principal authorities for Hale's bio- graphy are Burnet's Life and Death of Sir Mat- thew Hale, London, 1682, 8vo ; and the brief account given in Wood's Athense Oxon. ed. Bliss,, iii. 1090-6. Of more recent lives the most am- bitious is Memoirs of the Life, Character, and Writings of Sir Matthew Hale, knt., Lord Chief Justice of England, by John (afterwards Sir John)Bickerton Williams, LL.D.,F.S.A., London, 1835, a careful compilation marred by the author's- painful desire to edify. See also Campbell's Lives of the Chief Justices, and Foss's Lives of the Judges.] J. M. K. HALE, RICHARD, M.D. (1670-1728), physician, eldest son of Richard Hale of New Windsor, Berkshire, was born at Becken- ham, Kent, in 1670. He entered at Trinity College, Oxford, with his younger brother, Hale Hale Henry, in June 1689, and Mr. Sykes was his tutor. He graduated B. A. on 19 May 1693, M.A. on 4 Feb. 1695, M.B. on 11 Feb. 1697, and M.D. on 23 June 1701. He settled in London, and was elected a fellow of the Col- lege of Physicians on 9 April 1716. He was three times a censor, and delivered the Har- veian oration in 1724. It was published in 1735, and contains an account of the English mediaeval physicians, which makes it one of the most interesting of the orations. Its style is lively and the author shows considerable knowledge of the original sources of English history. He studied insanity and was famous for his extreme kindness to lunatics. He gave the College of Physicians 500/. for the improvement of their library, and his arms, vert, three pheons argent, are still to be seen upon many gf the books. In the college are two pprfraits of him, one being a copy by Richardson, made in 1733, of a painting done during his life. He died on 26 Sept. 1728. [Hunk's Coll. of Phys. ii. 48, iii. 396 ; MS. Admission Book of Trinity College, Oxford.] KM. HALE, WARREN STORMES (1791- 1872), lord mayor of London, descended from a family settled in Bennington, Hertfordshire, was born on 2 Feb. 1791. Left an orphan at an early age, he came to London in 1804 as apprentice to his brother, Ford Hale, a wax-chandler in Cannon Street. He subse- quently carried on a successful business in Cateaton Street, now Gresham Street, re- moving afterwards to Queen Street. His success was largely due to the fact that he was the first English manufacturer to utilise the valuable investigations made by MM. Chevreul and Lussac, the celebrated French chemists, in relation to animal and vegetable fatty acids. He was elected a member of the common council on St. Thomas's day, 1826, and was mainly instrumental in 1833 in in- ducing the corporation to apply the bequest of John Carpenter (1370 P-1441 ?) [q. v.], for the clothing and education of four poor boys, to the establishment of a large public day school. An act (4 & 5 Will. IV, c. 35) was obtained, under which the City of London School was erected in 1837, and "Hale was elected chair- man of the committee, an office which he re- tained till his death. He also took a prin- cipal part in promoting the foundation by the corporation of the Freemen's Orphan School for children of both sexes, which was opened at Brixton in 1854. In 1849 and again in 1861 he served as master of the Company of Tallow Chandlers, and his por- trait in full length is preserved in their hall in Dowgate Hill. He was appointed deputy of Coleman Street ward in 1850, and became* alderman of the same ward on 3 Oct. 1856. He served the office of sheriff in 1858-9, and that of lord mayor in 1864-5. During hi& mayoralty he continued the work of his two immediate predecessors in raising a fund for the relief of the Lancashire operatives who^ suffered from the cotton famine of 1862-5, and his arms appear in the memorial window at the east end of the Guildhall. To com- memorate his public services in the cause of education, particularly as originator of the- City of London School, and chairman of its- committee of management for more than thirty years, a fund was raised during his- mayoralty, as a result of which the Warren. Stormes Hale scholarship was established in connection with the school on 28 July 1865. He died on 23 Aug. 1872 at his house,. West Heath, Hampstead, and was buried on the 30th in Highgate cemetery. In 1812. he married a daughter of Alderman Richard Lea, and left a son, Josiah, and two unmarried, daughters. A bust by Bacon and a portrait by Allen are at the City of London School,, and a portrait by Dicksee is at the Freemen's Orphan School. [Times, 4 Oct. 1856 p. 10, 22 Oct. 1856 p. 7, 24 Aug. 1872 p. 9; City Press, 12 Nov. 1864, Suppl.. 24 Aug. 1872 p. 5, 31 Aug. 1872 p. 4, 12 Oct. 1872 p. 5; Price's Descriptive Account of Guildhall, 1886, p. 85 ; City of London School,. Prospectus of Scholarships, Medals, &c. 1867, p. 26, and App. p. 3.] C. W-H. HALE, WILLIAM HALE (1795-1870), divine, son of John Hale, a surgeon, of Lynn, Norfolk, was born on 12 Sept. 1795. His- father died about four years later. He be- came a ward of James Palmer, treasurer of Christ's Hospital, and from 1807 to 1811 went to Charterhouse School. On 9 June 1813 he matriculated at Oriel College, Ox- ford, and graduated B.A. in 1817, and M.A. in 1820, being placed in the second class ini classics and mathematics. He was ordained' deacon in December 1818, and served his first curacy under Dr. Gaskin at St. Benet, Grace- church Street. In 1821 he was appointed as- sistant curate to Dr. Blomfield at the church of St. Botolph, Bishopsgate, and when Blom- field accepted in 1824 the bishopric of Chester Hale became domestic chaplain, a position which he retained on the bishop's translation to London in 1828. Hale was preacher at the Charterhouse from 1823 until his appointment to the mastership in February 1842. He was prebendary of St. Paul's Cathedral from 1829 to 1840, and was archdeacon of St. Albans from 17 June 1839 till his appointment to the archdeaconry of Middlesex in August 1840. Hale Hales The latter preferment he vacated in 1842, being installed, 12 Nov., in the more lucrative archdeaconry of London. In 1842 he became master of the Charterhouse, and from 1847 to 1857 he retained the rich vicarage of St. Giles, Cripplegate. Hale was a staunch tory, and a determined opponent of reform. He hotly resisted the passage of the Union of Benefices Bill, under which some of the ancient city churches were pulled down, and the proceeds of the sales of the sites applied to the erec- tion of churches in more populous districts, and he strenuously resisted the proposed abo- lition of burials within towns. Bishop Blom- field used to say that 'he had two arch- deacons with different tastes, one (Sinclair) addicted to composition, the other (Hale) to decomposition.' Hale died at the master's lodge, Charterhouse, on 27 Nov. 1870, and was buried in St. Paul's Cathedral on 3 Dec. He married at Croydon, 13 Feb. 1821, Ann •Caroline, only daughter of William Coles, and had issue five sons and three daughters. His wife died 18 Jan. 1866 at the Charter- house, and was buried in St. Paul's Cathedral. Hale's antiquarian learning was generally recognised. For the Camden Society he edited: 1. 'The Domesday of St. Paul's of the year 1222 . . . and other Original Docu- ments relating to its Manors and Churches,' 1858. 2. 'Registrum prioratus beatae Ma- riae Wigorniensis,' 1865. 3. ' Account of the Executors of Richard, bishop of London, 1303, and of the Executors of Thomas, bishop of Exeter, 1310,' 1874 (in conjunction with the Rev. H. T. Ellacombe), the introduction to which Hale finished just before his death. His zeal in arranging the records and docu- ments at St. Paul's is acknowledged in Hist. MSS. Comm. 9th Rep. p. 1. < Some Account of the Early History and Foundation of the Hospital of King James, founded at the sole •costs and charges of Thomas Sutton,' anony- mous and privately printed, 1854, was by Mm, and he also wrote ' Some Account of the Hospital of King Edward VI, called •Christ's Hospital,' which went through two •editions in 1855. He edited and arranged the ' Epistles of Joseph Hall, D.D., Bishop of Norwich/ 1840, and the volume of l Insti- tutiones piae originally published by II. I.? and •afterwards ascribed to Bishop Andrewes/ 1839. Together with Bishop Lonsdale he published in 1849 the ' Four Gospels, with Annotations.' His translation of the ' Pon- tifical Law on the Subject of the Utensils and Repairs of Churches as set forth by Fa- bius Alberti ' was privately printed in 1838. For E. Smedley's ' Encyclopaedia Metropoli- tana,' 1850, 3rd division, vol. vii., he wrote 4 The History of the Jews from the time of Alexander the Great to the Destruction of Jerusalem by Titus,' with other articles. Hale also published sermons of all kinds, be- sides charges and addresses on church rates, the offertory, intramural burial, the pro- ceedings of the Liberation Society, and many other topics. [Foster's Alumni Oxon. ii. 585 ; Le Neve's Fasti (Hardy); Times, 28 Nov. 1870; Guardian, 30 Nov-. 1870, pp. 1389, 1394, 1400, 7 Dec. p. 1427; Halkett and Laing's Anon. Lit. iv. 2417; Stoughton's Eeligion, 1800-50, ii. 239.1 W. P. C. HALES, ALEXANDER OF (d. 1245), philosopher. [See ALEXANDEE.] HALES, SIB CHRISTOPHER (d. 1541), master of the rolls, son of Thomas Hales, eldest son of Henry Hales of Hales Place, near Ten- terden, Kent, by Elizabeth, daughter of John Caunton, alderman of London, was a member of Gray's Inn, where he became an ancient in 1516 and was autumn reader in 1524. In an undated letter conjecturally assigned to 1520, Prior Gold well of Christ Church, Canterbury, wrote to the lord chancellor begging that 1 Master Xpher Hales ' might be appointed to adjudicate upon a case in which he was inte- rested; in 1520-1 Hales was counsel for the corporation of Canterbury, and in 1523 he was returned to parliament for that city. On 14 Aug. 1525 he was appointed solicitor- general, and he is mentioned as one of the counsel to the Princess Mary in the same year. He was also one of the commissioners of sewers for the Thames between Green- wich and Gravesend, and in 1525 was placed with Lord Sandes, Sir William Fitzwilliam, and others, on a commission to frame ordi- nances for the better administration of the county of Guisnes. The commissioners met at Guisnes and promulgated on 20 Aug. 1528 ' A Book of Ordinances and Decrees for the County of Guisnes,' relating chiefly to the tenure of land, which will be found in Cotton. MS. Faustina E. vii. ff. 40 et seq. They also furnished Henry VIII with a re- port on the state of the fortifications of Calais. Hales was appointed attorney-general on 3 June 1529, and on 30 Oct. following pre- ferred an indictment against Cardinal Wolsey for having procured bulls from Clement VII to make himself legate, contrary to the statute of prsemunire (16 Ric. II), and for other offences. He was on the commission of gaol delivery for Canterbury Castle in June 1530; was one of the commissioners appointed on 14 July following to make inquisition into the estates held by Cardinal Wolsey in Kent ; and was placed on the commission of the j peace for Essex on 11 Dec. of the same year. Hales Hales In 1532 he was one of the justices of assize for the home circuit ; in 1533 he was actively engaged in investigating the case of the holy nun Elizabeth Barton [q. v.], and in 1535 he conducted the proceedings against Sir Thomas More, Bishop Fisher, and Anne Boleyn. He is mentioned as one of the commissioners of sewers for Kent in 1536, in which year he succeeded Cromwell (10 July) as master of the rolls. In 1537-8 the corporation of Canterbury presented him with a gallon of sack. This is doubtfully said to be the first recorded appear- ance of this wine in England. He was one of those appointed to receive the Lady Anne of Cleves on her arrival at Dover (29 Dec. 1539). In 1540 he was associated with Cran- mer, Lord-chancellor Rich, and other commis- sioners in the work of remodelling the foun- dation of Canterbury Cathedral, ousting the monks and supplying their place with secu- lar clergy. He profited largely by the dis- solution of the monasteries, obtaining many grants of land which had belonged to them in Kent. He died a bachelor in June 1541, and was buried at Hackington or St. Stephen's, near Canterbury. Sir James Hales [q. v-] was his cousin. [Hasted's Kent, ii. 576, iii. 94; Berry's County Genealogies (Kent), 210; Burke's Extinct Ba- ronetage, Hales of Woodchurch ; Dugdale's Orig. p. 292; Chron. Ser. pp. 81, 83; Douthwaite's Gray's Inn, p. 48; Christ Church Letters (Camd. Soc.), p. 79 ; Hist. MSS. Comm. 9th Kep. App. 151 a, 152 a, 153 a, 175; Letters and Papers, For. and Dom. Henry VIII, vol. iv. pt. i. pp. 681, 707, pt. ii. pp. 1231, 2177, 2228, pt. iii. pp. 2272, 2314, 2686, 2918, 2931, 3076, vi. 29, 86 ; Wrio- thesley's Chron. (Camd. Soc.), ii. 49; Cobbett's State Trials, i. 370, 389; Chron. of Calais (Camd. Soc.), p. 174; Narratives of the Eeformation (Camd. Soc.), p. 273; Weever's Ancient Funerall Monuments, p. 260 ; Foss's Lives of the Judges.] J. M. K. HALES, SIK EDWARD, titular EAEL OF TENTERDEN (d. 1695), was only son of Sir Ed- ward Hales, bart., of Tunstall, Kent, a zealous royalist, by his wife Anne, the youngest of the four daughters and coheirs of Thomas, lord Weston. He was a descendant of John Hales (d. 1539), baron of the exchequer [see under HALES, SIK JAMES]. On the death of his father in France, soon after the Restoration, he succeeded to the baronetcy, and in the reign of Charles II he purchased the mansion and estate of St. Stephen's, near Canterbury, where his descendants afterwards resided. He was educated at Oxford, and Obadiah Walker, of University College, his tutor, in- clined him to Roman Catholicism; but he did not declare himself a catholic until the accession of James II (DODD, Church Hist. iii. 451). He was formally reconciled to the catholic church on 11 Nov. 1685. On 28 Nov. 1673 Hales had been ad- mitted to the rank of colonel of a foot regi- ment at Hackington, Kent, but, contrary to the statute 25 Charles II, he had not re- ceived the sacrament within three months, according to the rites of the established church, nor had he taken the oaths of alle- giance and supremacy. James now gave him a dispensation from these obligations by letters patent under the great seal ; and in order to determine the legality of the exercise of his dispensing power in such cases, a test action was arranged. Arthur Godden, Sir Edward's coachman, was instructed to bring a qui tarn action against his master for the penalty of 500Z., due to the informer under the act of Charles II. Hales was indicted and con- victed at the assizes held at Rochester 28 March 1686. The defendant pleaded the king's dispensation. On appeal the question was argued at great length in the court of king's bench before Sir Edward Herbert, lord chief justice of England. On21 June Herbert, after consulting his colleagues on the bench, delivered judgment in favour of Hales, and as- serted the dispensing power to be part of the king's prerogative (see arts. JAMES II and HER- BERT, SIR EDWARD (1648 P-1698) ; HOWELL, State Trials, xi. 1165-1315). Hales was sworn of the privy council, and appointed one of the lords of the admiralty, deputy-warden of the Cinque ports, and lieutenant of Dover Castle, and in June 1687 lieutenant of the Tower and master of the ordnance. Luttrell mentions, in June 1688, a rumour that he was about to have a chapel in the Tower { for the popish service ' (Hist . Relation of State Affairs, i. 445). When the seven bishops were discharged from his custody he demanded fees of them ; but they refused, on the ground that their detention and Hales's commission were both illegal. The lieutenant hinted that if they came into his hands again they should feel his power (MACATJLAY, Hist, of England, ch. yiii.) Hales was dismissed from his post at the Tower in November 1688. James II, with Hales as one of his three companions, and disguised as Hales's servant, left Whitehall on 11 Dec., in the hope of escaping to France. The vessel which conveyed them was dis- covered the next day as it lay in the river off Faversham, and the king and his three attendants were conducted on shore. Hales was recognised, and kept prisoner at the courthouse at Faversham. Immediately after the king's departure for London he was conveyed to Maidstone gaol, and afterwards to the Tower, where he remained for a year Hales Hales and a half. On 26 Oct. 1689 he was brought up to the bar of the House of Commons, and ordered to be charged with high treason in being reconciled to the church of Rome ( Commons' Journals, x. 274, 275, . On 31 Jan. 1689-90 he and Obadiah Walker were brought by habeas corpus from the Tower to the bar of the king's bench, and were bailed on good security ; but both were excepted out of the act of pardon dated 23 May following. Eventually Hales obtained his discharge on 2 June 1690 (LUTTKELL, ii. 50). Hales proceeded (October) to St. Ger- mains, where he was much respected but little employed by James II; 'for,' says Dodd, l by what I can gather from a kind of journal of his life (which I have perused in his own handwriting), he rather attended his old master as a friend than as a statesman.' James rewarded his past services by creating him Earl of Tenterden in Kent, Viscount Tunstall, and Baron Hales of Emley, by patent 3 May 1692. Hasted says that he had been informed on good authority that Hales's son and successor in the baronetcy, Sir John Hales, was offered a peerage by George I, but the matter dropped, because Sir John in- sisted on his right to his father's titles, and to precedence according to that creation (Hist, of Kent, ii. 577 rc.) Sir Edward, in 1694, ap- plied to the Earl of Shrewsbury for a license to return to England, but he died, without obtaining it, in 1695, and was buried in the church of St. Sulpice at Paris. He was scrupulously just in his dealings, regular in his habits, and remarkably charitable to those in distress. By the schedule to his will, dated July 1695, he bequeathed 5,000/., to be disposed of according to his instructions by Bishop Bonaventure Giffard [q. v.] and Dr. Thomas Witham. By his wife Frances, daughter of Sir Francis Windebank, kt., of Oxfordshire, he had five sons and seven daughters. Edward, his eldest son, was slain in the service of James II at the battle of the Boyne, and John, the second son (d. 1744), accordingly succeeded to the baronetcy, which became extinct on the death of the sixth baronet, Sir Edward Hales, without issue, on 15 March 1829. Hales left in manuscript a journal of his life, which Dodd used in his ' Church His- tory' (see iii. 421, 422, 451, &c.) [Addit. MSS. 15551 f. 82, 32520 f. 38; Burke's Extinct Baronetcies, p. 234 ; Burnet's Own Time, i. 660; Butler's Hist. Memoirs (1822), iii. 94; Campbell's Lord Chancellors, iii. 562, 576 ; Courthope's Synopsis of the Extinct Ba- ronetage, p. 92; Dodd's Church Hist. iii. 451; Echard's Hist, of England, 3rd edit., p. 1077; Foss's Biographia Juridica, pp. 343, 530, 640; Gillow's Bibl. Diet. ; Lingard's Hist, of England (1849), x. 208; Luttrell's Hist. Eelation of State Affairs, i. 380, 382, 406, 453, 487, 493, 594, 597, ii. 10, 14, iii. 520, iv. 426; Macaulay's Hist, of England ; Panzani's Memoirs, p. 346 ; Wood's Life (Bliss), pp. cv, cix, cxii ; Wood's Athense Oxon. (Bliss), iv. 441, 442, 553, 774.] T. C. HALES, SIE JAMES (d. 1554), judge, was eldest son of John Hales of the Dungeon,, near Canterbury, by Isabell, daughter of Stephen Harry. JOHN HALES (d. 1539) was, according to Hasted, uncle of Sir Christopher Hales [q. v.], but Wotton (Baronetage, i. 219) makes them first cousins. John was a member of Gray's Inn, and was reader in 1514 and 1520. He probably held some office in the exchequer, and was appointed third baron 1 Oct. 1522. He was promoted to be second baron 14 May 1528, and held that position on 1 Aug. 1539, but probably died soon after. James was a member of Gray's Innr where he was an ancient in 1528, autumn reader in 1533, double Lent reader in 1537,. and triple Lent reader in 1540. He was among those appointed to receive the Lady Anne of Cleves on her arrival at Dover (29 Dec. 1539). He was called to the degree of serjeant-at-law in Trinity term 1540, and on 4 Nov. 1544 wa& appointed king's serjeant. He was standing counsel to the corporation of Canterbury in 1541-2, and he was also counsel to Arch- bishop Cranmer, though from what date is- not clear. He was created a knight of the Bath at the coronation of Edward VI, 20 Feb. 1546-7. In April 1549 he was placed on. a commission for detecting and extirpating heresy, on 10 May following was appointed a judge of the common pleas, and in the- autumn of the same year sat on a mixed commission of ecclesiastics, judges, and civi- lians appointed to hear Bishop Bonner's ap- peal against his deprivation, and which con- firmed the sentence. He also sat on the commission appointed on 12 Dec. 1550 to try Bishop Gardiner for his intrigues and prac- tices against the reformation, and concurred in the sentence of deprivation passed against him on 14 Feb. 1550-1 ; and he was placed! on another commission specially directed against the anabaptists of Kent and Essex in January 1550-1. He was also a member of a commission of sixteen spiritual and as many temporal persons appointed on 6 Oct. 1551 to examine and reform the ecclesiastical laws ; and on the 26th of the same month he was appointed to hear causes in chancery during the illness of the lord chancellor, Kich. In January 1551-2 he was commissioned to assist the lord keeper, Thomas Goodrich, bishop of Ely, in the hearing of chancery Hales Hales matters. In 1553 Edward VI determined to -exclude both the Princess Elizabeth and the Princess Mary from the succession and settle the crown by an act of council on the Lady Jane Grey. Hales, as a member of the coun- cil, was required to affix his seal to the docu- ment, but steadily refused so to do on the ground that the succession could only be legally altered by act of parliament. On the accession of Mary (6 July 1553) he showed •equal regard for strict legality by charging the justices at the assizes in Kent that the laws of Edward VI and Henry VIII against noncon- formists remained in force and must not be relaxed in favour of Roman catholics. Never- theless the queen renewed his patent of justice of the common pleas ; but on his presenting himself (6 Oct.) in Westminster Hall to take the oath of office Gardiner, now lord chancel- lor, refused to administer it on the ground that he stood not well in her grace's favour by reason of his conduct at the Kent assizes, and he was shortly afterwards committed to the King's Bench prison, whence he was removed to the Compter in Bread Street, and afterwards to the Fleet. In prison he was visited by Dr. Day, bishop of Chichester ; his colleague on the bench, Portman [q. v.] ; and one Forster. He was at last so worried by their argu- ments that he attempted to commit suicide by opening his veins with his penknife. This intention was frustrated. He recovered and was released in April 1554, but went mad and drowned himself in a shallow stream on 4 Aug. following at Thanington, near Can- terbury. A case of Hales v. Petit, in which his widow, Lady Margaret, sued for trespass done to a leasehold estate which had be- longed to him, after his death but before his goods and chattels had been declared forfeit and regranted to the defendant as those of a felo de se, gave rise to much legal quibbling on the point whether the forfeiture took place as from the date of the suicide or only from the date of the grant. The following extract from Plowden's ' Report ' may confirm the conjecture that Shakespeare took a hint from this case : ' Sir James Hales was dead, and how came he to his death ? It may be an- swered by drowning ; and who drowned him ? — Sir James Hales ; and when did he drown him ? — in his lifetime. So that Sir James Hales being alive caused Sir James Hales to die ; and the act of a living man was the death of a dead man. And then after this offence it is reasonable to punish the living man who committed the offence and not the dead man.' The Lady Margaret referred to was the daughter of Thomas Hales of Henley-on- Thames. By her Hales had issue two sons, Humphrey and Edward, and a daughter, Mildred. [Hasted's Kent, ii. 576, iii. 584; Burke's Ex- tinct Baronetage, Hales of Woodchurch; Berry's County Genealogies (Kent), 210 ; Douthwaite's Gray's Inn, p. 49 ; Chron. of Calais (Caniden Soc.), pp. 173, 174; "Wynne's Serjeants-at-law; Dugdale's Orig. p. 292 ; Chron. Ser. pp. 87, 88 ; Narratives of the Eeformation (Camden Soc.), p. 265 ; Hist. MSS. Comm. 9th Rep. App. 1 53 b, 154 a, 155 a; Nicolas's Hist, of British Knight- hood, iii. xiii ; Rymer's Fcedera, ed. Sanderson, xv. 181, 250; Strype's Mem. (fol.), vol. ii. pt. i. pp. 23, 246, 281, 296, pt. ii. pp. 483-4, 487, vol. iii. pt. i. pp. 25, 279-80 ; Strype's Cranmer (fol.), pp. 223, 225, 270-1 ; Cobbett's State Trials, i. 630, 715 ; Burnet's Eeformation, vol. ii. pt. i. p. 458; Holinshed, 1808, iii. 1064,iv.8-9; Foxe's Acts and Monuments, ed. Townsend, vi. 710-15 ; Plowden's Rep. p. 255 ; Addit. MSS. 5480 f. 115, 5520 f. 119.] J. M. R. HALES or HAYLES, JOHN (d. 1571). miscellaneous writer, younger son of Thomas Hales of Hales Place in Halden, Kent, was not educated at any university, but contrived to teach himself Latin, Greek, French, and German. He was lamed by an accident in youth, and was often called ' club-foot ' Hales. He was clerk of the hanaper to Henry VIII, and afterwards to Edward VI. About 1543 he published l Highway to Nobility,' and trans- lated Plutarch's ' Precepts for the Preservation of Health ' (London, by R. Grafton, 1543). He profited by the dissolution of monasteries and chantries, but converted St. John's Hos- pital in Coventry, of which he received a grant in 1548, into a free school (DTJGDA.LE, Warwickshire, p. 179 ; TANNER, Notitia). By this act he seems to have made himself the first founder of a free school in the reign of Edward VI (DixoN, ii. 508). For the use of this foundation he wrote ' Introductiones ad Grammaticam,' part in Latin, part in English. At this time he was also honourably distin- guished by his opposition to the enclosure of lands. When Somerset issued his commissions for the redress of enclosures in 1548, Hales was one of the six commissioners named for the midland counties. The commission, and the charge with which, wherever they held session, he was wont to open it, have been pre- served (STETPE, Eccl. Mem. iii. 145 ; Cal. of State Papers, Dom. i. 9). By his zeal and honesty he incurred the resentment of Dud- ley, then earl of Warwick, and the inquiry was checked. In the parliament of the same year, 1548, Hales, who was M.P. for Preston, Lancashire, made another effort to assist the poor by in- troducing three bills : for rebuilding decayed houses, for maintaining tillage, against re- grating and forestalling of markets. They Hales Hales were all rejected (STRYPE, iii. 210). Later in the reign, in 1552, he seems to have taken a journey to Strasburg (Cranmcr's Lett. p. 434, Parker Soc.) On the accession of Mary he retired to Frankfort, and with his brother Christopher was prominently engaged in the religious contentions among tho English exiles in that city (STRYPB, iii. 404 ; Oriy. Lett. p. 764, Parker Soc.) He returned to England upon Mary's death, and greeted Elizabeth with a gratulatory oration, which is extant in manuscript (Harleian MSS. vol. ccccxix. No. 50). This was not spoken, but was delivered in writing to the queen by a nobleman. Hales was restored to his clerk- ship of the hanaper or hamper (STRYPE, An- nals, i. i. 74 ; Cal Dom. i. 125-6). But in 1560 he fell into disgrace by interfering in the curious case of the marriage between the Earl of Hertford, eldest son of the late pro- tector Somerset, and Katherine, one of the daughters of Grey, late duke of Suffolk, which Archbishop Parker, sitting in commission, had pronounced to be unlawful, the parties being unable to prove it. Hales put forth a pamphlet (now in Harl. MS. 550) to the effect that the marriage was made legitimate by the sole consent of the parties, and that the title to the crown of England belonged to the house of Suffolk if Elizabetli should die without issue. He was committed to the Tower, but was soon released by the influence of Cecil, yet in 1568 he was under bond not to quit his house without the royal license ( Cal. Dom. i. 306). The whole affair was very complicated, and endangered the reputation of Sir Nicholas Bacon [q. v.] and other per- sons of eminence. Hales died on 28 Dec. 1571, and was buried in the church of St. Peter-le-Poer in London. His estates, with his principal house in Co- ventry called Hales's Place, otherwise the White Fryers, passed to John, son of his brother Christopher. [Wood's Athense Oxon. (Bliss), i. 401-5 ; works cited.] K. W. D. HALES, JOHN (1584-1656), the < ever- memorable/ was born in St. James's parish, Bath, on 19 April 1584. His father, John Hales, of an old Somersetshire stock, had an estate at Highchurch, near Bath, and was steward to the Horner family. After passing through the Bath grammar school, Hales went to Oxford on 16 April 1597 as a scholar of Corpus Christi College, and graduated B.A. on 9 July 1603 (Oxf. Univ. Reg., Oxf. Hist. Soc., II. iii. 243). His remarkable learn- ing and philosophic acumen brought him under the notice of Sir Henry Savile, and secured his election as fellow of Merton in 1605. He took orders ; shone as a preacher, though he appears never to have had a strong- voice ; and graduated M. A. on 20 June 1609. At Merton he distinguished himself as lec- turer in Greek ; he is said by Clarendon to have been largely responsible for Savile's edition of Chrysostom (1610-13). In 1612 he became public lecturer on Greek to the university. Next year he delivered (29 March) a funeral oration on Sir Thomas Bodley [q. v.], which formed his first publication. Soon after (24 May) he was admitted fellow of Eton, of which Savile was provost. In 1616 Hales went to Holland as chap- lain to the ambassador, Sir Dudley Carleton [q. v.], who despatched him in 1618 to Dort, to watch the proceedings of the famous synod in which the 'five points' of Calvinism were formulated. He remained at Dort from 13 Nov. till the following February, when he left, and his duty was undertaken by Walter Balcanquhall, D.D. (1586 P-1645) [q. v.] His interesting and characteristic re- ports to Carleton are included in his f Golden Remains ; ' an additional letter (11-22 Dec. 1618) is given in Carleton's ' Letters ' (1757), and inserted in its proper place in the 1765 edition of Hales's ' Works.' In the letter prefixed by Anthony Farindon [q. v.] to the 'Golden Remains' (27 Sept. 1657), Farindon states, on what he alleges to be Hales's own authority, that Hales was led at the synod to 1 bid John Calvin good-night ' when Episco- pius, the well-known Arminian, pressed the verse St. John iii. 16 to support his own doctrine. According to Hales's own letter (19 Jan. 1619), Matthias Martinius of Bre- men, a halfway divine, employed this text. But if Farindon's account be right, Hales, as Tulloch remarks, ' did not say good-morning- to Arminius.' The main effect of the bynod on his mind was to free it from all sectarian prejudice. No incident made a stronger im- pression upon him than the debate on schism, which he reported on 1 Dec. 1618. Early in 1619 Hales retired to his fellow- ship at Eton. In Sir Henry Wotton, who succeeded Savile as provost in 1623, he found a kindred spirit. He lived much among his- books, visiting London only once a year, although he was possibly there more fre- quently during the period (1633-43) of Falk- land's connection with London [see CART,. Lucius, second VISCOUNT FALKLAND]. The traces of his connection with Falkland are slight ; but his ' company was much desired T in the brilliant circle of men of letters then gathered in London. Suckling, who in a poetical epistle bids him 'come to town/ gives us glimpses also in his ' Session of the Poets ' of his grave smile, his retiring manner, Hales Hales his faculty for ' putting or clearing of a doubt/ and his decisive judgment. Both Dryden and Howe tell a story of his being present when Ben Jonson descanted on Shakespeare's lack of learning. Hales sat silent, but at length said that if Shakespeare ' had not read the ancients he had likewise not stolen any- thing from them,' and undertook to find some- thing on any topic treated by them at least as well treated by Shakespeare. He had formed a remarkably fine collection of books, and his learning was always under his com- mand. Wood calls him i a walking library.' Clarendon speaks of him as having a better memory for books than any man except Falk- land, and equal to him. Heylyn, no very friendly judge, says he was ' as communica- tive of his knowledge as the celestial bodies of their light and influences.' He is said to have been backward in the utterance of some of his broader views, from a feeling of tender- ness for weak consciences ; but in his writings there is no reserve. The charge of Socinian- ism alleged against him is disproved by his brief paper on the doctrine of the Trinity (see, for a statement of difficulties regarding the atonement, his letter of December 1638, in Works, 1765, vol. i.) He had adopted liberal views of toleration, possibly with some as- sistance from Socinian writers (cf. Suck- ling's ' Leave Socinus and the Schoolmen '). Hence, on the appearance (in 1628 and 1633) of two anonymous irenical tracts belonging to that school, he was l in common speech ' accredited with their authorship, an error perpetuated by Wood. The great contribution made by Hales to irenical literature is the tract on l Schism and Schismaticks,' which appears to have been written about 1636. Hales describes it as l a letter/ and ' for the use of a private friend/ in all probability Chillingworth, who was then engaged on his ' Religion of Pro- testants' (1637). It was circulated in manu- script, and a copy fell into the hands of Laud. Hearing that the paper had given offence to the archbishop, Hales vindicated himself in a letter to Laud, which is a model of firm- ness and good humour. Neither Heylyn nor Clarendon mentions this letter. It appears that Hales had ' once already ' found Laud ' extraordinary liberal ' of his patience, and there is no doubt that Laud now sent for Hales, though the accounts of what passed at the interview are not very trustworthy. Des Maizeaux mentions the story that Hales as- sisted Laud in the second edition (1639) of his ' Conference ' with Fisher. Laud certainly made him one of his chaplains, and obtained for him a canonry at Windsor, into which he was installed on 27 June 1639 (royal patent dated 23 May). Clarendon says that Laud had difficulty in persuading him to accept this preferment; he would nevet take the cure of souls. His tract on ' Schism ' was not printed till 1642, when three editions appeared without his name, and apparently without his sanction. In the same year he was ejected from his stall by the parliamentary committee. Though he- was not immediately turned out of his fellow- ship at Eton (Walker is in error here), it seems- that in 1644 'both armies had sequestered the college rents.' Hales hid himself for nine weeks in a private lodging in Eton with ' the college writings and keys/ living on brown bread and beer at a cost of sixpence a week. On his refusal to take the ' engagement ' of 16 April 1649 he was formally dispossessed of his fellowship. Penwarden, who was put into his place, offered him half tne emolu- ment (501. a year, including the bursarship), but this he declined, refusing also a position in the Sedley family, of Kent, with a salary of 100/. a year. He preferred a retreat to- Richings Lodge, near Colnbrook, Bucking- hamshire, the residence of Mrs. Salter, sister to Brian Duppa, bishop of Salisbury, accept- ing a small salary as tutor to her son Wil- liam, who proved ' blockish/ according to Wood. Hales, in his will, calls his pupil his 'most deservedly beloved friend.' To this house Henry King, bishop of Chichester, also- retreated, with some members of his family, and ' made a sort of a college/ Hales acting* as chaplain and using the liturgy. On the issue of the order against harbouring malig- nants, he left Mrs. Salter against her wish, and lodged in Eton, ' next to the Christopher inn/ with Hannah Dickenson, widow of his- old servant. The greater part of his books (which had cost 2,500/.) he sold for 700/, to Christopher Bee, a London bookseller. Always a liberal giver, he parted by degrees with all his ready money in charity to de- prived clergy and scholars, till Farindon, who- visited him daily for some months before his death, found him with no more than a few shillings in hand. But his will shows that he had property to dispose of. Hales died at Eton on 19 May 1656. De- pression of spirits, caused by l the black and dismal aspect of the times/ probably injured his health; for though he had entered his seventy-third year his constitution was still robust, and he was free from ailment. To- Farindon he gave directions for his funeral, repeated in his will, that he should be buried in the churchyard, { as near as may be to the body of my little godson, Jack Dickenson the elder.' There was to be no sermon or bell-ringing or calling the people together, nor Hales Hales •any t commessation or compotation/ and the tfuneral was to be ' at the time of the next even- song after my departure.' His will is dated on the day of his death. A monument was placed to his memory by Peter Curwen, formerly one of his scholars at Eton. No por- trait of him is known ; but we have Aubrey's graphic description of him as he found him, in his last year, * reading Thomas a Kempis.' He was then ' a prettie little man, sanguine, of a cheerful countenance, very gentle and courteous/ to which Wood adds ' quick and nimble.' He did not dress in black, but in * violet-coloured cloth.' Aubrey says he had a moderate liking for ( canarie ; ' Wood that he fasted every week ' from Thursday dinner to Saturday.' His life was to have been written by Farindon ; but Farindon died be- fore the issue of the ' Golden Remains/ to which his sole contribution is a letter to Garthwait the publisher. It is said that Bishop Pearson was asked to take up Farin- •don'stask ; but he contented himself by pre- fixing to the ' Remains ' a few pages of dis- criminating eulogy. Farindon's materials passed to William Fulman [q. v.], who like- wise failed to write the memoir. Use has T)een made of Fulman's papers by Walker :and Chalmers. Andrew Marvel justly describes Hales as 4 one of the clearest heads and best prepared breasts in Christendom.' The richness of his learning impresses us even less than his felicity in using it. His humour enables him to treat disturbing questions with attractive lightness •of touch. His strength lies in an invincible core of common sense, always blended with good feeling, and issuing in a wise and thoughtful charity. Hales can hardly be said to have written anything for publication. Repeatedly urged to write, he was, says Pearson, ' obstinate against it.' His works are: 1. 'Oratio Fune- bris habita in Collegio Mertonensi . . . quo •die . . . Thomse Bodleio funus ducebatur/ &c., Oxford, 1613, 4to. 2. < A Sermon . . . •concerning the Abuses of the obscure places 2 Hales Hales Account of a Useful Discovery to Distill double the usual quantity of Sea-water, by Blowing Showers of Air up through the Distilling Liquor . . . and an Account of the Benefit of Ventilators . . . ' 8vo, London, 1756. [Masters's Hist, of Corpus Christ! College, 1753, and Lamb's edition, 1831 ; Annual Register, 1761, 1764; numerous passages in G-ent. Mag. and Annual Register; Lysons's Environs, 1795 ; W. Butler's Life of Hildesley, 1799; Teddington Parish Register and Teddington Parish Maga- zine ; Notes and Queries, passim. Two letters are preserved in the Library of the Royal So- ciety; one letter is published in W. Butler's Life of Hildesley. The author of this work speaks of an unfortunate loss of Hales's papers. Lysons, in his Environs of London, speaks of many papers of Hales being in his possession, but these do not seem to have been published.] F. D. HALES, THOMAS (jl. 1250), poet and religious writer, was a Franciscan friar, and presumably a native of Hales (or Hailes) in Gloucestershire. Quetif and Echard, finding manuscripts of some of his works in the li- braries of Dominican houses, without any fur- ther ascription than ' frater Thomas/ thought he might belong to that order, and other writers, as Bale and Pits, have given his date as 1340. But that he was a Franciscan is clear from the title of a poem ascribed to him in MS. Jesus Coll. Oxon., and from a prologue attached to a manuscript of his life of the Virgin, formerly in the library of the abbey of St. Victor. He is probably the 'frater Thomas de Hales ' whom Adam de Marisco mentions as a friend (Mon. Franciscana, i. 395, in Rolls Series). The date thus arrived at is corroborated by allusions in his love song to 'Henri our king,' i.e. Henry III (1. 82; cf. 1. 101), and by the dates of some of the manuscripts of his works which belong to the thirteenth century. Hales is said to have been a doctor of theology at the Sorbonne, and famous for his learning as well in France and Italy as in England ; but nothing further is known as to his life. The following works are ascribed to him : 1. ' Vita beatse Vir- ginis Marise,' manuscripts formerly in the libraries of the Dominicans of the Rue St. Honore (sec. xiii.) and of the abbey of St. Victor. 2. * Sermones Dominicales ; ' in MS. St. John's College, Oxon. 190 (sec. xiii.), there are some 'Sermones de Dominica proxima ante adventum,' which may be by Hales, for the same volume contains 3. ' Ser- mones secundum fratrem Thomam de Hales ' in French. 4. ' Disputationes Scholasticae.' 5. 'A Luve Ron' (love song) in MS. Jesus College, Oxon., 29 (sec. xiii.) ; this early English poem, composed in stanzas of eight lines, is 'a contemplative lyric of the simplest, noblest mould,' and was written at the re- quest of a nun on the merit of Christ as the true lover. It is printed in Morris's ' Old English Miscellany' (Early English Text Society). From the manuscript at St. Victor Hales seems to have also written 6. ' Lives- of SS. Francis and Helena ' (mother of Con- stantine the Great). Petrus de Alva con- fuses him with the more famous Alexander of Hales [see ALEXANDER, d. 1245]. [Bale, v. 49 ; Pits, p. 442 ; Quetif and Echard's Script. Ord. Prsed. i. 490; Waddingus, Script. Ord. Min. p. 324; Sbaralea, Suppl. in Script. Ord. S. Francisc. p. 676 ; Fabricius, Bibl. Lat. Med. JEv. vi. 235, ed. 1754 ; Histoire Litteraire de la France, xxi. 307-8; Fuller's Worthies, i. 215; Ten Brink's Early English Literature, translated! by H. M. Kennedy, pp. 208-1 1 ; Coxe's Cat. Cod. MSS. in Coll. Oxon.l C. L. K. HALES, THOMAS (1740 P-1780), known as D'HELE, D'HELL, or DELL, French drama- tist, born about 1740, belonged to a good English family (BACHATJMONT, Memoires Se- crets, xvii. 17), which was settled, according- to Grimm, who knew him well, in Gloucester- shire. Grimm states that Hales (or D'Hele, as he is always called in France) entered the English service in early youth, was sent to Jamaica, and, after having travelled over the continent, lived for some time in Switzerland and Italy (Correspondance Litteraire, Paris, 1880, xii. 496). GrStry, his one intimate friend, assures us that D'Hele was in the English navy, where he first gave way to the excess in drink which partly ruined him (Me- moires, ou essais sur la Musique, i. 326). Th& date of his withdrawal from the service i» fixed at 1763, while at Havannah (Suite dw Repertoire du Theatre Franqais, t. Ivi. p. 85). He went to Paris about 1770, and wasted his small fortune. It is not known how he attained the mastery of the French language which he so delicately displayed in his charm- ing conte, ' Le Roman de mon Oncle.' He gave this little literary masterpiece to Grimm for his' Correspondance Litteraire/ July 1777. Through Suard, whose salon was always open to Englishmen, he made the acquaintance of Gretry, to whom he was recommended ' comme un homme de beaucoup d'esprit, qui joignait a un gout tres-sain de I'originalitS dans les idees ' (Memoires, i. 298). Parisian society was divided into the partisans of Piccini and Gluck, and D'Hele ridiculed the fashionable musical quarrels in a three-act comedy, ' Le Jugement de Midas,' for which Gretry, after keeping it a long time, composed some charm- ing music (E. FETIS, Les Musiciens Beiges, ii. 145). The regular companies would not look at the piece, but, thanks to the support Hales 37 Hales of the Chevalier de Boufflers, Mme. de Mon- tesson undertook to bring it out at the private theatre of the Due d'Orleans on 27 June 1778. Her admirable acting and savoir-faire — she filled the theatre with the high society of the day, including bishops and archbishops — largely helped the success of the piece. A few days later it was represented at Versailles. The press was loud in its praise (11 Esprit des Journaux, August 1778), and the 'Journal de Paris' (29 June) printed some complimentary verses addressed to the authors. Grimm .•assured his correspondents : ' Nous n'avons pu mous empecher d'etre fort etonnes a Paris qu'un etranger eut si bien saisi et les con- venances de notre theatre et le genie de notre langue, meme dans un genre d'ouvrage ou les nuances de style echappent plus ais^ment peut-etre que dans aucun autre' (Correspon- dance Littcraire, xii. 118). D'Hele may have borrowed something from ' Midas,' an Eng- lish burletta by Kane O'Hara (BAKER, Bioy. Dramatica, iii. 41), but the wit, light raillery , and ingenuity of ' Le Jugement de Midas ' are all his own. For his verse he was obliged to solicit the help of Anseaume, of the Italian troupe (Memoires de Gretry, i. 299) ; a like service was rendered him in his next comedy by Levasseur. D'Hele contributed to the * Correspondance Litteraire ' in October 1778 a reminiscence of his Jamaica residence, re- lating to negro legislation in 1761 (Corr. Litt. xii. 170). He followed up his first dramatic success •with ' Les Fausses Apparences ou 1'Amant Jaloux,' a comedy of intrigue, full of vivacity, humour, and pointed dialogue. Gretry again contributed the music. It was played before the court at Versailles in November 1778 (GRETRY, Memoires, i. 325), and at Paris on 23 Dec. Freron thought it inferior to ' Midas,' although the author was ' le premier depuis dix ans a la comedie italienne qui eut parle francais' (JuAnnee Litteraire, 1778, t. vii.) La Harpe protested against the unstinted praise bestowed on the piece by certain jour- nalists (Cours de Litterature, 1825, xv. 447, &c.) The plot is said to have owed something to Mrs. Centlivre's ' The Wonder, a Woman Keeps a Secret' and Lagrange's 'Les Contre- temps,' 1736. It was played at the Opera Comique 18 Sept. 1850. His third piece, ' Les Evenemens Impr6vus,' borrowed from an Italian source, ' Di peggio in peggio,' was given at Versailles on 11 Nov., and at Paris two days later. This was thought to be written with less care than its predecessors (Mercure de France, 4 Dec. 1779, pp. 84-8), but met with equalsuccess ( Journal de Paris, 14Nov. 1779). It was not very satisfactorily translated into English by Holcroft, who, with all his know- ledge of French literature, did not know the writer was an Englishman. It formed the basis of * The Gay Deceivers' by George Col- man the younger, given at the Haymarket on 12 Aug. 1804. Michael Kelly had brought it from Paris (Reminiscences, 1826, ii. 223). D'Hele composed for the actor Volange a comedie-parade, ' Gilles Ravisseur,' played at the Foire St. Germain 1 March 1781, in the Theatre des Variete's Amusantes. Besides D'Hele's devotion to the bottle he had a passion for an actress of the Comedie Italienne, Mademoiselle Bianchi, for whom he abandoned his dramatic career and all his friends. On being separated from her he died of grief, 27 Dec. 1780, aged about 40. He is a remarkable example of a man who, writing in a foreign language, attained fame in a department of literature wherein success is peculiarly difficult, and who has remained al- most unknown in his own country. D'Hele's three pieces remain in the repertory of the Theatre FranQais. Gretry and Grimm have preserved some characteristic anecdotes of his philosophic humour and independence. Jouy praises the ingenious imbroglio of his plays (Theatre, 1823, t. iv. p.xi); Hoffmann gives 'L'Amant Jaloux' as a model of comic opera in its best days ; and his literary merit has been fully recognised by Barbier and Desessarts (Nouvelle Bibliotheque d'un homme de ffout, 1808, ii. 197), La Harpe (Correspon- dance Litteraire, 1804, i. 30, ii. 254, 328, and Cours de Litt. 1825, xiv. 458), Geoffrey ( Cours de Litt. Dram. 1825, v. 311-19), and M. J. Chenier ( Tableau historique de la Litterature Franqaise, 1816, p. 344). His works are: 1. 'Le Roman demon Oncle, conte,' first published in the 'Correspondance Litteraire de Grimm et de Diderot,' and by Van de Weyer, ' Choix d'Opuscules,' 1st series, 1863, pp. 70-4. 2. ' Le Jugement de Midas, comedie en trois actes en prose melee d'ariettes, representee pour la premiere fois par les comediens Italiens ordinaires du roi, le samedi, 27 Juin, par M. d'Hele, musique de M. Gretry,' Paris, 1778, 8vo (2 editions) ; Parme, 1784, 8vo. 3. ' Les Fausses Appa- rences, ou 1'Amant Jaloux, comedie en trois actes, me!6e d'ariettes, represent^ devant leurs majestes a Versailles en Novembre 1778, les paroles sont de M. d'Hele, la musique de M. Gretry,' Paris, 1778, 8vo (2 editions), and 1779, also Parme, 1781, 8vo; reprinted as 'L'Amant Jaloux, ou les Fausses Apparences ' in 'Bibliotheque Dramatique,' 1849, t. xxx. 4. 'Les Evenemens Imprevus, comedie en trois actes, melee d'ariettes, representee pour la premiere fois par les comldiens Italiens ordinaires du roi le 13 Novembre, 1779, paroles de M. d'Hell. musique de M. Gretry,' Hales 3; Paris, 1779 and 1780, 8vo ; < Nouvelle edition, corrigee, conforme a la representation et a la Eartition gravee/ Toulouse, 1788, 8vo ; trans- ited as ' Unforeseen Events, a comic opera, in three acts, from the French of M. d'Hele/ in the 'Theatrical Recorder/ by Thomas Holcroft, 1806, vol. ii. (Nos. 2, 3, and 4 are reproduced in l Petite Bibliotheoue des Thea- tres/ 1784, 18mo, in ' (Euvres^ de D'Hele/ Paris, 1787, 18mo, in < Theatre de 1'Opera Comique/ Paris, 1812, 8 vols. 18mo, t. vii., and in Lepeintre, ' Suite du Repertoire du Theatre Francais/ Paris, 1823, t. Ivi., 18mo.) 5. ' Gilles Ravisseur, come'die-parade en un acte et en prose par M. Dhell, represented pour la premiere fois, a Paris, sur le Theatre des Varietes Amusantes le ler Mars 1781, et a Versailles devant leurs majestesle 10 Sept. suivant/ Paris, 1781, 1782, and 1783, 8vo (reproduced in 'Petite Bibliotheque des Theatres/ 1784, 18mo). 6. ' Les Trois Freres Jumeaux Ve"nitiens/ by Colalto, revised by D'Hele and Cailhava in 1781, still in manu- script. [The only satisfactory account of D'Hele is by S. Van de Weyer, Lettre I. sur les anglais qui ont ecrit en Franqais, first published in Miscel- lanies of Philobiblon Society, 1854, vol. i., and reproduced in Choix d'Opuscules, 1st series, Lon- don, 1863. See also Memoires de Gretry and Correspondance de Grimm (passim), Luneau de Bois Germain, Almanach Musical, 1781 ; Alma- nach des trois grands spectacles de Paris, 1782; Mercure de France, 6 Jan. 1781; Nouveau Dictionnaire Historique, Caen, 1783, t. iv. 336; Annales Dramatiques, Paris, 1809; Michaud, Biographie Universelle, x. 603; Hoefer, Nouvelle Biographie G6nerale, xxiii. 138-9; Athenaeum Francois, 1 2 May 1855 ; Examiner, 26 May 1855 ; Journal des Debats, 22 June 1856; Saturday Review, 4 Oct. 1856. The article by A. Houssaye in Galerie de Portraits du xviii6 siecle, 2e serie, 1854, pp. 365-70, is very inaccurate, like the few scattered notices in English biographical dictionaries.] H. B. T. HALES, WILLIAM (1747-1831), chro- nologist, born 8 April 1747, was one of the children of the Rev. Samuel Hales, D.D., for many years curate and preacher at the cathe- dral church of Cork. He was educated by his maternal uncle, the Rev. James King- ston, prebendary of Donoughmore, and in 1764 entered Trinity College, Dublin, where in 1768 he became fellow and B.A., and afterwards D.D. As tutor at the college he wore a white wig to obviate the objections of parents to his youthful appearance. His numerous pupils are said to have described his lectures as ' pleasant/ though he occa- sionally roused his pupils from bed by a dose of cold water. Hales also held the professor- ship of oriental languages in the university. Hales His first published work was ' Sonorum doc- trina rationalis et experimentalis/ London, 1778, 8vo, a vindication and confirmation from recent experiments of Newton's theory of sounds. In 1782 he published ' De moti- bus Planetarum dissertatio/ Dublin, 12mor on the motions of the planets in eccentric orbits, according to the Newtonian theory. In 1784 he printed at his own expense ' Ana- lysis Aequationum/ Dublin, 4to. His friend, Baron Maseres, inserted it in his ' Scriptores Logarithmici/ and printed 250 separate copies. La Grange sent Hales a complimentary letter fromjBerlin on the ' Analysis.' In 1788 Hales, who had already taken orders, resigned his professorship for the rectory of Killeshandra,. co. Cavan, where he lived in retirement for the remainder of his life. From about 1812 he also held the chancellorship of the diocese of Ernly. In 1798 he procured from the government some troops who tranquillised the country round Killeshandra. Hales was a good parish priest, ' equally pleasing/ says his biographer, f to the gentry and the lower orders.' He was a kind-hearted, well-in- formed man, who told anecdotes well. He rose at six and spent the day in learned studies. In the evening he told his children stories from the ' Arabian Nights/ or played with them the game of ' wild horses.' Until 1819 he was constantly engaged in writing- for publication. His best-known work, ' A New Analysis of Chronology/ occupied him twenty years. It was published by subscrip- tion in 1809-12, 3 vols., London, 4to. A second edition appeared in 1830, 4 vols., Lon- don, 8vo. Hales, noting the great discord- ance of previous chronologists, f laid it down as a rule to see with mine own eyes ' (Letter to Bishop Percy, 6 June 1796), and investi- gated the original sources. He gives the ap- paratus for chronological computation (mea- sures of time, eclipses, eras, &c.) Hales's work deals with the chronology of the whole Bible, and gives a portion of the early history of the world. In 1801 Hales suffered from < a most malignant yellow fever/ caught during a kind visit to a stranger beggar-woman. He recovered, but from about 1820 or earlier he suffered from melancholy, and his mind seems to have become disordered. He died on 30 Jan. 1831, in his eighty-fourth year. Hales married, about the middle of 1791, Mary, second daughter of Archdeacon Whitty. They had two sons and two daughters. A list of Hales's works, twenty-two in number, is printed at the end of his last pub- lication, the ' Essay on the Origin and Purity of the Primitive Church of the British Isles/ London, 1819, 8vo. His most important pub- lications, besides those already enumerated, Halford 39 Halfpenny are: 1. 'Analysis Fluxionum,' in Maseres's ' Scriptores Logarithmic!/ vol. v., 1791, &c., 4to (mainly a vindication of Newton. Hales relates the effect of electrical fluid on himself in a violent fever). 2. * The Inspector ; or Select Literary Intelligence for the Vulgar, A.D. 1798, but correct A.D. 1801, the first year of the Nineteenth Century,' 1799, 8vo (cp. Gent. Mag. 1799, 865-72). 3. ' Irish Pursuits of Literature,' 1799, 8vo (cp. ib. Ixix. 1135 if.) 4. ' Methodism Inspected,' 2 parts, Dublin, 1803-5, 8vo. 5. 'Dissertations on the Principal Prophecies respecting . . . Christ,' 2nd ed. London, 1808, 8vo. 6. ' Let- ters on the . . . Tenets of the Romish Hier- archy,'London, 1813, 8vo ; also other writings on the church of Rome. 7. ' Letters on the Sabellian Controversy,' published in the 'Anti- Jacobin Review,' and reprinted as ' Faith in the Holy Trinity,' 2nd ed., London, 1818, 8vo. [Memoir of Hales in the British Mag. and Monthly Kegister of Religious . . . Information, vol. i. 1832 ; Nichols's Lit. Illustr. vii. 786, viii. 317, 320, 678 ; Brit. Mus. Cat.] W. W. HALFORD, SIR HENRY (1766-1844), physician, was second son of Dr. James Vaughan, a successful physician of Leicester, who devoted his whole income to educating his seven sons, of whom John (d. 1839) be- came judge of the court of common pleas, Peter (d. 1825), dean of Chester, and Charles Richard (d. 1849), envoy extraordinary to the United States. The sixth son, Edward Thomas, was father of Dean Vaughan, A aster of the Temple. Henry, born at Leicester on 2 Oct. 1766, entered at Christ Church, Ox- ford, and graduated B.A. in 1788 and M.D. in 1 791. After studying some time at Edin- burgh he settled in London, having borrowed 1 ,0007. on his own security. His good manners and learning soon made him friends, and he was elected physician to the Middlesex Hos- pital in 1793, and fellow of the Royal Col- lege of Physicians in 1794, having been ap- pointed physician extraordinary to the king in the previous year. In March 1795 he married Elizabeth Barbara, the third daughter of Lord St. John, and by 1800 his practice had so greatly increased that he gave up his hospital appointment. He inherited a large property on the death of Lady Denbigh, widow of his mother's cousin, Sir Charles Halford, seventh baronet, and consequently changed his name from Vaughan to Halford by act of parliament in 1809. George III, who had a strong liking for him, created him a baronet in the same year, and he subse- quently attended George IV, William IV, and Queen Victoria. For many years after Dr. Matthew Baillie's death he was indis- putably at the head of London practice. He was president of the College of Physicians from 1820 till his death, an unbroken tenure which was by no means favourable to re- form and progress ; but he was largely in- strumental in securing the removal of the college in 1825 from Warwick Lane to Pall Mall East. He was made K.C.H. on this oc- casion and G.C.H. by William IV. He died on 9 March 1844, and was buried in the parish church of Wistow, Leicestershire. His bust by Chantrey was presented to the College of Physicians by a number of fellows. His por- trait by Sir Thomas Lawrence is at Wistow. He left one son, Henry (1797-1868), who succeeded to the title, and one daughter. Halford was a good practical physician with quick perception and sound judgment, but he depreciated physical examination of patients, knew little of pathology, and dis- liked innovation. His courtly, formal man- ners and his aristocratic connection served him well. His chief publications were first given as addresses to the College of Phy- sicians, his subjects being such as ' The Cli- macteric Disease,' ' Tic Douloureux,' ' Shak- speare's Test of Insanity ' (' Hamlet,' act iii. sc. 4), ' The Influence of some of the Diseases of the Body on the Mind,' ' Gout,' ' The Deaths of some Illustrious Persons of An- tiquity,' &c. Halford is described by J. F. Clarke (Auto- biographical Recollections) as vain, cringing to superiors, and haughty to inferiors. James Wardrop [q. v.], surgeon to George IV, termed him ' the eel-backed baronet.' Some charges of unprofessional conduct are made against him by Clarke, who further states that when Charles I's coffin was opened in 1813 he ob- tained possession of a portion of the fourth cer- vical vertebra, which had been cut through by the axe, and used to show it at his dinner-table as a curiosity. This may be held to be confirmed by Halford's minute description of this bone in his ' Account.' Halford published : 1. ' An Account of what appeared on opening the Coffin of King Charles I,'4to, 1813. 2. 'Essays and Orations delivered at the Royal Col- lege of Physicians,' 1831 ; 3rd edition, 1842. 3. 'Nugse Metricse. English and Latin, 1842, besides several separate addresses and orations. [Halford's life by Dr. Munk in Lives of Bri- tish Physicians, 2nd edit. 1857 ; Pettigrew's Medical Portrait Gallery, vol. i. ; J. F. Clarke's Autobiographical Recollections, pp. 340-53 ; Sir B. Brodie's Autobiography, p. 110, in Collected Works ; Notes and Queries, 5th ser. ii. 93, 6th ser. vii. 387, xi. 317.] G. T. B. HALFPENNY, JOSEPH (1748-1811), topographical draughtsman and engraver, was born on 9 Oct. 1748, at Bishopsthorpe Halfpenny Halfpenny in Yorkshire, where his father was gardener to the Archbishop of York. He was ap- prenticed to a house-painter, and practised house-painting in York for some years. He afterwards raised himself to the position of an artist and a teacher of drawing. He acted as clerk of the works to John Can the architect {1723-1807) [q. v.] when he was restoring the cathedral at York, and skilfully repaired -some of its old decoration. From the scaffold- ing then erected he made those drawings of Gothic ornaments for which he is principally remembered. In 1795 he commenced to publish by sub- scription his ' Gothic Ornaments in the Ca- thedral Church of York/ which was com- pleted in twenty numbers in 1800. It was reprinted in 1807 under the old date, and a -•second edition appeared in 1831. The work consists of 175 specimens of ornament and four views of the interior of the church and •chapter-house. It is specially valuable as •depicting portions of the building since in- jured by fire. His ' Fragmenta Vetusta, or the Remains of Ancient Buildings in York/ was published in 1807. In both these works lie was his own engraver. He drew and en- graved the monument of Archbishop Bowet in York Minster for the second volume of Gough's t Sepulchral Monuments/ and an etching in the British Museum of a portrait (by L. Pickard) of Henry Howard, earl of Northampton, who died in 1614, is ascribed to him by Granger. The Grenville Library (British Museum) contains five views of churches in Yorkshire, published in 1816 and 1817 (after his death) by his daugh- ters, Margaret and Charlotte Halfpenny. In the South Kensington Museum is a water- 'colour drawing by him of ' The Bridge, Foun- tains Abbey, Yorkshire ' (1793) ; and in the British Museum a 'Landscape with Mansion in the Distance ' (1793), purchased at the sale of the Percy collection in April 1890. He was twice married, and was survived by two daughters. He died at his house in the Gillygate, York, on 11 July 1811, and was buried in the churchyard of St. Olave's, adjoining the ruins of the old abbey. [Kedgrave's Diet, of Artists ; Gent. Mag. 1800 pt. ii. p. 760, 1811 pt. ii. p. 91; Bryan's Diet, •of Painters and Engravers (Graves's edition); Gough's Sepulchral Monuments, ii. pt. i. p. 11, and pt. ii. plate xxvii. p. 75; Hargrove's Hist, of York, 1818, pp. 599, 600 ; Browne's Metropolitan Church of St. Peter, York, 1847, p. 318, in the index of which the name is erroneously given as IVilliam Halfpenny ; Lowndes's Bibliographer's Manual; Brit. Mus. Cat. of Printed Books; Brit. Mus. Print Room Cat.; Cat. of Gallery of British Art at South Kensington.] B. P. HALFPENNY, WILLIAM, alias MICHAEL HOARE (jtf. 1752), who styles himself architect and carpenter on the title- page of some of his works, appears to have resided at Richmond, Surrey, and in Lon- don during the first half of the eighteenth century. Batty Langley describes him in his ' Ancient Masonry ' (1736), p. 147, as ' Mr. William Halfpeny, alias Hoare, lately of Richmond in Surrey, carpenter/ and seems to call him indifferently William Half- penny and Michael Hoare. His published works were written with a view to being useful to ' those who are engaged in ye noble art of building/ and are mainly devoted to domestic architecture. He prepared esti- mates as well as designs for the construction of buildings as economically as possible. His more ambitious designs for country seats are in the classical architecture of the period. De Morgan speaks of his ' Arithmetic ' as a 'surveyor's and artisan's book of application.' He has been credited with the invention of the method of drawing arches by the inter- section of straight lines (B. LANGLEY, An- cient Masonry,}*. 147), and his system for the formation of twisted hand-rails was well thought of in his time. He published : 1. ' Magnum in Parvo, or the Marrow of Architecture/ 1722 ; 1728 (containing in- structions in the setting out of pillars and arches). 2. ' Practical Architecture/ 1st edit, n.d., 1724, 1730, 1736 (5th edit.), 1748, 1751. 3. ' The Art of Sound Building de- monstrated in Geometrical Problems/ 1725 (containing a design for a church in Leeds). 4. 'Perspective made Easy/ 1731. 5. 'The Modern Builder's Assistant ' (with John Half- penny, Robert Morris, and T. Lightoler), 1742, 1757. 6. ' Arithmetic and Measure- ment Improved by Examples/ 1748. 7. ' A Perspective View of the sunk Pier and the two adjoining Arches at Westminster' (one folio plate), 1748. 8. 'A New and Com- plete System of Architecture/ 1749 (the British Museum copy is in French). 9. 'Twelve Beautiful Designs for Farm Houses/ 1749, 1750. 1774. 10. ' A Plan and Elevation of the Royal Fire Works in St. James's Park ' (one folio sheet), 1749. 11. 'New Designs for Chinese Temples/ four parts (parts ii. iii. and iv. with John Halfpenny), 1750, 1752. 12. 'Six New Designs for Farm Houses/ 1751. 13. 'Useful Architecture/ 1751, 1755, 1760 (in which the preceding work is incor- porated and new matter added, including designs for bridges). 14. 'Thirteen New Designs for Parsonages and Farm Houses,' 1752. 15. ' Rural Architecture in the Gothic Taste' (with John Halfpenny), 1752. 16. ' Chinese and Gothic Architecture pro- Halghton Halhed perly ornamented ' (with John Halfpenny), 1752. 17. ' Geometry, Theoretical and Prac- tical/ 1752. 18. ' Rural Architecture in the Chinese Taste/ 1750, 1752. 19. 'The Country Gentleman's Pocket Companion and Builder's Assistant/ n.d. 20. ' Twenty-six New De- signs of Geometrical Paling' (one folio sheet). [Works of W. Halfpenny; Eedgrave's Diet, of Artists; Gent. Mag. 1752, pp. 194, 586; Brit. Mus. Cat. of Printed Books ; Diet, of Architec- ture ; Universal Cat. of Books on Art ; Cat. of Library of Koyal Institute of British Architects; De Morgan's Arithmetic Books, p. 70 ; Brit. Mus. Print Room Cat. ; Salmon's Palladio Londinen- sis (edit. Hoppus), 1 755, preface; Batty Langley's Ancient Masonry, 1736, pp. 147, 391.] B. P. HALGHTON, JOHN DE (d. 1324), bishop of Carlisle. [See HALTON.] HALHED, NATHANIEL BEASSEY (1751-1830), orientalist, was born at West- minster on 25 May 1751. His father, William Halhed, of an old Oxfordshire family, was for eighteen years a director of the Bank of England. Halhed was at Harrow under Sumner, and there began his friendship with Richard Brinsley Sheridan, in conjunction with whom he subsequently produced a verse translation of Aristsenetus. In 1768 he en- tered Christ Church, Oxford, where he made the acquaintance of William (afterwards Sir William) Jones (1746-1794) [q. v.], who led him to study Arabic. Having been jilted by Miss Linley in favour of Sheridan, he left England, obtaining a writership in the East India Company's service. In India he at- tracted the notice of Warren Hastings, at whose suggestion he began, at the age of twenty-three, his translation of the Gentoo code, completing it in 1776. This code was a digest of Sanskrit law-books made, at the instance of Hastings, by eleven Brahman s. Halhed translated from a Persian version : his work went through several editions, and was translated into French. In 1778 he published at Hooghly in Bengal a grammar of' the Bengal language.' The printing-press set up by Halhed at Hooghly was the first in India ; the type for printing Bengali was cut by Charles (afterwards Sir Charles) Wil- kins. Halhed was apparently the first to call public attention to the affinity between Sanskrit words and * those of Persian, Arabic, and even of Latin and Greek/ an affinity in- dependently detected somewhat earlier by French Jesuits. He thus deserves recognition as one of the pioneers of modern philology. Keturning to England in 1785, he became a candidate for Leicester at the general election of 1790, but, withdrawing from the contest, was elected M.P. for Lymington, Hampshire, which he represented till 1795. In January of the latter year he became a believer in the prophetic claims of Richard Brothers [q. v.], being probably captivated by some resem- blance between the teaching of Brothers and the oriental mysticism with which he was familiar. Contrary to the strong advice of his friend Sir Elijah Impey [q. v.], Halhed, on 31 March, in a speech which has been published, moved that Brothers's ' Revealed Knowledge' be laid before the House of Com- mons. In defending Brothers from a charge of treason he argued that it was no treason to claim the crown in a future contingency which involved ' a palpable impossibility.' On 21 April he moved for a copy of the war- rant on which Brothers was apprehended. Neither motion found a seconder, and Halhed shortly after resigned his seat. His belief in Brothers does not seem to have lasted long, but it terminated his literary as well as his public career. Some of his relatives thought him out of his mind, and would have put him under restraint. With John Wright, a car- penter, who left Brothers with him, he cor- responded till 1804. Investments in French assignats reduced his fortune, and in July 1809 he obtained a good appointment in the East India House. He died in London on 18 Feb. 1830, and was buried at Petersham, Surrey. He married (before 1784) Helena Ribaut, daughter of the Dutch governor of Chinsurah, Bengal, but died without issue. Halhed had some peculiarities, due to exces- sive sensitiveness, but endeared himself to his many friends. His imitations of Martial, sup- pressed on account of their personal allusions, show keen power of epigram. His collection of oriental manuscripts was purchased by the trustees of the British Museum. Other manu- scripts went to his nephew, Nathaniel John Halhed, j udge of the Sudder De wannee Adau- lut (d. 1838). The legatee's representative only received them from the executor, Dr. John Grant, in 1863. Among them is a corre- spondence with Warren Hastings, from which it may be gathered that, between 1800 and 1816, Halhed had made considerable progress with an English translation of the 'Mahabha- rata ' from a Persian version ; the manuscript is now in the library of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. He published: 1. 'The Love Epistles of Aristaenetus, translated . . . into English metre/ &c., 1771, 8vo (preface signed H[al- hed]. S[heridan]. ; reprinted in 'Bonn's Clas- sical Library/ 1854). 2. ' A Code of Gentoo Laws/ &c., 1776, 4to (the translator's name is not on the title-page, but is given in the preliminary matter) : 2nd edition, 1777, 8vo; 3rd edition, 1781, 8vo; in French, by J. B. R. Haliburton Haliburton Robinet, l Code des Lois des Gentoux,' Paris, 1778, 4to. Halhed's preface was criticised by George Costard [q. v.J 3. 'A Grammar of the Bengal Language,' &c., Hoogly (sic), 1778, 4to. 4. 'A Narrative of the Events ... in Bombay and Bengal relative to the Mahratta Empire,' &c., 1779, 8vo. 5. 'A Letter to Governor Johnstone on Indian Affairs,' &c., 1783, 8vo (signed ' Detector '). 6. ' The Letters of Detector on the Seventh and Eighth Re- ports of the Libel Committee,' &c., 1783, 8vo. 7. ' Imitations of some of the Epigrams of Martial,' &c., 1793, 4to (anon.; Latin and English). His contributions to the Brothers literature, all 1795, 8vo, are : 8. t A Testi- mony of the Authenticity of the Prophecies of R. Brothers,' &c. 9. < The Whole of the Testimonies to the Authenticity of the Pro- phecies,' &c. (prefixed is Halhed's portrait, engraved by White from a drawing by I. Cruikshank). 10. ' A Word of Admonition to the Rt. Hon. Wm. Pitt,' &c. 11. < Two Letters to the Rt. Hon. Lord Loughborough,' &c. 12. ' Speech in the House of Commons,' &c. (31 March ; two editions, same year). 13. 'The Second Speech,' &c. (21 April; two editions, same year). 14. ' Liberty and Equality, a Sermon or Essay,' &c. 15. ' A Calculation of the Millenium . . . Reply to Dr. Home/ &c. (three editions, same year ; contains also No. 12). 16. ' An Answer to Dr. Home's Second Pamphlet,' &c. (contains also No. 14). [The World, 18 June 1790; Teignmouth's Memoirs of Sir W. Jones, 1804; Biographical Dictionary of Living Authors, 1816 ; Moore's Memoirs of Sheridan, 1825; Impey's Memoirs, 1846 ; information from W. B. Halhed, esq.] A. G-. HALIBURTON,GEORGE (1616-1665), bishop of Dunkeld, was the son of George Haliburton, minister of Glenisla, Forfarshire, from 1615 to 1651 (SCOTT, fasti, vi. 748). Graduating at King's College, Aberdeen, in 1636, he was on 1 Aug. 1642 presented by the general assembly to the parish of Menmuir in his native county, and in the year follow- ing attended the Scots army at Newcastle. He was translated to the second or collegiate charge at Perth in 1644, and was at Perth when it surrendered to Montrose after his victory at Tippermuir (1 Sept. 1644). For ' conversing, eating, drinking, and asking a grace at dinner with ' the excommunicated marquis he was deposed by the commission of the general assembly on 27 Nov. 1644. The assembly ratified the sentence (26 Feb. 1644-5), but on making submission on his knees to the presbytery he was reponed by the assembly in June of the same year. In December 1651 he was silenced by the Eng- lish garrison at Perth, and forbidden to preach 1 for preaching in the king's interest notwith- standing his defeat at Worcester.' On the Re- storation he was nominated (1661), along with James Sharp and others, a parliamentary commissioner for visiting the universities and colleges of Aberdeen. He was spoken of for the see of the Isles, but was appointed to that of Dunkeld, to which he was consecrated (with- out re-ordination, though he was only in pres- byterian orders) at Holyrood on 7 May 1662. He had no liking for harsh measures, but strictly enforced the law, depriving his own kinsman, George Halyburton, minister of Aberdalgie, Perthshire, the father of Thomas Halyburton [q. v.] He died at his own house in Perth on 5 April 1665, leaving two sons, James and George, by his marriage with Catherine Lindsay. Keith calls him l a very good, worthy man ; ' writers of the other side- admitted he was a ' man of utterance/ but inferred insincerity from his frequent changes. He had been a zealous covenanter, and ended by accepting a bishopric, but he was all along a royalist. [Haliburton's Memoirs ; Lament's Diary ; Keith's Catalogue ; Hew Scott's Fasti, iv. 615, 838, vi. 841-2 ; Grub's Eccl. Hist., &c.] J. C. HALIBURTOK, GEORGE(1628-1715), bishop successively of Brechin and Aber- deen, son of William Haliburton, A.M., minister of Collace, Perthshire, was born at Collace in 1628. His father was brother- german to James Haliburton of Enteryse, and was connected with the notable family of the Haliburtons of Pitcur, while his mother was a daughter of Archbishop Gladstanes of St. Andrews. Having studied at St. An- drews University, George took his degree as master of arts in 1646, and two years after- wards he was presented to the parish of Cou- par- Angus. His strong episcopalian procli- vities brought about his suspension from this charge in September 1650 ; but this sentence was reversed in November 1652, and he con- tinued to retain his position as minister of Coupar- Angus long after he had gained high ecclesiastical preferment. In 1673 the de- gree of D.D. was conferred upon him by the university of St. Andrews, and he was pro- moted by Charles II to the bishopric of Brechin on 30 May 1678. The revenues of this bishopric, though once very extensive, had been greatly reduced at the Reformation, and it appears from the ' Register of the Privy Seal ' that on 28 Jan. 1680 the king presented Haliburton to the additional parish of Fame 11 in Forfarshire, on the ground of the poverty of the bishopric. Haliburton retained this plurality of benefices until he Haliburton 43 Haliburton was translated from Brechin to the bishopric of Aberdeen on 15 July 1682. He remained in Aberdeen till the abolition of episcopacy by the estates in April 1689, when he retired to the small estate of Denhead, Coupar- An- gus, which he had purchased. He resisted the appointment of the presbyterian minister to the church of Halton of Newtyle, which was in the neighbourhood of his residence, and from 1698 till 1710 he conducted services there according to the episcopal ritual in de- fiance of the authorities, until age and infir- mity compelled him to desist. He died at Denhead on 29 Sept. 1715, being then in his eighty-seventh year, leaving a widow and a family of three sons and one daughter. [Wodrow's Hist, of the Kirk of Scotland ; Keith's Cat. of Scottish Bishops ; Hew Scott's Fasti Ecclesiae Scoticanse ; Millar's Roll of Emi- nent Burgesses of Dundee.] A. H. M. HALIBURTON, formerly BURTON, JAMES (1788-1862), Egyptologist, was born on 22 Sept. 1788. His father, James Halibur- ton, of Mabledon, Tunbridge, Kent, and after- wards of The Holme, Regent's Park, was a member of the family of Haliburton of Rox- burghshire, but changed his name in early life to Burton, and devoted himself to the conduct of large building speculations, espe- cially in London. James Burton the younger was educated at Trinity College, Cam- bridge, where he graduated B.A. in 1810 and M.A. in 1815. He was engaged by Mehemet Ali Pasha to take part in a geo- logical survey of Egypt, and sailed from Naples for that country in March 1822. During this and the following years he made a journey into the eastern desert, in the course of which he decided the position of My os Hormos or Aphrodite (Add.MS. 25624). In April 1824 he was with John Gardner Wilkinson [q. v.], the famous Egyptologist, at Alexandria, and was contemplating an expedition to the oasis and Western Egypt (Add. MS. 25658, ff. 3, 9). During 1825 and 1 826 he made a journey up the Nile, and in the latter year met Edward W. Lane [q. v.] at Dendarah, and afterwards travelled with him (LANE-PooLE, Life of Lane, p. 31). Between 1825 and 1828 his 'Excerpta Hiero- glyphica,' consisting of sixty-four lithographs without any letterpress, were published at Cairo. Shortly afterwards Burton returned to England, where he spent the next two years. From April 1830 to February 1832 he was on a journey in the eastern desert. He came home about 1835, and does not appear to have again visited Egypt. In 1838 he resumed the name of Haliburton, i and in the same year he was one of the com- < mittee for the White River Expedition.. During the latter part of his life he devoted himself chiefly to the collection of particulars concerning his ancestors, the Haliburtons. For many years previously to 1841 he was a fellow of the Geological Society, but after that date his name disappears from the society's lists. Haliburton died on 22 Feb.. 1862, and was buried in West Dean Ceme- tery, Edinburgh ; his tombstone gives the- dates of his birth and death, and has the inscription, 'James Haliburton, a zealous investigator in Egypt of its Languages and Antiquities.' Haliburton was a friend of Joseph Bonomi [q. v.], and, like him, held an honourable- place in the band of workers employed by Robert Hay of Linplum, N.B., to make- sketches and drawings of Egyptian antiqui- ties. His merits were rather those of an intelligent traveller and copyist than of a scholar, but Sir John Gardner Wilkinson,, in the preface to his ; Manners and Customs of the Ancient Egyptians,' speaks highly of the assistance which Burton rendered him. His ' Collectanea ./Egyptiaca,' contained in sixty-three volumes (MSS. Add. 25613-75), were presented to the British Museum in 1864 by his younger brother, Decimus Burton, the architect [q. v.] They include, besides care- fully kept diaries, numerous drawings of hiero- glyphic inscriptions, architectural sketches, and notes on the history, geology, zoology r and botany of the country, together with his passports and correspondence. Many of Haliburton's other drawings and maps are contained in the collection of views, sketches, &c., made for Robert Hay, and now in the British Museum (Add. MSS. 29812-60). [Authorities quoted ; information kindly sup- plied by his nephew, Alfred H. Burton, esq. ; Haliburton's Collectanea JEgyptiaca; Cat. Grad. Cantab. ; Geological Society's Lists of members; Brit. Mus. Catalogues.] C. L. K. HALIBURTON, THOMAS (1674-1712), professor of divinity at St. Andrews. [See HALYBUKTON.] HALIBURTON, THOMAS CHAND- LER (1796-1865), author of < Sam Slick/ only child of the Hon. William Otis Halibur- ton, a justice of the court of common pleas of Nova Scotia, by Lucy, eldest daughter of Major Grant, was born at Windsor, Nova Scotia, in December 1796, and educated at the grammar school and at King's College in his native town. In 1820 he was called to the bar. He practised at Annapolis Royal, the former capital of Nova Scotia, where he acquired a large and lucrative business. After a short time he entered the legislative as- Haliburton 44 Haliburton .sembly as member for the county of Anna- polis. In 1828 he was appointed chief jus- tice of the court of common pleas of Nova .Scotia, which place he held to 1840, when the court of common pleas was abolished and .his services were transferred to the supreme •court, where he commenced his duties 1 Jan. 1842. In February 1856 he resigned his office of judge, and removed to England, where he continued to reside to his death. In 1825 and 1829 he published histories of his native province. His works were widely circulated, and the Nova Scotia House of Assembly tendered him a vote of thanks for his Historical Account, which he received in person in his place in parliament. He next began a series of articles in the ' Nova Sco- tian' newspaper in 1835, writing under the pseudonym of Sam Slick, a Yankee pedlar. The articles were popular, and were copied by the American press. They were then -collected together and published at Halifax anonymously in 1837, and several editions "were issued in the United States. A copy feeing taken to England by General Fox, was given to Kichard Bentley, who issued an edition which had a considerable circulation. The only benefit which Haliburton received from this English edition was the presenta- tion from Bentley of a silver salver, with an inscription written by the Rev. Richard Bar- ham. Haliburton, writing as Sam Slick, told his countrymen many home truths. Those who laughed at Sam Slick's jokes did not .always relish his outspoken criticisms, and Jiis popularity as a writer was far greater out of Nova Scotia than in it; his fame, however, became general. None of his writings are regularly constructed stories, but the inci- dents and characters are always spirited and mostly humorous. * Sam Slick ' had a very extensive sale, and notwithstanding its idio- matic peculiarities was translated into seve- ral languages. In 1842 Haliburton visited England again, and in the next year embodied the result of his observations on English society in his amusing work ' The Attache.' 1 The Bubbles of Canada. By the Author of " The Clockmaker," ' issued in 1839, was a serious book on the political government of the country. It was suggested by Lord Dur- ham's famous report, and attracted much at- tention in England. His other works are 4 The Letter Bag of the Great Western,' 1839, and 'The Old Judge,' 1843. On resigning his judgeshipin 1856 he applied for his pension of 300/. a year ; the claim was resisted for several years, and he did not succeed in ob- taining the first payment until after a deci- sion in his favour made by the judicial com- mittee of the privy council in England. In 1856 he took up his residence in Lon- don, where he became a member of the Athenaeum Club. In 1857 he was asked to come forward as member of parliament for Middlesex, a proposal which he declined, but two years afterwards, on the general elec- tion, at the solicitation of the Duke of North- umberland, he stood for Launceston in the conservative interest, was elected 29 April 1859, and sat until 6 July 1865. The univer- sity of Oxford created him a D.C.L. in 1858, the university of King's College, Windsor, having previously made him an honorary M.A. He died at his residence, Gordon House, Isleworth, Middlesex, 27 Aug. 1865. In 1889 a society called ' The Haliburton ' was established at King's College, Windsor, Nova Scotia, to further the development of a dis- tinctive Canadian literature. The first pub- lication of the society (July 1889) was a memoir of Haliburton by F. Blake Crofton. Haliburton married first in 1816 Louisa, daughter of Captain Lawrence Neville of the 19th light dragoons (she died in 1840) ; secondly, in 1856, Sarah Harriet, daughter of William Mostyn Owen of Woodhouse, Shrop- shire, and widow in 1844 of Edward Hosier Williams of Eaton Mascott, Shrewsbury. Haliburton was the first writer who used the American dialect, and was pronounced by Artemus Ward to be the founder of the Ame- rican school of humour. He was author of the following works, several of which went to numerous editions : 1. ' A General Descrip- tion of Nova Scotia,' 1825. 2. f An Historical and Statistical Account of Nova Scotia/ 1829. 2 vols. 3. ' The Clockmaker, or Sayings and Doings of Sam Slick of Slickville,' three series, 1837, 1838, 1840. 4. < The Letter Bag of the Great Western, or Life in a Steamer,' 1839. 5. ' The Bubbles of Canada. By the Author of " The Clockmaker," ' 1839. 6. ' A Reply to the Report of the Earl of Durham. By a Colonist,' 1839. 7. 'Traits of American Humour by Native Authors,' 1843. 8. ' Sam Slick's Wise Saws and Modern Instances,' 1843, 2 vols. 9. * The Old Judge, or Life in a Colony,' 1843, 2 vols. 10. ' The Ameri- cans at Home, or Byeways, Backwoods, and Prairies,' 1843, 3 vols. 11. ' The Attache, or Sam Slick in England,' 1843-4, 4 vols. 12. 'Rule and Misrule of the English in America,' 1850, 2 vols. 13. 'Nature and Human Nature,' 1855. .14. 'Address at Glasgow on the Condition, Resources, and Prospects of British North America,' 1857. 15. ' Speech in House of Commons on Re- peal of Duties on Foreign and Colonial Wool,' 1860. 16. 'The Season Ticket,' a series of articles reprinted from the ' Dublin Univer- sity Magazine,' 1860. Pirated compilations Haliday 45 Haliday from Haliburton's works were brought out under the following titles, which were in- vented by American publishers : ' Yankee Stories and Yankee Letters,' 1852 ; ' Yankee Yarns ; ' ' Sayings and Doings of Samuel Slick, Esq., together with his Opinion on Matri- mony;' and ' Sam Slick in search of a Wife.> [Memoir, by F. Blake Crofton, 1889 ; Morgan's BibliothecaCanadensis, 1867, pp. 166-71 ; Grant's Portraits of Public Characters, 1841, i. 291-304; Tallis's Drawing Room Portrait Gallery, 1860, 3rd series, with portrait; Illustrated London News, 15 July 1843, p. 37, with portrait, and 9 Sept. 1865, p. 245, with portrait; Bentley's Miscellany, 1843, xiv. 81-94, with portrait; Statesmen of England, 1862, with portrait; The Critic, 5 Feb. 1859, p. 126, with portrait.] G. 0. B. HALIDAY, ALEXANDER HENRY, M.D. (1728 ?-l 802), physician and politician, son of Samuel Haliday [q. v.], the nonsub- scribing divine, was born at Belfast about 1728. He was educated at Glasgow as a physician, and practised with great repute at Belfast, where for nearly half a century he was one of the most influential of public men. On 23 Dec. 1770 Belfast was invaded by some twelve hundred insurgents belonging to the society known as 'Hearts of Steel,' who marched from Templepatrick, co. Antrim, to rescue one David Douglas, imprisoned on a charge of maiming cattle. The ' Hearts of Steel' were animated by agrarian discontent, and their immediate grievance was that Bel- fast capitalists had purchased leases from the Marquis of Donegal! over the tenants' heads. Haliday's prompt interposition between the rioters and the authorities saved the town from destruction by fire. His house in Castle Street was the headquarters of James Caul- feild, earl of Charlemont [q. v.], on his annual visits to Belfast from 1782 in connection with the volunteer conventions. His correspon- dence with Charlemont (of which some speci- mens are given in Benn) lasted till the earl's death, and is full of information on the poli- tics of the north of Ireland, enlivened by strokes of humour. He died at Belfast on 28 April 1802. ' Three nights before he died,' writes Mrs. Mattear to William Drennan [q. v.], ' Bruce and I played cards with him, and the very night that was his last he played out the rubber. " Now," said he, " the game is finished, and the last act near a close."' He was buried in the Clifton Street cemetery, then newly laid out. His will leaves to his wife (an Edmonstone of Red Hall) ' a legacy of 1001. by way of atonement for the many unmerciful scolds I have thrown away upon her at the whist table/ also ' the sum of 500/. in gratitude for her never having given on any other occasion from her early youth till this hour any just cause to rebuke or com- plain of her,' and ' a further sum of 100/.' for her goodness in amusing him with ' a game of picket' when his eyesight had decayed.. His fine library, rich in classics, was sold after his death ; part of it is now the property of the First Presbyterian Church, Belfast. Haliday wrote, but did not publish, a tragedvr submitted to Charlemont, and many satirical verses. His grandson and namesake published anonymously a volume of original hymns, Bel- fast, 1844, 16mo. [Benn's Hist, of Belfast, 1877, i. 520 sq., 615,. 631 sq., 663sq., 1880 ii. 35 ; Belfast News-Letter, 30 April 1802 ; Bsnn's manuscripts in the posses- sion of Miss Benn, Belfast.] A. G-. HALIDAY, CHARLES (1789-1866), antiquary, born in 1789, was son of William Halliday or Haliday, an apothecary in Dublin, and younger brother of William Haliday [q. v.] He passed some of his early years in London, and about 1812 began business in Dublin as a merchant. He took an active part in the attempts to ameliorate the condi- tion of the poor, especially during the cholera at Dublin in 1832. He was in 1833 elected a member of the corporation for improving the harbour of Dublin and superintending the lighthouses on the Irish coasts, and to the affairs of this body his attention was mainly devoted through life. Haliday acquired con- siderable wealth, erected a costly villa near Dublin, and formed a large collection of books and tracts. He filled for many years the posts of consul for Greece, secretary of the chamber of commerce, Dublin, and director of the Bank of Ireland. His public services to the commercial community of Dublin were ac- knowledged by presentations of addresses and! plate on two occasions. He died at Monks- town, near Dublin, 14 Sept. 1866. In 1847 Haliday was elected a member of the Royal Irish Academy, to which body a large portion of the books and tracts collected by him were presented by his widow, and a catalogue of them has been completed by the writer of the present notice. A portrait of Haliday is pre- served with his collection at the Royal Irish Academy. Haliday was author of the following pam- phlets : 1. ' An Inquiry into the Influence of the Excessive Use of Spirituous Liquors in producing Crime, Disease, and Poverty in Ireland' (anon.), Dublin, 1830. 2. 'The Necessity of combining a Law of Settlement with Local Assessment in the proposed Bill for the Relief of the Poor of Ireland' (anon.), Dublin, 1838. 3. 'A Letter to the Commis- sioners of Landlord and Tenant Inquiry on Haliday 46 Haliday the State of the Law in respect of the Build- ing and Occupation of Houses in towns in Ire- land' (anon.), Dublin, 1844. 4. < An Appeal to the Lord- Lieutenant [of Ireland] on be- half of the Labouring Classes/ Dublin, 1847, in relation to the rights of the poor in the vicinity of Kingstown, near Dublin. 5. ' A Letter to the Right Hon. Sir William Somer- ville, Bart., M.P., from the Corporation for Preserving and Improving the Port of Dublin, •with Observations on the Report of Captain Washington, R.N., to the Harbour Depart- ment of the Admiralty on the state of the Harbours and Lighthouses on the South and 'South- West of Ireland,' Dublin, 1849. Haliday collected some material for a his- tory of the port and commerce of Dublin from early times, but he did' not live to complete the work. The results of his labours were ose by finishing { The Introduction to the Literature of Europe during the 15th, 16th, and 17th Centuries,' published in 1837-9. During the preparation of these works he ived a studious life, interrupted only by jccasional travels on the continent. He was 'amiliar with the best literary society of the ime, well known to the whig magnates, and a frequent visitor to Holland House and 3owopd. His name is often mentioned in memoirs and diaries of the time, and always espectfully, although he never rivalled the onversational supremacy of his contempo- Hallam 97 Hallam raries, Sydney Smith and Macaulay. He took no part in active political life. As a commissioner of stamps he was excluded from parliament, and after his resignation did not attempt to procure a seat. He gave up the pension of 500/. a year (granted ac- cording to custom upon his resignation) after the death of his son Henry, in spite of remonstrances upon the unusual nature of the step. Though a sound whig, Hallam disapproved of the Reform Bill (see MOORE'S Diaries, vi. 221), and expressed his grave fears of the revolutionary tendency of the measure to one of the leading members of the reform cabinet, in presence of the Due de Broglie (MIGNET). His later years were clouded by the loss of his sons. His domestic affections were unusually warm, and he was a man of singular generosity in money mat- ters. Considering his high position in lite- rature and his wide acquaintance with dis- tinguished persons, few records have been preserved of his life. But he was warmly loved by all who knew him, and his dignified reticence and absorption in severe studies pre- vented him from coming often under public notice. John Austin was a warm friend, and Mrs. Austin was asked to write his life, but declined the task as beyond her powers (MRS. Ross, Three Generations of Englishwomen, ii. 118, &c.) During the greater part of his life he lived in Wimpole Street, the ' long, un- lovely street' mentioned in Lord Tennyson's * In Memoriam,' and for a few years before his death in Wilton Crescent. He died peace- fully, after many years of retirement, on 21 Jan. 1859. His portraits by Philips (in oil) and by G. Richmond (in chalk) show a noble and massive head. Hallam was treasurer to the Statistical Society, of which he had been one of the founders, a very active vice-president of the Society of Antiquaries, honorary professor of history to the Royal Society, and a foreign associate of the Institute of France. In 1830 he received one of the fifty-guinea medals given by George IV for historical eminence, the other being given to Washington Irving. Hallam seems to have published very little besides his three principal works. Byron, in * English Bards and Scotch Reviewers,' sneers at ' classic Hallam, much renowned for Greek/ A note explains that Hallam reviewed Payne Knight in the 'Edinburgh Review,' and condemned certain Greek verses, not knowing that they were taken from Pin- dar. The charge was exaggerated, and the ar- ticle probably not by Hallam (see Gent. Mag. 1830, pt. i. p. 389). The review of Scott's ' Dry den ' in the number for October 1808 is also attributed to him. At a later period he VOL. XXIV. wrote two articles upon Lingard's 'History (March 1831) and Palgrave's ' English Com- monwealth' (July 1832) (see MACVEY NA- PIER'S Correspondence, p. 73). A character by him of his friend Lord Webb Seymour is in the appendix to the first volume of Francis Horner's ' Memoirs,' Hallam's works helped materially to lay the foundations of the English historical school, and, in spite of later researches, main- tain their position as standard books. The ' Middle Ages ' was probably the first English history which, without being merely anti- quarian, set an example of genuine study from original sources. Hallam's training as a lawyer was of high value, and enabled him, according to competent authorities, to inter- pret the history of law even better in some cases than later writers of more special knowledge. Without attempting a ' philo- sophy of history,' in the more modern sense, he takes broad and sensible views of facts. His old-fashioned whiggism, especially in the constitutional history, caused bitter resent- ment among the tories and high churchmen, whose heroes were treated with chilling want of enthusiasm. Southey attacked the book bitterly on these grounds in the ' Quarterly Review ' (1828). His writings, indeed, like that of some other historians, were obviously coloured by his opinions; but more than most historians he was scrupulously fair in intention and conscientious in collecting and weighing evidence. Without the sympa- thetic imagination which if often misleading is essential to the highest historical excel- ence, he commands respect by his honesty, accuracy, and masculine common sense in regard to all topics within his range. The ' Literature of Europe,' though it shows the same qualities and is often written with great force, suffers from the enormous range. Hardly any man could be competent to judge with equal accuracy of all the intellectual achievements of the period in every depart- ment. Weaknesses result which will be detected by specialists; but even in the weaker departments it shows good sound sense, and is invaluable to any student of the literature of the time. Though many historians have been more brilliant, there are few so emphatically deserving of respect. His reading was enormous, but we have no means of judging what special circumstances- determined his particular lines of inquiry. Hallam had eleven children by his wife, who died 25 April 1846. Only four grew up, Arthur Henry, Ellen, who died in 1837 (the deaths of these two are commemorated in a poem by Lord Houghton), Julia, who married Captain Cat or (now Sir John Hallam Hallam Farnaby Lennard), and Henry Fitzmaurice. He had one sister, who died unmarried, leav- ing him her fortune. HALLAM, ARTHUR HENRY (1811-1833), was born in Bedford Place, London, on 1 Feb. 1811. He showed a sweet disposition, a marked thoughtfulness, and a great power of learning from his earliest years. In a visit to Germany and Switzerland in 1818 he mastered French and forgot Latin. A year later he was able to read Latin easily, took to dramatic literature, and wrote infantile tragedies. He was placed under the Rev. W. Carmalt at Putney, and after two years became a pupil of E. C. Hawtrey [q. v.], then assistant-master at Eton. Though fairly suc- cessful in his school tasks, he devoted himself chiefly to more congenial studies, becoming thoroughly familiar with the early English dramatists and poets. He wrote essays for the school debating societies, showing an increasing interest in philosophical and poli- tical questions. He contributed some papers to the Eton < Miscellany ' in the early part of 1827. In the following summer he left the school, and passed eight months with his parents in Italy. He became so good an Italian scholar as to write sonnets in the language, warmly praised by Panizzi as superior to anything which could have been expected from a foreigner. He was much interested in art, and especially loved the early Italian and German schools. Re- turning to England in June 1828, he en- tered Trinity College, Cambridge, as a pupil of Whewell in the following October. He disliked mathematics, and had not received the exact training necessary for success in classical examination. His memory for dates, facts, and even poetry was not strong. He won the first declamation prize at his college in 1831 for an essay upon the conduct of the Independent party during the civil war, and in the following Christmas delivered the cus- tomary oration, his subject being the influ- ence of Italian upon English literature. He had won another prize for an essay upon the philosophical writings of Cicero. (The last two appear in his ' Remains.') At Cambridge he formed the intimacy with Tennyson made memorable by the * In Memoriam ' (issued in 1850). He left Cambridge after graduating in 1832, and entered the Inner Temple, living in his father's house. He took an interest in legal studies, and entered the chambers of a conveyancer, Mr. Walters of Lincoln's Inn. His health had improved, after some symptoms of deranged circulation. In 1833 he travelled with his father to Germany. While staying at Vienna he died instanta- neously on 15 Sept. 1833, from a rush of blood to the head, due to a weakness of the heart and the cerebral vessels. He was buried on 3 Jan. 1834, in the chancel of Clevedon Church, Somersetshire, belonging to his ma- ternal grandfather, Sir A. Elton. A touch- ing memoir written by his father was pri- vately printed in 1834, with a collection of remains. They go far to justify the anticipa- tions cherished by his illustrious friends. After a schoolboy admiration for Byron, he had become a disciple of Keats, of Shelley, whose influence is very marked, and final ly of Words- worth, whom he might have rivalled as a philosophical poet. He was, however, di- verging from poetry to metaphysics, and look- ing up to Coleridge as a master. His powers of thought are shown in the essay upon Cicero, while his remarkable knowledge of Dante is displayed in an able criticism of Professor Rossetti's ' Disquisizione sullo spirito anti- papale,' chiefly intended as a protest against the hidden meaningfound in Dante's writings by Rossetti. Hallam had begun to translate the 'Vita Nuova.' A criticism (first pub- lished in the l Englishman's Magazine/ 1831) of Tennyson's first poems is also noteworthy for its sound judgment and exposition of cri- tical principles. HALLAM, HENRY FITZMATJRICE (1824- 1850), named after his godfather, Lord Lans- downe, was born on 31 Aug. 1824, was edu- cated at Eton from 1836 to 1841, and won the Newcastle medal. In October 1842 he entered Trinity College, Cambridge, won a scholarship on his first trial at Easter, 1844, and won the first declamation prize (upon 'The Influence of Religion on the various Forms of Art ') in his third year ; graduated as 'senior optime' and second chancellor's medallist in January 1846, and left Cam- bridge at Christmas following. He had founded the ' Historical ' debating club in his first year, belonged to the society generally known as ' The Apostles,' and occasionally spoke at the Union, and especially distin- guished himself in defence of the Maynooth grant. He was called to the bar in Trinity term, 1850, and joined the midland circuit. He travelled with his family in the summer to Rome, was taken ill from feebleness of circulation, and died of exhaustion at Siena on 25 Oct. 1850. He was buried by the side of his brother, mother, and sister (Ellen) on 23 Dec. at Clevedon. A brief account of him by his friends, H. S. Maine and Frank- lin Lushington, showing that he was as much beloved as his brother, was privately printed soon after his death, and was added to the reprint of his brother's * Remains ' in 1853. The volume was published in 1863. Hallam 99 Hallam [The writer has to thank Sir J. F. Lennard, foart., of Wickham Court, Kent, son-in-law of Henry Hallam, and Mrs. Robbins and Mrs. Brook- field, daughters of Sir C. A. Elton, and nieces of Mrs. Hallam, for information very kindly given. The best account of Hallam's life and estimate of his historical writings is the ' Notice historique ' by Mignet, read before the Academie des Sciences Morales et Potitiques on 3 Jan. 1862. Mignet liad received information from the family.] L.S. HALLAM, JOHN (d. 1537), conspirator, was a native of Cawkill, Yorkshire, and had much local influence and popularity. A de- termined Romanist he strenuously opposed the king's supremacy and the suppression of the monasteries. When the priest announced at Kilnskill that the king had suppressed St. "Wilfrid's day, Hallam angrily protested, and persuaded the villagers to keep the feast. When the news of the pilgrimage of grace in Lincolnshire (1536) arrived, Hallam, who was at Beverley, read Aske's proclamation [see ASKE, ROBEKT], exhorting the people of the East Riding to restore the old religion and re-establish the monasteries, and took the pilgrim's oath himself. He was made one of the captains of the rebel forces between Beverley and Duffield, and marched with the Beverley contingent under Stapleton to cap- ture Hull. . Hallam remained there as gover- nor ; but when the rebellion was suppressed lie was ousted by Rogers, the mayor, and Alderman Eland, both being knighted for their services. Hallam shared in the general pardon, but in January 1537 he, with Sir Francis Bigod [q. v.] and others, concocted the second pilgrimage. From Settrington, their headquarters, Bigod marched to Bever- ley, and Hallam to Hull, which place he and his followers entered on market day disguised as farmers. They were discovered and pur- sued. Hallam was captured and dragged inside the Beverley gate just as Bigod's troop arrived. He was summarily tried, convicted, and hanged in January 1537. [Ross's Celebrities of the Yorkshire Wolds, 1878, p. 71; Oldmixon's History, 1839, i. 102; Stow's Chronicle, p. 573 ; Hall's Chronicle, p. 239 ; Rapin, i. 815 ; Sheahan and Whellan's History of Yorkshire, i. 189.] E. T. B. HALLAM or HALLUM, ROBERT {d. 1417), bishop of Salisbury, was born pro- bably between 1360 and 1370, and educated at Oxford. He was given the prebend of Bitton in Salisbury Cathedral, 26 Jan. 1394- 1395 ( W. H. JONES, Fasti Eccl. Sarisb.p. 366), and that of Osbaldwick in York Cathedral 16 March 1399-1400 (LE NEVE, Fasti Fed. Angl. ed. Hardy, iii. 207). On 7 April 1400 he was collated to the archdeaconry of Can- terbury (ib. i. 42). In 1403 he was elected chancellor of the university of Oxford, and held the office, according to Wood (Fasti Oxon. p. 36, ed. Gutch), until 1406 ; but it seems more likely that he resigned according to the usual practice in the spring of 1405, especially since Dr. William Faringdon is mentioned as ( cancellarius natus ' (or acting chancellor during a vacancy) on 12 July in that year. Hallam, on his election, was a master, but probably proceeded to the degree of doctor of canon law (which the brass upon his tomb shows him to have possessed) dur- ing the time that he was officially resident at Oxford. After the murder of Archbishop Scroope in June 1405 the pope nominated him to the see of York, but the appointment was not carried out in consequence of the king's ob- jections (LE NEVE, iii. 109). In the summer of 1406 Hallam appears to have resigned all the preferments above mentioned, and to have taken up his residence at Rome (ib. i. 42). In the following year he was made bishop of Salisbury by a bull of Gregory XII dated 22 June 1407 (ib. ii. 602) ; according to Bishop Stubbs, however (Reg. Sacr. An- glic, p. 63), the letters of provision were not issued until 7 Oct. The temporalities of the see were restored to him under the style of ' late archbishop of York,' 1 Dec. (RYMEK, viii. 504), not 13 Aug. as Kite says (Monu- mental Brasses of Wiltshire, p. 98) ; and he made his obedience at Maidstone, 28 March 1 408 (LE NEVE, I.e.) He was consecrated by Gregory XII at Siena (STUBBS, I.e. ; JONES. p. 97). In 1409 Hallam was appointed one of the ambassadors to attend the council of Pisa (WALSINGHAM, Hist. Anglic, ii. 280, Rolls Ser.), with full powers to bind the clergy and laity of England to whatever decisions might be come to respecting the restoration of unity in the church (H. VON DEE HAKDT, Rerum Cone. oec. Constant, torn. ii. 112). He preached before the council at its sixth ses- sion, 30 April (ib. 89, 112; MANSI, Cone. Coll. Ampliss. xxvii. 6, 114, 125 ; not 24 April, MANSI, xxvi. 1139), devoting his discourse to the main subject for which the assembly was convened, the union of the church. On 6 June 1411 Hallam was made a car- dinal priest by John XXIII (cf. CEEIGHTON, i. 246). This at least is stated on documen- tary authority by Ciaconius and Oldoinus ( Vit. Pontif. Roman, ii. 803 f.), but there is added the note that * titulum non obtinuit de more, quia Romam nunquam venit.' Per- haps this irregularity may explain why the fact of his cardinalship has been often denied, H2 Hallam 100 Hallam and also why at the council of Constance he took rank not as a cardinal but as a simple bishop (H. VON BEE HARDT, iv. 591 ; MANSI, xxvii. 818). In 1412 he lent the king five hundred marks as a contribution towards the expenses of his foreign expedition (RYMER, viii. 767). On 20 Oct. 1414 Hallam was ap- pointed with nine colleagues to act as the English ambassadors at the council sum- moned to meet shortly at Constance (ib. ix. 167), and further to conclude a treaty with Sigismund, king of the Romans (ib. 168 f.); they arrived at Constance on 7 Dec. (H. VON DER HARDT, iv. 23), Hallam being provided with sixty-four horses and a great company of attendants (RiCHENTAL, p. 46). He took with him a treatise, written at his request by Dr. Richard Ullerston or Ulverstone, an Ox- ford divine, in 1408, and entitled l Petitiones quoad Reformationem Ecclesise militantis' (printed by H. VON DER HARDT, i. 1128-71). This treatise Hallam is said to have pro- duced at the council. During its earlier sessions he seems to have guided the action of the English ' nation/ in securing for it an independent vote, and uniting it closely with the German ' nation ' and with King (after- wards Emperor) Sigismund in a definitely re- forming policy. Of the several objects for which the council was summoned that for which he sought earnestly to claim prece- dence was the reformation of the church ' in capite et in membris.' Such an aim natu- rally placed him in opposition to John XXIII, the pope to whom he owed his highest prefer- ment ; and he made himself conspicuous by the energy with which he denounced his con- duct (witness his famous declaration, t Rogo dignum esse lohannem papam/ 11 March 1415, ib. iv. 1418, and Fasti, p. 21), and as- serted that the council was superior to the pope (ib. iv. 59). John mentions Hallam's hostility as one of the causes which drove him to flee from Constance and take refuge at Schaffhausen, 21 March (Informationes Pa- pa, &c., ib. ii. 160). The bishop appears, indeed, to have taken an active share in the negotiations concerning Pope John ; on 17 April he signed on behalf of the English nation the council's letter to the kings and princes of Europe, relating the facts of the pope's flight and its issues (ib. iv. 125-9) ; on 13 May he was placed upon a commis- sion to hear appeals (ib. 172) ; on the fol- lowing day he gave his assent on the part of his nation to the suspension of Pope John (ib. 183). The trials of Hus and of Jerom of Prague and the condemnation of WyclifiVs doctrines seem to have interested him less ; once, perhaps, he interposed a question during the second hearing of Hus, 7 June (ib. 310), and again on 5 July, the day before his death^ Hallam took part in a committee of the nations at the Franciscan convent which sat to urge the prisoner by any means to recant his errors (ib. 386 f., 432). There is also a hint of the bishop's desire for fair play and moderation in dealing with Jerom of Prague,. 23 May (ib. 218). But it would be a mistake to suppose that he looked with the smallest approval upon the religious movement in Bohemia, which doubtless appeared to him, as to the mass of the ' reforming ' members of the council, in the light of a vexatious- obstacle to the success of their hopes. On 19 Dec. 1415 Hallam was present at a congregation of the nations, when the Ger- man president made an emphatic protest against the council's delay in attacking se- rious and admitted abuses in the church, particularly simony (ib. 556 f.) On 4 Feb.. 1416 Hallam joined in signing the articles of Narbonne relative to the admission to the- council of Benedict XIII's supporters (ib. 591), and on 5 June he made a speech on the reception of the ambassadors from Por- tugal (ib. 788). After the treaty made with Sigismund during his visit to England in 1416, Hallam was placed upon commis- sions for the purpose of entering into alli- ances with various powers, the king of Ar- ragon, the princes of the empire and other nobles of Germany, the Hanse towns, and the city of Genoa, 2 Dec. 1416 (RYMER, ix, 410-16, cf. 437). Just before Sigismund was expected back at Constance, Hallam and the other English bishops celebrated the prospect of a speedy termination of their labours by a banquet to the burghers of the- city on Sunday, 24 Jan. 1417, followed by a'comcedia sacra' — evidently a sort of mys- tery play — in Latin, on the subject of the nativity of Christ, the worship of the magir and the murder of the holy innocents (ib. 1088 f.) On the 27th, when the king ar- rived, Sir John Forester reports to Henry V that after the first solemn reception had! taken place 'thanne wente my lord of Salis- bury to fore hestely to the place of the general consayl . . . and he entryde into the pulpette : war the cardenal Cameracence [Ailly], chief of the nation of France and sour special enemy, also had purposith to nave y maad the collation to for the kyng, in worschip of the Frenche nation : bot my lord of Salisbury kepte pocession in wor- schip of }ow and }owr nation ; and he made ther ryth a good collation that plesyde the kyng ryth well' (ib. ix. 434). Two days later the English bishops were received with marked consideration by the king, and on the 31st they entertained him at a great feast Hallam 101 Haiie the dramatic accompaniment they had rehearsed the week before (II. VON DER HARDT, iv. 1089, 1091). In the following spring (1417) Hallam was .actively engaged on a committee appointed to investigate the charges against Peter de Lima (Benedict XIII) in view of his depo- sition (ib. 1322, 1323, 1331) ; and when this step had been finally taken, 26 July, and the council was divided on the question of the order of business — whether it should at once proceed to the election of a new pope, or first mature a comprehensive scheme of •ecclesiastical reform — Hallam, with his fel- lows in the English nation, vigorously sup- ported by Henry V (cf. RYMER, ix. 466), were associated more closely than ever with •Sigismund and the Germans in insisting on the second alternative. On 4 Sept., however, Hallam died at the castle of Gottlieben, just below Constance, at the opening of the Unter- ,see (letter of Martin V, ap. LE NEVE, ii. •602ft.; RlCHENTAL, p. 113; H. VON DEE HARDT, iv. 1414) ; and his death was im- mediately followed by the abandonment of the reforming party by the English nation .and their adhesion to the cardinals' side, and by the election of a new pope, Martin V, on 11 Nov. The relation of cause and eft'ect has been assumed as a matter of course both by •contemporary and later writers (see ib. 1426 f. ; JMiLMAN, Hist. ofLat. Chr. viii. 309, 3rd edit. 1872; cf. NEANDER, Hist, of the Chr. Eeligion and Church, ix. 174, tr. J. Torrey, ed. 1877, &c.) ; but the appearance at the council of Bishop (afterwards Cardinal) Beaufort, pro- bably on or before 20 Oct. (cf. CREIGHTON, i. •394 n.\ with the object, as it appears, of ne- gotiating a reconciliation with the Roman party, seems to show that Henry V had already accepted the change of policy at the time of Hallam's death. If this reasoning be correct, it was not the loss of Hallam's •advocacy that destroyed the hopes of the reformers, though his death may have been alleged as a colourable pretext for the Eng- lish change of front (so CREIGHTON, i. 393). On the other hand it is not proved that Beau- fort was sent on a special mission by Henry V; the statement of Schelstraten (manuscript ap. II. YON DER HARDT, iv. 1447) is that •Sigismund, hearing that he was at Ulm, on his journey as a pilgrim to the Holy Land, was requested by the English at Con- stance to invite him to attend the council; which account may equally well be explained on the assumption that the English, feel- ing themselves powerless without their old leader, and half disposed to yield, took ad- vantage of the presence of their king's half- brother and chancellor in the neighbourhood Brasses of Wiltshire,' xxxii. Hallam's will, and proved 10 Sept., is preserved in the beth archives (LE NEVE, ii. 602 ; J to appeal to him as an adviser and mediator in the hot dispute which was then raging between the diiferent parties at the council. However this may be, the honesty, straight- forwardness, and independence of Ilallam in his conduct during nearly three years of the council's sessions are beyond dispute. Limit- ing himself mainly to the great questions of re- storing unity to the church and of reforming evils in its system, his position in the coun- cil was a highly important one, both through his personal work in committees and through his influence as president of his nation. Hallam's body was brought from Gott- lieben to Constance on the day folio wing his death (II. VON DER HARDT, iv. 1414), and was buried on 13 Sept in the cathedral with great pomp, in the presence of Sigismund j and all the great personages of the council (ib. 1418). His tomb is at the foot of the steps leading to the high altar, and is marked by a noble brass, which from its decoration is conjectured to have been engraved in Eng- land. It has been published and described by R. L. Pearsall in the ' Arehseologia,' 1844, xxx. 431-7 ; and by E. Kite, ' Monumental 97 ff. and plate 23 Aug. 1417, Lam- JONES, p. 97), Hallam's name is sometimes cor- rupted into l Alarms ' (H. VON DER HARDT, iv. 1414) ; on the brass it is written ' Hal- lum.' In the records concerning the council of Constance he is commonly, though not apparently in official documents, described as ' archbishop/ a mistake which may either be accounted for as a reminiscence of his former nomination to York, or, perhaps, through a confusion with the dignity of the archbishop of Salzburg (< Salisburgensis,' as the name is actually spelt, e.g. by RICHEN- TAL, p. 46 ; H. VON DER HARDT,' IV. 1089, 1414, &c.) [Le Neve's Fasti Eccl. Anglic., ed. Har-.'.y ; W. H. Jones's Fasti Eccl. Rarisb. 1879, pp. 97, 366 ; Rymer's Feed era, 1709, vols. viii. ix. ; Ulrichs von Richental's Chronik des Constanzer Concils, ed. M. E. Buck, Tubingen, 1882; H. von der Hardt's Res Concil. (Ecum. Constant., Frank- furt, 1697-1700, folio; Mansi's Coll. Concil. Am- pliss., Venice, 1784, vols. xxvi. xxvii. ; E. Kite's Monumental Brasses of Wiltshire, I860, 97 ff. and plate xxxii. ; Ciaconii Vitse Pontif. Eoman., ed. Oldoinus, Rome, 1677, folio; E. Hailstone in Archgeologia, 1847, xxxii. 394 f.; M. Creighton's Hist, of the Papacy during the Period of the Reformation, 1882, vol. i.] R. L. P. HALLE, JOHN (d. 1479), merchant of Salisbury, was possibly a son of Thomas Halle of that city, who was a member of the Hallett 102 Hallett corporation from 1436 to 1440. John Halle is first mentioned in 1444 as a collector of a subsidy. He was admitted member of the common council in 1446, became alderman in 1448, and was constable of New Street ward in 1449. He was elected mayor in 1451, 1458, 1464, and 1465, and represented the city in the parliaments of 1453, 1460, and 1461. In 1465 the corporation became involved in a quarrel with Richard de Beauchamp [q. v.], bishop of Salisbury, and Halle, taking an active part in it, was imprisoned in London, and the corporation were ordered to elect a new mayor, which they refused to do. Halle was eventually released, and the dispute with the bishop was arranged. In 1470 Halle found forty men on behalf of the city to accompany Warwick the kingmaker for a payment of forty marks. Aubrey says that ' as Greville and Wenman bought all the Coteswolde, soe did Halle and Webb all the wooll of Salisbury plaines.' He was a mer- chant of the staple, and apparently acquired considerable wealth. In 1.467 he purchased a site in the street now called the New Canal, where shortly after he built a residence, the hall of which still remains. Until early in this century it was partitioned into rooms, but was then restored. The old stained glass remains in the windows, and Halle's arms and merchant's mark appear in them and on the chimney-piece. Halle died on 14 Oct. 1479, at which time he held property at Salisbury and at Shipton Bellinger in Hampshire (' Inquisitiones post mortem/ in appendix to DUKE, Prolusiones). He was apparently mar- ried to Joan Halle, and had a son William, who was attainted in 1483 for taking part in Buckingham's rising. This sentence was re- versed in 1485 (Rot. Part. vi. 246, 273). William Halle's daughter and heiress mar- ried Sir Thomas Wriothesley, Garter king-at- arms in the reign of Henry VII. John Halle had also a daughter Chrystian, who married Sir Thomas Hungerford, son of Sir Edmund Hungerford,and grandson of Walter, lord Hungerford [q. v.] [Duke's Prolusiones Historic^; or Essays illustrative of the Halle of John Hall, &c. vol. i. (no more published); Gent. Mag. 1837, pt.i. 172; Hatcher's Old and New Sarum in Sir E. C. Hoare's Modern Wiltshire.] C. L. K. HALLETT or HALLET, JOSEPH, I (1628 P-1689), ejected minister, was born at Bridport, Dorsetshire, about 1628. He became by his own exertions a good Greek scholar and proficient in Hebrew. In 1652 he was ' called to the work of the ministry ' at Hinton St. George, Somersetshire, a se- questered living, and was ordained to this charge on280ct.!652inSt.Thomas's Church, Salisbury, by the ' classical presbytery of Sarum.' His ordination certificate describes him as a ' student in divinity,' of ' competent age ' (twenty-four years). From Hinton in 1656 he was promoted to the rectory of Chisel- borough with West Chinnock, Somersetshire,, also a sequestered living, which he held until the Restoration. Calamy says he held it until the Uniformity Act (1662), but Walker states, and the rate-books prove, that the sequestered rector, Thomas Gauler, was restored ' with, his majesty.' Hallett retired to Bridport, living there with his father-in-law till he settled at Bradpole, Dorsetshire, where he kept a conventicle. On the indulgence of 1672 Hallett was called to Exeter by the presbyterians there,, but after the revocation of the indulgence in the following year he was brought up, June- 1673, at the Guildhall, Exeter, for preaching- to some two hundred persons in the house of one Palmer, and fined 20Z. He continued to- preach, and was twice imprisoned in the- South Gate, the second occasionbeing in 1685. James II's declaration for liberty of consci- ence (1687), although Hallett refused to read in public, enabled the Exeter presbyterians to build a meeting-house (known as James' Meeting), of which Hallett was the first minister. It was this meeting-house to which, when William of Orange entered Exeter in November 1688, access was obtained by Ro- bert Ferguson (d. 1714) [q. v.] Hallett's health was shattered by his im- prisonments. He died on 14 March 1689. By his wife Elizabeth he had two daughters,. Elizabeth (b. 21 Feb. 1658) and Mary (b. 15 Oct. 1659), and a son, Joseph [q. v.] His funeral sermon was preached by his successor,, George Trosse. The publications ascribed to- him by Calamy appear to belong to his son. [Calamy's Account, 1713, p. 269; Calamy's Continuation, 1727, p. 427 ; Walker's Sufferings of the Clergy, 1714, ii. 254 ; Funeral Sermon for Trosse, 1713, p. 31 ; Life of Trosse, 1714, p. 95 ; Life of Trosse (Gilling), 1715, p. 35; Murch's Hist. Presb. and Gen. Bapt. Churches in West of Engl., 1835, pp. 376 sq. ; information from the Rev. C. F. Newell, Chiselborough.] A. G. HALLETT or HALLET, JOSEPH, II (1656-1722), nonconformist minister, son of Joseph Hallett (1628 P-1689) [q. v.], was born and baptised on 4 Nov. 1656. He was probably educated by his father, was ordained in 1683, and on the erection of James' Meet- ing (1687) was appointed his father's assis- tant. He retained a similar office under George Trosse, his father's successor, and on Trosse's death (11 Jan. 1713) became pastor. Towards the end of the year James Peirce [q. v.] became his colleague. Hallett 103 Hallett Hallett conducted at Exeter a noncon- formist academy, which became famous as a nursery of heresy. Its opening has been dated as early as 1690 ; it had a well-es- tablished reputation when John Fox (1693- 1763) [q. v.] entered it in May 1708. No taint of heresy attached to it until 17 10, when Hallett's son Joseph [see HALLETT, JOSEPH, 1691 P-1744] became an assistant tutor, and brought in the private discussion of Whis- ton's views. Rumours spread as to the free- dom of opinion concerning our Lord's divinity permitted in the academy, until in September 1718 the Exeter assembly (a mixed body of presbyterian and congregationalist divines) called for a declaration of belief in the Holy Trinity to be made by all its members. Hal- lett was the first to comply ; his declaration, though adopted by some and not formally objected toby any, was not satisfactory to the majority. In November the thirteen trustees who held the property of the Exeter meet- ing-houses applied to their ministers for fur- ther assurances of orthodoxy, and failed to obtain them. By the advice of five London ministers, of whom Calamy was one, the case was laid before seven Devonshire presbyterian divines, whose decision led the trustees to exclude (6 March) Hallett and Peirce from James' Meeting, and on 10 March from all the meeting-houses. In Calamy's view the trustees exceeded their powers ; a vote of the congregation should have been taken. Hal- lett and Peirce secured a temporary place of worship, which was opened on 15 March. They were still members of the Exeter as- sembly. This body in May proposed that all its members should subscribe Bradbury's ' gallery declaration ; ' fifty-six did so, nine- teen refused and seceded. On 6 May a paper was drawn up, apparently by Hallett, whose signature stands first, in which the charges of Arianism and of baptising in the name of the Father only are disclaimed. A new building, called the Mint Meeting, was erected for Hallett and Peirce (opened 27 Dec. 1719) ; their congregation numbered about three hundred. Hallett's academy did not long survive these changes ; it was closed in 1720. For a list of thirty-seven of his students see ' Monthly Repository,' 1818, p. 89. The most distinguished were James Foster [q. v.] and Peter King [q. v.], afterwards lord chancellor. Hallett died in 1722. His son Joseph is separately noticed. Hallett published: 1. 'Twenty-seven Queries ' addressed to quakers, and printed by them in * Gospel Truths Scripturally as- serted ... by John Gannaclift' and Joseph Nott,' &c., 1692, 4to. 2. < Christ's Ascension into Heaven,' &c., 1693, 8vo. 3. ' A Sermon . . .at the Funeral of ... Geo. Trosse . . . to which is added a Short Account of his Life,' &c., 1713, 8vo. 4. 'The Life of ... Geo. Trosse . . . written by himself,' &c., 1714, 8vo. [Peirce's Remarks upon the Account of what was transacted in the Assembly at Exon. 1719, pp. 37 sq. ; Fox's Memoirs in Monthly Repository, 1821, pp. 130 sq., 198; Calamy's Own Life, 1830, ii. 403 sq. ; Murch's Hist. Presb. and Gren. Bapt. Churches in West of Engl. 1835, pp. 386 sq. ; The Salter's Hall Fiasco in Christian Life, 16 and 23 June 1888 ; manuscript list of ordina- tions in records of Exeter Assembly.] A. Gr. HALLETT or HALLET, JOSEPH, III (1691 P-1744), nonconformist minister, eldest son of Joseph Hallett (1656-1722) [q. v.], was bom at Exeter in 1691 or 1692. He was edu- cated at his father's academy. Among his class-mates was John Fox (1693-1763) [q.v.], who describes him as 'a very grave, serious, and thinking young man,' 'most patient of study,' and reading more than any other stu- dent. From 1710 he acted as assistant tutor. Early in that year he was attracted by the ' Ad- vice for the Study of Divinity ' in Whiston's ' Sermons and Essays,' 1709, 8vo. He wrote to Whiston, cautioning him not to direct the an- swer to himself, since if it were known that he ' corresponded with Whiston he would be ruined.' Whiston, whose reply is dated 1 May 1710, seems to have thought his correspondent was the father ; Fox tells us it was the son, and adds that Hallett was the first who at Exeter ' fell into the Unitarian scheme,' the term being used in Whiston's sense. On 6 May 1713 Hallett was licensed to preach. An ordina- tion at Chudleigh, Devonshire (18 June 1713), led to a correspondence between Hallett and Fox, in which Hallett expressed ' high no- tions' of ministerial authority and the aposto- lic succession, confirming Fox in the opinion that Hallett had f a great propensity to rule and management.' On 19 Oct. 1715 Hallett was ordained at Exeter along with John Lavington, afterwards the leader of presby- terian orthodoxy in the West of England. He is probably the Hallett who, according to Evans's list, was minister for a time to a congregation of four hundred people at Mar- tock, near South Petherton, Somersetshire. He signed the disclaimer of Arianism (6 May 1719) drawn up by his father, and took part in the controversy which divided the Exeter assembly, aiming to reconcile the unity of God with a recognition of the Son as subor- dinate deity. On his father's death (1722) he succeeded him as colleague to Peirce at the Mint Meet- ing. When Peirce died (1726) his place was taken by Thomas Jefiery, formerly a student Halley 104 Halley at the elder Hallett's academy. Fox de- scribes Hallett as * a popular preacher, learned and laborious/ and characterises his publica- tions as having ' much more of clergy than of the mother in them.' He attempted to steer, with Clarke, a middle course between Arian- ism and orthodoxy. His conjectural emenda- tions of the received text of the Hebrew scriptures were in very many instances con- firmed as various readings by Kennicott. He died on 2 April 1744. He published : 1. 'The Belief of the Sub- ordination of the Son ... no characteristic!! of an Arian,' &c., Exeter, 1719, fol. 2. ' Re- flections on the . . . Reasons why many citizens of Exeter,' &c., 1720, 8vo. 3. < The Unity of God not inconsistent with the Divinity of Christ,' &c., 1720, 8vo. 4. f Jupiter and Saturn was published at the end of his « Tables.' He first attributed their opposite discrepancies from theory to the effects of mutual perturbation, assigning to -each planet a secular equation increasing as the square of the time. From a comparison of ancient with modern eclipses he inferred in 1693 a progressive acceleration of the moon's mean motion (Phil. Trans, xvii. 913), explained on gravitational principles by La- place in 1787. He set forth the conditions of the daylight visibility of Venus in 1716, 'by some reckoned to be prodigious' (ib. xxix. 466) ; collected observations of me- teors (ib. p. 159), and deduced a height from the earth's surface of seventy-three miles for that seen in England on 19 March 1719 (ib. xxx. 978), while maintaining the origin of such objects from terrestrial exhalations (ib. p. 989). His most celebrated work, however, was 'Astronomiae Cometicae Synopsis' (ib. xxiv. 1882), communicated to the Royal So- ciety in 1705, and separately published in English at Oxford the same year. It was reprinted with his ' Tables ' in 1749, and translated into French by LeMonnierin 1743. Having computed, with ' immense labour,' the orbits of twenty-four comets, he found three so nearly alike as to persuade him that the comets of 1531, 1607, and 1682 were ap- paritions of a single body, to which he as- signed a period of about seventy-six years. In predicting its return for 1758, he appealed to ' candid posterity to acknowledge that this was first discovered by an Englishman.' The reappearance of 'Halley's comet' on Christ- mas day 1758 verified the forecast, and laid a secure foundation for cometary astronomy. A period of 575 years was erroneously as- signed by Halley to the comet of 1680. The employment of transits of Venus for ascertaining the sun's distance was first re- commended by Halley in 1679 ; again in more detail in 1691 (ib. xvii. 511); finally in 1716, when his { method of durations ' was elabo- rated with special reference to the transit of 1761 (ib. xxix. 454). He believed that the great unit might in this way be measured within ~Q of its value, and his enthusiasm stimulated the efforts made to turn the op- portunity to account. An inquiry into pre- cession led Halley in 1718 to the discovery of stellar proper motions evinced in the changes of latitude, since Ptolemy's epoch, of Sirius, Aldebaran, and Arcturus (ib. xxx. 736). From the instantaneousness of occul- tations he gathered the spurious nature of star-discs, and estimated the number of stars corresponding to each magnitude on the hypo- thesis of their uniform distribution through space (ib. xxxi. 1, 24). Nebulas were re- garded by him as composed of a ' lucid me- dium shining with its own proper lustre,' and as occupying ' spaces immensely great, and perhaps not less than our whole solar system.' Six such objects were enumerated by him in 1716 (ib. xxix. 390), and he dis- covered, in 1677 and 1714 respectively, the star clusters in the Centaur and in Hercules. Halley divined and demonstrated in 1686 the law connecting elevation in the atmo- sphere with its density, consequently with barometrical readings (ib. xvi. 104) ; he mate- rially improved diving apparatus, and him- self made a descent in a diving-bell (ib. xxix. 492, xxxi. 177) ; experimented on the dilatation of liquids by heat (ib. xvii. 650) ; and by his scientific voyages laid the foun- dation of physical geography. As the com- piler of the ' Breslau Table of Mortality' he takes rank as the virtual originator of the science of life-statistics. His papers on the subject (ib. pp. 596, 654) were reprinted in the 'Assurance Magazine' (vol. xviii.) It has been observed by M. Marie (Hist, des Halley Halley Sciences, vii. 125) that 'his results in pure geometry, though the fruits only of leisure moments, would alone suffice to secure him a distinguished place in scientific history.' Besides his important restorations of ancient authors, he investigated the properties of the loxodromic curve, and first solved the pro- blem to describe a conic section of which the focus and three points are given. He fur- nished an improved construction for equa- tions of the third and fourth degrees (Phil. Trans, xvi. 335) ; his universal theorem for finding the foci of object-glasses (ib. xvii. 960) appeared originally as an appendix to Moly- neux's 'Dioptricks' (1692) ; and his account of the relations of weather to barometrical fluctuations was included by Cotes in his 'Hydrostatieal Lectures' (2nd ed. 1747, p. 246). His papers on the ' Analogy of the Logarithmic Tangents to the Meridian Line ' and on ( A compendious Method of Construct- ing Logarithms ' were reprinted in Baron Maseres's 'Scriptores Logarithmic! ' (vol. ii. 1791). The ' Miscellanea Curiosa,' edited by Halley in 1708 (in 3 vols.), was largely com- posed of his contributions to the 'Philo- sophical Transactions.' His t Journal ' during his two voyages, 1698-1700, was published in 1775 by Dalrymple in his 'Collection of Voyages in the South Atlantic ; ' and a num- ber of interesting letters addressed by him at the same epoch to Josiah Burchett, secretary to the admiralty, are preserved at the Record Office (under the heading ( Captains' Letters, 1698-1700 '). His ' Southern Catalogue ' was reprinted, with notes and a preface by Baily, in the thirteenth volume of the Royal Astro- nomical Society's ' Memoirs.' Dr. Gill re- cognised in 1877 the foundations of his ob- servatory at St. Helena (see MBS. GILL, Six Months in Ascension, p. 33). Lalande styled Halley 'the greatest of English astronomers,' and he ranked by com- mon consent next to Newton among the scientific Englishmen of his time. Of eighty- four papers inserted by him in the ' Philoso- phical Transactions ' a large proportion ex- pounded in a brilliant and attractive style theories or inventions opening up novel lines of inquiry and showing a genius no less fer- tile than comprehensive . ' While we thought,' wrote M. Mairan, ' that the eulogium of an astronomer, a physicist, a scholar, and a phi- losopher comprehended our whole subject, we have been insensibly surprised into the history of an excellent mariner, an illustrious traveller, an able engineer, and almost a statesman.' [Several abortive attempts have been made to write a complete biography of Halley. Mr. Israel Lyons of Cambridge was, in 1775, inter- rupted in the task by death. Professor EigaucS of Oxford had made much more extensive collec- tions (deposited after his death in 1839 in the Bodleian Library), which still await an editor. The chief sources of information at present are : Biog. Brit. vol. iv. (1757), where the substance- of manuscript memoirs imparted by Halley's- son-in-law, Mr. Henry Price, is communicated ; Mairan's ' Eloge,' in Memoires de 1'Acad. des Sciences, Paris, 1742 (Histoire.p. 18 2), translated in Gent. Mag. xvii. 455, 503 ; Wood's Athense- Oxon. (Bliss), iv. 536 ; Wood's Fasti Oxon. it. 368 ; Aubrey's Lives of Eminent Men, ii. 365 ;: Thomson's Hist. E. Society, pp. 207, 335; Eigaud; in Bradley's Miscellaneous Works (see Index) ; Memoirs E. Astr. Society, ix. 205 ; Monthly' Notices, iii. 5, vi. 204 ; Philosophical Mag. viii. 219, 224 (1836) ; Baily's Account of Flamsteed, pp. xxxi, 193, 213, 747; Hutton's Mathematical Diet. 1815; Brewster's Life of Newton; Grant's Hist, of Phys. Astronomy, p. 477 and passim ; Whewell's Hist, of the Inductive Sciences; Phil. Trans. Abridg. (Hutton), ii. 326 (1809) ; H.Brom- ley's Cat. of Engraved Portraits, p. 291 ; Lysons's; Environs, iv. 504, 509 ; Nature, xxi. 303 (Hal- ley's Mount) ; Walford's Insurance Cyclopaedia, v. 616; Graetzer's E. Halley und Caspar Neu- mann (Breslau, 1883); Poggendorff's Hist, de- la Physique (1883), p. 436 and passim; Mon- tucla's Hist, des Mathematiques, iv. 50, 308 ; Bailly's Hist, de 1'Astr. Moderne, ii. 432 ; De- lambre's Hist, de 1'Astr. au XVIII8 Siecle, p. 116 ; Lalande's Preface Historique aux Table* de Halley (1759) ; Delisle's Lettres sur les Tables, de Halley (1749); Wolf's Geschichte der As- tronomie ; Madler's Gesch. der Himmelskunde ; Cunningham's Lives of Eminent Englishmen, iv. 453; Nichols's Illustr. of Lit. iv. 22, 33; The- Observatory, iii. 348 (Oliver), viii. 429 (Lynn); Mailly's Annuaire de 1'Observatoire de Bruxelles, 1864, p. 305; Addit. MS. 4222, f. 177; Egerton MSS. 2231 f. 186, 2334 C. 2. Many unpublished1 letters from Halley to Sir Hans Sloane and others' are preserved in the Guard Book and Letter- Books of the Eoyal Society.] A. M. C. HALLEY, ROBERT, D.D. (1796-1876)r nonconformist divine and historian, the eldest of four children of Robert Hally (sic), was born at Blackheath, Kent, on 13 Aug. 1796. His father, originally a farmer at Glenalmond, Perthshire, of the 'antiburgher' branch of the secession church, had married as his first wife Ann Bellows of Bere Regis, Dorsetshire, and settled at Blackheath as a nurseryman. Halley received most of his early education at Maze Hill school, Greenwich, and in 1810 began life in his father's business. His mind being' drawn towards the ministry, he entered (18 Jan. 1816) the Horn erton Academy under John Pye Smith, D.D., and remained there six years. Among his fellow-students was Wil- liam Jacobson [q. v.], afterwards bishop of Chester. Halley's first charge was the pastor^ Halley 110 llalliday ate of the independent congregation at St. N; :>. Huntingvlov. accepted on 18 May 1832. He \r«a ordained on 11 June, but was careful to disclaim • the presby terian notions* of ordination. On4J. invited to bivome classical tutor in the High- bury College (opened 5 SepO Forthi> .11 fitted, both by attainment and character, and his influence on his pupils was both genial and bracing. In 1884 his able reply to James Yates on points of biblical criticism gained him the unsolicited degree of DJX from Princeton Colle^ N After thirteen years of collegiate work he re- turned to the active ministry, succeeding in ' 1889 Dr. M'All at Mosley Street Chapel, Manchester. Next year ^1840) he was offered, ' but declined, the principalship of Coward College, then located in London. He acquired in Manchester a position of great influence. During the bread riots of 1 842 his voice calmed and changed the counsels of a hungry and dangerous mob. In June 1848 his congrega- tion removed to a new chapel in Cavendish Street. He travelled in the East in 1854, and next vear presided as chairman of the ' con- gregational union of England and Wales.' In 1857 Halley succeeded John Harris, D.D. ^ 1 SO-' - 1 s:>o \ if v.], as principal and professor of theology at New College, St. John s Wood, London ; this important position he filled Avith marked distinction till 1872. He suf- fered pecuniary loss by the failure of the Bank of London, and in 1866, and again on his re- tirement, his friends made presentations to him, which together nearlv reached the sum of 6,0007. He retired to Clapton, but his last days were spent at Bat worth Park, near Arun- del, Sussex. On 25 June 1876 he preached for the last time. He died on 18 Aug. 187i>, and was buried on 24 Aug. in Abney Park cemetery, lie married in March 1823 Rebekah (d. September 1865), daughterof James Jacob, timber merchant at Deptford, by whom he had three sons and three daughters. His sons Robert and Jacob John followed their father's calling; his youngest son,Ebenezer,a suv. died in New Zealand in 1875. Halley was a man of transparent simplicity of character, combining a warm attachment to evangelical religion with real catholicity of spirit. Even among opponents he made no enemies. His permanent reputation will rest on his admirable survey of the religious his- tory of Lancashire. On occasion of t he bicen- tenary of the uniformity act of 1662 the pro- iect of compiling county histories of noncon- formity was suggested in manv of the local unions of congregationalists. Several works of various merit were produced. llallevV excels them all, not only from the range of its subject, but from its breadth of treatment and the naturalness and frequent beauty of Halley '$ \\ork lacks that uiinute- '..val informat ion which ehara, Pavid's -Essex' (1888), 1> Norfolk folk,' (18H), M l rwiofc but he alone rises above the noncon- formist annalist, and il .'lace among church historians. He published:!. 'The Prosper Churches promoted bv Social 1 1881, ft rhe&niV. >lonial I : fee . 188 I, to - Version ... a Creed,' .v temperate and cogent criticism, exhibiting real scholarship and quiet humour, in reply to the Rev. James Yates, a defender of the Unitarian version of the New Testament X 4. * An Inquiry into the Nature of the . , . Sacraments,' \\-.. 1>U -M, 2 vol>.. >\o; 2nd edition, l>"»l. - vols., 8vo ^ being the gregat ional lecture ' for 1848 on bapt ism, and for 1 >"»0 on the Lord's supper X 5. • l*apt ism the Designation of the Catechumen.-. ., vo (a defence of No. 4, vol. i.) 6. • Me- moir of Thomas Goodwin, 1>.R% <\. v.], pre- fixed to Goodwin 'a* Works," IsU.'svo. vol. ii. 7. 'The Act of Uniformity; a Bicentenary Lecture,' &c., 1862, 8vo. *8. « The Book of Sports; a Bicentenary Lecture,' ISt 0. ' Lancashire: its Puritanism and Noncon- formity,' &c., 2 vols,, I860, 8vo ; 2nd edition, vo. Posthumous was 10. « A Selec- tion of his Sermons,' a]>pended to ' A Biography,' &c., l>7i>. >vo, by his son, Hu- bert Halley, M.A., of Arundel. Also several tracts. He was a frequent contributor to the • Eclectic Review,' and declined an ofter of its editorship. [Short Biography, 1 879 ; Report of the Senatus of Associated Theological Colleges, 1887, p. .'»- ; Hallev's works and private letters.} A. G. HALLIDAY. [See also HALIDAT.] HALLIDAY, SIR ANDREW, M.D. 1S39), physician, was born at Ihnn- fries, Scotland, in 1781. He was at tirst edu- cated for the presbyterian ministry, but pre- ferred medicine and graduated M.D. at l\din- burgh on 24 June 1806. He travelled for a time in Russia, and on his return settled in practice at Ilalesowen, \Yorcestershire, but soon joined the army as a surgeon. 1 le >er\ t\l in the Peninsula with the Portugue>e army, and in 1811 was contemplatingahist orv of t he war (GuRWOOD, Wellington Despatches^ iv. 524, 532). lie after\vard> entered the British service, and was ]>n-seut at the asMiult of IHT- gtMi-v^n-Xoiun and at NYaterloo. lie beeame ilomestic ]>hy>iei:in to the IhiKe of Clarence (afterwards William IV), and travelled on Halliday III Halliday the continent with him. He became a ] . 'ejre of Physicians on 'I'l \)- ':. 1H9, and was knighted by George IV in 1821. He was given the post of inspector of hospitals in the \V<--* Jrrii<-s in ]".'>•'>. but his ! health broke down, and he retired to his native town in 1837, where he died at Hun- tingdon Lodge on 7 Sept. 1839. His thesis for the degree of M.D., printed at Edinburgh in 1806, was ' De Pneumatosi/ a term invented by Cullen to express what is now called surgical emphysema, an extra- vasation of air into tissues, generally due to injury of the lung, and he published a trans- lation of this Latin essay into English in London in 1807, with some additions, as ' Ob- servations on Emphysema.' It is an almost valueless compilation, but contains a single valuable original observation describing a case in which air was found under the skin all over the body after the rupture into the chest of a phthisical cavity in one lung. His other medical writings contain very little informa- { tion of value. They are : 1. ' Remarks on the Present State of the Lunatic Asylums in Ireland/ London, 1808. 2. ' Observations on the Fifth Report of the Commissioners of Military Enquiry/ 1809. 3. ' Observations on the Present State of the Portuguese Army/ 1811 ; 2nd edit., with additions, 1812. 4. Translation of Franck's ' Exposition of the Causes of Disease/ 1813. o. ' Letter to Lord Binning ... on the State of Lunatic Asy- lums and on the Insane Poor in Scotland, 1816. 6. 'A General View of the Present State of Lunatics and Lunatic Asylums in ( I r^at Britain and Ireland and in some other Kingdoms/ 1828. 6. 'A Letter to Lord R. Seymour with reference to the Number of Lunatics and Idiots in England and Wales/ B9. 7. 'A Letter to the Right Hon. the Secretary at War on Sickness and Mortality in the West Indies/ 1839. He also wrote ' A Memoir of the Campaign of 1815,' 1816 ; and ' The West Indies : the Nature and Phy- sical History of the Windward and Leeward Colonies.' 1837; and edited 'A General His- tory of the House of Guelph/1821 ; and 'An- nals of the House of Hanover/ 2 vols., 1826. [Gent. Mag. 1840, pt. i. 93; Munk's Coll. of Phys. iii. 212'; Works; Brit. Mas. Cat.l N.M. HALLIDAY, ANDREW (1830-1877), whose full name was ASDEEW HALLIDAY JH;FF, essayist and dramatist, born at the Grange, Marnoch, Banffshire, early in 1830, was son of the Rev. William Duff, M.A., minister, of Grange, Banffshire, 1821-44, who died 23 Sept. 1844, aged 53, by his wife Mary nson. Andrew was educated at the Maris- chal College and the university, Aberdeen. On corning to London in 1 849 he was for some time connected with the ' Morning Chronicle/ the ' Leader/ the ' People's Journal/ and other periodicals. He soon became known as a writer, and discarded the name of Duff'. In 1851 he wrote the article ' Beggars ' in Henry Mayhew's * London Labour and the London Poor.' He wrote for the * Cornhill Magazine/ and was a constant contributor to ' All the Year Round.' To the latter periodi- cal he furnished a series of essays from 1861 onwards, which were afterwards collected into volumes entitled * Everyday Papers/ ' Sunnyside Papers/ and 'Town and Country/ His article in 'All the Year Round' called 'My Account with Her Majesty' was re- printed by order of the postmaster-general, and more than half a million copies circu- lated. As one of the founders and president of the Savage Club in 1 857, he naturally took an interest in dramatic writing, and on Boxing night 18o8, in conjunction with Frederick Lawrence, produced at the Strand Theatre a burlesque entitled ' Kenilworth/ which ran upwards of one hundred nights, and was fol- lowed by a travesty of ' Romeo and Juliet.' In partnership with William Brough he then wrote the ' Pretty Horsebreaker/ the ' Census/ the ' Area Belle/ and several other farces. In domestic drama he was the author of ' Daddy Gray/ the ' Loving Cup/ ' Checkmate/ ami ' Love's Dream/ pieces produced with much success by Miss Oliver at the Royalty Theatre. The ' Great City/ a piece put on the stage at Drury Lane on 22 April 1867, although not re- markable for the plot or dialogue, hit the public taste and ran 102 nights. The opening piece at the new Vaudeville Theatre, London, 16 April 1870, ' For Love or Money/ was written by Halliday. He also was the writer of a series of dramas adapted from the works of well-known authors. These pieces were : ' Little Em'ly/ Olympic Theatre, 9 Oct. 1869, which ran two hundred nights; 'Amy Rob- sart/ Drury Lane, 24 Sept. 1870; 'Nell/ Olympic Theatre, 19 Nov. ; ' Notre Dame/ Adelphi Theatre, 10 April 1871 ; < Rebecca/ Drury Lane, 23 Sept.; 'Hilda/ Adelphi, 1 April 1872 ; ' The Lady of the Lake/ Drury Lane, 21 Sept. ; and ' Heart's Delight/ founded on Dickens s ' Dombey and Son, Globe Thea- tre, 17 Dec. 1873. He possessed a remark- able talent for bringing out the salient points of a novel, and his adaptations were success- ful where others failed. Charles Dickens warmly praised the construction of ' Little Emly.' From 1873 Halliday suffered from softening of the brain. He died at 74 St. Augustine's Road, Camden Town, London, 10 April 1877, and was buried in Highgate Halliday 112 Hallifax cemetery on 14 April. His printed works were: 1. 'The Adventures of Mr. Wilder- spin in his Journey through Life,' 1860. 2. ' Everyday Papers,' 1864, 2 vols. 3. ' Sunny- side Papers,' 1866. 4. * Town and Country Sketches,' 1866. 5. 'The Great City,' a novel, 1867. 6. ' The Savage Club Papers,' 1867 and 1868, edited by A. Halliday, 2 vols. 7. Shakespeare's tragedy of 'An- tony and Cleopatra,' arranged by A. Hal- liday, 1873. In Lacy's f Acting Edition of Plays,' the following pieces were printed: in vol. xliii. ' Romeo and Juliet travestie,' and in vol. Ixxxv. 'Checkmate,' a farce. The farces by William Brough and A. Halliday were : In vol. 1. the ' Census,' in vol. li. the 'Pretty Horsebreaker,' in vol. Iv. 'A Shilling Day at the Great Exhibition ' and the ' Colleen Bawn settled at last,' in vol. Ivii. ' A Valentine,' in vol. Ix. ' My Heart's in the Highlands,' in vol. Ixii. the 'Area Belle,' in vol. Ixiii. the ' Actor's Retreat,' in vol. Ixiv. 'Doing Banting,' in vol. Ixv. ' Going to the Dogs,' invol.lxvi. ' Upstairs and Down- stairs,' in vol. Ixvii. ' Mudborough Election.' ' Kenil worth,' a comic extravaganza, by A. Halliday and F. Lawrence, and ' Check- mate,' a comedy, were also printed. In a publication called 'Mixed Sweets,' 1867, Halliday wrote 'About Pantomimes,' pp. 43-54. [Illustrated Review, 4 Feb. 1874, pp. 81-2, with portrait; Era, 15 April 1877, p. 12; Car- toon Portraits, 1873, pp. 88-9, with portrait; The Theatre, 17 April 1877, pp. 140-1 ; Illustrated London News, 21 Aug. 1877, p. 373, with por- trait ; Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News, 21 April 1877, pp. 105-6, with portrait ; Inglis's Dramatic Writers of Scotland, 1868, pp. 49, 132.] G. C. B. HALLIDAY, MICHAEL FREDE- RICK (1822-1869), amateur artist, son of a captain in the navy, was from 1839 until his death clerk in the parliament office, House of Lords. He cultivated a taste for painting in later years with much energy and fair success. He exhibited at the Royal Aca- demy in 1853 a view of ' Moel Shabod from the Capel Curig Road.' In 1856 he exhibited ' The Measure for the Wedding Ring,' and two scenes from the Crimean war ; the former attracted much notice and was engraved. He exhibited in 1857 ' The Sale of a Heart,' in 1858 ' The Blind Basket-maker with his First Child,' in 1864 ' A Bird in the Hand,' and in 1866 ' Roma vivente e Roma morta.' He contributed an etching of ' The Plea of the Midsummer Fairies' to the edition of Hood's * Poems ' published by the Junior Etching Club in 1858. Halliday was one of the earliest members of the pre-Raphaelite school of painting. He was also an enthu- siastic volunteer, a first-rate rifle-shot, and one of the first English eight who competed for the Elcho Shield at Wimbledon. He died after a short illness at Thurloe Place, South Kensington, on 1 June 1869, and was- buried at Brompton cemetery. [Redgrave's Diet, of Artists; Art Journal, 1869; Athenaeum, 12 June 1869; Eoyal Aca- demy Catalogues.] L. C. HALLIFAX, SAMUEL (1733-1790), bishop successively of Gloucester and St. Asaph, born at Mansfield on 8 Jan. 1733r was eldest son of Robert Hallifax, apothecary , of Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, by Hannah, daughter of Samuel Jebb of the same town, who are commemorated by a monument in Chesterfield Church. Robert Hallifax, M.D. (1735-1810), who was physician to the Prince of Wales (afterwards George IV), was a younger brother (MuNK, Coll. of Phys. ii. 336). Sir Richard Jebb (1729-1787) [q. v.] and John Jebb (1736-1786) [q. v.] were his first cousins. His grandfather, Robert Water- house of Halifax, was the first to drop the patronymic of Waterhouse, and to call him- self Hallifax, from the town with which his family had been long connected. After at- tending the grammar school of Mansfield,. Hallifax was admitted into Jesus College, Cambridge, as an ordinary sizar 21 Oct. 1749, and was elected to a close scholarship on the foundation of Archbishop Sterne on 24 Oct. In January 1 754 he graduated B. A., when he was third wrangler in mathematics, and won the chancellor's gold medal for classics, and in 1755 and 1756 he carried off" one of the mem- bers' prizes. He was elected foundation scho- lar on 16 Feb. 1754, and admitted to a fellow- ship on 22 June 1756. Next year he proceeded M.A., and before resigning his fellowship at J esus College, early in 1760, held the college offices of praelector, dean, tutor, steward, and: rental bursar. On migrating to Trinity Hallr Hallifax was elected to a fellowship (3 April 1760), and speedily became eminent as its tutor. Here he applied himself to the study of law, and took the degree of LL.D. in 1764. He was presented to the rectory of Ched- dington, Buckinghamshire, 30 Nov. 1765, and held it until 1777, but continued to re- side at Cambridge, and retained his fellow- ship until 1 Nov. 1775. When the chair of Arabic became vacant in January 1768, Halli- fax, then deputy of Dr. Ridlington, professor of civil law, defeated his cousin, John Jebb, who had studied Arabic for some time, in the contest for the Arabic chair. He held as sine- cures for two years both the professorship of Arabic on the foundation of SirThomas Adams Hallifax Hallifax and the lord almoner's professorship of Arabic (1768-70). These censurable proceedings on the part of Hallifax alienated his cousin. Their differences were aggravated in 1772 on the •attempt to abolish subscription to the Thirty- nine Articles by clergymen and members of the universities, when some letters signed ' Eras- mus ' in the newspapers, in favour of subscrip- tion, were generally ascribed to Hallifax. He was attacked by Mrs. Jebb with such wit and sarcasm that he is said to have called on Wilkie, her publisher, to request him not to print any more of her writings. They were again at variance in 1774, when Jebb carried Tiis grace for a syndicate to promote annual examinations. From 1770 to 1782 Hallifax lield the regius professorship of civil law at Cambridge. He was created chaplain in or- dinary to the king in February 1774, and D.D. by royal mandate in 1775. When Dr. Top- ham vacated his mastership of faculties at Doc- tors'Commons, Hallifax succeeded to the post (1770). In 1778 Mrs. Gaily, for his services to religion, rewarded him with the valuable rec- tory of Warsop, Nottinghamshire, where he made the parish choir famous for miles round. His candidature in 1779 for the mastership cf Catherine College, Cambridge, was unsuc- cessful. On 27 Oct. 1781 he was consecrated bishop of Gloucester, and on 4 April 1789 he was confirmed as bishop of St. Asaph, being, it is said, the first English bishop that had been translated to a Welsh see. After much suffering he died of stone in the bladder at Dartmouth Street, Westminster, on 4 March 1790. His favourite son, who died at War- sop in 1782, when a boy, through being scalded in a brewhouse, was buried in the chancel of Warsop Church, where the bishop directed that he himself should be buried, and a mural tablet with a Latin inscription, written by his father-in-law, records their death. His wife, whom he married in Oc- tober 1775, was Catherine, second daughter of Dr. William Cooke, dean of Ely (1711- 1797) [q. v.] Their surviving issue was one son and six daughters ; the widow is said to have received a pension from George III. John Milner, the Roman catholic bishop of Castabala, asserted in his * End of Religious Controversy' (pt. i. p. 77) that Hallifax 4 probably' died a catholic. This assertion was contradicted in the ' British Critic/ April 1825, pp. 365-6. Parr, in his elabo- rate letter on Milner's work, showed its im- probability, and incidentally dwelt on Halli- fax's amiability and his intellectual qualities. Parr's appendix (pp. 53-60) contains corre- spondence between Milner and the Rev. B. F. Hallifax, the bishop's son. Hallifax, says Sir Egerton Brydges, who VOL. XXIV. attended his law lectures, was ' a mild cour- teous little man, accomplished with learning, and of a clear intellect, not only of no force, but even languid.' Bishop Watson adds that he was not above the ' ordinary means of ingra- tiating himself with great men.' His treat- ment of dissenters during his tutorship at Trinity Hall is shown in his harsh demea- nour towards Samuel Hey wood, serjeant-at- law. His numerous publications comprised : 1. l Saint Paul's Doctrine of Justification by Faith explained in three Discourses before the University of Cambridge,' 1760; 2nd edit. 1762, in which he replied to some previous sermons by the Rev. John Berridge [q. v.] on t Justification by Faith alone, without Works.' 2. ' Two Sermons preached before the University, 1768, in praise of Benefac- tors.' 3. 'Three Sermons preached before the University on the Attempt to abolish Subscription to the Thirty-nine Articles of Religion,' 1772, two editions ; this produced an anonymous ' Letter to Dr. Hallifax upon the Subject of his three Discourses,' 1772, by Samuel Blackall [q. v.], which was deemed by Parr ' very argumentative and justly se- vere,' while the three sermons were, on the same critic's authority, ' shewy and amply rewarded.' 4. ' An Analysis of the Roman Civil Law, in which a Comparison is occa- sionally made between the Roman Laws and those of England: being the heads of a course of Lectures publickly read in the University of Cambridge/ 1774; 2nd edit. 1775; 4th edit. 1795 ; new edition, with alterations and ad- ditions by J. W. Geldart, king's professor of the civil law, 1836. It was also included in vol. ii. of three volumes published in 1816- 1818 by the proprietors of the 'Military Chronicle/ to show the course of education at Cambridge and Oxford. These lectures were attended ' by persons of the highest rank and fortunes in the university.' 5. ' Twelve Sermons on the Prophecies concerning the Christian Church, and in particular the Church of Papal Rome. Preached in Lin- coln's Inn Chapel at Lecture of Bishop War- burton/ 1776. 6. ' Sermons in Two Volumes by Samuel Ogden. To which is prefixed an Account of the Author's Life/ with a vindi- cation of his writings by Hallifax, 1780, 1786, 1788, and 1805. Hallifax followed Ogden at the Round Church, Cambridge, and ' af- fected his tone and manner of delivery, but did not succeed in attracting so numerous a congregation' (GUNNING, Reminiscences, i. 240). 7. ' Preface by Hallifax to a Charge delivered by Bishop Butler at his Primary Visitation of Durham Diocese/ 1786. The preface was added to numerous separate edi- tions of Butler's 'Analogy' from 1788, and to Hallifax 114 Hallifax the edition in Bohn's Standard Library, and to the reproduction of Butler's ' Fifteen Ser- mons preached at the Rolls Chapel ' in Cat- termole and Stebbing's sacred classics. He contributed to the university collections of poems printed in 1760 and 1763. He pub- lished fourteen single sermons, and that preached in 1788 on the anniversary of the martyrdom of King Charles provoked 'A Letter to the Bishops on the Test Acts, in- cluding Strictures on Hallifax's Sermon/ 1789. An apology for the clergy and liturgy of the established church was attributed to him by Dr. Lort. There are some slight re- ferences to him in the Cole MSS. at the Bri- tish Museum (Addit. MSS. 5859, 5872, and 5876), and several of his letters are in the possession of the Dalrymple family (Hist. MSS. Comm. 4th Rep. p. 531). His portrait hangs in the hall at Trinity Hall. [Disney's Jebb, i. 20-35, 62-70, iii. 60; Bishop "Watson's Anecdotes, i. 115; Sir E. Brydges's Autobiography, i. 59 ; Wakefield's Memoirs, i. 96, 283-5, 330; Beloe's Sexagenarian, i. 60; Dyer's Cambridge, ii. 139; Cooper's An- nals of Cambridge, iv. 328, 389 ; Nichols's Illus- trations of Lit. vii. 505-7 ; Nichols's Lit. Anec- dotes, iii. 96, v. 664, vi. 368, viii. 367, 576, 649, ix. 630, 659 ; Field's Parr, ii. 26 ; Barker's Par- riana, i. 287, ii. 377-408 ; Bibl. Parriana, p. 576 ; Le Neve's Fasti (Hardy) ; Thoroton's Notting- hamshire, iii. 370 ; Lipscomb'sBuckinghamshire, iii. 313; Jesus College Records, supplied by the Rev. H. A. Morgan, D.D. ; Warsop Parish Regis- ters by the Rev. R. J. King, 1884.] W. P. C. HALLIFAX, SIR THOMAS (1721- 1789), lord mayor of London, was third son of John Hallifax, a clockmaker, of Barnsley, and his wife, Anne Archdale of Pilley. Born at Barnsley in 1721, he was apprenticed to a grocer there, but before his indentures fully expired he left Barnsley and came to London, where he rapidly gained a position as a goldsmith and banker. On 5 Jan. 1753 he became partner of, or perhaps joined in establishing, the firm of Joseph Vere, Sir Richard Glyn, and Thomas Hallifax, carry- ing on business as bankers in Lombard Street (WILKINSON, Worthies of Barnsley, p. 172). The firm shortly afterwards removed to Bir- chin Lane, where they became the largest private banking-house in London, their pre- sent style being Glyn, Mills, Currie & Co. (PRICE, Handbook of London Bankers, 1876, pp. 57-9). He became free of the city in the same year (1753). On 27 Sept. 1753 he was admitted to the freedom of the Goldsmiths' Company by redemption ; was elected a livery- man in 1754, and a member of the court of as- sistants in 1755 ; and served as prime warden of the company in 1768-9. His arms are set up in the Goldsmiths' Hall. On 26 Nov, 1766 he was elected alderman of Aldersgate ward, served the office of sheriff in 1768, and took part in the splendid reception and en- tertainment given to the king of Denmark on 23 Sept. It was probably on this occa- sion that he was knighted. Early in 1769 he acted as returning officer during the re- peated re-elections of Wilkes as member of parliament for Middlesex, and maintained the right of free election against the efforts of the government to invalidate the return. Shortly afterwards Hallifax joined the court party, and was put forward with Alderman Shakespeare in 1772 to oppose Wilkes in his contest for the mayoralty, the election re- sulting in the return of Alderman Towns- end (HORACE WALPOLE, Last Journals, ed. Doran, i. 163). He was elected lord mayor on Michaelmas day 1776. The Wilkes agita- tion had then subsided, and Hallifax invited to his mayoralty entertainment the leading members of the ministry who had not been, asked for seven years (ib. ii. 84). He gained much credit during his year of office by his opposition to the press-gang system. While- refusing to back the illegal press warrants, he gave orders to the city marshals to search the public-houses and take into custody all sus- pected persons, and hand over to the king's naval officers such as could give no account of themselves (Gent. Mag. 1776, p. 529). He represented the borough of Aylesbury in par- liament from 31 March 1784 till his death. In 1781 he was engaged in a suit with the parish of Bury St. Edmunds for refusing to serve the office of churchwarden, on the ground of his privilege as an alderman of London. On 29 March a motion was brought forward in the court of common council to defray the ex- penses of the suit, when it was decided that no further cost should be incurred, and that the costs of all similar suits should in future be defrayed by the parties interested. Hallifax lived at Enfield, in Gordon House, on the Chase Side, formerly belonging to William Cosmo, duke of Gordon, the house in which Lord George Gordon [q.v.] is said to have been born. He died suddenly at Birchin Lane, after four days' illness, on 7 Feb. 1789, and was buried on the 17th with much pomp in the family vault of the Saviles in Enfield churchyard. His tomb, bearing inscriptions commemorating himself and his second wife, is a plain altar monument of white stone, enclosed with iron rails. He left no will. His property was estimated at 100,000/. Hal- lifax married (1) in 1762, at Ewell, Penelope, daughter of Richard Thomson of Lincoln's Inn (she brought him 20,000 /., and died within a year) ; and (2) Margaret, daughter Hallifax Halliwell and coheiress of John Savile, esq., of Clay hill, Enfield ; she died on 17 Nov. 1777, after giving birth to a second child, Savile, on 6 Nov. previous. The elder child, Thomas, born 9 Nov. 1774, resided at Chadacre Hall, Suffolk, where an indifferent portrait of Sir Thomas Hallifax remains. His portrait also appears in a painting at Guildhall by Miller, representing the swearing in of Alderman Newnham as lord mayor on 8 Nov. 1782. This was engraved by Smith, and published by Boydell in 1801. [Gent. Mag. 1789, pt. i. pp. 183-4; Wilkin- son's Worthies of Barnsley, pp. 165-86; Price's Handbook of London Bankers, 1876, pp. 57-9.1 C. W-H. HALLIFAX, WILLIAM (1655 P-1722), divine, born at Springthorpe, Lincolnshire, about 1655, was the son of the Rev. John Hallifax. On 20 Feb. 1670 he entered Brase- nose College, Oxford, as a servitor, but was admitted a scholar of Corpus Christi College in April 1674, and a fellow inDecember 1682. He graduated B.A. in 1675, M.A. in 1678, and B.D. in 1687. In 1685 he published from the French a translation of Millet de Chales's ' Euclide.' On 18 Jan. 1687-8 he was elected chaplain to the Levant Company at Aleppo, and held the appointment until 27 Nov. 1695. Having at Michaelmas 1691 paid a visit to Palmyra in Syria, he sent an account to Pro- fessor Edward Bernard, which, with a sketch of the ruins taken by two of his travelling companions, was inserted in the 'Philoso- phical Transactions ' for 1695 (xix. 83-110). He took the degree of D.D. by diploma in 1695, and on 17 Aug. 1699 he was presented by Thomas Foley of Witley Court to the richly endowed rectory of Old Swinford, Worcestershire, and held it with the rectory of Salwarpe in the same county, to which he was instituted on 18 July 1713 (NASH, Wor- cestershire, ii. 212, 214, 339). He died ap- parently in the beginning of 1722, and desired to be buried in the chancel of Salwarpe Church. His will, dated 2 Nov. 1721, was proved on 15 Feb. 1722 (P. C. C. 28, Marlborough). By his wifeMary, sister of the Rev. GeorgeMartin, he probably left no issue. He bequeathed to Corpus Christi College, Oxford, his oriental books and manuscripts, a silver-gilt basin bought at Aleppo, and a collection of coins and medals. He wrote also ' A Sermon . . . preach'd Jan. 30, 1701. With a Vindication of its Author from aspersions cast upon him in a late libel, entitled a Letter to a Clergy- man in the City, concerning the Instructions lately given to the Proctors of the Clergy for the Diocese of Worcester/ 1702. [Wood's Athenge Oxon. (Bliss), iv. 620 ; J. B. Pearson's Chaplains to Levant Co.] G. G. HALLIWELL, HENRY (1765-1835), classical scholar, son of William Halliwell, master of the Burnley grammar school, and incumbent of Holme, was born at Burnley, Lancashire, on 25 Aug. 1765, and educated at his father's school and at Manchester gram- mar school. Proceeding to Oxford he ma- triculated at Brasenose College 18 Jan. 1783, was nominated Hulmean exhibitioner in 1787, and graduated B.A. in 1783, M.A. in 1789, and B.D. in 1803. In 1790 he became fel- low, and in 1796 dean and Hebrew lecturer of his college. He was an assistant chap- lain of the Manchester Collegiate Church in 1794, and was presented to the rectory of Clayton-cum-Keymer, near Ditchling, Sus- sex, in 1803, when he resigned all his college offices. From a peculiarity in his gait he was known at Oxford as ' Dr. Toe,' and he was the subject of an amusing epigram by Bishop Heber on his being jilted by a lady who married her footman. He was also the central object of a clever satire, entitled ' The Whippiad,' by Heber, published in 'Black- wood's Magazine ' (July 1843, liv. 100-6). He was one of the scholars who assisted the Fal- coners in their edition of ' Strabo ' in 1807 [see FALCONER, THOMAS, 1772-1839], and he made an English translation of that work, which has not been published. After his marriage in 1808 to Elizabeth Carlile of Sunnyhill, near Bolton, he resided at Clay- ton, where he was long remembered as ' a hospitable parish priest of the old high church type,' and as a singularly humane and bene- volent man. He died at his rectory on 15 Jan. 1835, aged 69. [J. F. Smith's Manch. School Eeg. (Chetham Soc.), ii. 247 ; Notes and Queries, 1st ser. vii. 393.] C. W. S. HALLIWELL, afterwards HALLI- WELL-PHILLIPPS, JAMES ORCHARD (1820-1889), biographer of Shakespeare, born 21 June 1820 at Sloane Street, Chelsea, was third and youngest son of Thomas Halliwell, a native of Chorley, Lancashire, who came to London about 1795 and prospered in business there. James was educated at private schools, and showed an aptitude for mathematics. When only fifteen he began to collect books and manuscripts, and contributed to 'The Parthenon' between November 1836 and January 1837 a series of lives of mathemati- cians. On 13 Nov. 1837 he matriculated at Trinity College, Cambridge, but removed in the following April to Jesus College, where he gained a mathematical prize and scholarship, and acted as librarian. He took little interest in ordinary academic studies, and spent much time in the Jesus College and the university libraries. He I 2 Halliwell 116 Halliwell came to know Thomas Wright [q. v.], his senior by ten years, who was still at Cam- bridge, and Wright aided him in his lite- rary projects, and introduced him to the library of his own college, Trinity. For many years the two friei-ds were closely as- sociated in various literary enterprises. In 1838 appeared Halli well's first book, 'An Account of the Life and Inventions of Sir Samuel Morland ' (Cambridge, 8vo). In August of the same year he was staying at Oxford with Professor Rigaud, and corre- sponding with Joseph Hunter. Next year he wrote for the ' Companion to the British Almanac ' a paper on early calendars, which was reprinted in pamphlet form; published 'A Few Hints to Novices in Manuscript Lite- rature ' (London, 1839, 8vo), and edited ' Sir John Mandeville's Travels ' (London, 1839, 8vo). Halliwell afterwards claimed to be responsible only for the introduction to this edition of Mandeville, which has been often reprinted. Halliwell's activity at so early an age at- tracted attention. Miss Agnes Strickland sought his acquaintance. He became inti- mate with William Jerdan, editor of the ' Literary Gazette,' Charles Roach Smith, and Howard Staunton. On 14 Feb. 1839 he was elected a fellow of the Society of Antiquaries, and afterwards contributed many papers to the l Archgeologia.' On 30 May 1839, before reaching his nineteenth birthday, he was elected a fellow of the Royal Society — an honour for which he was recommended by Baden Powell, Whewell, Sedgwick, Davies Gilbert, Sir Henry Ellis, and others. On the title-page of the books which he published in 1840 he described himself as member also of the Astronomical and of ten antiquarian so- cieties on the continent of Europe and in America. In the autumn, after his election to the Royal Society, he catalogued the mis- cellaneous manuscripts in the Society's li- brary, and the catalogue was published in the following year. Early in 1840 he projected the Cambridge Antiquarian Society, of which he was the first secretary. But after Lent term he left Cambridge without a degree and settled with his father in London. He had at that date collected about 130 early manu- scripts, chiefly dealing with mathematics and astrology. He printed a catalogue, but was forced by pressure of creditors to sell the collection in 1840. In London he worked hard in the library of the British Museum, bought books and manuscripts, and found recreation in frequent visits to the theatre. In 1840 he prepared for the press ten works, and in 1841 thirteen. These included three tracts on the manuscript collections at Cambridge ; Sherwin's Latin history of Jesus College, Cambridge, dedi- cated to Joseph Hunter (1840) ; ' Rara Ma- thematica, or a Collection of Treatises on Mathematics, £c., from ancient unedited MSS. ; ' and his earliest works on Shakespeare, of whom he wrote to Hunter, 15 Jan. 1842, ' I grow fonder every day.' He was at the same time an energetic member of all the newly founded literary societies. For the Camden Society (established in 1838) he edited Warkworth's ' Chronicle' (1839), Ris- hanger's ' Chronicle ' (1840), Dee's ' Private Diary ' (1842), a selection of Simon Forman's papers (suppressed, but fifteen copies pre- served), 1843, and the * Thornton Romances ' (1844). All these works were printed from manuscripts not previously edited. On 10 Aug. 1839 he addressed a letter to the president of the Camden Society, Lord Francis Eger- ton, urging him to confine the society's la- bours to the elucidation of early English history, and complaining of the taunts to which he had to submit on account of his youth. For the Percy Society, founded in 1841 with a view to publishing ballad- literature, he edited the early naval bal- lads of England and two other volumes in 1841 ; in 1842 < The Nursery Rhymes of Eng- land, collected principally from oral tradition,' which met at once with popular success, and seventeen other volumes between 1842 and 1850. Nor were his services to the Shake- speare Society, founded in 1841, less con- spicuous. In 1841 he prepared for that society ' Ludus Coventriee : a Collection of Mysteries formerly represented at Coventry,' and eight other volumes in subsequent years, besides many short essays contributed to the society's volumes of miscellaneous papers. He like- wise attempted in 1841 to start another lite- rary society on his own account, entitled the Historical Society of Science, for which he prepared a useful l collection of letters illus- trative of the progress of science in Eng- land from the reign of Elizabeth to that of Charles II,' but the society soon died. Nothing daunted, Halliwell began a periodical, ' The Archaeologist and Journal of Antiquarian Science/ of which he published, with the aid of Thomas Wright, ten numbers between September 1841 and June 1842. In 1841 and 1842 he spent some time with Mr. James Hey- wood at Manchester preparing a catalogue of the manuscripts at the Chetham Library, which was published in the latter year. In 1841 Halliwell's archaeological zeal came to the notice of Sir Thomas Phillipps, the antiquary, to whom he dedicated, 20 Dec. 1840, the first volume of a collection of ' Scraps from Ancient MSS.,' entitled < Reli- Halliwell Halliwell quise Antiquae,' 1841 (prepared with Thomas Wright, and reissued in 1845). Phillipps in- vited him to his house at Middle Hill, Broad- way, Worcestershire, and Halliwell, soon a fre- quent guest there, fell in love with Phillipps's eldest daughter, Henrietta Elizabeth Moly- neux. Phillipps indignantly refused his con- sent to their marriage, but it took place despite his opposition at Broadway on 9 Aug. 1842. Phillipps never forgave either Halliwell or his daughter, and declined all further inter- course with them. The newly married pair, for many years in straitened circumstances, took up their residence first with Halliwell's father in London, and afterwards at Islip, Ox- fordshire, of which place Halliwell published a history in 1849. In 1844 a serious charge was brought against him. Several manu- scripts from his Cambridge collection were purchased about 1843 by the trustees of the British Museum from Kodd, the bookseller, to whom Halliwell had sold them in 1840. In 1844 it was discovered that many of these manuscripts had previously belonged to the library of Trinity College, Cambridge, and had been missing from that library for five or six years. That the manuscripts were abs- tracted from Trinity College admitted of no doubt, and Whewell, the master of Trinity College, demanded their restoration at the hands of the trustees of the British Museum. Sir Henry Ellis, the chief librarian of the Museum, began an investigation, and on 10 Feb. 1845 issued an order forbidding Halliwell to enter the Museum until the sus- picions attaching to him were removed. After many threats of actions at law on the part of all the persons interested, the matter dropped; the manuscripts remained at the Museum ; but the order excluding Halliwell from the Museum was not rescinded. Halliwell as- serted in a privately printed pamphlet (1845) that he had bought the suspected manu- scripts at a shop in London, and his defence proved satisfactory to his friends. Meanwhile, besides his labours for literary societies, Halliwell produced ' Nugae Poeticaa ' from fifteenth-century manuscripts (1844) ; and Sir Simonds D'Ewes's ' Autobiography,' 1845. In 1846 appeared his * Dictionary of Archaic and Provincial Words, Obsolete Phrases, Proverbs, and Ancient Customs from the Fourteenth Century' (London, 1846, 8vo), a remarkable compilation for a man of six-and-twenty. It sold steadily from the first, and reached a tenth edition in 1881. In 1848 he published, with a dedication to Miss Strickland, his valuable ' Letters of the Kings of England, now first collected,' 2 vols. From 1849 onwards he issued his reprints of ancient literature in very limited and pri- vately issued editions — a practice which he frequently defended on the ground that the public interest in the subject was very small. Thus his ' Contributions to Early English Literature,' a collection of six rare tracts (1848-9), and his 'Literature of the Six- teenth and Seventeenth Centuries ' (reprints of eight rare tracts) in 1851, were in each case * strictly limited to seventy-five copies,' and in later life he reduced the number of his privately printed issues to twenty-five or even to ten copies, carefully destroying all others. For private circulation he also prepared from time to time accounts of his own collections : a catalogue of his chapbooks, garlands, and popular histories in 1849, a collection of Nor- folk ballads and tracts in 1852, and accounts of his theological manuscripts and ' Sydneian Literature ' in 1854. Of < a brief list ' of his rare books issued in 1862 he wrote that it contained ' more unique books than are to be found in the Capell collection or many a col- lege library.' In 1855 he published, at the expense of a relative, an orthodox essay on the ' Evidences of Christianity,' and started, with Wright, Robert Bell, and others, a publishing society called the ' Warton Club,' for which he prepared a volume of early English miscellanies in prose and verse, but the society soon disappeared. Halliwell was gradually concentrating his attention on the life of Shakespeare and the text of his works. In 1840 he laid the founda- tions, by a few purchases at George Chalmers's sale, of his unique Shakespearean library. In 1841 he published 'An Introduction to the Midsummer Night's Dream,' an essay ' On the Character of Sir John Falstaff,' and ' Shake- speriana,' a catalogue of the early editions and commentaries. His labours for the Shakespeare Society had in the following years drawn him closer to the study, and in 1848 he produced his l Life of William Shakespeare, including many particulars re- specting the poet and his family never before published.' For the last work he had begun about 1844 an exhaustive study of the re- cords at Stratford-on-Avon, and although he accepted as authentic J. P. Collier's forged documents, the biography is remarkable as the first that made any just use of the Stratford records. He subsequently rej ected Collier's alleged discoveries, and denounced the Perkins folio as a modern forgery (cf. pamphlets issued in 1852 and 1853). Halli- well s ' New Boke about Shakespeare and Stratford-on-Avon ' (1850) gave the results of further investigation at Stratford. He disclaimed all responsibility for an edition of Shakespeare's works, ' Tallis's Library Edi- tion' (London, 1850-3), with his name as Halliwell 118 Halliwell editor on the title-page, which embodied some notes on the comedies contributed by him to an American edition in 1850. In 1852 he printed a catalogue of his Shakespearean col- lections, and in 1853 issued the first volume of his magnificently printed folio edition of Shakespeare, with notes, drawings, and com- plete critical apparatus, aiming, as he said, at ' a greater elaboration of Shakespearean criticism than has yet been attempted.' The edition was limited to 150 copies. F. W. Fairholt prepared the wood-engravings. The sixteenth and last volume appeared in 1865. The original price was 63/. with the plates on plain paper, and 84/. with plates on India paper. The edition is probably the richest storehouse extant of Shakespearean criticism. Another expensive enterprise was the private issue between 1862 and 1871 of lithographed facsimiles, by Mr. E. W. Ashbee, of the Shakespearean quartos in forty-eight volumes. The price of each volume was five guineas, and although fifty copies of the series were prepared, the editor destroyed nineteen, so that thirty-one alone survived. A fire in 1874 at the Pantechnicon in Motcomb Street, Belgrave Square, the warehouse in London where unsold copies were stored, further re- duced the number of sets, and Halliwell, writing on 13 Feb. 1874, was of opinion that only fifteen complete sets were then in exist- ence. Other valuable works produced by Halliwell about the same time were his new edition of Nares's ' Glossary/ with the aid of Thomas Wright (1859), and his ' Dictionary of Old English Plays ' based on Baker's ' Bio- graphia Dramatica ' in 1860. Halliwell's income was still small, and he was involved in lawsuits which caused him repeated pecuniary losses. But he was able to remove about 1852 to Brixton Hill, and subsequently to West Brompton. An insati- able collector of rare books and manuscripts to the end of his life, the work of collecting grew more expensive every year. In youth he found rare volumes ' plenty as blackberries ' on the outside stalls of old bookshops, pro- curable for a few pence or shillings ; but com- petition drove the prices up, and it was with increasing difficulty that he was able to satisfy his special affection for the early editions of Shakespeare's works. He often found it necessary to sell his collections by auction, and to begin his task of collecting anew. Every year between 1856 and 1859 Messrs. Sotheby sold for him many rare volumes which he had used in editing his folio Shake- speare, and which included some of the least accessible of the quartos. In 1857 the sale lasted three days, and very high prices were realised. In 1858 the British Museum pur- chased his mortgage deed of a house in Black- friars (11 March 1612-13), which contains one of the few genuine signatures of Shake- speare. In 1867 the death of his father-in- law placed his wife, under her grandfather's will, in possession of the Worcestershire estates, in which Sir Thomas Phillipps had only a life-interest, and he was thenceforth able to indulge his passion as a collector with less difficulty. In 1862 Halliwell,who had long paid annual visits for purposes of research to Stratford, arranged without fee the majority of the re- cords preserved there. In 1863 he published privately, and at his own expense, a full de- scriptive calendar of the archives, which he had put in order. In 1864 he issued an ex- haustive history from legal documents of New Place, Shakespeare's last residence at Stratford, and ' Stratford-on-Avon in the times of the Shakespeares, illustrated by ex- tracts from the council-books,' &c., with en- graved facsimiles of the original entries. Very limited imprints followed of the cham- berlain's accounts (1585-1616), of the vestry books, of the council books, and of the archives of the court of record at Stratford in Shake- speare's time. In 1863 Halliwell initiated at Stratford the movement for purchasing the house and cot- tages then standing on the sites of Shake- speare's residence, New Place, and of the garden originally attached to it, with a view to making them over to the Stratford corpora- tion . For this purpose he raised 5,000/. , con- tributing largely himself, and paying all the expenses connected with the movement out of his own purse. The house is now a Shake- spearean museum, and the ground around it has been cleared, so as to form a public gar- den. In 1863-4 he and William Hepworth Dixon acted as joint-secretaries of the com- mittee formed to celebrate at Stratford the tercentenary of Shakespeare's birth. In 1870 Halliwell abandoned the critical study of the text of Shakespeare, and hence- forth devoted himself exclusively to eluci- dating Shakespeare's life. In 1874 appeared a first part of his ' Illustrations of the Life/ which included a number of documents and discursive, although exhaustive, notes on various topics. This work remained a frag- ment, but he pursued his investigations, and examined in the next five years the archives of thirty-two towns besides Stratford, in the hope of discovering new information respect- ing Shakespeare's life. In 1881 he ' printed for the author's friends ' the first version of his ' Outlines of the Life of Shakespeare/ an octavo volume of 192 pages. A second edi- tion, issued for general circulation in 1882, Halliwell 119 Halliwell extended to 700 pages, the third, in 1883, to 786 pages. In 1884 it reappeared in two quarto volumes, and the latest edition (1887) issued in his lifetime had grown to 848 pages. In this book, which in its final forms is lavishly illustrated, and was sold at a price below its cost, Halliwell incorporated all the facts and documents likely to throw any light on Shakespeare's biography or the history of the playhouses with which he was connected. Until his death he continued to work on the subject. One of his latest publications was an account of the visits paid by Elizabethan actors to country towns, the result of personal ex- plorations in the muniment-rooms of nearly seventy English towns. In 1872 Halliwell's wife met with an acci- dent while riding, which ultimately led to softening of the brain. He thereupon as- sumed by royal letters patent the additional surname of Phillipps, and took the manage- ment of her Worcestershire property. He improved the estates, although he soon sold the greater part of them. His wife died on 25 March 1879, and he married soon after- wards Mary Rice, daughter of James William Hobbs, esq., solicitor, of Stratford-on-Avon. In 1877-8 he purchased a plot of ground (about fourteen acres), known as Holling- foury Copse, on the Downs near Brighton, on which he intended to erect a large dwelling- house. But while the plans were unsettled he set up a wooden bungalow, and, finally abandoning his notion of a more ambitious building, added from time to time a number of rooms, galleries, and outhouses, all of wood with an outer casing of sheet-iron. Thither he removed from his London house at Bromp- ton his chief collections, the greater part of which he had acquired since 1872, and to which he was adding year by year. In 1887 lie printed a calendar of the most valuable contents, which included a copy of Droeshout's portrait of Shakespeare in its original proof state before altered to the form in which it was published in 1623, and the original con- veyance of Shakespeare's Blackfriars estate in 1613, besides a valuable series of sketches of •Stratford and its neighbourhood, made at Halliwell's expense by J. T. Blight, F.S. A., of Penzance, between 1*862 and 1868. At Hol- lingbury for the last ten years of his life he dis- pensed a lavish and genial hospitality, warmly welcoming any one who sympathised with his tastes at any point, but working hard each morning from five o'clock till noon. Many notes on Shakespeare and his works he printed 4 for presents only ' up to his death. In one pamphlet (1880), entitled 'New Lamps or Old,' he strenuously argued that manuscript evidence favoured the spelling of the drama- tist's name as ' Shakespeare ' and not ' Shak- spere/ His last literary work was to prepare for private circulation ' A Letter to Professor Karl Elze,' politely deprecating some of the i criticisms which Elze had bestowed on his j own views in a newly published translation of the professor's biography of Shakespeare j The letter is dated 19 Dec. 1888. Halliwell i was taken ill on the following Christmas day, j and died on 3 Jan. 1889, aged 69, being buried , on the 9th in Patcham churchyard, near his residence. His second wife, with three daugh- ters by his first wife, survived him. As the biographer of Shakespeare Halli- well deserves well of his country, and his results may for the most part be regarded as i final. The few errors detected in his tran- scription of documents do not detract from the value of his labours. The testing of tra- I ditions about Shakespeare and his works, the I accumulation . of every kind of evidence — j legal documents, books, manuscripts, draw- ings— likely to throw light on the most re- mote corners of his subject, became the passion of his later years, and as he advanced in life his methods grew more thorough and ex- haustive. His interest in aesthetic or textual criticism of Shakespeare gradually declined, until he abandoned both with something like contempt. Halliwell's earlier labours as a lexicographer and editor prove that he at- tempted too much to do all well. Richard Garnett [q. v.], in the ' Quarterly Review ' for March 1848, in an article on '• Antiquarian Club-books,' showed that his linguistic at- tainments and his skill in deciphering manu- scripts were often at fault. Mr. J. R. Lowell (cf. My Study Windows) pointed out the de- fective scholarship displayed in Halliwell's edition of Marston (1856). But little of the enormous mass of his publications is useless to the students whose interests he wished to serve. He gave his privately printed volumes freely to any one to whom he believed they would be serviceable ; offered to all able to profit by it the readiest access to his library, and liberally encouraged the work of younger men in his own subject. For the declining days of his fellow- worker, Thomas Wright, who died in 1877 after some years of mental failure, he helped to make provision. Nor was he less generous to public institutions. As early as 1851, when his private resources were small, he presented 3,100 proclama- tions, broadsides, ballads, and poems to the Chetham Library, Manchester. In October 1852 he gave to the Smithsonian Institute, Washington, * a collection of several thou- sand bills, accounts, and inventories illus- trating the history of prices between 1650 and 1750.' Of both of these gifts he printed a Halliwell I2O Halloran catalogue. From 1860 onward he spent seve- ral summer holidays at Penzance, and, liking the place and people, he made between 1866 and 1888, important additions to the town library. His first present consisted of three hundred volumes of Restoration literature, and ultimately 1,764 books were received. They are kept in a compartment by them- selves, and a separate catalogue was printed in 1880. The freedom of the borough of Pen- zance was offered him in 1884, but he was unable to visit the to *vn, and it was never con- ferred. To the library of Edinburgh Univer- sity he presented in 1872 a valuable Shake- spearean library. The honorary degree of LL.D. was granted him by Edinburgh Uni- versity in 1883. Halliwell, as far as he could, avoided con- troversy. For a time he was deceived by J. P. Collier's forgeries respecting Shakespeare, but in 1853 he convinced himself of the truth, and in his ( Observations on the Shakespearean Forgeries at Bridgwater House ' pointed out as considerately as possible the need of a care- ful scrutiny of all the documents which Col- lier had printed. From the first he expressed his suspicion of the Perkins folio, but as- sumed that Collier was himself the innocent victim of deception, and always chivalrously defended Collier's memory from the worst aspersions cast upon it. In 1880 Mr. Swin- burne dedicated to Halliwell in admiring terms his f Study of Shakspere.' Thereupon in 1881 Dr. Furnivall, director of the New Shakspere Society, who was engaged at the time in a warm controversy with Mr. Swin- burne, severely attacked Halliwell in the notes to a facsimile reproduction of the Ham- let quarto of 1604. Halliwell sent letters of remonstrance to Robert Browning, the presi- dent of the New Shakspere Society, who de- clined to interfere, but Halliwell printed the correspondence, and some eminent members of the New Shakspere Society withdrew. A more distressing difference arose in 1884 between Halliwell and the corporation of Stratford-on-Avon. A committee was ap- pointed to calendar certain documents with which he had failed to deal when arranging the archives in 1863, and he regarded this action as a reflection on himself. At the same time he offered to prepare autotypes of the more valuable Shakespearean documents at his own expense, but a dispute arose as to the authority which he claimed to exercise over the archives, and after charging the cor- poration with ingratitude and discourtesy he left the town for ever, and revoked the be- quest of his collections to its corporation. He published six editions of a pamphlet giving his account of the quarrel. A case, presented by Halliwell to the Birthplace Museum in 1872 on condition that it should not be opened until his death, was unlocked on 14 Feb. 1889, and was found to contain. 189 volumes of manuscript notes and corre- spondence, and pamphlets chiefly dealing with. Halliwell's folio Shakespeare. Under his will more than three hundred volumes of his literary correspondence, from which- he ' eliminated everything that could give pain and annoyance to any person/ were left, with many books, manuscripts, and pri- vate papers, to the library of Edinburgh Uni- versity. His electro-plates and wood-blocks he gave to the Shakspere Society of New York. His chief Shakespearean collections (originally destined for Stratford-on-Avon) were to be offered to the Birmingham cor- poration for 7,000/. ; if this offer were not accepted they were to be sold undivided for 10,000 /., and if no buyer came forward within, twelve years the whole was to be sold by auction in a single lot. The Birmingham cor- poration declined the offer, and the collec- tions are still unsold. The residue of the library was left, with trifling reservations, to Halliwell's nephew and executor, Mr. E. E. Baker of Weston-super-Mare, who sold the- chief portion by auction in London in June; 1889. [Information from Halliwell's brother, the- Rev. Thomas Halliwell of Brighton, and from* friends; personal knowledge; Daily News, 4 Jan.. 1889 ; Manchester Guardian, 5 Jan. 1889 ; Brigh- ton Herald, 5 Jan. 1889; Athenseum, 12 Jan.. 1889 ; Birmingham Daily Gazette, 14 Jan. 1889 -r Halliwelliana, a Bibliography of the Publica- tions of James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps, by Justin Winsor (Cambridge, Mass.,1 88 1 ) ; C. Roack Smith's Retrospections ; Halliwell's privately printed Statements in Answer to Reports, 1845;. his pamphlets respecting Dr. Furnivall's remarks- (1881) and the quarrel with the Stratford cor- poration (1883-6), and the accounts (privately- printed) of his own collections, especially thafc of 1887 ; Brit. Mus. Cat. Some early letters from. Halliwell to Joseph Hunter and others are pre- served in Brit. Mus. Addit. MSS. 24869 ff. 3-1 2,. 28510 ff. 185-7, and 28670 ff. 4-6.] S. L. L. HALLORAN or O'HALLORAN;, LAWRENCE HYNES (1766-1831), mis- cellaneous writer, ' apparently a native of Ire- land,' was born in 1766. He became master of an academy at Alphington, near Exeter,. where he had as pupil the future master of the rolls, Lord Gifford. Here he published 'Odes, Poems, and Translations/ 1790, and 1 Poems on Various Occasions,' 1791. These- include a variety of subjects, as ' Ode on His- Majesty's Birthday,' f Animal Magnetism/ ' Anna/ * Extempore Effusion to the Memory Halloran 121 Halls of an Infant/ ' Elegy under a Gallows,' &c., ' Ode on the proposed Visit of their Majesties to the City of Exeter/ 1791. A few years after Halloran was a chaplain in the royal navy. He published a charity sermon for 19 Dec. 1797, in celebration of the naval vic- tories. He was chaplain on board the Bri- tannia, the vessel which carried the flag of Admiral the Earl of Northesk, third in com- mand at the battle of Trafalgar. During the engagement Halloran, who had a very loud and clear voice, stood beside the commander and repeated the word of command through a speaking-trumpet after him. He soon pub- lished ' A Sermon on Occasion of the Victory off Trafalgar, delivered on board H.M.S. Britannia at Sea, 3 November 1805/ and 'The Battle of Trafalgar, a poem/ 1806. He was afterwards appointed rector of the public grammar school, Cape Town, and chap- lain to the forces in South Africa. Here in 1810 a duel took place between two officers. A court-martial was held on the parties engaged in the affair. Halloran warmly es- poused the cause of the accused and wrote their defence. Lieutenant-general the Hon. H. G. Grey, considering that his interference was improper, ordered him to remove to Simon's Town. Rather than do this he re- signed his chaplaincy, but revenged himself by publishing a satire, ' Cap- Abilities, or South African Characteristics/ 1811. There- upon the governor of the colony, the Earl of Caledon, ordered a criminal prosecution to be commenced against him. He was found guilty, was condemned in costs, and was banished the colony (Proceedings, including Original Correspondence, fyc., at the Cape of Good Hope, in a Criminal Process for a Libel instituted at the Suit of Lieut. -Gen. the Hon. H. G. Grey, by order of the Earl of Caledon, Governor of the Colony, 1811). He now re- turned to England, where, preaching and teaching, he led a somewhat erratic life. He styled himself a doctor in divinity. He introduced himself at Bath to the Rev.Richard Warner, who describes him as of ( striking but not prepossessing appearance.' Warner, how- ever, employed him for some time till he heard rumours that he was an impostor. Halloran, being asked for proof of the position he as- sumed, could only produce papers for deacon's orders ; those relating to priest's ordination and doctor's degree had (he said) been mislaid by a maid-servant. They were never produced, and Halloran soon after left Bath to resume his wandering life. In 1818 he was charged at the Old Bailey with having forged a frank, by which the re- venue was cheated of tenpence, on a letter addressed to the rector whose church he was serving. 'He persisted in pleading guilty,, because, he said, the only person who could establish his innocence was dead/ and added ' that the charge would not have been brought against him but for a subsequent quarrel with his rector.' He was sentenced to seven years' transportation. The reporter, who calls himr apparently without suspicion, ' a Doctor of Divinity/ adds that ' he has a large family ' (Gent. Mag. 1818, ii. 462). He subsequently established a school at Sydney, New South, Wales, which he conducted very successfully. He died there 8 March 1831. Besides the works noted Halloran wrote : 1. 'Lacrymse Hibernicse, or the Genius of Erin's Complaint, a ballad/ 1801. 2. 'The- Female Volunteer ' (a drama under the name of ' Philo-Nauticus '), 1801. 3. ' Stanzas of affectionate regard to the Memory of Capt_ Dawson of the Piedmontaise/ 1812. [Gent. Mag. 1831, ii. 476-7, December 1831 p. 482; Diet, of Living Authors, 1816; Kev.. Richard Warner's Literary Eecollections, 1830, ii. 292-8; Notes and Queries, 2nd ser. ix. 165 ; A. J. Hewitt's Sketches of English Church Hist, in South Africa.] F. W-T. HALLOWELL, BENJAMIN. [See- CAREW, SIR BENJAMIN HALLOWELL (1760- 1834), admiral.] HALLS, JOHN JAMES (/.1791-1834),, painter, a native of Colchester, was christened by his father after Jean-Jacques Rousseau. He was nephew through his mother of Dr. John Garnett, dean of Exeter. He exhibited a, landscape at the Royal Academy in 1791, and about 1797 settled as a professional artist in. London. He exhibited in 1798 ' Fingal as- saulting the Spirit of Loda/ in 1799 ' Zephyr and Aurora/ and in 1800 'Creon finding Heemon and Antigone in the Cave.' Subse- quently he chiefly devoted himself to portrait- painting, but he occasionally attempted am- bitious subjects, like 'Lot's Wife' (1802),. Hero and Leander ' (1808), and reach the tower (M. D'Oysel to M. de Noailles in TETJLET'S Relations politiques de la France et de VEspagne avec I'Ecosse, i. 287-8). In 1553 Halyburton had been elected pro- vost of Dundee, a dignity he retained for thirty-three years. Dundee, owing to its inter- course with Germany, wat, one of the earliest towns in Scotland to become infected with Reformation principles (KNOX, i. 61) ; and in •command of the men of Dundee Halyburton played a prominent part in the ensuing con- test with the queen-regent. In 1559 he was chosen by the reformed party one of the lords of the congregation as representing the boroughs (Cal. State Papers, For. Ser. 1559- 1560, entry 120). As provost of Dundee he was requested by the queen-regent to appre- hend the reformer Paul Methuen, who had "been preaching in that town, but instead of doing so he/ gave secret advertisement to the man to avoid the town for a time' (KNOX, i. 317). He was one of the leaders whom the Earl of Argyll and Lord James Stuart, after their failure to come to terms with the queen- regent, summoned to meet them at St. An- drews on 4 June 1559 ' for Reformation to be made there ' (ib. p. 347). With the men of Dundee he joined the forces which shortly afterwards barred the queen-regent's march towards St. Andrews ; and the other lords having on account of his military experi- ence delegated to him the disposition of the forces, he posted the hurried musters from Fifeshire andForfarshire in such a skilful posi- tion on Cupar Muir as to command the whole surrounding country (ib. p. 351). The queen- regent, thus finding her immediate purpose baffled, agreed to a truce of eight days, and promised to retire l incontinent to Falkland,' to dismiss the French soldiers from her ser- vice, and. to send a commission to consider final terms of agreement between her and the lords of the congregation. As she showed no signs of fulfilling the conditions of the ' assur- ance,' Halyburton, in command of the men of Dundee, again took up arms to assist the re- formers in delivering Perth from the French soldiers. When at Perth he, along with his brother, Alexander Halyburton, and John Knox, made strenuous but vain exertions to restrain the men of Dundee, who had special reasons for taking revenge on the Bishop of Moray, from destroying the palace and abbey of Scone on 25 and 26 June (ib. pp. 360-1). Sub- sequently he assisted in the defence of Edin- burgh, and in October, having, in command of the men of Dundee, 'passed forth of the town with some great ordnance to shoot at Leith,' was surprised by the French while at dinner, and compelled to retreat, leaving the ordnance in their hands (ib. p. 457). In a second skir- mish on 5 Nov. his brother, Captain Alexan- der Halyburton (sometimes confounded with him), was slain. The provost of Dundee was one of the commissioners who met the Duke of Norfolk at Berwick to arrange the condi- tions on which assistance might be obtained from Elizabeth (ib. ii. 56 ; CALDERWOOD, i. 581), and he signed the * last band at Leith ' for ' setting forward the reformation of reli- gion.' He was also one of the lords of the congregation who on 27 Jan. 1560-1 signed the first Book of Discipline (KNOX, ii. 257). He was chosen in 1563 to represent Dundee in parliament, and was elected to all subse- quent conventions and parliaments down to 1581 (FoRSTER, Members of the Parliament of Scotland, p. 168). By the parliament of 1563 he was chosen one of a commission to administer the Act of Oblivion ; and the fol- lowing year was one of a committee appointed by the general assembly to present certain articles to the lords of the secret council in reference to the ' abolition of idolatry,' espe- cially the mass. Being, along with others of the extreme section of reformers, strongly opposed to the marriage of Mary with the catholic Lord Darnley, he joined the Earl of Moray in his attempt to promote a rebellion, and after the * roundabout raid ' took refuge in England (CALDERWOOD, ii. 294). On 2 Aug. 1565 he was required to enter into ward (Reg. P. C. Scotl. i. 348), and on the 27th he was denounced as a rebel (ib. p. 357). In all probability he returned to Scotland with Moray about the time of the murder of Rizzio. On 23 March 1566-7 he received a pension of 500/. for his important military services to his country, especially in resisting the invasion of England (ib. p. 501). This pension was sub- sequently increased, and was ordered to be paid out of the thirds of the abbey of Scone (ib. ii. 112). Halyburton was present on 29 July 1567 at the coronation of the infant prince at Stirling. He was one of ' the lords of secrete counsale and uthers, barons and men of judgement,' who on 4 Dec. 1567 had under consideration the casket letters pre- paratory to the meeting of parliament (MuR- DIN, State Papers, p. 455). He also took part in the battle of Langside on 30 May of the following year. In the jeu d'esprit pub- lished after the regent Moray's assassination, in which the regent is represented as holding a conference with the six men of the world ' he believed most into,' to obtain their ad- vice for his advancement and standing, Haly- burton, being famed as a soldier, is repre- sented as advising him to make himself ' strong with waged men both horse and foot ' (published in vol. i. of the Bannatyne Club Collections ; in RICHARD BANNATYNE'S Halyburton 129 Halyburton Memorials, pp. 5-10 ; and in CALDERWOOD'S History, ii. 515-25). In August 1570, in command of the men of Dundee, he assisted in preventing the capture of Brechin by the Earl of Huntly (CALDERWOOD, iii. 8). In June of the following year he was present with the Earl of Morton in the skirmish .•against the queen's forces at Restalrig, be- tween Leithand Edinburgh (ib. p. 101). On 27 Aug., while engaged in chasing a foraging party and driving them into the city, ' he was taken at the port upon horseback, sup- posing that his companions were following ' {ib. p. 138). On 10 Sept. he was delivered into the Earl of Huntly's hands and was to have been executed next day, but was saved foy the interposition of Lord Lindsay (BAtf- NATYNE, Memorials, p. 187). Soon after- wards he was set at liberty, for on 2 Dec. he was present at a meeting of the secret coun- cil (Reg. P. C. Scotl. ii. 98). On 22 Nov. 1572 he was named one of a commission for the trial of Archibald Douglas, parson of Glasgow {fl. 1568) [q. v.], then in ward in the castle of Stirling (ib. ii. 171). The Earl of Morton on 28 Sept. 1578 ap- pointed Halyburton his commissioner in the conference with Argyll and Atholl, by which a reconciliation was brought about between the rival parties in Scotland (MorsiE, Me- moirs,^. 19). On 22 Dec. following he held a conference by order of the king in Stirling Castle for the settlement of the church. He was named in April one of the commissioners on pauperism (Reg. P. C. Scotl. iii. 138), and on 7 Aug. of the following year he was named a commissioner for the reforming of the uni- versities, with special reference to the uni- versity of St. Andrews (ib. p. 200). He also served on a similar commission chosen 1 April 1587-8. Halyburton was on 4 Dec. 1579 presented to the priory of Pittenweem, pre- viously held by Sir James Balfour. After obtaining the king's protection Balfour re- possessed himself of the priory, but, on the complaint of Halyburton, was ordered to 4 deliver the abbey within twenty-four hours after being charged, under pain of rebel- lion ' (ib. p. 520). On 26 Oct. 1583 it was taken from Halyburton and bestowed on Colonel William Stewart. Halyburton was on •5 March 1581-2 elected a member of James's privy council (ib. iii. 458). He was present at the raid of Ruthven on 22 Aug. 1582, but according to one account was ' not there at the beginning, but being written for came afterward ' (CALDERWOOD, iii. 637). In the following October he was appointed, along with Colonel William Stewart, the king's commissioner to the general assembly of the kirk (ib. p. 674), and he was also commis- VOL. XXIV. sioner to the general assembly which met in April of the following year (ib. p. 709). On the escape of King James from the protestant lords to St. Andrews in 1584, Halyburton was deprived of the provostship of Dundee and was compelled to go into hiding (ib. iv. 421 ). He probably returned with the banished lords, who captured the castle of Stirling in November 1585. At the general assembly which met in February 1587-8 he was again one of the king's commissioners, and in this as well as the assembly which met in August he acted as one of the assessors of the moderator. He died in February 1588-9. On account of the services rendered by him to the nation, and also to the town of Dundee, he received the honour of a public funeral at the expense of the corporation. He was buried in the South Church, Dundee. During the alterations made in the church a monument to him with a Latin inscription was discovered in May 1827 on the floor on the west side of the pulpit, but it was destroyed by the burning of the churches in 1841. [Eeg. Mag. Sig. Scot. vol. i.; Keg. P. C. Scotl. vols. i-iv. ; Acta Parl. Scot. vol. ii. ; Cal. State Papers, For. Ser. reign of Elizabeth ; Richard Bannatyne's Memorials ; Moysie's Memoirs ; Knox's Works ; Calderwood's Hist, of the Church of Scotland ; Millar's Roll of Eminent Burgesses of Dundee.] T. F. H. HALYBURTON", THOMAS (1674- 1712), theologian, was born at Dupplin, Perth- shire, on 25 Dec. 1674. His father, GEORGE HALYBURTON (d. 1682), descended from the Haliburtons of Pitcur, and a near relative of George Haliburton [q. v.], bishop of Dunkeld, graduated at the university of St. Andrews in 1652 ; after being licensed by the Glasgow presbytery in 1656, became assistant minister of the parish of Aberdalgie and Dupplin in 1657 ; was deprived for nonconformity in 1662 ; lived, by the kindness of George Hay of Balhousie, in the house at Dupplin, where his son Thomas was born ; was denounced by the privy council for keeping conventicles 3 Aug. 1676; and died in October 1682, having had eleven children by his wife Mar- garet, daughter of the Rev. Andrew Playfair, his predecessor at Aberdalgie. On his father's death, his mother, a woman of much religious feeling, removed to Rotter- dam to escape threatened persecution, and Thomas was educated there at Erasmus's school, where he proved himself a good classi- cal scholar. He returned to Scotland in 1682, graduated at the university of St. Andrews 24 July, 1696 and, after serving as a private chaplain, was licensed by the presbytery of Kirkaldy 22 June 1699. He was ordained to the parish of Ceres, Fifeshire, 1 May 1700, Halyburton 130 Hamey but he injured his health by excessive labour. On 1 April 1710 he was appointed by Queen Anne, at the instance of the synod of Fife, professor of divinity at the, New College, o-r devoted his inaugural lecturo to an attempt to confute the deistical views lately promul- gated by Dr. Archibald Pitcairn in 1688. He died at St. Andrews 23 Sept. 1712, aged only 38. His piety was remarkable, and the deeply religious tone of his unfinished auto- biography, published after his death, gave him a very wide reputation. Wesley and White- field recommended his writings to their fol- lowers. Halyburton's works, all of which were issued posthumously, are as follows: 1. 'Na- tural Religion Insufficient and Revealed ne- cessary to Man's Happiness ' (together with the inaugural lecture against Pitcairn, 'A Modest Enquiry whether Regeneration or Jus- tification has the Precedency in the order of Nature,' and ' An Essay concerning the reason of Faith '), Edinburgh, 1714, 8vo ; Montrose, 1798, with preface by J. Hog. The ' Modest Enquiry ' and the ' Essay ' were reissued to- gether at Edinburgh in 1865 as 'An Essay on the Ground or formal Reason of a saving Faith.' Throughout this volume Halyburton attacks the deism of Lord Herbert of Cher- bury and of Charles Blount from the point of view of Calvinistic orthodoxy. He was well read in the writings of his opponents, and in a list which he appends of books con- sulted mentions the works of Locke, Hobbes, and Spinoza. Leland, in his view of ' Deisti- cal Writers,' admitted Halyburton's narrow- ness, although he approved his conclusions (cf. REMUSA.T, Lord Herbert of Cherbury, LORD HERBERT, Autobiogr., ed. Lee, 1886, Introd.) 2. * Memoirs of the Life of the Reverend Mr. Thorn as Halyburton. Digested into Four Parts, whereof the first three were written with his own hand some years before his death, and the fourth is collected from his Diary by another hand; to which is an- nex'd some Account of his Dying Words by those who were Witnesses to his Death,' dedi- cated by Janet Watson (Halyburton's widow) to Lady Henrietta Campbell; 2nd edit., cor- rected and amended, Edinburgh, 1715 ; an- other edit., also called the 2nd, with recom- mendatory epistle by Dr. Isaac Watts, Lon- don, 1718, 8vo ; 8t'h edit., Glasgow, 1756, 8vo ; with introductory essay by D. Young, Glasgow, 1824, 12mo ; 14th edit., 1838, 1839, Edinburgh, 1 848. ' An Abstract of the Life and Death of Thomas Halyburton ' appeared in London in 1739, and again in 1741, with recommendatory epistle by George White- field and preface by John Wesley. An ab- breviated version was also issued at Cork in 1820, and has frequently been reissued in collections of evangelical biography. 3. ' The Great Concern of Salvation, with a Word of Recommendation by I. Watts,' Edinburgh, 1721 and 1722, 8vo, and 1797, 12mo ; Glas- gow, 1770, IGmo. 4. 'Ten Sermons preached before and after the Celebration of the Lord's- Supper,' Edinburgh, 1722. 5. < The Unpar- donable Sin against the Holy Ghost briefly discoursed of/ Edinburgh, 1784, 8vo. Haly- burton's works were collected and edited, by the Rev. Robert Burns, D.D., of Paisley,, London, 1835. A portrait of Halyburton is- prefixed to this volume. [Hew Scott's Fasti Eccl. Scot. iv. 477, 621 - Halyburton's Memoirs, 1714; Brit. Mus. Cat. ; Chalmers's Biog. Diet. ; Leland's View of Deisti- cal Writers.] S. L. L. HAMBOYS, JOHN (ft. 1470). [See HANBOYS.] HAMBURY, HENRY DE (Jl. 1330), judge, was a son of Geoffrey de Hambury of Hambury or Hanbury in Worcestershire, Early in life he became an adherent of Thomas . earl of Lancaster, but received a pardon with consent of parliament at York for all felonies in that regard on 1 Nov. 1318. In 1324 he was appointed a justice of the common pleas in Ireland. He was promoted in the follow- ing year to be a judge of the Irish court of king's bench, and almost immediately after- wards to be chief justice ; but in 1326 Richard de Willoughby was appointed chief justice, and Hambury returned to the common pleas. In 1327 he appears to have been chief justice of that court, when he was transferred to England, and in 1328 became a judge of the English king's bench (Col. Rot. Pat. 94 b, 95 b, 96, 97, 99 b ; the Irish Close Rolls, i. 34, 35, speak of him as chief justice of the Irish king's bench in 1327). He also was ap- pointed to hold pleas of forest in Gloucester- shire, Somersetshire, Dorsetshire, Wiltshire, and South Hampshire. He seems to have retired before 1338, as the 'Liberate Roll' does not mention him as a judge in that year, but he was still alive in 1352, when he is named in the herald's visitation of Worcester- shire, in which county he had become pos- sessed of the abbey of Bordesley in 1324. He founded a chantry at Hambury in 1346. [Foss's Judges of England ; Parl. Writs, vol. ii. pt. ii. pp. 130, 205; Abbr. Eot. Orig. i. 281, ii. 24.] J. A. H. HAMEY, BALDWIN, the elder, M.D. (1568-1640), physician, descended fromOdo de Hame, who served under the Count of Flanders at the siege of Acre, was born at For ' the New College, or college of St. Leonard, St. Andrews ' read * St. Mary's (sometimes called the " New ") College.' Hamey i Bruges in 1568. His parents, though much impoverished by the exactions of Alva, sent him to the university of Leyden, where he graduated M.D. Soon after, in 1592, he was nominated by the university physician to the czar of Muscovy, Theodore Ivanovitz, in ac- cordance with a request for a distinguished physician sent to the rector by that emperor. In 1598 he obtained leave, with difficulty, to resign his post in Russia and returned to Holland, where he married, at Amsterdam, Sara Oeils, and in the same year settled in London, where he was admitted a licentiate of the College of Physicians on 12 Jan. 1610, and practised with success till his death, of a pestilential fever, 10 Nov. 1640. He was buried on the north side of the church of All Hallows Barking, near the Tower of London, 12 Nov. 1640, and his three children erected a monument in the church to his memory. His eldest son, Baldwin [q. v.], became a physician, his second son a mer- chant in London, and his daughter married Mr. Palmer, whose descendants possessed Hamey's portrait by Cornelius Jansen. He bequeathed 20/. to the College of Physicians. [Hunk's Coll. of Phys. i. 153; Hamey's Bus- torum Aliquot Eeliquise, in manuscript at the College of Physicians (copy), pp. 15-36; Palmer's Life of the most eminent Dr. Baldwin Hamey, in manuscript at the College of Physicians.] N. M. HAMEY, BALDWIN, the younger, M.D. (1600-1 676), physician, eldest son of Baldwin Hamey [q. v.], M.D., was born in London 24 April 1600, and entered at the university of Leyden as a student of philosophy in May 1617. He visited Oxford for a time in 1621, and studied in the public library there. In August 1625 he went to Hastings, intending to sail thence to Holland. He supped with the mayor, and was to sail next morning ; but the mayor, perhaps excited to suspicion by Hamey's learned conversation, dreamed that the stranger ought to be detained, and accordingly set a guard at the inn, which prevented his sailing with sixty other pas- sengers, who were all lost in a storm which arose less than an hour after the ship sailed. When the mayor, who could not explain why he had prevented Hamey's embarkation, found that his life had thus been saved, he caressed him as the darling of heaven. Another vessel conveyed him to Holland, and he graduated M.D. at Leyden 12 Aug. 1626, writing a thesis ' De Angina.' He then visited the universities of Paris, Montpelier, and Padua ; and after travels in Germany, France, and Italy, was incorporated M.D. at Oxford 4 Feb. 1629. He was admitted a fellow of the College of Physicians of London 10 Jan. Hamey 1633, was eight times censor, from 1640 to 1654, was registrar in 1646 and 1650 to 1654, and treasurer 1664-6. In 1647 he delivered the Gulstonian lectures. He married Ann Petin of Rotterdam, and settled in practice in the parish of St. Clement's, Eastcheap. Dr. Pearson's sermons on the Creed were preached in the parish church, and he became one of Hamey's friends. During the great rebellion he at one time thought of leaving London; but an attack of inflammation of the lungs changed his intention. The day he was convalescent a roundhead general consulted him, and, delighted with his pro- mise of cure, handed him a bag of gold. Hamey thought the fee too great, and handed it back ; whereupon the puritan took a hand- ful of gold pieces from the bag, put them into the physician's pocket, and went away. Hamey's wife was waiting dinner, and he handed his fee of thirty-six broad pieces to her. She was pleased, and told him how, during his illness, she had paid away that very sum to a state exaction rather than trouble him with discussion. Hamey thought this incident an omen against migration, re- mained in London, and soon had many patients among the parliament men. He complied with the times so far as to go and hear the sermons of the sectaries, but used to take with him either an octavo Aldine Virgjil in vellum, or a duodecimo Aristophanes in red leather with clasps. The unlearned crowd took them for Bible and Greek Testament, and lost in their study he was saved the annoy- ance of the sermon. He must have earned many fees, for he bought a diamond ring of Charles I bearing the royal arms for 500/., and several times sent gifts to Charles II. The ring he gave to Charles II at the Resto- ration. The king would have knighted him, but he declined the honour. He retired from practice in 1665, and went to live at Chelsea, where he died, 14 May 1676. He was buried in the chancel of the parish church, wrapped in linen, without coffin, and ten feet deep, and with no monument but a black marble slab bearing his name, the date of his death, and the sentence : ' When the breath goeth out of a man he returneth unto his earth.' The longer gilt inscription, with his arms, which is still visible, was put up some years after, and has recently been restored by the College of Physicians. lie had no children, and as he had a good inheritance as well as a lucrative practice he was always well off, and used his wealth with generosity throughout life. When only thirty-three he paid the expenses of the education at school and at Oxford of a de- serving scholar, John Sigismund Clewer (PALMEK, Life, p. 20). He gave 100/. towards K2 Hamilton 132 Hamilton the repairs of St. Paul's Cathedral, and also contributed liberally to the fabrics of All Hallows Barking, of St. Clement's, East- cheap, and of St. Luke's, Chelsea. He also gave a great bell to Chelsea Church, with the inscription, ' Baldwinus Haniey Philevange- licus Medicus Divo Lucas medico evangelico, D.D.D.' He was still more generous to the College of Physicians, and became its largest benefactor. He gave a large sum towards its rebuilding after the fire of 1666, and wains- coted the dining-room with carved Spanish oak, some of which, with his arms, is pre- served in the present college. In 1672 he gave the college an estate near Great Ongar in Essex. The rents of this, among other objects, were to pay annual sums to the phy- sicians of St. Bartholomew's, provided that hospital accepted the nominees of the College of Physicians. On a vacancy the college is informed of it by letter and makes a nomi- nation, which is rejected by the hospital, while the senior-assistant physician is ap- pointed. Thus the physicians of St. Bar- tholomew's have never received Hamey's benefaction ; but to make up to them the hospital pays each one hundred guineas a year, so that, circuitously, his good wish is carried out. Hamey's thesis was his only printed work, but several of his manuscripts remain in the College of Physicians. They are : 1. ' Bustorum aliquot Reliquiae ab anno 1628, qui mihi primus fuit conduct i seorsim a parentibus non inauspicato hospitii.' Be- sides the original there is a beautiful copy of this manuscript, and another copy exists in the British Museum. It begins with an ac- count of Theodore Goulston [q. v.], and then gives histories of fifty-three other physicians, contemporaries of Hamey. 2. * Universa Me- dicina,' a folio book of notes on medicine. 3. < Gulstonian Lectures.' 4. ' Notes on Ari- stophanes.' After his death Adam Littleton edited in 1693 Hamey's ' Dissertatio episto- laris de juramento medicorum qui opicos 'Iir- TTOKodrovs dicitur.' Vandyck painted his por- trait in 1638 (PALMER, manuscript). A por- trait of him at the age of seventy-four, at present in the great library of the College of Physicians, is by Snelling. In it busts of Hippocrates and Aristophanes, his favourite Greek authors, lie before him. [Munk's Coll. of Phys. i. 207 ; Hamey's Bus- torum Aliquot Keliquiae, manuscript copy in the College of Physicians' Library ; Palmer's Life of the Most Eminent Dr. Baldwin Hamey, original manuscript in College of Physicians' Library.] N. M. HAMILTON, DUKES OF. [See DOUGLAS, ALEXANDER HAMILTON, tenth DUKE (1767- 1852); DOUGLAS, JAMES, fourth DUKE (1658- 1712) ; DOUGLAS, WILLIAM, third DUKE (1635-1694); DOUGLAS, WILLIAM ALEX- ANDER ANTHONY ARCHIBALD, eleventh DUKE (181 1-1863). For other dukes and marquises see HAMILTON below.] HAMILTON, MRS. (fi. 1745-1772), ac- tress, made her first recorded appearance at Covent Garden on 12 Dec. 1745 as the Queen in ' King Henry V.' She was then, and for some years later, known as Mrs. Bland, her husband being an actor of small parts in the theatre. In the summer season of 1746 she supported Garrick in a short engagement, playing Regan in ' Lear,' Lady Anne in ' King Richard III,' Emilia in 'Othello/ and Dorinda in the ( Stratagem.' She went to Dublin in 1748, and played at Smock Alley Theatre. She improved greatly, and reappeared at Covent Garden on 25 Sept. 1752 as Clarinda in the ' Suspicious Husband.' Rich signed a long engagement on favourable terms. She re- mained at Covent Garden until 1762. She played Queen Elizabeth in the ' Earl of Essex ' of Henry Jones on 21 Feb. 1753, an original part, and long a special favourite with her. She played Emilia when Murphy appeared as Othello on 18 Oct. 1754, and spoke the prologue that he wrote for the occa- sion. She was now described as Mrs. Hamil- ton, late Mrs. Bland. She appeared as Portia, Lady Jane Grey, Hypolita, Jane Shore, and Cleopatra in 'All for Love/ Mrs. Sullen, Millamant, Rosalind, &c. Her second hus- band seems to have lived upon her, and robbed her at one time of 2,0001. She was fine-looking, inclined from the first to port- liness, and in the end very stout ; had a mass of black hair, wore no powder, was generous, but vulgar, quarrelsome, and conceited. She had much comic spirit, and was respectable in tragedy ,which was scarcely her forte. An un- lucky quarrel with George Anne Bellamy won her the nickname of ' Tripe.' Beard and Ben- craft, who succeeded Rich at Covent Garden, found her intractable, but held themselves pledged to her by their predecessor. Believ- ing herself necessary to the theatre, she let out that a secret clause in her agreement with Rich released either of them in the case of a change of management, and was dis- missed at the close of the season 1761-62. She went to Dublin, and was unsuccessful, married in Ireland (at Kilkenny f ) a third husband, Captain Sweeney, who also lived ipon her. Tate Wilkinson found her at Mai- ton playing the Nurse in ' Romeo and Juliet ' with a wretched company, and engaged her through charity. She appeared at York in January 1772 as Queen Elizabeth, and some interest was inspired by her misfortunes. Hamilton 133 Hamilton An accident to her false teeth as she played Lady Brumpton turned applause into ridi- cule. Her last appearance in York, and probably on any stage, was on 11 April 1772. She returned to Covent Garden an object of charity. Her distresses were the cause of the establishment of the Theatrical Fund, from which, as she was not on the books of either Drury Lane or Covent Gar- den, she could receive nothing but a donation. Through the influence of Thomas Hull [q. v.] and his wife she was made wardrobe-keeper and dresser at the Richmond Theatre. She died in poverty and obscurity. [In his Wandering Patentee, 1795, Tate Wil- kinson devotes thirty pages (i. 123-53) to a gossiping and good-natured account of this actress. She is praised in A General View of the Stage, by Mr. Wilkes (Samuel Derrick), 1759, and by various writers of the period. Genest's Account of the Stage, Hitchcock's Irish Stage, andGilliland's Dramatic Mirror have been consulted. Dibdin's Edinburgh Stage speaks of Mrs. Bland Hamil- ton playing in Edinburgh iu 1765-6, and says ' she has lost her voice, her looks, her teeth, and is deformed in her person.'] J. K. HAMILTON, ALEXANDER (d. 1732), merchant and author, describes himself as t having a rambling mind and a fortune too narrow to allow him to travel like a gentle- man.' He therefore < applied himself to the study of nautical affairs,' and having spent his younger days ' in visiting most of the maritime kingdoms of Europe and some parts of Bar- bary,' and having made a voyage to Jamaica, he went out to the East Indies in 1688, and remained there till 1723. During this time he seems to have followed a life of commercial adventure, sometimes as captain of a ship, sometimes as supercargo, sometimes in a ship of .his own, or in one privately owned, some- times in a ship of one or other of the rival companies, and so to have visited almost every port, from Jeddah in the Red Sea to Amoy in China. His adventures and experiences are told in a most interesting manner in his ( New Account of the East Indies ' (2 vols. 8vo, 1727 ; 2nd edit. 2 vols. 8vo, 1744),a work which, in the charm of its naive simplicity, perfect honesty, with some similarity of subject in its account of the manners and history of people little known, offers a closer parallel to the history of Herodotus than perhaps any other in modern literature. Its historical value must, however, be weighted with his distinct con- fession that 'these observations have been mostly from the storehouse of my memory, and are the amusements or lucubrations of the nights of two long winters ; ' and again, that ' If I had thought while I was in India of making my observations or remarks public and to have had the honour of presenting them to so noble a patron ' — as the Duke of Hamilton, to whom the work is dedicated — ' I had certainly been more careful and curious in my collections, and of keeping memoran- dums to have made the work more complete.' As these reminiscences extend over five-and- thirty years, they may well be occasionally untrustworthy ; still, as a seaman, we may suppose that he had his journals, or, as a merchant, his trade memoranda, which would to some extent keep him straight. Of his honesty and of his truthfulness, within the limits of his memory and observation, it is impossible to doubt. He returned to England in 1723, seems to have spent a considerable part of 1724 in Holland, presumably settling his business affairs, and the two following years in writing and arranging his 'lucu- brations.' He describes himself as having ' brought back a charm that can keep out the meagre devil, poverty, from entering into my house, and so I have got holy Agur's wish in Prov. xxx. 8. A ' Captain Alexander Hamilton' died 7 Oct. 1732 (Gent. Mag. 1732, p. 1030). [The only authority for Hamilton's life is his own book ; there is also some mention of him in Clement Downing's Compendious History of the Indian Wars (1737), pp. 14-25.] J. K. L. HAMILTON, ALEXANDER (1739- 1802), professor of midwifery in Edinburgh University, was born in 1739 at Fordo un, Kincardineshire, where his father, a retired army surgeon, practised. In 1758 he became assistant to John Straiten, surgeon, of Edin- burgh; on his master's death in 1762 he was admitted member of the Edinburgh College of Surgeons, and commenced to practise. He afterwards obtained a medical degree, and was admitted a licentiate, and subsequently fellow, of the Edinburgh College of Phy- sicians. In 1777, as deacon of the Edinburgh College of Surgeons, he made a strenuous effort to get surgery taught in the university by a separate professor, but failed, owing to the opposition of Monro secundus. After lec- turing on midwifery with success for some years, he was in 1780 appointed joint pro- fessor of midwifery in the university of Edin- burgh with Dr. Thomas Young, and sole pro- fessor in 1783 on Young's death. Through his exertions the Lying-in Hospital was esta- blished in 1791. He was a successful prac- titioner and writer on midwifery. [For de- tails respecting the accusation made by Dr. James Gregory in 1792 that Hamilton was the author of a pamphlet on the ' Study of Medicine in Edinburgh University,' which Hamilton denied, see GREGORY, JAMES (1753- 1821) and HAMILTON, JAMES, jun. (d. 1839).] Hamilton 134 Hamilton Hamilton resigned his professorship in 1800, and died on 23 May 1802. His sons James (d. 1839) and Henry Parr are separately noticed. Hamilton wrote : 1. ' Elements of the Prac- tice of Midwifery,' London, 1775. 2. ' A Treatise of Midwifery, comprehending the whole Management of Female Complaints and Treatment of Children in early Infancy,' Edin- burgh, 1780 ; translated into German by J. P. Ebeling. 3. ' Outlines of the Theory and Practice of Midwifery,' Edinburgh, 1784 ; 5th edit. 1803. 4. ' Smellie's Anatomical Tables ; with Abridgment of the Practice of Mid- wifery/ revised, with notes and illustrations, Edinburgh, 1786. 5. 'Treatise on the Manage- ment of Female Complaints, and of Children in Early Infancy,' Edinburgh, 1792 ; 7th edit, revised by James Hamilton the younger, 1813; French translation, 1798. 6. 'Letter to Dr. William Osborn on certain Doctrines contained in his Essays on the Practice of Midwifery,' Edinburgh, 1792. [Anderson's Scottish Nation, ii. 446; Prof. A. E. Simpson's Lecture on the Hist, of the Chair of Midwifery, 1883 ; Kay's Edinburgh Portraits ; J. Gairdner on Hist, of Medical Profession in Edinburgh (Edinburgh Med. Jour.), 1862, p. 700; Grant's Story of Edinburgh University, i. 322, ii. 416.] G. T. B. HAMILTON, ALEXANDER (1762- 1824), orientalist, was in the employment of the East India Company in Bengal, and was a member of the Asiatic Society of Calcutta. On his return to England he continued his Sanscrit studies, first at the British Museum, and after the peace of Amiens at the Paris library. On the recommencement of hostili- ties he was among the British subjects de- tained as hostages. Regarded as the only man on the continent with a thorough mas- tery of Sanscrit, he taught that language to Frederic Schlegel and Fauriel. At the re- quest of Langles, keeper of oriental manu- scripts at the Paris Library, he drew up an analytical catalogue of its Sanscrit manu- scripts, which till then had been catalogued only by librarians ignorant of the language. This was translated, annotated, and published by Langles in the ' Magasin Encyclopedique,' 1807. Released probably on account of this service, Hamilton, who in 1808 was elected a F.R.S., became professor of Sanscrit and Hindoo literature at Haileybury College. He published * The Hitopadesa in the Sanscrit Language,' London, 1811; 'Terms of Sanscrit Grammar,' London, 1815; and 'A Key to the Chronology of the Hindus,' 1820. He also wrote magazine articles on ancient Indian geography. He died at Liverpool 30 Dec. [Gent. Mag. 1 825 ; Journal Asiatique, Paris, 1825; Academic des Inscriptions, notices of Fauriel and Chezy; Moniteur, 31 May and 25 June 1808.] J. G. A. HAMILTON, ANDREW (d. 1691), rector and prebendary of Kilskerry, was probably son of Andrew Hamilton, M. A., who was collated in August 1639 to the rectory and prebend of Kilskerry, co. Tyrone, and the rectory of Magheracross, co. Fermanagh, which he held until 1661 (BKADSHAW, Ennis- killen Long Ago, p. 122). Andrew Hamilton, 'jun.' (COTTON), was admitted to priest's orders on 7 Aug. 1661, and graduated M.A. at an unknown date and university. He was collated to the union of Kilskerry and Magh- eracross 4 April 1666, in succession to James Hamilton. He took an active part in the measures of self-defence adopted by the pro- testants in Ireland under James II, and lost heavily by the wanton destruction of his property. In August 1689 he was sent by the governor and officers of Enniskillen as their agent to King William and Queen Mary, with a certificate stating that Hamilton had been a member of their association from its inauguration on 9 Dec. 1688 ; that he had raised a troop of horse and a company of foot ; that a force under the Duke of Berwick had burnt his houses in ten villages, and carried off over a thousand cows, two hundred horses, and two thousand sheep from him and his tenants ; that he had lost his private estate and church living, worth above 400/. a year, and now in the enemy's power ; and that he had been a ' painful and constant preacher ' during his tenure of the prebend of Clogher. His name appears in the l List of the Persons Attainted in King James's Parliament of 1689 in Ire- land' as 'Andrew Hamilton of Maghery- crosse, clerk.' Having been, as he has stated, ' an eye-witness ' of what he describes, and an ' actor therein/ he published a small quarto, entitled 'A True Relation of the Actions of the Inniskilling Men from December 1688, for the Defence of the Protestant Religion and their Lives and Liberties' (London, 1690), and this faithful record has been twice reprinted (Belfast, 1 813 and 1864). He died in 1691, and was succeeded in his benefice by James Kirkwood. [Cotton's Fasti Ecclesise Hibernicae, iii. 98 ; Bradshaw's Enniskillen Long Ago, pp. 112, 122; Sir James Ware's Works, ed. Harris, ii. 252; Archbishop King's State of the Protestants of Ireland under King James's Government, ed. 1691, p. 276.] B. H. B. HAMILTON, ANNE, DUCHESS OF HAMILTON (1636-1717). [See under DOUGLAS, WILLIAM, third DUKE OP HAMIL- TON.] Hamilton 135 Hamilton HAMILTON, LADY ANNE (1766-1846), friend of Queen Caroline, George IV's wife, was eldest daughter of Archibald, ninth duke of Hamilton and sixth of Brandon, by Lady Harriet Stewart, fifth daughter of the sixth Earl of Galloway. Lord Archibald Hamil- ton [q. v.], political reformer, was her brother. She was born on 16 March 1766, and became lady-in-waiting to Caroline, princess of Wales. .She held this position till the princess's foreign journey in 1813. She met Queen •Caroline at Montbard on her return to Eng- land in 1820, and entered London in the ;same carriage with her. Afterwards Queen Caroline took up her residence with her in Portman Street, Portman Square. On the -abandonment of the Pains and Penalties Bill the queen, accompanied by Lady Anne, went to Hammersmith Church to receive the sa- '-crament. Lady Anne also walked on the queen's right in the procession to St. Paul's •on 30 Nov. to return thanks for her acquittal. The queen died at Hammersmith on 7 Aug. 1821, and Lady Anne accompanied the body to Brunswick, and was present when it was laid in the royal vault there on 26 Aug. The only legacy left her by the queen was a pic- ture of herself. On the death of William, fourth duke of Queensberry, in 1810, Lady Anne received a legacy of 10,0007. ; but she presented this to her brother, Lord Archibald Hamilton, and her circumstances •during her later years were by no means affluent. She died on 10 Oct. 1846 in White Lion Street, Islington, and was buried in Kensal Green cemetery. A person who had gained the confidence of Lady Anne, and ob- tained from her a variety of private informa- tion, published, without her knowledge and much to her regret and indignation, a volume purporting to be written by her, entitled 4 Secret History of the Court of England from the Accession of George III to the Death of George IV,' London, 1832. A reprint ap- peared in 1878. [Gent. Mag. new ser. 1846, pt. ii. pp. 552, 661 ; Memoirs of Queen Caroline, severally by Night- ingale, Adolphus, and Clerke.] T. F. H. HAMILTON, ANTHONY (1646?- 1720), author of the l Memoires du Comte de •Grammont/ third son of Sir George Hamilton [see under HAMILTON, JAMES, first EAEL OP ABERCORN] by Mary, third daughter of Wal- ter, viscount Thurles, eldest son of Walter, •eleventh earl of Ormonde, was probably born at Roscrea, Tipperary, about 1646. Anthony Hamilton's eldest brother, James, was groom of the bedchamber to Charles II, and colonel of a regiment of foot ; he died of wounds re- ceived in a naval engagement with the Dutch 6 June 1679, and was buried in Westminster Abbey, where a monument was erected to his memory by the Duke of Ormonde ; his eldest son was James Hamilton, sixth earl of Abercorn [q. v.] The second brother, George, was page to Charles II during his exile, and after the Restoration was an officer of the horse guards till 1667 ; he then en- tered the French service with a troop of horse who were enrolled in the bodyguard of Louis XIV, and known as the ' gens d'armes Anglais ; ' he was made a count and mare- chal du camp, and was killed at the battle of Saverne ; he married Frances Jennings, after- wards Duchess of Tyrconnell [see under TAL- BOT, RICHARD, DUKE OF TYRCONNELL], and had by her three daughters. These two bro- thers are frequently mentioned in the ' M6- moires.' Thomas, the fourth brother, was in the naval service, and is perhaps the Thomas Hamilton of whom a biography is given by Charnock (Biographia Navalis, i. 310-11, where he is confused with his eldest brother, James) ; he is said to have died in New Eng- land. Richard, the fifth, is separately noticed. John, the sixth, was a colonel in the service of King James, and was killed at the battle of Aughrim in 1691. Anthony Hamilton had also three sisters, of whom the eldest was Elizabeth, comtesse de Grammont [q. v.] Anthony Hamilton probably accompanied his brother George to France in 1667, as we hear of him in Limerick in 1673 holding a captain's commission in the French army and recruiting for his brother's corps. He ap- peared as a zephyr in a performance of Qui- nault's ballet, the ' Triomphe de 1'Amour,' at St. Germain-en-Laye in 1681. In 1685 he was appointed to succeed Sir William King as governor of Limerick, where he arrived on 1 Aug., and soon after went publicly to mass, which no governor had done for thirty-five years. He was at this time lieutenant-colonel of Sir Thomas Newcomen's regiment, but was advanced, on Lord Clarendon's recommenda- tion, to the command of a regiment of dra- goons and sworn of the privy council in 1686. About the same time he was granted a pen- sion of 200/. per annum, charged on the Irish establishment. With the rank of major-gene- ral he commanded the dragoons, under Lord Mountcashell, at the siege of Enniskillen, and in the battle of Newtown Butler on 31 July 1689 was wounded in the leg at the begin- ning of the action, and his raw levies were routed with great slaughter. Hamilton suc- ceeded in making good his escape, and fought at the battle of the Boyne, 1 July 1690 (The Actions of the Inniskilling Men, pp. 37-8 ; A. Farther Account of the Actions of the Innis- killing Men, pp. 60-1 ; Great and Good News Hamilton 136 Hamilton from His Grace the Duke of Schomberg's Camp atDundalk>I689; STOEY, Continuation of the History of the Wars of Ireland, p. 30). He is probably the Colonel Hamilton mentioned by Luttrell (23 Dec. 1690) as the author of an intercepted letter to King James ' giving an account of the desperate condition of the garrison of Limerick. He does not appear to have been present at the battle of Aughrim. It is not clear when or how he obtained his title of count. The Count Hamilton who was in the service of the Roman catholic elector palatine, Johann Wilhelm, in 1694-5, is another person (LTTTTRELL, Relation of State Affairs, ii. 149, iii. 454 ; Hist. MSS. Comm. 7th Rep. App. 264-5). The rest of his life appears to have been spent chiefly at the court of St. Germain-en-Laye, where he wrote some touching verses on the death of King James (6 Sept. 1701). He lived on terms of the closest intimacy with the family circle of the Duke of Berwick, as many let- ters printed in his correspondence testify. He is said to have been naturally grave and in later life sincerely religious, and to have had little readiness of wit in conversation. He never married. He died at St. Germain- en-Laye on 21 April 1720. To Henrietta Bulkeley, one of the duchess's sisters, whom he sometimes addresses fami- liarly as ' belle Henriette/ Hamilton seems to have been particularly attached. Five charm- ing letters from him to this lady (Mile. B***) are extant ((Euvres, ed. Renouard, iii. 148 ; ADOLPHE JTJLLIEST, Les Grandes Nuits de Sceaux, p. 18). Some of his best verses are also addressed to this lady and to her sisters, the Duchess of Berwick and Laura Bulkeley. With the Duke of Berwick he carried on a regular correspondence during his campaigns in Spain and Flanders (1706-8). His verses are usually graceful, but hardly poetical. They consist principally of epistles and songs ad*- dressed to various ladies. Passages of verse are not unfrequently introduced in his prose let- ters, of which practice the celebrated 'Epistle to the Comte de Grammont ' is the most re- markable example. His epistolary style is uniformly easy and sprightly and often bril- liant ((Euvres, ed. Renouard, vol. iii.) For the entertainment of his friends, and particu- larly of Henrietta Bulkeley, Hamilton wrote four f Contes,' designed to satirise the fashion- able stories of the marvellous. These are : 1. ' Le Belier,' written to furnish a romantic etymology for the name of Pontalie, given to an estate belonging to his sister, the Comtesse de Grammont, in substitution for the too com- monplace Moulineau, the principal incident being a contest between a prince and a giant for the daughter of a druid. 2. ' Histoire de Fleur d'Epine,' satirising the popular imita- tions of the ' Arabian Nights' Entertainments/ which were written, as Hamilton says, in a style ' plus Arabe qu'en Arabic.' 3. < Les Quat re- Facardins,' a fragment in the same style, com- pleted by the Due de Leon for Renouard's- edition of Hamilton's works (Paris, 1812, 8vo), 4. rity(GovT-H.-E,Italienische£eise, 16, 22 Marz 1787). Through all it would appear that she never lost sight of her original pur- pose of marrying Hamilton. In May 1791 she returned with him to England, and on 6 Sept. they were married in Maryle- bone Church, where she signed the regis- ter 'Amy Lyon,' though in the published announcements of the marriage she was spoken of as ' Miss Harte ' ( Gent. Mag. 1791, vol. Ixi. pt. ii. p. 872). During her further stay in England the queen refused to recog- nise her, but in passing through Paris she was received by Marie Antoinette ; and on her return to Naples was presented to the queen, Maria Carolina, and became within a short time her confidante and familiar friend. The hatred which the French sympathisers freely lavished on the queen was extended to the confidante, and their friendship was made the subject of the vilest calumnies, which have been accepted without a tittle of evi- dence (COLLETTA, Storm di Napoli, lib. v. cap. i. ; GAGNIERE, p. 31). Lady Hamilton was, during the whole of her residence at Naples, one of the leaders of society, and even respectable English visitors were glad to be admitted to her receptions ( JEAFFRESON, Lady Hamilton, i. 282). ' You never saw anything so charming as Lady Hamilton's attitudes/ wrote the Countess of Malmesbury to her sister, Lady Elliot (11 Jan. 1792); 'the most graceful statues or pictures do not give you an idea of them. Her dancing the Taran- tella is beautiful to a degree ' (Life and Let- ters of Sir Gilbert Elliot, first Earl of Minto, i. 406). A few years later, when her figure had already lost its sylphlike proportions, Sir Gilbert Elliot wrote to his wife (6 Nov. 1796) : 1 She is the most extraordinary compound I ever beheld. Her person is nothing short of monstrous for its enormity, and is growing every day. She tries hard to think size ad- vantageous to her beauty, but is not easy about it. Her face is beautiful.' He adds that she is very good-humoured, and ' she has acquired since her marriage some know- ledge of history and of the arts.' She shows, however, the ease of a barmaid not of good breeding, and 'her language and conversation (with men) are exaggerations of anything I ever heard anywhere' (ib. ii. 364). He is, Hamilton 150 Hamilton however, astonished at ' the very refined taste ' as well as ' the extraordinary talent ' shown in her attitudes (ib. ii. 365). Hamil- ton commissioned the German artist, Reh- berg, to commit a selection of the 'attitudes' to paper ; these were afterwards published, under the title of 'Drawings faithfully copied from Nature at Naples, and with permission dedicated to the Right Honourable Sir Wil- liam Hamilton ' (1794). The favour of Maria Carolina, won pro- bably by Emma's beauty and unaffected good- humour, was continued with a distinctly political object. The queen was a keen and intelligent politician, and her horror of the revolution in France culminated on the exe- cution of her sister, Marie Antoinette. Her hatred of the French was bitter beyond ex- pression, and she looked for her best support to England. But she was surrounded with spies, and correspondence with the English ambassador was difficult. Her ostentatious friendship with the ambassador's wife ren- dered it easy. Billets addressed to Lady Hamilton excited no suspicions. Thus there sprang up a remarkable correspondence now preserved in the British Museum (Egerton MSS. 1615-19) and the Public Record Office. Some imperfect selections have been pub- lished in Italy and France, which, wanting the key of the official despatches, are crude and frequently mysterious. On the continent it has been believed that Lady Hamilton was a ' spy of Pitt,' whose function was to simu- late a friendship with the queen, and worm herself into the queen's confidence, in order to obtain secret intelligence (GAGNIERE, p. 30). No intrigue was required, for the queen gained by her intimacy precisely the weapon which she needed. Lady Hamilton's vanity led her to exaggerate enormously her share in various transactions of which she became cognisant, and to put forward imaginary claims upon her country. Nelson sanctions one of her best known claims in the last codicil to his will. ' She obtained,' he says, ' the king of Spain's letter in 1796 to his brother, the king of Naples, acquainting him of his intention to declare war against England, from which letter the ministry sent out orders to then (sic) Sir John Jervis to strike a stroke if opportunity offered against either the arsenals of Spain or her fleets ' (NICOLAS, vii. 140). Lady Hamilton herself, in a memorial to the king in 1813, says that she ' obtained the king of Spain's letter to the king of Naples, expressive of his intention to declare war against England. This important document your Majesty's memorialist delivered to her husband, Sir William Hamilton, who immediately trans- mitted it to your Majesty's Ministers' (PET- TIGREW, ii. 632). It would appear, however r that in familiar conversation her claim went ' far beyond this. Several different versions, have been given of it (e.g. Memoirs, p. 149) : but Lady Hamilton's own statement, formally drawn up and signed, is that her husband being dangerously ill, she prevailed on the queen to permit her to take a copy of the letter, and spent 400£. from her private purse to secure its safe transmission to Lord Gren- ville (JEAFFRESON, Queen of Naples, ii. 307). The Hamilton correspondence in the Pub- lic Record Office (Sicily, vol. xli.) shows- that the whole story is based only on the fact that some letters relating to the turn of affairs in Spain in 1795 were sent to- Hamilton by the queen, under cover, as- usual, to Lady Hamilton ; others were given to him by the queen direct; but there is, throughout, no hint at any intention of de- claring war with England, though a letter from Galatone (the Neapolitan minister at Madrid) of 30 March shows that the Spanish government thought it probable that England might declare war against Spain. This letter, which did little more than confirm direct in- telligence to the government from Spain, was sent to Hamilton by the queen on 28 April,, with a request that it might be returned at once. Hamilton, in returning it, desired his. wife to ask the queen for a copy of it, and this she sent him the following day, 29 April. Hamilton was then just convalescent after a serious illness, and sent a despatch, with the correspondence in question, to the English government, taking great precautions for se- crecy. The queen's letter to Lady Hamilton of 28 April (PALTJMBO, p. 153 ; PETTIGREW, ii. 610 ; the holograph letter in Sicily, vol. xli.? is not dated ; the date is given by Hamilton in his despatch) is sufficient to show the measure of the part Lady Hamilton had in the business. Another very well known allegation, also- approved by Nelson in his last codicil, is that by her influence with the queen she obtained an order for the governor of Syra- cuse to permit the British fleet to water there in July 1798, without which order the fleet would have had to go back to Gibraltar. The statement itself is wonderful, but still more so is Nelson's endorsement of it, for he at least knew perfectly well, first, that, even under the terms of the treaty with France, the delay in watering would not have extended over more than three or four days ; secondly, that he had strict orders from Lord St. Vincent to take by force, in case of refusal, whatever he needed (NICOLAS, iii. 26) ; and thirdly, that he actually did water at Syracuse by virtue Hamilton Hamilton of a letter in the king's name from General Acton,the Neapolitan prime minister (Hamil- ton to Nelson, 17, 26 June 1798, in CLARKE and Me ARTHUR, Life of Nelson, ii. 64 ; Hamilton to Lord Grenville, 18 June, 4 Aug., enclosing copy of letter from the governor of Syracuse to Acton, 22 July, in Sicily, vol. xliv.) If, as is just possible, the queen, through Lady Hamilton, added a further letter to the Sicilian governors, it does not appear to have been used ; and Nelson's own letters to Sir William (22, 23 July, NICOLAS, iii. 47) and to Lady Hamilton (22 July, Morrison MSS. ; Edinburgh Review, clxiv. 549) prove conclusively that no secret orders had been sent to the Sicilian ports. And the statement repeatedly made and in- sisted on, that on Troubridge and Hamilton's going together to Acton a council was sum- moned, which, after an hour and a half, ended in disappointment and refusal (HAR- RISON, i. 244; Blackwood's Mag. cxliii. 643; JEAFFRESON, Queen of Naples, ii. 309), is entirely false. There was no council; the interview with Acton lasted half an hour, in which time Acton, on his own authority and in the king's name, wrote and handed to Troubridge the letter addressed to the governors of Sicily, and which at Syracuse proved sufficient. Nelson's acceptance of Lady Hamilton's version of the story, in spite of his certain knowledge of the actual facts, is only one out of very many instances of his extraordinary infatuation. In a flying visit to Naples in September 1793 Nelson had first met Lady Hamilton ; he had then described her to his wife as ' a young woman of amiable manners, and who does honour to the station to which she is raised' (NICOLAS, i. 326) ; it was not till his return in September 1798, after the battle of the Nile, that he can be said to have made her acquaintance. She had already, some three weeks before, publicly shown the most extravagant joy at the news of the victory, and on Nelson's arrival she, with her husband, and attended by a large party of friends in a procession of boats, went out into the bay to meet him. She went on board the Vanguard, and, on seeing 'the con- quering hero,' exclaimed, ' Oh God, is it pos- sible ! ' and fainted in his arm. ' Tears, how- ever,' as Nelson wrote to his wife, * soon set matters to rights ' (ib. iii. 130). A few days later she gave a magnificent fete in honour of Nelson's birthday (29 Sept.), when l H.N. Glorious 1st of August ' was the favourite device. ' Eighty people, Nelson wrote to his wife, 'dined at Sir William Hamilton's; 1,740 came to a ball, where 800 supped' (ib. iii. 139; JEAFFRESON, Lady Hamilton, ii. 8). The Hamiltons seem to have but kept pace with the general enthusiasm. Within a couple of months war was declared against France, and an army of 35,000 men was levied, only to be swept away by the first advance of the French troops. Lady Hamilton afterwards considered that she had forced the war policy on the queen, who brought the king over to it ; and that she had inspired her husband, Nelson, and Sir John Acton, and brought pressure on the council (PETTIGREW, ii. 617; JEAFFRESON, Queen of Naples, ii. 313). In point of fact the war policy was deter- mined in concert with the Austrian govern- ment ; the defensive and offensive treaty was formally ratified at Vienna on 16 July, and reached Naples on the 30th; the declaration of war followed as a matter of course when the plans of the two governments were ripe ; and Lady Hamilton had nothing to do with it beyond serving as the queen's occasional intermediary with the English ambassador. Of the same nature was her real share in the conduct of the celebrated flight to Palermo on the scattering of the Neapolitan army. The measures relating to the royal family and their property were arranged by the queen ; Lady Hamilton was the medium of correspondence with the English admiral, and through her the cases of treasure and other valuables were transmitted (NICOLAS, iii. 210; GAGNIERE, p. 94). The popular story (PETTIGREW, ii. 617-18) that the queen's timidity was controlled by Lady Hamilton's high spirit is the very reverse of the fact, though there is no doubt that Lady Hamilton behaved admirably under very trying circum- stances. On this point, as a matter that came under his own notice, Nelson's evidence is indisputable (NICOLAS, iii. 213). She afterwards stated that, to avert suspicion of the intended departure, Hamilton sacrificed property to the value of 30,000/., and she her- self sustained a loss of 9,000/. But Hamil- ton's most valuable property had been shipped several months before for carriage to Eng- land, and lost in the wreck of the Colossus ; and though the household furniture was left behind at Naples, Nelson, writing with di- rect information from Hamilton, and urging his claim for compensation, estimated the total loss, in the Colossus and at Naples to- gether, at 10,000/. (Egerton MS. 1614, f. 12). As to Lady Hamilton, she did not possess property of the value of 9,000/., and car- ried away the greater part of what she had (JEAFFRESON, Lady Hamilton, ii. 35-8). Her statement that she had bought corn to the value of 5,000/. for the relief of the Maltese is equally false; she had no such sum of money at her disposal (ib. ii. 132-5). Hamilton 152 Hamilton She may have been able to influence the des- patch of provisions for the starving Maltese, and it was presumably on some such grounds that Nelson applied to the emperor of Kus- sia, as grand master of the knights of Malta, to grant her the cross of the order. The em- peror sent her the cross, naming her at the same time ' Dame Petite Croix de 1'Ordre de St. Jean de Jerusalem/ 21 Dec. 1799 (ib. ii. 135 ; NICOLAS, iv. 193 n.) Her exaggerated claims have been counter- balanced by maliciously false charges. Of these the most atrocious is that which ac- cuses her of being the virtual murderer of Caracciolo, who was executed for treason and rebellion on 29 June 1799 ; of having been present at his execution, and of having shown indecent satisfaction at his death. In the whole story as told (among many others by BEENTOIST, Naval History, ii. 483) the only particle of truth is that Lady Hamil- ton was on board the Foudroyant at the time (LoMONACO, Rapporto al Cittadino Carnot, p. 80 ; COLLETTA, lib. v. cap. i.) Whether from vanity, emotional enthu- siasm, or genuine admiration, Lady Hamil- ton undoubtedly laid herself out, with too complete success, to win Nelson's heart. The two lived for and with each other, to the scandal of the whole Mediterranean station, keeping up all the time the extraordinary pretence of a pure platonism, which not only deceived Sir William Hamilton, but to some extent even Nelson himself, between whom and Hamilton there was to the last a feeling of warm friendship. It has indeed been suggested, though the probabilities seem to be against it, that till April 1800, when Lady Hamilton with her husband accompanied Nelson in the Foudroyant on a visit to Malta, their relations were really platonic (PET- TIG EEW, ii. 640 ; JEAFFEESON, Lady Hamil- ton, ii. 140). In the summer of 1800 she left Palermo in the company of her hus- band and Nelson. From Leghorn the party travelled homeward through Vienna, Dres- den, and Hamburg, whence they crossed over to Yarmouth. Afterwards in London, at Merton, on tours of pleasure, or in diffe- rent country houses, she and Nelson were seldom apart, except when he was serving afloat, and his devotion to her led directly to his separating from his wife. They kept up a pretence of purity and platonism, and their friends, as well as Nelson's sisters and relations,who treated Lady Hamilton well, re- garded the relationship as innocent (NICOLAS, vii. 394; Life and Letters of Sir Gilbert Elliot, iii. 284 ; PHILLIMOEE, Life of Sir William Parker, i. 230-1). A mystery long enveloped the parentage of Horatia, the child to whom Lady Hamilton gave birth on or about 30 Jan. 1801. Many years ago Pettigrew (ii. 652) quoted passages of a letter (1 March 1801) from Nelson to Lady Hamilton dis- tinctly acknowledging the child as theirs. The original letter, in Nelson's handwriting, is now in the Morrison collection. This and other letters in the same collection, the tone of which is quite beyond doubt, make the close friendship between Nelson and Hamilton, which continued unbroken till Hamilton's death on 6 April 1803, truly sur- prising. Latterly indeed, with the peevish- ness of old age, Sir William expressed him- self dissatisfied with the engrossing attention his wife paid to Nelson, but at the same time he added : ' I well know the purity of Lord Nelson's friendship for Emma and me ' ( JEAF- FEESON, Lady Hamilton, ii. 253). During his mortal illness Nelson sat by his side for the last six nights, and at his death ' the pillow was supported by his wife, and his right hand was held by the seaman,' who wrote a few hours afterwards to the Duke of Clarence, ' My dear friend, Sir William Hamilton, died this morn- ing ; the world never, never lost a more up- right and accomplished gentleman (ib. ii. 254). That this was hypocrisy is contrary to all that we know of Nelson's or even of Emma's nature, and we are driven to suppose that the two had persuaded themselves that their conduct towards the injured husband was void of offence. Hamilton left a large property to his nephew, charged with an annuity of 800/. to Emma for her life ; she also had 800/. in cash, and the furniture, paintings, &c., valued at about 6,000 J. (ib. ii. 259). It appears, how- ever, that she had already, unknown to her husband or Nelson, contracted debts — pos- sibly by gambling — to the amount of upwards of 7,000/. (Greville to Lady Hamilton, 8 June 1803, EVANS, Statement regarding the Nel- son Coat, p. 37), and that from the first she was in straitened circumstances, notwith- standing Nelson's allowing herl,200/. a year and the free use of Merton. Her applica- tion to the queen of Naples for relief was coldly received (NICOLAS, v. 117, vi. 95, 99, 105, 181); and Mr. Addington or Lord Gren- ville, as first lords of the treasury, turned a deaf ear to all her memorials for a pension on the ground of her services at Naples. The queen and Lord Grenville have been un- justly blamed for refusing to reward services which they knew to be purely imaginary. During the last years of his life Nelson re- peatedly expressed a hope of marrying her at some future day. His loss must have touched her keenly, but the repeated exhibition of herself fainting in public when Braham sang Hamilton 153 Hamilton ' The Death of Nelson/ going apparently to the theatre for the purpose, throws some discredit on the genuineness of her woe. Under Nel- son's will she received 2,0007. in cash, an annuity of 5007. charged on the revenues of Bronte, and the house and grounds of Mer- ton, valued at from 12,0007. to 14,0007. The interest of 4,0007. settled on Iloratia was also to be paid to her until the girl should reach the age of eighteen. Nelson further left her, by his dying request, as a legacy to his country, mainly on the ground of her public services. The story of this codicil having been concealed by Nelson's brother, the first Earl Nelson, until the parliamentary grant had been passed (PETTIGKEW, ii. 625), has been disproved by Mr. Jeaffreson (Lady Hamilton, ii. 291-3), who has shown that the codicil or memorandum was duly handed over to Sir William Scott ; that on account of its reference to the queen of Naples it was deemed unadvisable to make it public ; but that it was laid before Lord Grenville and de- cided on adversely, in all probability, on the merit of the alleged claims. After the death of Nelson she was nominally in the possession of upwards of 2,0007. a year ; but everything was swallowed up by her debts and by her wasteful expenditure. Within three years she was in almost hopeless diffi- culties ; on 25 Nov. 1808 a meeting of her friends was held to consider her case ; as the result of which Merton and the rest of her property was assigned to trustees to be sold for the benefit of her creditors, and a sum of 3,7007., to be charged on the estate, was raised for her immediate necessities. The old Duke of Queensberry, with whom during the life of Nelson she had been on terms of friendly intimacy, and who seems to the last to have been fond of her society, left her in 1810 a further annuity of 5007. ; but his will became the subject of a tedious litigation, and she received no benefit from it. Her affairs rapidly grew worse, and in the summer of 1813 she was arrested for debt and con- signed to the King's Bench prison. About a y ear afterwards she was released on bail by Al- derman Joshua Jonathan Smith, with whose assistance she escaped to Calais, where she lived for the next seven or eight months, and where she died on 15 Jan. 1815. It has been confidently stated and very generally believed that during this period she was in the utmost penury. Her letters show that she was living on partridges, turkeys, and turbot, with good Bordeaux wine (ib. ii. 321). There is no reason to suppose that she was altogether penniless, and in any case Horatia's 2007. a year was payable to her for their joint use. According to the false story told to Pettigrew by Mrs. Hunter, Lady Hamilton died in extreme want, unattended save by herself and Horatia ; she was buried at Mrs. Hunter's expense, in a cheap deal coffin with an old petticoat for a pall ; and the service of the church of England was read over the re- mains by an Irish half-pay officer, there being no protestant clergyman in Calais. Lady Hamilton's daughter assured Mr. Paget (£lackwood,cxlm. 648) that Mrs. Hunter was unknown to her. The funeral was conducted by a Henry Cadogan on the part of Mr. Smith. Of this Cadogan we know nothing ; but his name would seem to point to a possible con- nection with Mrs. Cadogan, as Lady Hamil- ton's mother had been called for more than thirty years. It is at any rate quite certain that she was buried in an oak coffin, and that the bill, including church expenses, priests, candles, dressing the body, &c., amounting to 287. 10s., was paid to Cadogan by Mr. Smith (ib. p. 649). The mention of priests and candles agrees with her daughter's statement, and confirms the story that during her later years she had professed the Roman catholic faith (Memoirs, p. 349). Of her children, the eldest, Emma, was brought up at the expense of Mr. Greville and afterwards of Sir William Hamilton ; she appears to have died about 1804. The second, the presumptive child of Sir Harry Fetherstonhaugh, was probably still-born, or died in infancy. The third, Horatia, lived, after her mother's death, with Nelson's sis- ters; in 1822 she married the Rev. Philip Ward, afterwards vicar of Tenterden in Kent, became the mother of eight children, and died on 6 March 1881. A fourth, also Emma, of which Nelson was the father, born in the end of 1803 or the beginning of 1804, died in March 1804 (JEAFFRESOisr, Queen of Naples, ii. 257). The portraits of Lady Hamilton are very numerous, and have been repeatedly engraved. Twenty-three painted by Romney are named by his son in a list admittedly imperfect ( ROMNEY, Life of Romney, p. 181). Two of these and engravings after ten others were exhibited at the Royal Academy in the winter of 1878 ; one, a head only, sketch for a Bac- chante, is in the National Gallery ; another, as a sybil, with auburn hair and dark grey eyes — of a wondrous beauty — is in the National Portrait Gallery. There are many others by most of the leading artists of the day, English or Italian. One by Madame Lebrun was bought by the prince regent in 1809. As early as 1796 Lady Hamilton was growing very stout, the tendency increased, and in her later years she was grotesquely portrayed in f A New Edition, considerably enlarged, of Hamilton 154 Hamilton Attitudes faithfully copied from Nature, and humbly dedicated to Admirers of the Grand and Sublime,' 1807 (anonymous; catalogued in the British Museum under ' Rehberg '). [The writer has to acknowledge the courtesy of Mr. Alfred Morrison in permitting him free access to his collection of manuscripts, which is particularly rich in documents relating to the private life of Lady Hamilton. Working from these, Mr. J. C. Jeaffreson published in 1887 a memoir under the title of Lady Hamilton and Lord Nelson, and in 1889 another with the title The Queen of Naples and Lord Nelson. In this last he has included an examination of the manu- scripts in the British Museum (Egerton, 1613- 1621), but not of the official correspondence from Naples or Spain in the Public Record Office. A selection of these, with the title 'Nelson's Last Codicil,' was published by the present writer in Colburn's United Service Magazine, April and May 1889. The Memoirs of Lady Hamilton, with illustrative Anecdotes (1815), a book of virulent abuse and pseudo-religious reflections, is of little authority, but not quite worthless. The Letters of Lord Nelson to Lady Hamilton (2 vols. 8vo, 1814) require corroboration from other sources ; the same may be said of Harri- son's Life of Nelson (2 vols. 8vo, 1806), inspired if not virtually written by Lady Hamilton, and crowded with falsehoods, many of which, through the influence of Southey, have passed into general currency. Nicolas's Despatches and Letters of Lord Nelson contains much interesting and valuable matter, see index at the end of vol. vii. ; and in Pettigrew's Life of Nelson were published for the first time many of the Nel- son-Hamilton papers, though the author's easy credulity deprives his work of much of its value. Paget's Memoir of Lady Hamilton, originally j published in Blackwood's Magazine (April 1860), and afterwards in Paradoxes and Puzzles, is an interesting sketch drawn mainly from the im- perfect materials at the disposal of Nicolas and Petti grew; to this Mr. Paget has added a supple- mentary article (Blackwood's Mag. May 1888), se- verely,but unjustly, criticising Jeaffreson's exami- nation of Lady Hamilton's claims, and especially in reference to the entry of the fleet into the har- bour of Syracuse. There are besides interesting notices of Lady Hamilton in Life and Letters of Sir Gilbert Elliot, first Earl of Minto; Mrs. St. George's Journal, kept during a visit to Ger- many in 1799, 1800 (edited by her son, Arch- bishop Trench); and Miss Cornelia Knight's Autobiography. Palumbo's Carteggio di Maria Carolina . . . con Lady Emma Hamilton (1887), and Gagniere's La Reine Marie-Caroline de Naples (1886) are largely made up of the queen's correspondence, but of Lady Hamilton personally they know nothing beyond what has been handed down by scandalous rumour. Helfert's Revolu- tion und Gegen-Revolution von Neapel (1882) and Maria Karolina von Oesterreich, Konigin von Neapel und Sicilien (1884) contain no ori- ginal information on the subject.] J. K. L. HAMILTON, FRANCIS (1762-1829). [See BUCHANAN.] HAMILTON, GAVIN (1561 P-1612), bishop of Galloway, was the second son of John Hamilton of Orbiston, Lanarkshire. The father, descended from Sir James Hamilton of Cadzow [see under JAMES, first LOKD HAMILTON], fell at the battle of Langside, fighting for Queen Mary (13 May 1568). Gavin was born about 1561, and was educated at the university of St. Andrews, where he took his degree in 1584. He was ordained and admitted to the second charge of Hamil- ton in 1590, was translated to the parish of Bothwell in 1594, and again to the first charge of Hamilton in 1604. At an early period of his ministry he was appointed by the general assembly to the discharge of important duties pertaining to the office of superintendent or visitor, and after 1597 he was one of the stand- ing commission chosen by the church from among its more eminent clergy to confer with the king on ecclesiastical matters. A sup- porter of the royal measures for the restora- tion of episcopacy, he received on 3 March 1605 the temporalities of the bishopric of Gal- loway, to which were added those of the priory of Whithorn on 29 Sept. and of the abbeys of Dundrennan and Glenluce. In 1606 he became dean of the Chapel Koyal at Holyrood,on the revival of that office by King James. In 1606 the general assembly ap- pointed him constant moderator of the presby- tery of Kirkcudbright, and three years later he was sent up to court by the other titular bishops to confer with the king as to further measures which were in contemplation for the advancement of their order. The church, having agreed in 1610 to the restoration of the ecclesiastical power of bishops, Hamilton, with Spotiswood, archbishop of Glasgow, and Lamb, bishop of Brechin, were called up to London by the king, and were consecrated 21 Oct. of that year in the chapel of London House according to the English ordinal by the bishops of London, Ely, Rochester, and Worcester. They were not reordained, as the validity of ordination by presbyters was then recognised by the English church and state. On his return to Scotland Hamilton assisted in consecrating the rest of the bishops, and died in February 1612, aged about 51. Keith describes him as ' an excellent good man,' and in the scurrilous lampoons on the bishops by the antiprelatic party of the time he fared better than most of his colleagues. Calderwood says that he seldom preached after his consecration, and died deep in debt, notwithstanding his rich preferments. He married Alison, daughter of James Hamilton Hamilton 155 Hamilton of Bothwellhaugh, and had a son, John of Inchgoltrick, commendator of Soulseat, and a daughter, married to John Campbell, bishop of Argyll, and afterwards to Dunlop of that ilk. Two of his letters to the king appear in ' Original Letters,' vol. i. [Keith's Cat.; Calderwood's Hist.; Ander- son's House of Hamilton ; Scott's Fasti Eccl. Scot. pt. i. 393, pt. ii. 776, pt. iii. 257, 260, 267.] G. W. S. HAMILTON, GAVIN (1730-1797), painter, excavator, and dealer in antiquities, was born in the town of Lanark in 1730, and was descended from the Hamiltons of Mur- diston, an old Scottish family. When young he went to Rome, and studied under Agos- tino Masucci. In 1748 he is mentioned as living there in intimacy with James Stuart, Nicholas Revett, and Matthew Brettingham the elder [q.v.] About 1752 he was for a short time resident in London, and in 1755 was a member of the artists' committee for forming a royal academy. In or before 1769 he re- turned to Rome, where he henceforth chiefly resided. He visited Scotland more than once at the end of his life, and in 1783 came to take possession of a considerable estate inherited from his elder brother. On returning to Rome in March 1786, he escorted f Emma Hart,' the future Lady Hamilton [q.v.], and her mother, who were on their way to Naples. He died at Rome in the summer of 1797, his death being occasioned, it is said, 'by anxiety on the entry of the French.' • In painting Hamilton had a predilection for classical, and especially Homeric, subjects (NAGLER, Kunstler-Lexikori). His 'Achilles dragging the body of Hector at his chariot wheels' was painted for the Duke of Bed- ford, who afterwards sold it (to General Scott), as it reminded him of the fate of his own son, the Marquis of Tavistock, who was dragged to death at his horse's stirrup. Hamilton also painted ' Hector and An- dromache' (formerly in the possession of the Duke of Hamilton) ; the ' Death of Lucretia' (which belonged to the Earl of Hopetoun); and an Apollo, 'well and solidly painted, but heavy in colour,' presented to the city of London by Alderman Boydell, and exhibited at the International Exhibition of 1 862. While living at Rome Hamilton sent classical subjects to London for exhibition at the Royal Academy in 1770-72-76, and for the last time in 1778. About 1794 he painted a room in the Villa Borghese at Rome in compartments represent ing the story of Paris. His paintings from Homer were engraved by Cunego and others. In 1773 he published at his own expense ' Schola Italica picturae,' Rome, folio (with plates forming pi. 972- 1011 and vol. xxii. of the collected works of G. B. and F. Piranesi). The plates, engraved from Hamilton's own drawings, illustrate Italian painting from L. Da Vinci to the Caracci. He painted a few portraits, appa- rently in the early part of his career. These included full-length figures of the Duke and Duchess of Hamilton, the latter with a grey- hound (painted in Scotland) ; the Countess- of Coventry ; and ( Dawkins and Wood dis- covering Palmyra in 1751 ' (engraved by Hall), and now at Over Norton House, Ox- fordshire, the seat of Lieutenant-colonel Dawkins (Notes and Queries, 1887, 7th ser. iii. 345). Hamilton's artistic taste was ' pure and founded on classic study, his drawing1 good but timid, his colour and light and shade weak' (REDGRAVE, Diet, of Artists}. Hamilton is now chiefly remembered for his- remarkable excavations in Italy (1769-92), which furnished statues, busts, and reliefs- for the Museo Pio-Clementino, and which contributed to several important private col- lections of statuary in England. Hamilton, had a good instinct and, as a rule, good luck in making discoveries. He began in 1769 with his well-known excavation of Hadrian's villa below Tivoli. He found sixty marbles (chiefly busts), ' some of the first rank.' In 1771 he found many statues while excavating on the Via Appia in the ' tenuta del Colom- baro.' He also excavated at Prima Porta and in the country round the Alban moun- tains. Some fine antiquities were discovered by him at Monte Cagnuolo, the villa of An- toninus Pius, near the ancient Lanuvium (cp. Ancient Marbles in Brit. Mus. pi. 45, x. frontisp. and pi. 25, 26). In 1775 he found some good marbles (including the Cupid drawing a bow in the Townley Coll. ; ib. ii. pi. 33) at Castel di Guido. He often broke ground in many parts of the circuit of Ostia, but was compelled to desist by the malaria of the marshes. In 1792 he made a good finish to his labours by an excavation, in con- junction with Prince Marco Antonio Bor- ghese, on the territory of the ancient Gabii (marbles found there by him are now in the Louvre) . The excavations at Hadrian's villa were undertaken by Hamilton with James Byres and Thomas Jenkins. With the last named Hamilton often acted in partnership. Hamilton sold the antiquities which he dis- covered or bought up, but did not adopt the lax trading principles of the Roman art- dealers of his day. Visconti speaks of him in high terms (MiCHAELis, Ancient Marbles, p. 74, n.), and Fuseli says he was 'liberal and humane.' Hamilton occasionally, how- ever, indulged in ' restoration,' transforming, Hamilton 156 Hamilton for instance, a torso of a Discobolos (sold to Lord Lansdowne) into a ' Diomede carrying off the Palladium.' He was the regular agent for Charles Townley, then forming his im- portant collection of marble?, now in the British Museum (ELLIS, Townley Gallery, index, and Brit. Mus. Guide to the Grseco- Roman sculptures, where details as to the find- ing of the sculptures are recorded). Townley contributed to the excavation expenses of Hamilton and Jenkins. Extracts from Hamil- ton's letters to Townley are given in Dalla- way's 'Anecdotes/ pp. 364-81. William, second earl of Shelburne, afterwards first Marquis of Lansdowne, when forming his fine collection at Lansdowne (originally Shel- burne) House, purchased largely from Hamil- ton's excavations made in 1770-80. Hamil- ton (letter, 18 Jan. 1772) said that he meant to make the Shelburne House collection famous throughout the world. His letters to Lord Lansdowne, written 1771-9, and published from the manuscripts at Lans- downe House by Lord E. Fitzmaurice (Aca- demy, 1878, 10, 17, 24, 31 Aug., 7 Sept.; reprinted, Devizes, 1879, 8vo), give an ac- count of their transactions. Among other antiquities he sold Lord Lansdowne for 200/. a statue of Paris found in Hadrian's villa, and then sent him for 150/. a ' sweet pretty statue representing a Narcissus (Apollo Sau- roktonos), of the exact size of the Paris, and, I imagine, will suit it for a companion, with- out waiting for a Venus.' He also sold him a Hermes (and a bust of Antinous) for 500/. (see MICHAELIS, Ancient Marbles, p. 464). Hamilton further sold ancient sculptures to James Smith-Barry of Marbury Hall, Cheshire, to Thomas Mansel-Talbot, and to Lyde Brown. He had some share in forming the sculpture collection of the second Lord Egremont at Petworth. [Redgrave's Diet, of Artists of English School; €hambers's Biog. Diet, of Eminent Scotsmen, ii. 205,206; Nagler'sKiinstler-Lexikon; Michaelis's Ancient Marbles in Great Britain ; Hamilton's Letters to Lord Lansdowne ; Ellis's Townley •Gallery.] W. W. HAMILTON, GAVIN (1753-1805), friend of Burns, was the son of John Hamil- ton, a native of Kype, Lanarkshire, who settled in Mauchline, Ayrshire, as a writer or solicitor, in the first half of the eighteenth century. Gavin was one of a family of three sons and two daughters, their mother's name being Jacobina Young. By his second wife, said to be a daughter of Mr. Murdoch, Auld- house, John Hamilton had a son and a daugh- ter, the latter afterwards being Mrs. Adair, Burns's ' Sweet flower of Devon.' Hamilton, following his father's profession, became one of the leading men in Mauchline, and, siding with the ' New Light ' clergy in the great ecclesiastical dispute of his time, was the object of a bitter attack by the kirk session of Mauchline, who belonged to the whig or ' Auld Light ' party. They found him con- tumacious regarding a ' stent ' or tax for the poor, the collection and distribution of which, under his management, were marked by in- explicable irregularities ; and they further charged him with breaking the Sabbath, and neglecting church ordinances and family worship. Above all, in his own defence, Hamilton had written an ' abusive letter ' to the session. The farm of Mossgiel, in the neighbour- hood of Mauchline, was rented from the owner by Hamilton, and farmed under him on a sub-lease by Burns and his brother. This interested Burns in his case, and gave addi- tional point to the powerful ecclesiastical satires which he wrote between 1785 and 1789. Hamilton is specially banned by * Holy Willie ' as one that ' drinks, and swears, and plays at cartes.' He was apparently a man in advance of his time, whom persecution urged into a more pronounced attitude of revolt than he would spontaneously have adopted. Ayr presbytery, to which Hamil- ton appealed, after a long and wearisome contest, decided in his favour (July 1785), and the session gave him a certificate clear- ing him from ' all ground of church censure ' (CHAMBEES, Burns, i. 135). Burns remained his steadfast friend ; wrote to him some of his most interesting letters; honoured him with a vigorous and clever * Dedication ; ' and composed for him an epitaph, the spirit of which tradition endorses, to the effect that he was a poor man's friend unworthily per- secuted. Hamilton's wife was Helen Ken- nedy, daughter of Kennedy of Daljarroch, Ayr- shire— hence the 'Kennedy's far-honoured name' of the 'Dedication' — and he had a family of seven children, to several of whom Burns makes affectionate reference in his letters. Hamilton died on 8 Feb. 1805. [Cromek's Reliques of Burns ; Lockhart's Life ! of Burns ; Burns's "Works, especially the edi- | tions of Chambers and W. Scott Douglas ; Dr. Edgar's Old Church Life in Scotland; special information communicated by the Rev. Dr. Ed- gar, Mauchline.] T. B. HAMILTON, LOED GEORGE, EAEL OF OEKNEY (1666-1737), general, was fifth son of "William, earl of Selkirk (eldest son of William, marquis of Douglas), who became Duke of Hamilton in 1660, and his wife Anne, duchess of Hamilton [see under DOUGLAS, Hamilton 157 Hamilton WILLIAM, third DIJKE OP HAMILTON]. He ; was born at Hamilton Palace, Lanark, and baptised there 9 Feb. 1666. He was trained as a soldier under the care of his paternal uncle, the Earl of Dumbarton, being captain of the 1st or royal regiment of foot under that earl's command in 1684. He served under the standard of William of Orange, and became lieutenant-colonel in 1689 of a newly raised foot regiment, and brevet-colonel 1 March 1689-90. He distinguished himself at the battle of the Boyne on 1 July 1690, and after- wards at Aughrim on 12 July 1691. In Ja- nuary 1692 he was made colonel of the Royal Fusiliers, and took part in the battle of Stein- kirk on 3 Aug. 1692, after which he became colonel of the first battalion of his old regi- ment— the Royal Foot. He distinguished himself at Landen on 19 July 1693, and was also at the sieges of Athlone (1691), Limerick (1691), and Namur (1695). At Namur, while in command of the Royal Foot, he was severely wounded, and was promoted brigadier-general (10 July 1695). On 25 Nov. 1695 he married his cousin, Elizabeth Villiers, daughter of Sir Edward Villiers, knight-marshal, the well- known mistress of William III. On 30 May 1695 William III granted to her almost all the private estates of James II in Ireland. Swift described her as ' the wisest woman he ever knew.' The marriage turned out very happily, despite the inauspicious position held by the lady previously. On 10 Jan. 1696 Hamilton was created Earl of Orkney in the peerage of Scotland, with remainder to sur- viving issue male or female. He retained to the last the full confidence of William III. Orkney was promoted major-general on 9 March 1702, and served at the siege of Stevensvaert. He became lieutenant-general on 1 Jan. 1704, and on 7 Feb. of the same year was made a knight of the order of the Thistle. At Blenheim (1704) he commanded a brigade of infantry under Marlborough, taking pri- soner thirteen hundred officers and twelve thousand men who had been posted in the village of Blenheim. In June 1705 he commanded the advance guard of twelve thousand men sent from the Moselle to the Netherlands to prevent the junction of two large bodies of French troops, and was in time to save the citadel of Liege, then invested by Villeroy. After the battle of Ramillies (23 May 1706) Orkney pursued the French at the head of a large body of cavalry as far as Louvain. He commanded a force at the passage over the Dyle, and was at the siege of Menin in July 1706. On 12 Feb. 1707 Orkney was elected one of the sixteen repre- sentative peers for Scotland to sit in the first parliament of Great Britain. He served again under Marlborough in the indecisive cam- paign of 1707, and distinguished himself by- harassing the French in their retreat upon Lille. On 11 July he took a prominent part in the victory of Oudenarde, and after the battle advocated, in opposition to Marl- borough, an immediate advance on Paris (cf. Hist. MSS. Comm. 8th Rep. pt. i. ; Defoe to> Godolphin, 3 Aug. 1708). In November 1708 Orkney commanded the van of the army at the passing of the Scheldt, and in June of the year following he assisted at the siege of Tournay, and captured the forts of St. Amand and St. Martin's Sconce. On 31 Aug. 1709 he was unable to secure the passage of the Heine, an operation successfully carried out a few days later by the prince of Hesse-Cassel, but he took part in the battle of Malplaquet on 11 Sept. 1709, and at the head of fifteen battalions, supported by cavalry on each flanky opened the attack, which was successful, al- though his loss of men was terribly heavy. On his return to England Orkney appeared frequently in parliament, and voted for the impeachment of Sacheverell. In 1710 he was sworn of the privy council, and the same year was made general of the foot in Flanders, being- present at the sieges of Douay and Bouchain. Appointed two years later colonel of the royal regiment of foot guards, called the Fusiliers, he served in Flanders under the Duke of Or- monde until the campaign closed. For his services he was appointed colonel of the se- cond battalion of the 1st Foot, becoming thus, colonel-commandant of both battalions of his regiment. In 1714 Orkney was made one of the lords of the bedchamber to George I (28 Oct.), and governor of Virginia (17 Dec.) He was likewise appointed afterwards con- stable, governor, and captain of Edinburgh Castle, lord-lieutenant of the county of Clydesdale, and field-marshal of ' all his majesty's forces' 12 Jan. 1736. Orkney was repeatedly chosen one of the Scotch repre- sentative peers in parliament, and had con- siderable influence at the court, as well as in the House of Lords. He died at his residence in Albemarle Street, London, on 29 Jan. 1737, and was buried privately at Taplow. His wife died 19 April 1733. By her he had three daughters, and his eldest daughter^ Anne, wife of William O'Brien, earl of In- chiquin, succeeded her father as Countess of Orkney. From this lady the present Earl of Orkney is descended. Orkney was no military strategist, and was not very successful when first in com- mand. He was, however, an admirable subor- dinate. [The Heads of Illustrious Persons of Great Britain, with their Lives and Characters, by Hamilton 158 Hamilton Thomas Birch, A.M., F.R.S., new edit., 1813; Collins's Peerage; Burnet's Hist, of his own Time ; The Marlborough Despatches ; Millner's Journals of Battles and Sieges under Marl- borough ; Sir A. Alison's Military Life of Marl- borough ; Coxe's Life of Marlborough ; Lediard's Life of Marlborough ; Anderson's Scottish Nation ; E. Cannon's Kecords of 1st and 7th Regiments of Foot; Luttrell's Brief Relation; Macaulay'sHist.; Story's Wars in Ireland, 1689-92 ; War Office Records. This article owes much to notes kindly supplied by Charles Dalton, esq.] G. B. S. HAMILTON, GEORGE (1783-1830), "biblical scholar and divine, born at Armagh in 1783, while his father was dean, was the fourth son of Hugh Hamilton, D.D. [q. v.], bishop of Ossory, and Isabella, eldest daughter of Hans Widman Wood of Eossmead, co. "Westmeath. Having entered Trinity College, Dublin, on 10 June 1799, under the tutorship of the Rev. Bartholomew Lloyd, he graduated B.A. 1804 and M.A. 1821. He married, first, Sophia, daughter of George Kiernan of Dublin, by whom he had issue ; and secondly, Frances, daughter of Rear-admiral Sir Chichester Fortescue, Ulster king-of-arms, who survived him. In 1809 he was presented to the rectory of Killermogh in the diocese of Ossory, which benefice he held as long as he lived. He was a conscientious parish priest and an «arly and zealous promoter of religious so- cieties in connection with the church of Ire- land. He died 10 Aug. 1830, and was buried in the churchyard of Killermogh, where there is a brief inscription to his memory. Besides some separate sermons and papers in religious periodicals, Hamilton published : 1. ' A General Introduction to the Study of the Hebrew Scriptures, with a Critical His- tory of the Greek and Latin Versions, of the Samaritan Pentateuch, and of the Chaldee Paraphrases,' Dublin, 1813. 2. ' A Letter to the Rev. Peter Roe, M.A., November 1813, with Papers on Apostolick Practice and Ec- clesiastical Establishments ' (printed in 'The Evil of Separation from the Church of Eng- land considered,' 2nd edit. London, 1817). 3. ' Observations upon Mr. O'Callaghan's pamphlet against Bible Societies,' Kilkenny, 1818. 4. 'Codex Criticus of the Hebrew Bible, being an attempt to form a Standard Text of the Old Testament,' London, 1821. 5. ' Observations on a passage in the Medea of Seneca, and on the Argument against the Evidence of Prophecy drawn from it by Deistical Writers' (read before the Royal Irish Academy, 22 Jan. 1821, and printed in their ' Transactions,' vol. xiv.) 6. 'Observa- tions on the Rev. Hart Symons's late publi- cation, entitled " A Light to the House of Israel," ' London, 1821. 7. ' A Letter to Rabbi Herschell, showing that the Resurrec- tion is as credible a fact as the Exodus, and that the tract called " Toldoth," giving the Jewish account of the Resurrection, is no more worthy of credit than Tacitus's " History of the Jews " ' (printed in or before 1824). 8. ' Tracts upon some leading Errors of the Church of Rome,' London, 1824. 9. ' The Claims of the Church of Rome to be the ap- pointed Interpreter as well as the Depositary of the Word of God considered, in a corre- spondence between the Rev. George Hamilton and the Rev. N. Shearman/ Dublin, 1825. 10. 'Observations on the Present State of the Roman Catholic English Bible, addressed to the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Dublin [Dr. Murray],' Dublin, 1825. 11. ' A Second Letter to the Most Rev. Dr. Murray, on the Present State of the English Roman Catholic Bible,' Dublin, 1826. 12. 'The Scripture Authority of the Christian Sabbath vindi- cated against Roman Catholics and Separa- tists ' (anonymous), Dublin, 1828. [Todd's Cat. of Dublin Graduates, p. 247; Burke's Landed Gentry, 3rd edit. p. 513 ; Christian Examiner (September 1830), x. 721; Blacker's Contributions towards a proposed Bibliotheca Hibernica, No. vii., in the Irish Ec- clesiastical Gazette (May 1876), xviii. 153 ; Roe's Thoughts on the Death of the Rev. George Hamilton (reprinted in Madden's Memoir of the Rev. Peter Roe, pp. 451-61); Caesar Otway's Scenes in the Rotunda, Dublin ; McGhee's Life and Death of the Kiernan Family.] B. H. B. HAMILTON, GEORGE ALEXANDER (1802-1871), politician, was born at Tyrellas, co. Down, on 29 Aug. 1802. He was elder son of the Rev. George Hamilton of Hampton Hall, co. Dublin, who died in March 1833, by Anna, daughter of Thomas Pepper of Bally- garth Castle, co. Meath. His grandfather, George Hamilton (d, 1793), who was a baron of the exchequer from 1777 to 1793, was a nephew of Hugh Hamilton, bishop of Ossory [q. v.] He was sent to Rugby School in 1814, and matriculated from Trinity College, Ox- ford, 15 Dec. 1818, took his B.A. degree in 1821, and was created D.C.L. 9 June 1853. Soon after leaving the university he settled on his paternal estate and began to take a part in the public political meetings in Dublin. At the general election in 1826 he became a candidate for the representation of that city, but after a severe and expensive contest lasting fourteen days was defeated by a small majority. In 1830 and 1832 he again unsuc- cessfully contested the seat for Dublin. At the close of another election for Dublin in January 1835 the numbers were : O'Connell 2,678, Ruthven 2,630, Hamilton 2,461, West 2,455. A petition was, however, presented ; Hamilton 159 Hamilton the commissioners sat from 3 May 1835 to 6 Jan. 1836, and from 29 Feb. to 26 May, when Hamilton and West were declared duly elected. In the following year, 1837, he again contested Dublin unsuccessfully, and al- though in presenting a petition he was sup- ported by ' the protestants of England,' and a sum of money known as the Spottiswoode subscription was raised to assist him in pay- ing his expenses, O'Connell on this occasion retained his seat. Throughout his career he took the side of the Orangemen, and was a prominent figure in the protestant demonstra- tions. On the formation of the ' Lay Asso- ciation for the Protection of Church Property ' in August 1834, he became the honorary secre- tary of the association, and for a long period worked energetically in the cause. In parlia- ment he was chiefly known as having pre- sented the petition of the celebrated protes- tant meeting of 14 Jan. 1837, which gave rise to much discussion and subsequently to the Earl of Roden's committee of inquiry. On 10 Feb. 1843, on the occurrence of a chance vacancy, he was returned by the university of Dublin, which constituency he represented without intermission until February 1859. To him was mainly due the formation of the Conservative Society for Ireland, which formed the rallying point for the conservative party after the passing of the Reform Bill. On 2 June 1845 he spoke on the subject of the 'godless college bill.' Another speech of 21 Aug. 1848 was printed with the title of ' Education in Ireland. Report of Speech in the House of Commons on Mr. Hamilton's motion on above subject,' 1848. On 21 June 1849 his proposal for an alteration in education in Ireland so as to make it acceptable to the protestant clergy was lost by 162 to 102 votes. He held the financial secretaryship of the treasury under Lord Derby's administration from March to December 1852, and again on the return of the conservatives to power from March 1858 to January 1859. At this latter date he was appointed permanent secretary of the treasury. He was sworn a member of the privy council 7 Aug. 1869, and in the follow- ing year was named one of the commissioners of the church temporalities in Ireland. He was a magistrate and deputy-lieutenant for the county of Dublin, and an LL.D. of Dub- lin University. He died at Kingstown, Ire- land, 17 Sept. 1871. His wife, whom he mar- ried 1 May 1835, was Amelia Fancourt, daugh- ter of Joshua Uhthoff of Bath. [Portraits of Eminent Conservatives, 2nd ser. (1846), with portrait ; Burke's Landed Gentry; Times, 20 Sept. 1871, p. 6 ; Illustrated London News, 11 Dec. 1852, pp. 517-18, with portrait, and 23 Sept. 1871. p. 283.] G. C. B. HAMILTON, GUSTAVUS, VISCOUNT BOYNE (1639-1723), was the second son of Sir Frederick Hamilton, fifth and youngest son of Claud Hamilton, first lord Paisley [q.v.], by Sidney, daughter and heiress of ^ir John Vaughan, governor of the city and county of Londonderry. He entered the army, and became captain towards the close of the reign of Charles II. In this capacity he attended the Duke of Ormonde, chancellor of Oxford, to that university, and on the oc- casion received the degree of D.C.L., 6 Aug. 1677. On the accession of James II he was sworn a privy councillor, but resigned his seat in disgust at the unconstitutional con- duct of James. Tyrconnel thereupon deprived him of his commission, and he retired to his estate in co. Fermanagh. In 1688 he was appointed by the protestants governor of Enniskillen, and took up his residence in the castle. With great energy he collected and armed a trustworthy force. Smiths were em- ployed to fasten scythes on poles, while all the country houses round Loch Erne were strengthened and garrisoned. Sir William Stewart, viscount Mount] oy, during his visit to Ulster, endeavoured to persuade the men of Enniskillen ' to submit to the king's au- thority,' assuring them that he would 'protect them,' but they answered him jeeringly that the king would ' find it hard enough to protect himself.' After the vote of the Convention par- liament William and Mary were proclaimed at Enniskillen. On learning that a Jacobite force had been sent into Ulster, Hamilton returned to Londonderry, and undertook the defence of Coleraine, which he held for six weeks against the whole of the hostile army, which twice attempted to storm it. He thus covered Londonderry until it was fully prepared for a siege (petition of Major-general Hamilton to the queen in Treasury Papers, 1708-14, p. 188). He then retreated in good order towards Londonderry, having stayed with a troop till they burned three arches of a bridge. Thence he returned to the command of the Enniskilleners, but his exertions for a time broke down his health. On his recovery he joined the army of the Duke of Schomberg. He commanded a regiment at the battle of the Boyne, where he had a horse shot under him. Afterwards he served under Ginkel [q. v.] during the remainder of the Irish cam- paign. He specially distinguished himself at the brilliant capture of Athlone, wading the Shannon at the head of the grenadiers who stormed it. On its surrender he was ap- pointed governor of the town. On the con- clusion of the war he was made a privy coun- cillor, and received a large grant out of the forfeited estates. He was gazetted brigadier- Hamilton 160 Hamilton general on 30 May 1696, and by Queen Anne he was made a major-general on 1 Jan. 1703. In the first parliament of Queen Anne he represented Donegal. lie commanded a regi- ment at the siege of Vigo. In May 1710 he was appointed a privy councillor to Queen Anne, and in October 1714 privy councillor to George I. By George I he was, on 20 Oct. 1715, created Baron Hamilton of Stackallan, ancl on 20 Aug. 1717 advanced to the dignity of Viscount Boyne in the Irish peerage. He died on 16 Sept. 1723. By his wife Eliza- beth, second daughter of Sir Henry Brooke, knt., of Brooke's-Borough, co. Fermanagh, he had one daughter and three sons. His eldest son, Frederick, predeceased him, and Gusta- vus, the eldest son of Frederick, succeeded his grandfather in the peerage and estates. [Andrew Hamilton's True Relation of the Ac- tions of the Inniskilling Men, 1689; MacCor- mick's Further Impartial Account of the Actions of the Inniskilling Men, 1692; Cal. Treasury Papers, 1696-1714; Macaulay's Hist, of Eng- land; Lodge's Irish Peerage, v. 174-8; Wills's Irish Nation, ii. 447-56.] T. F. H. HAMILTON, HENRY PARR (1794- 1880), dean of Salisbury, born on 3 April 1794, was the son of Alexander Hamilton, M.D. (1739-1802) [q. v.] He was educated at Trinity College, Cambridge, where he gra- duated B.A. as ninth wrangler in 1816, was elected fellow, and proceeded M.A. in 1819. In 1830 he was presented by the Marquis of Ailesbury to the rectory of Wath, nearRipon, Yorkshire, and in 1833 obtained from his col- lege the perpetual curacy of St. Mary the Great, Cambridge, which he resigned in 1844, in order to reside permanently at Wath. He became rural dean in 1847. In 1850 he was pre- ferred to the deanery of Salisbury. Towards the restoration of the cathedral he contri- buted large sums of money. He was also a warm supporter of the board of education and other diocesan institutions. He died on 7 Feb. 1880. By his wife Ellen, daughter of Thomas Mason, F.S.A., of Copt Hewick, Yorkshire {Gent. Mag. vol. ciii. pt. ii. p. 462), who survived him, he had an only daughter, Katharine Jane, married on 29 Nov. 1854 to Sir Edward Hulse. Hamilton's accomplish- ments won him the regard of Whewell and Sedgwick, and other distinguished men. He was elected F.R.S. on 17 Jan. 1828, and was also F.R.S. Edinb., F.R. A.S., and F.G.S. The more important of his writings are : 1. ' The Principles of Analytical Geometry/ 1826. 2. l An Analytical System of Conic Sections,' 1828 ; 5th edit. 1843. 3. < The Education of the Lower Classes. A Sermon,' 1840 ; 2nd edit. 1841. 4. ' Practical Remarks on Popular Education in England and Wales/ 1847. 5. ' The Church and the Education Question/ 1848 ; 2nd edit. 1855. 6. < The Privy Council and the National Society. The question con- cerning the management of Church of Eng- land Schools stated and examined/ 1850. 7. ' Scheme for the Reform of their own Ca- thedral by the Dean and Chapter of Salisbury/ 1855. "[Guardian, 11 and 18 Feb. 1880 ; Men of the Time, 10th ed., p. 483; Irving's Book of Scots- men, pp. 197-8; Clergy Lists, 1843-50; Crock- ford's Clerical Directory, 1879, p. 419; Burke's Peerage, 1885, p. 710.] G. G. HAMILTON, HUGH or HUGO, first LOED HAMILTON OF GLEXAWLEY, co. FER- MANAGH (d. 1679), was, according to the ' Svenska Adelns Attartaflor ' (genealogies of the Swedish nobility), second son of Malcolm Hamilton, archbishop of Cashel and Emly (d. 1629), by his first wife Mary, daughter of Robert Wilkie of Sachtonhill. His grand- father was Archibald Hamilton of Dalserfr Lanarkshire, who is said to have been grand- son of James Hamilton, second earl of Arran [q. v.], but this relationship is not clearly proved. The Swedish authorities state that Hugh was sent by his father to join the Swedish army in 1624 ; became colonel of a regiment in Ingermanland in 1641 ; colonel of the Upland infantry regiment in 1645 ; and commander in Greifswald in 1646. He was naturalised as a Swedish noble in 1648r and, with his younger half-brother Louis- Hamilton, was ennobled in Sweden as barons- Hamilton de Deserf (i.e. Dalserf ). After the Restoration, on 2 March 1660 he was created by Charles II baron Hamilton of Glenawley, co. Fermanagh, in the peerage of Ireland; returned to Ireland in 1662, and settled, as- heir of his elder brother, Archibald, on the estate which had belonged to his father, at Ballygally, co. Tyrone. In 1678 he gave the interest of 20/. in perpetuity to the parish of Erigilkeroy, to be disbursed annually by the rector and churchwardens. He died in April 1679. He was thrice married and left issue. The title became extinct on the death, at the age of twenty, of William, his surviving* son, the second baron. Letters from the first Lord Glenawley to Lord Lauderdale, in 1660- 1672, are in Brit. Mus. Addit. MSS. 23117, 23124, 23131, 23132, 23134. [Information kindly supplied by Professor Hjarneof Upsala; Burke's Extinct Peerage, 1883- ed. ; Svenska Adelns Attartaflor, ed. Gabriel Anrep, Stockholm, 1861, ii. 181 sq. ; Svenska Adelns Attartaflor, ed. Schlegel and Klingspor, Stockholm, 1875, pp. lllsq. ; John Anderson's- Hist, and Genealog. Memoirs of the House of Hamilton, 1 825, p. 446. None of these authorities Hamilton 161 Hamilton Agree as to the genealogy, but the account given above seems most consistent with established facts.] H. M. C. HAMILTON, HUGH, BARON HAMIL- TON in Sweden (d. 1724), Swedish military commander, was younger son of Captain John Hamilton of Ballygally, co. Tyrone, Ireland, by his wife Jean, daughter of James Somer- ville. His father was a younger son of Mal- colm Hamilton, archbishop of Cashel and Emly, and Hugh or Hugo Hamilton, first lord Hamilton of Glenawley [q. v.] was his uncle. Hugh is said, after seeing much mili- tary service at home, to have been summoned to Sweden in 1680 by his elder brother, Mal- colm Hamilton [q. v.], already an officer in the Swedish army. In Sweden his earliest commission was as lieutenant of the Elfs- burg regiment, in which he rose to be cap- tain. In 1693 he and his brother were en- nobled in Sweden as barons Hamilton de Hageby. Hugh rose to great distinction during the wars of Charles XII, especially signalising himself against the Danes in 1710 at Helsingborg, and against the Russians at Gene in 1719. He became, after a long series of promotions, a general and master of the •ordnance. He died in 1724, and was buried in Lommarya church in the province of Jonkoping. He was married to a Swedish lady, daughter of Henrik Ardvisson of Goth- enburg, and left numerous children. . His sixth son, Gustavus David, was created Count Hamilton in 1751 ; attained distinction in the seven years' and Russian wars ; became a field marshal, and died in 1788. The pre- sent Swedish Counts Hamilton are his direct descendants. [Burke's Extinct Peerage (1883 ed.); au- thorities as under HAMILTON, HUGH or HUGO (d. 1679). The statement in the Swedish Bio- grafiskt Lexikon, vi. 47, that he was Malcolm's illegitimate son and not his brother is unsup- ported.] H. M. C. HAMILTON, HUGH, D.D. (1729-1805), bishop of Ossory, eldest son of Alexander Hamilton, M.P., of Knock, co. Dublin, and Newtownhamilton, co. Armagh, by Isabella Maxwell, his wife, was born at Knock on 26 March 1729. He was descended from Hugh Hamilton, who settled in Ireland in the time •of James I, and was one of the Hamiltons of Evandale, of whom Sir James Hamilton of Finnart (d. 1540) [q. v.] was an ancestor. He entered Trinity College, Dublin, 17 Nov. 1742, under the tutorship of the Rev. Thomas McDonnell, and graduated B.A. 1747, M.A. 1750, B.D. 1759, and D.D. 1762. In 1751 he was elected a fellow, having been unsuccess- ful, though his answering was very highly VOL. XXIV. commended, at the examination in the preced- ing year. In 1759 he was appointed Erasmus Smith's professor of natural philosophy in the university of Dublin ; he was also elected about the same time a fellow of the Royal Society and a member of the Royal Irish Academy. He resigned his fellowship in 1764, and was presented by his college to the rectory of Kil- macrenan in the diocese of Raphoe ; in 1767 he resigned this preferment and was collated to the vicarage of St. Anne's, Dublin, which benefice he exchanged in April 1768 for the deanery of Armagh, by patent dated the 23rd of that month (Lib- Mun. Hib.} On 20 Jan. 1796 he was promoted to the bishopric of Clonfert and Kilmacduagh ; and by patent dated 24 Jan. 1799 he was translated to Ossory. He died at Kilkenny 1 Dec. 1805, and was buried in his cathedral of St. Canice in that city, where there is a monument in- scribed to his memory. In 1772 he married Isabella, eldest daugh- ter of Hans Widman Wood of Rossmead, co. Westmeath, and of Frances, twin sister of Edward, earl of Kingston, and by her had two daughters and five sons : Alexander (d. 1552), a barrister, Hans, Henry, George Hamilton (1785-1830) [q. v.], and Hugh. Hamilton was author of several learned treatises, including : 1. { De Sectionibus Coni- cis Tractatus Geometricus,' London, 1758. 2. ' Philosophical Essays on Vapours/ &c., London, 1767. 3. 'An Essay on the Existence and Attributes of the Supreme Being,' Dublin, 1784. 4. ' Four Introductory Lectures on Natural Philosophy.' His principal works were collected and republished, with a me- moir and portrait, by his eldest son, Alex- ander Hamilton, in two 8vo vols., London, 1809. [Burke's Landed Gentry, 3rd edit. p.. 513; Gent. Mag. 1805, Ixxv. pt. ii. 1176; Dublin University Calendars ; Todd's Cat. of Dublin Graduates, p. 247 ; Cotton's Fasti Ecclesise Hibernicae, ii. 290, iii. 34, iv. 173 ; Mant's Hist, of the Church of Ireland, ii. 742 ; Stuart's Hist, of Armagh, p. 528.] B. H. B. HAMILTON, HUGH DOUGLAS (1734 P-1806), portrait-painter, born in Dub- lin about 1734, was a student in the Dublin art school under James Mannin. He prac- tised as a portrait-painter from an early age, and achieved his first successes by drawing small oval portraits in crayons. These were executed in a low grey tone, and finished with red and black chalk. They are very clever in expression, and as Hamilton did not charge highly for them, he obtained a very large practice. His success tempted him to come to London, where he settled in Pall Hamilton 162 Hamilton Mall. George III and Queen Charlotte sat to him, besides many of the aristocracy. He gained a premium of sixty guineas from the Society of Arts in 1765. In 1771 he exhi- l)ited some portraits at the exhibition of the Incorporated Society of Artists, of which he was a member. In 1772 he exhibited with the Free Society of Artists, and again in 1773, 1774, 1775 with the Incorporated So- ciety, including in the last year two con- versation pieces. In 1778 he went to Rome, where he settled for some years, and drew the portraits of many of the British visitors to that city. By the advice of Flaxman he tried oil-painting, and subsequently confined him- self to painting portraits in that method. Though he maintained his reputation and had many sitters, he never reached the same excel- lence that he showed in his crayon drawings. About 1791 he returned to Dublin, where he resided until his death in 1806. There are several important portraits by Hamilton at Dublin, including those of the Right Hon. John Foster, speaker of the Irish House of Commons, in the possession of the Dublin corporation, and 'Dean Kirwan preaching,' in the Dublin Royal Society. He also tried historical painting, such as * Medusa' (a co- lossal head), l Prometheus,' and ' Cupid and Psyche.' Many of his portraits were en- graved, notably, Chief Baron Burgh, by W. Barnard ; the Duke of Gloucester, by R. Ear- lorn ; Colonel Barre, by R. Houston (a por- trait of Barre by Hamilton is in the collection of Baroness Burdett-Coutts) ; Mrs. Hartley, the actress, by Houston ; Mrs. Frederick, by Laurie ; Mrs. Brooksbank, by J. R. Smith ; Dean Kirwan, by W. Ward; Mr. Joseph Gulston, by J. Watson, and many others. Hamilton's portrait of Anne, lady Temple, which is now in the National Portrait Gal- lery, was engraved by W. Greatbach for Cun- ningham's edition of Walpole's ' Letters.' A portrait of Hamilton himself was engraved by W. Holl. Another by G. Chinnery is in the possession of the Royal Hibernian Aca- demy, and was exhibited at the Irish Exhi- bition in London, 1888. [Redgrave's Diet, of Artists ; Pasquin's Artists of Ireland; Chaloner Smith's Brit. Mezzotinto Portraits ; Exhibition Catalogues.] L. C. HAMILTON, SIB JAMES, OF CADZOW, first LOED HAMILTON (d. 1479), was de- scended from Walter de Hamilton, or Walter Fitzgilbert, styled in Barbour's ' Bruce ' Schyr Walter Gilbertson, who, after swearing fealty to Edward I, became a supporter of Robert Bruce, and was rewarded by the barony of Cadzow, with the castle, which had formerly been a royal residence. He was the eldest of five sons of Sir James Hamilton, the fifth baron of Cadzow, by his wife Janet, eldest daughter of Sir Alexander de Levin- stoun of Callendar. Shortly after the death of Archibald, fifth earl of Douglas, in 1439, he married by papal dispensation his widow, Lady Euphemia, eldest daughter of Patrick? earl of Strathearn. This lady was the mother of the Fair Maid of Galloway, who in 1444 was- married to William Douglas, eighth earl of Douglas [q. v.] To these alliances was due the close connection of Hamilton with the ambitious schemes of the powerful house of Douglas, of which he was for some time re- garded as one of the principal retainers. In 1444 he assisted in the devastation of the lands of Bishop Kennedy of St . Andrews, in Fife and Forfar, on which account he and other noble- men were sentenced to excommunication for a year. Soon after the sentence expired he obtained a special mark of royal favour, being- on 3 July 1445 created a lord of parliament, under the title of Lord Hamilton of Cad- zow, with the superiority of the lands of the farm of Hamilton, his manorhouse called the Orchard to be henceforth called Hamilton. On 18 Sept. 1449 he was appointed one of the commissioners to meet on the borders for the renewal of a truce with England (CaL Documents relating to Scotland, iv. entry 1216 ; RYMEK, Fcedera, xi. 238). The same year he obtained authority from Pope Sixtus V to erect the parish church of Hamilton (for- merly Cadzow) into a collegiate church, and to add a provost and six prebendaries to a former foundation of two chaplainries in the church. In 1450 he accompanied Douglas to the jubilee celebration at Rome (CaL Docu- ments relating to Scotland, iv. entry 1254). He also adhered to the confederacy formed by Douglas soon after his return with the Earls of Crawford, Ross, and Moray for mutual defence, and was one of those in at- tendance on Douglas when he paid his fatal visit to the king in Stirling Castle in Fe- bruary 1452. He accompanied Douglas to- the castle gate, but on attempting to enter was rudely thrust back by the porter. In- dignant at the insult he drew his sword, but his relation, Sir Alexander Livingston, held him back from within by a long halbert till the gate was made fast. After the slaughter of Douglas by the king a pair of spurs is said to have been conveyed to Hamilton from some one in the castle as a hint to escape. A month afterwards he accompanied Jamesy ninth earl, to Stirling, when the king was denounced as a traitor, and the safe-conduct granted the late earl was dragged through the streets. On the night before the assembling of the estates at Edinburgh, 12 June 1453? Hamilton 163 Hamilton the Earl of Douglas, his three brothers, and Lord Hamilton fixed a placard to the door of the house of parliament, renouncing their allegiance to the king as a traitor and mur- derer. They and the other confederate noble- men were thereupon forfaulted, and other peers created to take their place (Acta Part. Scot. ii. 73). When Douglas soon afterwards made terms with the king, Hamilton gave in his submission. Shortly afterwards he was sent on a mission to London ( Cal. of Documents re- lating to Scotland, iv. entry 1266). Of this he appears to have taken advantage to act as the agent of Douglas in his intrigues with the Yorkists. The Duke of York agreed to sup- port Douglas against the king on condition that he took the oath of homage to the English crown. Hamilton declined, but be- fore Douglas could return an answer as to his own intentions, he was suddenly attacked by the king, who during the same raid devas- tated also the lands of Hamilton. While the king was besieging the castle of Abercorn, Douglas and Hamilton gathered a great force with a view to ' take the extreme chance of fortune' (PiTSCOTTiE, p. 129). Hamilton is said to have been the prime adviser of Douglas in the bold attitude he had assumed, but when Douglas came in sight of the royal army his courage failed him, and he hesitated to engage it. Hamilton, disgusted at Douglas's reluc- tance, and having had promises from the king through Bishop Kennedy, went over the same night (ib. p. 134). Hamilton is described by Pitscottie as a ' man of singular wisdom and courage, and in whom the army put their whole hope of victory ' (ib. p. 174). His de- fection caused the other followers of Douglas immediately to disperse. Hamilton was well received by the king, but until the surrender of Abercorn Castle was for the sake of pre- caution retained a prisoner in Roslin Castle. Afterwards, on the forfeiture of Douglas, he obtained a grant of Finnart in Renfrewshire and other lands. In 1455 he was sent along with other commissioners to York -to arrange a treaty of peace with England, and on 1 July of the same year he was made sheriff of the county of Lanark. On 14 Jan. 1459-60 Hamilton granted a charter of four acres to the college of Glasgow, on condition that the master and students should daily after supper pray for the souls of Lord Hamilton and his wife Euphemia. In 1457 he entered into a bond with George Douglas, fourth earl of Angus [q. v.], to be ' his man of special retinue and service all the days of his life.' He also became one of the most trusted friends and counsellors of James III, and after the forfei- ture of Thomas Boyd, earl of Arran, in 1469, he married Boyd's widow, the Princess Mary Stewart, daughter of James II. Buchanan states that a divorce was made during Boyd's absence in Flanders, and that the princess mar- ried Hamilton much against her will. Boyd, he adds, died not long afterwards. Another ver- sion is that Boyd was dead before the marriage was arranged. It probably took place in Fe- bruary or March 1473-4. On 25 April 1476 a dispensation was granted by Pope Sixtus IV to Lord James Hamilton and Mary Stewart as having married within the prohibited degrees (THEHSTER, Vetera Monumenta, p. 477). By this marriage with the king's sister the house of Hamilton gained a great position, and be- came the nearest family to the throne. 'The head of that house was in fact either the actual heir to the monarch for the time being or the next after a royal child down to the time when in the family of James VI of Scot- land and I of England there were more royal children than one' (HiLL BURTON", Scotland, iii. 14). Under James III Hamilton was employed on several important missions to England. In 1474 he was commissioner ex- traordinary to the English court, and he was afterwards one of the commissioners appointed to meet the plenipotentiaries of England to arrange a betrothal between the Princess Cecilia, daughter of Edward IV, and Prince James, duke of Rothesay, then both in their infancy. He died on 6 Nov. 1479, and the Princess Mary about Whitsuntide 1488. By his first wife he had two daughters, Elizabeth, married to David, fourth earl of Crawford, created by James III Duke of Montrose, and Agnes, married to Sir James Hamilton of Preston. By his second wife he had a son, James, second lord Hamilton and first earl of Arran [q. v.], and a daughter, married to Matthew, second earl of Lennox. Among his natural children were Sir Patrick Hamil- ton of Kincavel, father of Patrick Hamilton the martyr [q. v.], and John Hamilton of Broomhill. [Cal. Documents relating to Scotland, vol. iv. ; Exchequer Rolls of Scotland; Rymer's Foedera; Auchinleck Chronicle ; Histories of Lindsay of Pitscottie, Bishop Lesley, and Buchanan ; Ander- son's Genealogical History of the Hamiltons ; Douglas's Scottish Peerage (Wood), i. 695-7 ; Hamilton Papers, in Maitland Club Miscellany, vol. iv. ; Report on the Manuscripts of the Duke of Hamilton, Hist. MSS. Comm. llth Rep. Ap- pendix, pt. vi.] T. F. H. HAMILTON, JAMES, second LORD HA- MILTON and first EARL OF ARRAN (1477 ?- 1529), only son of James, first lord Hamilton [q. v.], by his second wife, the Princess Mary Stewart, daughter of James II, was born about 1477. While an infant he succeeded to the estates and honours of the family, on M2 Hamilton 164 Hamilton the death of his father in 1479, and on 1 Aug. 1489 he was infeft in the heritable sheriff- ship of Lanark. By James IV he was made a privy councillor. In 1503 he was sent with other noblemen to England to conclude the negotiations for a marriage between the king and the Princess Margaret, eldest daughter of Henry VII, and he signed the notarial in- strument confirming the dower of Margaret (Cal. Documents relating to Scotland, iv. entry 1736). Hamilton was a proficient in all the knightly accomplishments of the time, and one of the chief performers at the famous tournaments of the court of James IV. At the tournament held in honour of the king's marriage, Hamilton fought in the barriers with the famous French knight, Anthony D'Arcy de la Bastie. Though neither was victorious, the king was so pleased with the carriage of Lord Hamilton, as well as with his magnificent retinue, that on 11 Aug. he granted him a patent creating him Earl of Arran to him and his heirs male, which fail- ing the patent was to return to the king (Hist. MSS. Comm. llth Kep. App. pt. vi. p. 20). He also received a charter of the same date constituting him king's justiciary within the bounds of Arran. Arran and La Bastie had various subsequent encounters (BALFOUR, Annals, i. 228). As lieutenant-general of the kingdom Arran was sent in 1504 to co-operate with Sir Andrew Wood and Robert Barton in reducing the Western Isles. After his return he was despatched, with ten thousand men, to the assistance of the king of Denmark, whom he succeeded in re-establishing on his throne (LESLEY, History, Bannatyne ed. p.72). In 1507 he was sent with the Archbishop of St. Andrews on an embassy to France. The ne- gotiations aroused the jealousy of Henry VII, and on the return of Arran and his natural brother, Sir Patrick Hamilton, through Eng- land, they were arrested in Kent, and com- mitted to prison. Notwithstanding the re- monstrances of the Scottish king, they were ?robablv detained in England till the death of lenry Vll. On the accession of Henry VIII, there was a short revival of friendship between Eng- land and Scotland. On 29 Aug. 1509 Arran signed a renewal of the treaty bet ween the two kingdoms (Cal. State Papers, Henry VIII, i. entry 474), and also on 24 Nov. witnessed a re- newal of the notarial attestation of James IV (ib. 714). When James afterwards took the French side, Arran, who, chiefly on account oi'his knightly accomplishments, had been ap- pr-:ntfd generalissimo of the kingdom, was pi i""/i in command of the expedition which in 1 :">!•"• wn sent to the aid of the king of France. The licet was one of the largest that had ever been assembled, and Arran, on board the Great Michael, had its sole direction. Owing to his bad seamanship, or from stress of weather, he landed at Carrickfergus, which he stormed and plundered. He then returned to Ayr, where, according to Pitscottie, his ' men landit and played themselves, and re- posed for the space of forty days.' The king, incensed at his remissness, despatched Sir Andrew Wood to supersede him in the com- mand. Arran refused to give over his office, and ' pulled up sails and passed wherever he pleased, thinking that he would come to France in due time' (PITSCOTTIE). During his absence occurred the battle of Flodden. Of the results of Arran's expedition there is no certain information. The French govern- ment bought one at least of the larger ships, and Arran returned to Scotland with only some of the smaller vessels. Before the return of Arran the marriage of the Earl of Angus [see DOUGLAS, ARCHIBALD, sixth earl (1489 ?- 1 557 )] to the queen-dowager, Margaret Tudor, stimulated the rivalry between the Douglases and Hamiltons. Angus had the support of Henry VIII. Arran was countenanced by France, with which Scotland was in close alliance. He supported the regency of Al- bany, brother of James III, only so far as it held in check the pretensions of Angus, but the prolonged visits of Albany to France rendered his regency almost nominal. Arran returned to Scotland along with his rival, La Bastie, whom Albany, on being chosen regent, sent over as his representative till he himself should arrive. Not long after his return Arran made a fruitless attempt to seize Angus by an ambuscade. Until the arrival of Albany in May 1515, the young king remained in the hands of Angus and the queen-dowager. Arran supported Albany in the proceedings which led to the flight of Angus and the queen-dowager to England, and when Lord Home, one of the few nobles who supported Angus, was taken prisoner, he was committed by Albany to the custody of Arran in Edinburgh Castle. Home now flat- tered Arran with the hope that Angus and the queen-dowager would support his claims to the regency. The two therefore retired to the borders to have a conference with Angus. Home thus obtained his liberty, and pos- sibly on reaching the borders A'rran recog- nised that he had been deceived. At all events when Albany proceeded to lay siege to Cadzow Castle, Arran, at the request of his mother, the Princess Mary, who had inter- ceded for him, agreed to return on a promise of pardon. Dissatisfied, however, with his position, he shortly afterwards entered into a confederacy with other nobles to wrest the Hamilton 165 Hamilton government from Albany. The royal maga- zines at Glasgow were seized, and Arran also made himself master of Dumbarton Castle, but the promptitude of Albany prevented the movement from going further, and Arran again came to terms. On the departure of Albany for France in 1517, Arran was chosen one of the council of regency, of which Angus was also a member. By the members of the council Arran was ultimately chosen presi- dent, and virtually acted as governor of the kingdom. Shortly after Albany's departure La Bastie, who had been made one of the wardens of the marches, was on 20 Sept. led into an ambuscade by Home of Wedderburn and others, and murdered. Arran was there- upon made warden of the marches, and placed in command of a large force to punish the murder. Arran apprehended Sir George Douglas, brother of Angus, who was sup- posed to have instigated the crime, and, taking possession of the principal border fortresses, compelled Lord Home and others to take refuge in England (letter of the estates of Scotland to the king of France, in TETJLET, Relations politiques de la France et de VEs- pagne avec VEcosse, i. 11-13 ; letter of Arran to the king of France on the same subject, ib. 15-16; Cal. State Papers, Henry VIII, ii. entry 4048 ; LESLEY, Hist, of Scotl. Ban- natyne ed. p. 117), but the Scottish nobles generally approved secretly of the murder, and no further punishment was inflicted on those concerned. In 1517 Arran was chosen pro- vost of Edinburgh, but having gone to Dal- keith with the young king on account of an outbreak of small-pox, he on returning to the city in September of the following year found the gates shut against him, and the city in the possession of the Douglases, who secured the election to the provostship of Archibald Douglas, uncle of Angus. Arran endeavoured to force an entrance, but was repulsed with heavy loss, and for some time after this the city remained in the hands of Angus. On ac- count, however, of the constant feuds between the two factions, Albany interposed, and on his recommendation that no person of the name of Hamilton or Douglas should be chosen provost, Robert Logan in 1520 suc- ceeded Archibald Douglas. Arran now ven- tured into the city, and finding that Angus had relaxed his precautions, and was attended by only about four hundred followers, re- solved to overpower them. All endeavours to mediate between the rival factions failed, and Arran, provoked by the attitude of the Douglases, drawn up across the street, at- tempted to ' cleanse the causeway.' After a short and fierce struggle his followers were routed with great loss, the famous knight, his half-brother, Sir Patrick Hamilton of Kincavel, father of Patrick Hamilton the martyr [q. v.], being among the slain. Arran and his son James, afterwards second earl of Arran, made their escape down a close. Angus usurped the government of the kingdom, but a quarrel with his wife, the queen-dowager, led to the return of Albany and the banish- ment of Angus. D uring the absence of Albany in France in 1522 Arran formed one of the council of regency. In September of the fol- lowing year he was appointed lieutenant over the greater part of the south of Scotland, in- cluding Teviotdale and the marches with Lothian, Stirlingshire, and Linlithgowshire (Cal. State Papers, Henry VIII, vol. iii. entry 3208). He now entered into an understand- ing with the queen-dowager, and so thwarted the proceedings of Albany that the latter in 1524 retired to France. With the sanction, if not at the instigation, of Henry VIII, Arran and the queen- do wager now brought the young prince from Stirling to Edinburgh, where a council was held, at which he was erected as king, and proclamations issued in his name. Arran and the queen-dowager hoped to prevent the return of Angus to power, and urged Henry VIII to detain him in England. Henry tried to secure Arran's devotion by a small pension, but distrusted him, and resented his attempt at a bar- gain. Norfolk advised Wolsey that if Angus were in Scotland, Arran would be compelled to abate his high tone (ib. iv. 739). On 23 Nov. 1524 Angus entered Edinburgh with a large force, and demanded that the king should be given up to the custody of the nobles ; but Arran having threatened to open fire on him from the castle, he withdrew to Tantallon. Arran and the queen-dowager now proposed to Henry a pacification, and a marriage between the young king and the Princess Mary, and to show their sincerity sent an embassy to France to declare that the regency of Albany was at an end. Wolsey was convinced, however, that Angus ' would be more useful to England than five Earls of Arran.' Henry had also committed himself to Angus. His neutrality compelled the queen-dowager to admit Angus on the coun- cil of regency, and at the opening of the parlia- ment he bore the crown, Arran bearing the sceptre. At a parliament held in July a compro- mise was made, practically in the interests of Angus. It was agreed that the care of the king should be committed to a nobleman and an ecclesiastic, who were to be succeeded by other two at the end of three months. Angus and the Archbishop of Glasgow were chosen for the first three months; but at Hamilton 166 Hamilton the end of their term of office refused to deliver up the king to their appointed suc- cessors, Arran and the Bishop of Aberdeen. Arran thereupon mustered a force and ad- vanced to Linlithgow, but on Angus march- ing out against him, accompanied by the king, he shrank from taking up the gage of battle, and after a precipitate retirement dispersed his forces. The marriage of the queen- dowager with Henry Stewart shortly after- wards alienated nearly all her former sup- porters, and Arran now came to terms with Angus, and, although he received no office of trust, supported him against Lennox when the latter endeavoured to obtain possession of the king. Lennox was the nephew of Arran, and his nearest heir, and Arran's di- vorce of his second wife, by whom he had no children, had caused an alienation between them. On 4 Sept. 1526 he was sent by Angus with a large force to prevent Lennox, who had a secret understanding with the king, from marching on the capital. Arran had seized the bridge over the Avon, near Linlithgow, and sent a messenger to Angus asking for reinforcements. Lennox was hampered with the difficulties of crossing, and after a fierce struggle his lines had begun to waver, when the arrival of the Douglases spread a panic which resulted in utter rout. Lennox was cruelly slain in cold blood by Sir James Ha- milton (d. 1540) [q.v.], after he had been taken prisoner. His death was deeply mourned not only by the king, but by Arran, who was seen after the battle ' weeping verrie bitterlie besyd the Earl of Lennox,saying " the hardiest, stoutest, and wysest man that evir Scotland bure, lyes heir slaine this day," and laid his cloak of scarlet upon him, and caused watch- men stand about him, quhile the kingis ser- vantis cam and buried him' (PITSCOTTIE, p. 328). On the forfeiture of the estates of the rebel lords, Arran received a grant of the lands of Cassilis and Evandale. After the escape of the king from the power of the Douglases at Falkland, Arran attended the meeting of the council at Stirling, at which the Douglases were forbidden to approach within six miles of the court on pain of death. He was also one of those who sat on the forfeiture of Angus, and after the act of forfeiture was Esd received the lordship of Bothwell . Mag. Sig. i. entry 707). He died before ily 1529. Arran was married first to Beatrix, daugh- ter of John, lord Drummond, by whom he had a daughter, Margaret, married to An- drew Stewart, lord Evandale and Ochiltree, whose grandson was Captain James Stewart [q. v.], the accuser of the regent Morton, and favourite of James VI, by whom he was created Earl of Arran, while James Ha- milton, third earl [q. v.], was still living, but insane. He was married secondly to Eliza- beth, daughter of Alexander, lord Home, from whom he was divorced on the ground that her previous husband, Thomas Hay, son and heir of John, lord Hay of Tester, was still living when the marriage took place (nota- rial copy of sentence of divorce in Cal. of Documents relating to Scotland, iv. 173-9 ; process of divorce against Elizabeth Home in t Hamilton Papers,' Maitland Club Miscel- lany, iv. 199; and Hist. MSS. Comm. llth Rep. App. pt. vi. pp. 49-50). By this marriage he had no issue. The legality of the divorce was afterwards disputed by the Earl of Len- nox, on the ground that the wife's first husband was dead when the second marriage took place. On this plea Lennox afterwards claimed against the descendants of the third wife — whom he represented to be bastards — to be next heir to the crown. The third wife was Janet, daughter of Sir David Bethune of Creich, comptroller of Scotland, and widow of Sir Thomas Livingstone of Easter Wemy ss. By her he had two sons, James, second earl of Arran and duke of Chatelherault [q.v.], and Gavin ; and four daughters, first, Isabel, married to John Bannatyne of Corhouse ; second, Helen, to Archibald, fourth earl of Argyll ; third, Johanna, to Alexander, fifth earl of Glencairn ; and fourth, Janet, to David Boswell of Auchinleck. He had also four natural sons whom he acknowledged : Sir James Hamilton of Finnart (d. 1540) [q. v.], ancestor of the Hamiltons of Evandale, Crawfordjohn, &c., Sir John Hamilton of Clydesdale, James Hamilton of Parkhill, and John Hamilton [q. v.], archbishop of St. Andrews. [Cal. Docs, relating to Scotland, vol. iv. ; Cal. State Papers, Henry VIII ; Keg. Mag. Sig. Scot. vol. i. ; Hamilton Papers, in Maitland Club Mis- cellany, vol. iv. ; Hist. MSS. Comm. llth Rep. App. pt. vi. ; Histories of Lindsay of Pitscottie, Bishop Lesley, and Knox; Douglas's Scottish Peerage (Wood), i. 697-8.] T. F. H. HAMILTON, SIR JAMES (d. 1540), of Finnart, royal architect, was a natural son of James Hamilton, second lord Hamilton and first earl of Arran [q. v.], and was there- fore half-brother of James Hamilton, second earl of Arran [q. v.], governor of Scotland, and of John Hamilton, archbishop of St. Andrews [q. v.] He is admitted to have been a man of exceptional ability, but was wild and im- petuous, regardless of principles, and yet a bigot in religion. Though the stain on his birth precluded him from all hope of succes- sion to his father's title, he was deemed a fitting companion for the youthful king, Hamilton 167 Hamilton James V, over whom he latterly wielded con- siderable power. Hamilton's early years were spent abroad, and he seems to have developed his great natural taste for architecture at the court of Francis I, where he resided for some time. On his return he found Scotland dis- tracted betwixt the rival factions of the Dou- glases and the Hamiltons, and he at once threw himself enthusiastically into the contest, taking part with his father. His name figures prominently as ( the Bastard of Arran ' in the fierce struggles between these leaders, and many of the most reprehensible acts com- mitted by the Hamilton faction are laid to his charge. In the conflict called l Cleanse the Causeway ' in the streets of Edinburgh on 30 April 1520 betwixt the Earl of Arran and Archibald Douglas, sixth earl of Angus [q. v.], Hamilton took a leading part, and it is asserted that all attempts at a pacific termination of the fray were frustrated by his action. The Hamil- tons were defeated, and Sir James and his father escaped with difficulty, being forced, it is said, to fly from the scene of the combat mounted double on a collier's pack-horse. After the battle of Linlithgow, 4 Sept. 1526, between John Stewart, earl of Lennox, and James Hamilton, first earl of Arran [q. v.], Hamilton was guilty of the murder of Len- nox, after that nobleman had delivered up his sword and declared himself a prisoner. Hamilton's apologists have in vain denied the charge. A groom of the dead earl followed Hamilton to Edinburgh and murderously assaulted him, although he failed to kill him. There is still in the possession of the Duke of Montrose an agreement made by Sir James Hamilton with the murdered man's son, Matthew, earl of Lennox, whereby James becomes bound to fee six chaplains to ' do suffrage for the soul of the deceased John, earl of Lennox, for seven years, three of them to sing continually in the College Kirk of Hamilton, and the other three to sing continually in the Blackfriars of Glasgow ' (Hist. MSS. Comm. 3rd Rep. p. 393). After the death of Hamilton the grant thus made was renewed by the king from Hamilton's forfeited estates (Reg. Mag. Sig. xxvii. 115). Despite his turbulence Hamilton still re- tained his place in the king's favour. He had obtained the lands of Finnart in Renfrewshire from his father in 1507, with express consent of the king, then Prince James (Reg. Mag. Sig. xiv. 483), superior of that territory, and after the accession of James V acquired additional estates. From a charter recorded in the ' Re- gister of the Great Seal,' under date 20 Jan. 1512-13, it appears that the Earl of Arran, Tiaving no legitimate heirs at that time, no- minated his natural son, Sir James Hamilton of Finnart, as his heir of tailzie, with approval of the king, James IV, though this proceeding was contrary to legal practice in Scotland. The wealth which Hamilton had thus amassed rendered him one of the most powerful of the Scottish barons, and he had the address to re- tain the affection of one of the most fickle of monarchs through all his turbulent career. His ability as an architect was largely utilised by the king, and he is acknowledged to have been the designer of Craignethan Castle and the reconstructor of the royal palaces of Linlith- gow and of Falkland. The renovation of the latter palace was completed by him in 1539, and as a reward for his services he obtained letters of legitimation from the king under the great seal on 4 Nov. in that year (ib. xxvi. 438). Hamilton took, in 1528, an active part in the martyrdom of Patrick Hamilton [q. v.], a relative of his own. In 1540 James Hamil- ton of Kincavel, brother of Patrick, revealed to the king an alleged plot in which Sir James Hamilton had been involved for the murder of the king so far back as 1528. Upon this infor- mation Sir James was arrested and brought to trial on a charge of high treason. As the king had consented to his arrest, no time was lost in convicting the prisoner, and he was executed immediately thereafter, on 16 Aug. 1540. His extensive estates were confiscated, and many pages of the ' Register of the Great Seal ' are occupied with the record of the distribution of these estates among the new favourites of the king. It is asserted by some of the older his- torians that the king was seized with remorse for his share in the death of his favourite, and that during the two brief years which he sur- vived his couch was haunted by the spectre of his old companion. Hamilton was married previous to 1528 (ib. xxiii. 80) to Margaret Levingstoun of Easter Wemyss, who survived him, and who obtained after her husband's death a grant of the life- rent of the barony of Tillicoultry, which had been forfeited through the treason of Sir James Colville of Easter Wemyss. The Hamiltons of Gilkerscleugh, Evandale, and Crawford- john descended from Sir James Hamilton of Finnart. [Tytler's Hist, of Scotland ; Pitcairn's Criminal Trials ; Registrum Magni Sigilli ; Acta Parl. Scot. vol. ii. ; Lesley's Hist, of Scotland ; Holins- hed's Chronicle, ii. 191, Arbroath ed. 1805.] A. H. M. HAMILTON, JAMES, second EARL OP ARRAN and DUKE OF CHATELHERAULT (d. 1575), governor of Scotland, the eldest son of James Hamilton, second lord Hamilton and first earl of Arran [q. v.], by his second Hamilton 168 Hamilton wife, Janet Beaton of Easter Wemyss, suc- ceeded to the earldom on the death of his father in 1529. During his minority he remained under the guardianship of Sir James Hamilton (d 1540) [q. v.] of Finnart (Hamilton MSS. 5, 6). In 1536 he accompanied James V on his matrimonial expedition into France (PINKER- TON, ii. 337). On the death of James (14 Dec. 1542), shortly after the battle of Solway Moss, he was chosen governor of the realm during the minority of Mary ; and. notwith- standing the violent and unscrupulous op- position of Cardinal Beaton [see BEATON, DAVID], was installed in his office on 22 Dec. 1542. His election, which was confirmed by the estates on 15 March 1543 (Acts of Part. ii. 411, 593), was due rather to his position as ' second person of the realm ' (through the marriage of his grandfather, Sir James Hamilton of Cadzow, lord Hamil- ton (d. 1479) [q. v.], with Mary, sister of James III), than to any commanding talents of his own, though, according to Knox, ' the cause of the great favour that was borne to him was that it was bruited that he favoured God's word, and because it was well known that he was one appointed to have been perse- cuted, as the scroll found in the king's pocket after his death did witness ' (Reformation, i. 94, 101 ; SADLEIR, State Papers, i. 94, 108). He was a man of great wealth and refine- ment, genial and tolerant, though somewhat vain in his private relations, but in public affairs indolent and vacillating in the ex- treme. Almost from the first it was appa- rent that in political capacity and daring he was inferior to his rival the cardinal. To Henry VIII, however, his character and re- ligious sentiments seemed to present a fa- vourable opportunity for the realisation of his scheme of a union between the two king- doms, and no efforts were spared, even to a tempting offer of marriage between his eldest son and the Princess Elizabeth, to attach him to the English interest (SADLEIR, i. 129, 139). But though a pliant enough instrument in Henry's hand, he was by no means a trust- worthy one. Already, in the beginning of April 1543, Sir Ralph Sadleir noticed symp- toms of tergiversation in him, which were generally attributed to the influence of his natural brother, John Hamilton (d. 1570) [q. v.], abbot of Paisley, and afterwards arch- bishop of St. Andrews, a man of unbounded ambition, who, having attached himself to Cardinal Beaton, laboured assiduously to win Arran over to the French side, representing to him how, owing to the manner of his father's divorce from his first wife, Elizabeth Home, it would inevitably endanger his claim to the succession were he to cut himself off from communication with Rome (ib. i. 157r 158, 160 ; CRAWFURD, Officers of State, i. 376 ; KNOX, Reformation, i. 109 ; Hamilton MSS. 49). John's representations carried much weight with the weak-minded governor ; but his inclination evidently lay in the other direction, and Henry's agents warned him of the risk he ran of playing into the cardinal's hand, only to find himself discarded in the- end (State Papers, Henry VIII, v. 274). For a time Henry's threats and promises kept him firm, and on 1 July 1543 the prelimi- naries were arranged for a treaty between England and Scotland on the basis of a, marriage between the infant Mary and the young Prince Edward (RYMER,xiv.788,796). But the alliance was not popular. The common people everywhere, wrote Sadleir, murmured against the governor, i saying he was an heretic and a good Englishman, and hath sold this realm to the king's majesty r (SADLEIR, i. 216, 234). The capture of Mary and her removal from Linlithgow to Stirling,, together with the appearance of Lennox on the scene as a rival claimant to the succes- sion, further alienated him from the English, alliance. ' The governor, methinketh/ wrote- Sadleir, ' is out of heart and out of courage ' (ib. p. 260). After confirming the English, treaties on 25 Aug. he, on 3 Sept., joined the; French party. He stole quietly away, as. Knox expressed it, from Holyrood Palace to Callander House, near Falkirk ; there he met the cardinal, and proceeded with him to Stir- ling (ib. pp. 270, 282-3). In the Franciscan* convent of that city he publicly abjured his. religion, and, having received absolution, re- nounced the treaties with England, and de- livered his eldest son to the cardinal as a of his sincerity (CHALMERS, Life of art/, ii. 404). But after having taken this decisive step he still wavered in his policy. At one time he secretly informed Sadleir that he was only temporising with the French party (SADLEIR, i. 288) ; at another he wasr ' by the persuasions of the cardinal, earnestly bent against England,' and was resolved to destroy ' all such noblemen and others within the realm as do favour the same ' (ib. p. 336)* The repudiation of the treaties was of course followed by an outbreak of hostilities. Arran's conduct in the regency had given little satisfaction to either party, and a coali- tion having taken place between them, it was- resolved, at a convention of nobles at Stir- ling in June 1554, to transfer the govern- ment to the queen-dowager, Mary of Guise (State Papers, Henry VIII, v. 391-4 ; Diur- nal of Occurrents, p. 33). On this occasion Arran acted boldly, and, ignoring the act of the Stirling convention, summoned a parlia- Hamilton 169 Hamilton ment to Edinburgh on 31 July. Thereupon the queen-dowager advanced against him at the head of a considerable force, but, finding the city too strongly fortified, retired to Stir- ling. Arran postponed the meeting of par- liament till November (Acts of Par I. ii. 445). The queen-dowager issued writs for a rival parliament to be held at Stirling on the 12th of the same month (Diurnal of Occur rents, p. 36 ; TYTLER, History, v. 359-65). But by the cardinal's intervention she was con- strained to give way, and on 6 March 1545 consented to acknowledge Arran's supre- macy, and co-operate with him in the conduct of affairs (Hamilton MSS. p. 36). Meanwhile the war with England still went on. After the defeat of the Scots at Pinkie Cleugh (10 Sept. 1547) the situation of Scotland was grave in the extreme. Arran exerted himself as much as his weak nature was able ; but, deserted by the nobles, many of whom had privately made their peace with England, he was unable to work to much purpose, and the reins of government gradu- ally slipped into the stronger hands of the queen-dowager. By her advice a council was convened at Stirling, when it was resolved to appeal to France for assistance against England. The proposal was warmly sup- ported by the French ambassador D'Oysel, and a suggestion was made that the young Queen Mary should be removed to France for safety. The suggestion, foreshadowing as it did a marriage between Mary and the dauphin, was distasteful to Arran, who was not without hope of an alliance between her and his eldest son (LESLEY, p. 204 ; THORPE, Cal. i. 68, 71 ; TYTLER, vi. 37). At a meet- ing of the estates on 17 July 1548 the ar- rangement was formally confirmed ; a judi- cious distribution of French gold among the nobility, and a grant of the duchy of Chatel- herault to Arran himself, with other favours, smoothing over all difficulties (STEVENSON, Cal. ii. 19; SPOTISWOOD, p. 89). Arran's supine conduct is generally attributed to the absence of his brother the archbishop, supposed to be on his deathbed at the time (CRAWFURD, i. 377). The arrival of reinforce- ments from France and the conclusion of peace with England in 1550 gave the queen- dowager a further advantage in her endea- vour to oust Chatelherault from the regency. Notwithstanding his assiduous devotion to his duties the nobility were gradually drawn over to her side. Influenced, however, by his brother, who had recovered from his illness, and who represented to him the folly of re- tiring from power, when only the life of a feeble girl stood between him and the crown , pp. 21, 73), Chatelherault did not yield without a struggle. But finally, finding himself deserted on all sides, he on- 12 April 1554 reluctantly consented to abdi- cate (Acts of Par 1. ii. 600-4). He mani- fested, however, no feelings of resentment against the queen-dowager, and continued ta support her government until she had driven the protestant nobles into rebellion. After much hesitation he then adopted a policy more consonant with his own interests. Or* the capture of Edinburgh (29 June 1559) by the lords of the congregation he intimated to- the regent that it was no longer possible for him to take part with her against those of the- same religion as himself. On the following^ day he retired to Hamilton (STEVENSON, Cal. i. 349, 365). He would still have gladly ob- served a strict neutrality, but the pressure of the protestants and of Cecil finally led him, with evident reluctance, to sign the covenant (ib. i. 401, 571 ; SADLEIR, i. 404). His defec- tion exasperated the regent, who charged him with a desire to usurp the crown (STEVEN- SON, Cal. ii. 43), and endeavoured to under- mine his credit at the English court by forg- ing a letter addressed to Francis II, in which Chatelherault was made to profess allegiance to the French king, and to offer security for his fidelity in the shape of a blank bond. The letter came to the knowledge of the English privy council, and though there was a general tendency to discredit it, yet Chatelherault's- reputation for insincerity gave plausibility to the charge, and he was immediately ques- tioned about it. He denied all knowledge of it, and offered to fight any one who doubted his word. The plot was finally exploded by an intercepted letter from the regent to the cardinal of Lorraine, complaining of the way in which the French ambassador in Eng- land had mismanaged the business. But the suspicion, while it rested upon him, gave Chatelherault great uneasiness, and caused him to age rapidly (ib. ii. 332, 453, 481 ; TEULET, i. 407, 566 ; HAYNES, p. 267). His. property in France had long since been seized, but by the treaty of Edinburgh it was stipulated that it should be restored to him (HAYNES, p. 354). After the death of Francis II in December 1560 Chatelherault again conceived the project of a marriage be- tween his eldest son and Queen Mary, which- he regarded as the only adequate guarantee for the recognition of his claim to the succes- sion. His overtures were received by Mary in a friendly spirit, but there was little pro- spect, in the opinion of others, that they would be realised (STEVENSON, Cal. iii. 580, iv. 85 ; TYTLER, vi. 208, 219). On the queen's arrival in Scotland he was one of the first to salute her, but his absence from the subsequent fes- Hamilton 170 Hamilton tivities at Edinburgh was noted and com- mented upon in a style that obliged him to appear at court, when he was ' well received' by the queen (STEVENSON, Cal.iv. 391). But he was ill at ease, foreseeing danger, but doubting from what quarter it would come. The madness of his son James, and his story of a plot to seize the queen's person and sub- vert the government, implicating himself, his father and Bothwell, still further unsettled Mm. Mary's conduct on this occasion (ib. iv. 592-4) went far to reassure him, but the surrender of Dumbarton Castle into her hands followed almost as a matter of course. In 1565 the restoration of his old enemy Lennox and the proposed marriage between Mary and Darnley filled him with fresh apprehensions (ib. vii. 338, 352). Animated by the attitude of Murray, he declined to obey a summons to court (Register of the Privy Council, i. 365). He was thereupon proclaimed a traitor, and shortly afterwards compelled to flee for his life across the border. Elizabeth disavowed all sympathy with him, and from Newcastle he soon made overtures for forgiveness and re- storation. At first Mary indignantly de- clined to listen to him, declaring that nothing but his head would satisfy her (STEVENSON, Cat. vii. 480, 483), but on his consenting to go into banishment for five years he obtained a pardon (Hamilton MSS. p. 43). Leaving his debts unpaid, Chatelherault slipped away in February 1566 to France, where he oc- cupied himself in vain endeavours to recover his duchy (STEVENSON, Cal. viii. 6, 19, 69, 91). The murder of Darnley, Mary's mar- riage to Bothwell, her imprisonment, and the appointment of Murray as regent materially altered Chatelherault's attitude. Darnley out of the way, Mary was no longer his enemy. He therefore repaired to the French court, protested his loyalty, and offered his sword in defence of his sovereign's cause. He desired at the same time, we are told, to add something touching his suit for the recovery of his duchy, but the king ' cut it short,' and turned the conversation into another channel (ib. viii. 295). He managed, however, to secure in lieu of it a pension of four thousand francs, and a cupboard of plate worth fifteen hundred crowns (ib. viii. 319). His attempt to raise a French force was frustrated by Throckmorton, and when he landed in England early in 1569 he was prac- tically unattended. At York his progress was arrested by the Earl of Sussex, but on pro- mising to behave in a dutiful manner he was allowed to proceed (CROSBY, Cal. ix. 31). His return to Scotland, and the menacing attitude of the Hamiltons generally, discon- certed the regent Murray. He tried in vain to obtain from Chatelherault an acknowledg- ment of the king's supremacy, and afterwards, on pretence of a conference, inveigled him to Edinburgh, where he was arrested (TYTLER, vii. 225-8). After Murray's assassination in January 1570 Chatelherault was still more closely confined, and it was not till the arri- val of Verac from France that he was set at liberty on 20 April. During the civil war that followed, his castles of Hamilton, Kin- neil, and Linlithgow were razed to the ground by Sir W. Drury (ib. ix. 257). But, notwith- standing his own losses and the apparent hopelessness of the struggle, he continued faithfully to support the queen's party till 23 Feb. 1573, when, acting in union with the Earl of Huntly, he consented to acknow- ledge the king's authority and lay down his sword. He afterwards declared to Killigrew that he would never consent to the introduc- tion of a French force into the kingdom, but Killigrew was not without a suspicion that he was even then only temporising (ib. x. 281, 522). Chatelherault died at Hamilton on 22 Jan. 1575. By his wife, the Lady Margaret, eldest daughter of James Douglas, third earl of Mor- ton, he had issue: James Hamilton, third earl of Arran [q. v.] ; John, first marquis of Hamilton [q. v.] ; David, who died young ; and Claud, lord Paisley [q. v.] ; and four daughters : Barbara, who married James, fourth lord Fleming [q. v.], high chamber- lain of Scotland ; Margaret, who married Alexander, lord Gordon, eldest son of George, fourth earl of Huntly ; Anne, who married George, fifth earl of Huntly [q. v.] ; and Jane, who married Hugh Montgomery, third earl of Eglintoun (DOUGLAS, Peerage, i. 701). [Hamilton MSS. (Hist. MSS. Comm. 1 1th Eep. App. pt. vi.); Acts of the Parliament of Scot- land; Sadleir's State Papers ; State Papers of the Reign of Henry VIII, vol. v. ; Eymer's Fcedera ; Diurnal of Occurrents in Scotland (Bannatyne Club); Knox's History of the Reformation, ed. Laing ; Register of the Privy Council of Scot- land ; Melvill's Diary ; Crawfurd's Officers of State; Thorpe's Cal. of State Papers; Cal. of Hatfield MSS. ; Haynes's Burghley Papers ; Cal. of State Papers, For. Corresp., ed. Stevenson and Crosby, vols. i-x.; Douglas and Crawfurd's Peerages of Scotland ; and the Histories of Scot- land by Buchanan, Drummond, Lesley, Keith, Robertson, Spotiswood, Tytler, and Burton.] R. D. HAMILTON, JA